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Shahlin Graves
MUSIC & ENTERTAINMENT EDITOR / [ IN-CHIEF - ] This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

I like keytars... and trees... and DINOSAURS. This is how you spell my name that nothing rhymes with; S-H-A-H-L-I-N. I heart ZacharyQuinto, PatrickStump and ridiculously huge headbands. When I grow up, I want to marry a British boy who (wears blazers and) will build me a boat (not made of paper), so I can sail far, far away to Where The Wild Things Are... and eat waffles with gummy bears (not at the same time), drink peach iced tea and sleep lots everyday, while Nick Jonas writes songs about courting me. I also really, really like JosephGordon-Levitt. Swoon.

Sacha thinks that I am a walking-talking-breathing-living Gossip Girl quote. She texts me this fact, often. Vicki is glad that I am in charge. Vicki also, has always thought that my last-name was make-believe/pretend. But no. Graves, is real. Just like ME. Vicki constantly tells everyone that I am clever. She also hopes that my brain will rub off on her, someday, real soon. I'm not quite sure that I agree with V. though, because she also told me that I am a 6 year old internally. This is the only paragraph where I have not lied.

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Vicki Lin
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I'm Vicki. I hate it when my socks are wet. I like boys. I heart gluten-free and sugar-free treats. New York is the bomb. So are animals. Excess luggage is how I usually travel. I want to give all mean people in the world, a hug. I am allergic to vacuum-cleaning, it makes me extremely anxious.

Shahlin says that I am magical. She believes that one day, Robert Pattinson will know this too. Perhaps he will waive his $20,000 kiss-charge, not-even-on-the-cheek... A girl, can but dream. There's a rumour there's a reoccurring dream going 'round, where I go to the circus and think I am the main act... but everyone throws huge, massive flowers at me instead. I am not sure what this means. When I find my dream-analyser, I will update you... Sacha likes to dedicate cheerleading chants to me. Words such as 'Vivacious', 'Incredible', 'Charismatic', 'Kick-ass' and 'Individual', feature prominently. Who knew, that haikus could be SO accurate! Save the Vicki, save the world.

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Sacha Young
FASHION EDITOR / CREATIVE DIRECTOR - This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

I am Sacha. I could live off french toast drenched in maple syrup. I heart your face. Oh... and Zac Efron's. I love running into the middle of pedestrian crossings in Tokyo, just to get surrounded by all the freaking Japanese people. I am Sacha and I like Zac Efron with slicked back hair. Yeah, that's right. Zac Efron. Florals, rule. I am Sacha and I hate leggings worn as pants. The end. Where's Wally?

Vicki sounds out my name SASH, like what Miss Universe wears when she wins along with the tiara. But no, it's short for Sacha. I spike my coffee with double-shots and extra sugar. Apparently, I also sing in my sleep and have a fear of fallen forks and pink invitations. Everyone knows that I have a lot of time for laughing, Top Shop and Forever21. Fun, fun, fun. It's also a well-known fact that I love the world of Disney... but only if Zac Efron is in it. Y-E-A-B-O-I!!! *finger snaps snap snap* Sacha With A Chance, daily. Camp Rock, forever. High School Musical, Forever & Always.

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Sarah Mudgway

Sian Rafferty
Brendon Green

Michael Braid
Captain Hook