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Please support Fauna & Flora International to conserve the natural world

Fauna & Flora International is taking decisive action to help save the world’s wild species and spaces. We believe that it is within the hands of our generation to conserve the wonders of life on Earth, for ourselves and for future generations. As a registered charity, we rely on your support to achieve our mission. Please help us to conserve endangered wildlife and habitats today and for the future.

Donations from individuals are a crucial source of funding for our organization. Your donation really will make a tremendous difference.

Donate nowDonate now
Donate to FFI today with regular giving or a one off donation. More >

Become a member
Join FFIFind out how to join Fauna & Flora International today. More >

Where the money goes
Where the money goes
Over 85% of FFI's income goes directly to conservation activities. More >

Leave a legacy
Leave a legacy
Leave a legacy for wildlife in your will. More >

Give shares
Give shares
FFI - a good home for unwanted shares. More >

Recycle your mobile
Recycle your mobile
Recycle your old mobile phone for wildlife. More >

Our latest appeal
northern white rhino
FFI has been conserving the Asian elephant in Cambodia for many years. Please support our Asian elephant appeal.
More >

Fundraise for FFI
Fundraise for FFI
Run for your wildlife and other ways you can take action to support FFI. More >

Involve your company
Involve your company
Involve your company, there are so many ways! More >

Buy FFI giftsFFI gifts
Give something different to friends and family and help conserve the planet too. More >


Donate Today for U.S. RESIDENTS

If you are a U.S. taxpayer you can make a donation and receive a tax receipt through our PayPal secure giving page.

Please click on the button below (US only).


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If you want to help shape the destiny of life on earth before it’s too late, then membership of FFI is a must for you. Join FFI today.

Learn more Looking back on recent achievements

Our Looking Back On Recent Achievements document provides an insight into some of the conservation successes achieved by FFI and its partners in 2008. Download the document here.