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Fergie Sells London Bridge; New BP Gas (With Seawater!): All The News That Isn’t

Sarah Ferguson, Duchess of Flim-Flam, sells London Bridge yet again.

White House sends troops to Arizona border to keep Arizonans in.

Former Panamanian dictator Noriega to be handcuffed to Lindsay Lohan. His half can drink.

New BP gas: Gold Extra! Now with seawater!

Read more of Fergie Sells London Bridge; New BP Gas (With Seawater!): All The News That Isn’t

Mothers (The Britannica Blog “Guide” to Careers)

In honor of Mother’s Day, celebrated in scores of countries this Sunday, we highlight the forgotten moms behind history’s pioneers. The video is by JibJab, those animators of fun.

Each Saturday we highlight a video, comic, or skit concerning different “careers,” past and present. From W.C. Fields to Rowan Atkinson, from classic films and commercials to Monty Python—all and everything will be tapped for this look each week at various professions and pastimes.

Click here for all of the videos and careers highlighted to date.

Read more of Mothers (The Britannica Blog “Guide” to Careers)

Shakira in Arizona, Shipped Back to Bogota; BP Well Spouting Off More than Gordon Brown (All the News That Isn’t)

“British Petroleum is coming! British Petroleum is coming! One if by land, two if by”—never mind, it’s already here.

The rig was in the Gulf but the wellhead is in London. Spouting off more than Gordon Brown.

Shakira goes to Arizona to straighten out this immigration thing, is shipped back to Bogotá in a steel drum.

The French church is turning to Craig’s List to attract priests.

Iran comes out with its version of the iPad, the ineedashaveabadPad.

Read more of Shakira in Arizona, Shipped Back to Bogota; BP Well Spouting Off More than Gordon Brown (All the News That Isn’t)

Barber (The Britannica Blog “Guide” to Careers)

The ever-inquisitive Mr. Bean plays barber this week.

Each Saturday we highlight a humorous and sometimes poignant video, comic, or skit concerning different “careers,” past and present. From W.C. Fields to Rowan Atkinson, from classic films and commercials to Monty Python—all and everything will be tapped for this look each week at various professions and pastimes.

Click here for all of the videos and careers highlighted to date.

Read more of Barber (The Britannica Blog “Guide” to Careers)

When TV was Cool: “Peter Gunn”

The treasured moments in “Peter Gunn” are those visits to Mother’s. It’s dimly lit and smoky. There’s a combo on the bandstand, fronted by a vibraphonist. Is it Larry Bunker or Vic Feldman? Edie (Lola Albright) is about to sing (and it is really she who sings). Pete walks in, barely nods to Edie, and settles at the bar. He and Mother trade gnomic comments. It is very cool.

Read more of When TV was Cool: “Peter Gunn”

Dancer (The Britannica Blog “Guide” to Careers)

Famed American dancer and singer Josephine Baker, who took Paris by storm in the 1920s, died 35 years ago this Monday, April 12. She made her smashing debut in Paris 85 years ago, in 1925.

A second clip of Baker is found in the post.

Each Saturday we highlight a different career, past or present. From W.C. Fields to Rowan Atkinson, from classic films and commercials to Monty Python—all and everything will be tapped for this look each week at various professions and pastimes (loosely defined).

Click here for all of the videos and careers highlighted to date and click below for a larger viewing screen.

Read more of Dancer (The Britannica Blog “Guide” to Careers)

TV Host and Horse Owner (The Britannica Blog “Guide” to Careers)

What happens when deadpan TV talk show host Bob Newhart meets the owner of the world’s smallest horse? Watch and see.

Each Saturday we highlight a humorous and sometimes poignant video, interview, comic, or skit concerning different “careers,” past and present. From W.C. Fields to Rowan Atkinson, from classic films and commercials to Monty Python—all and everything will be tapped for this look each week at various professions and pastimes (loosely defined).

Click here for all of the videos and careers highlighted to date and click below for a larger viewing screen.

Read more of TV Host and Horse Owner (The Britannica Blog “Guide” to Careers)

Anesthetist (The Britannica Blog “Guide” to Careers)

Anesthetists have probably seen this, but for those who haven’t … enjoy. (Hat tip: Elizabeth)

Each Saturday we highlight a humorous and sometimes poignant video, interview, comic, or skit concerning different “careers,” past and present. From W.C. Fields to Rowan Atkinson, from classic films and commercials to Monty Python—all and everything will be tapped for this look each week at various professions and pastimes (loosely defined).

Click here for all of the videos and careers highlighted to date and click below for a larger viewing screen.

Read more of Anesthetist (The Britannica Blog “Guide” to Careers)

U.S. Supreme Court Denies Michigan’s 2nd Request to Close Chicago Locks

Michigan’s second petition asking the U.S. Supreme Court to order the temporary closure of the rivers and canals connecting the Illinois River to the Great Lakes was denied yesterday.

Michigan, along with other Great Lakes’ states and Canadian provinces, believe that the closure of key locks will keep the Asian carp, specifically the silver carp and bighead carp, from entering the Great Lakes.

Click here for background on the story.

Read more of U.S. Supreme Court Denies Michigan’s 2nd Request to Close Chicago Locks

Judge (The Britannica Blog “Guide” to Careers)

Judges, prosecutors, defendants, window cleaners, engine drivers, and fake French cardinals — a weird assortment of “professions” are covered in this week’s sketch from the ever unpredictable Monty Python.

Each Saturday we highlight a humorous and sometimes poignant video, interview, comic, or skit concerning different “careers,” past and present. From W.C. Fields to Rowan Atkinson, from classic films and commercials to Monty Python—all and everything will be tapped for this look each week at various professions and pastimes (loosely defined).

Click here for all of the videos and careers highlighted to date and click below for a larger viewing screen.

Read more of Judge (The Britannica Blog “Guide” to Careers)

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