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  • Miura Susumu (Japanese economist and philosopher)
    Japanese economist and Confucianist philosopher during the Tokugawa period (1603–1867). He formulated the jōrigaku (“rationalist studies”) doctrine, which was a precursor to modern scientific and philosophical thought in Japan....
  • Mivart, Saint George Jackson (British biologist)
    British biologist, a leading critic of Charles Darwin’s theory of natural selection....
  • Miwok (people)
    California Indians speaking languages of Penutian stock and originally comprising seven dialectally and territorially discrete branches: the Coast Miwok in an area just north of what is now San Francisco; the Lake Miwok in the Clear Lake Basin; the Bay Miwok (or Saclan), living along the delta of the San Joaquin and Sacrament...
  • Miwok-Costanoan languages
    ...Mexico. The phylum consists of 15 language families with about 20 languages; the families are Wintun (two languages), Miwok-Costanoan (perhaps five Miwokan languages, plus three extinct Costanoan languages), Sahaptin (two languages), Yakonan (two extinct languages), Yokutsan (three languages), and Maiduan (four......
  • Mix, Thomas Hezikiah (American actor)
    American film actor, a celebrated star of western cowboy films during the silent era....
  • Mix, Tom (American actor)
    American film actor, a celebrated star of western cowboy films during the silent era....
  • Mixco (Guatemala)
    city, south-central Guatemala. It is a western suburb of Guatemala City and supplies the capital with produce. Pop. (2002) 384,428....
  • Mixe (people)
    group of Middle American Indian peoples inhabiting territories in southern Mexico. The Mixe-Zoquean peoples today comprise the Mixe, living in northeastern Oaxaca; the Zoque, primarily inhabiting northwestern Chiapas; and the Popoluca (not to be confused with the Popoloca), who live in eastern Veracruz and Oaxaca, about midway between the......
  • Mixe-Zoque languages
    family of North American Indian languages spoken in southern Mexico. There are seven languages in the family, divided into two branches, or divisions—Zoquean and Mixean. Zoque is spoken in the Mexican states of Chiapas, Tabasco, and Oaxaca. Sierra Popoluca and Texistepec Popoluca, spoken in Veracru...
  • Mixe-Zoquean (people)
    group of Middle American Indian peoples inhabiting territories in southern Mexico. The Mixe-Zoquean peoples today comprise the Mixe, living in northeastern Oaxaca; the Zoque, primarily inhabiting northwestern Chiapas; and the Popoluca (not to be confused with the Popoloca), who live in eastern Veracruz an...
  • Mixean languages
    ...North American Indian languages spoken in southern Mexico. There are seven languages in the family, divided into two branches, or divisions—Zoquean and Mixean. Zoque is spoken in the Mexican states of Chiapas, Tabasco, and Oaxaca. Sierra Popoluca and Texistepec Popoluca, spoken in Veracruz, are the other ......
  • mixed cerebral palsy (pathology)
    ...an unsteady gait, and difficulty performing rapid or fine movements. If symptoms of two or more types are present, most often spastic and athetoid, an individual is diagnosed with mixed cerebral palsy....
  • mixed constitution (law)
    An important place in Polybius’ work is occupied by his study of the Roman constitution and army and the early history of the city in Book VI. His analysis of the mixed constitution, which had enabled Rome to avoid the cycle of change and deterioration to which simple constitutional forms were liable, is full of problems, but it has exercised widespread influence, from Cicero’s De...
  • mixed economy
    The socialist turn from planning toward the market provides a fitting initial conclusion to this overview of the typology of economic systems, for it is apparent that the three ideal types—of tradition, command, and market—have never been attained in wholly pure form. Perhaps the most undiluted of these modes in practice has been that of tradition, the great means of orchestration......
  • mixed farm (agriculture)
    The small and medium farms, which characterize European agriculture and which exist in many other parts of the world, are managed on the traditional mixed-farming and animal-husbandry system. Consequently, this type of farm normally has several service buildings: one for machinery, one for hay and cattle, another for hogs, and still another......
  • mixed farming (agriculture)
    The small and medium farms, which characterize European agriculture and which exist in many other parts of the world, are managed on the traditional mixed-farming and animal-husbandry system. Consequently, this type of farm normally has several service buildings: one for machinery, one for hay and cattle, another for hogs, and still another......
  • mixed forest (ecology)
    a vegetational transition between coniferous forest and broad-leaved deciduous forest, especially in the Northern Hemisphere. “Mixed forest” also may denote a forest with two or more dominant tree species. In ...
  • Mixed Martial Arts Makes Its Mark (mixed martial arts)
    Originally decried in the 1990s as a brutal blood sport without rules (Arizona Sen. John McCain famously called cage combat “human cockfighting” and sought to have it banned), by 2007 mixed martial arts (MMA)—a hybrid combat sport incorporating boxing, wrestling, jujitsu and other disciplines—had gradually shed its no-holds-barred image and begun to challenge boxing for...
  • mixed media (art)
    ...the technical process behind aesthetic expression; Mark Leckey, for installations that fused film, sound, and performance; Goshka Macuga, who positioned the artist as a collector-curator creating mixed-media environments; and Cathy Wilkes, whose diarist approach featured found objects and ready-mades as well as paintings. In December the prize was awarded to Leckey, who received £25,000....
  • mixed metaphor (literature)
    A mixed metaphor is the linking of two or more disparate elements, which often results in an unintentionally comic effect produced by the writer’s insensitivity to the literal meaning of words or by the falseness of the comparison. A mixed metaphor may also be used with great effectiveness, however, as in Hamlet’sWhether ’tis nobler in the mind to suffer...
  • mixed primary (politics)
    ...its choice, as happens in crossover voting, when members of rival parties vote for the weakest candidate in the opposition’s primary. Several states have adopted variations, including the mixed primary, which allows independents to vote in either party’s primary but requires voters registered with a political party to vote in their own party’s primary....
  • mixed strategy (logic)
    When saddlepoints exist, the optimal strategies and outcomes can be easily determined, as was just illustrated. However, when there is no saddlepoint the calculation is more elaborate, as illustrated in Table 2....
  • mixed syllogism (logic)
    ...to some or every βべーた. Such categoricals are called modal categoricals, and syllogisms in which the component categoricals are modal are called modal syllogisms (they are sometimes called “mixed” if only one of the premises is modal)....
  • mixed tide (hydrology)
    ...two high and two low tides per tidal day (lasting about 24 hours and 50 minutes). Semidiurnal tides occur along the entire eastern margin of the Atlantic and along most of North and South America. Mixed tides, or those that can have both diurnal (one high and one low tide per day) and semidiurnal oscillations, predominate in the Gulf of......
  • mixed triglyceride (chemical compound)
    ...palmitic acid, C15H31COOH. Only a few of the glycerides occurring in nature are of the simple type; most are mixed triglycerides; i.e., one molecule of glycerol is combined with two or three different fatty acids. Thus stearodipalmitin,......
  • mixed uranium-plutonium dioxide pellet
    Similar procedures are employed to fabricate mixed uranium-plutonium dioxide (MOX) pellets for use in fast-neutron breeder reactors. Unirradiated MOX fuel typically contains 20 to 35 percent plutonium dioxide....
  • mixed-alkali effect (chemistry)
    ...are shown to have the highest conductivities of the glasses listed. The most noted exception from the additivity relationship here is the mixed-alkali effect, in which glasses containing two or more different types of alkali ions have a significantly lower electrical conductivity than linear additivity would suggest. In applications......
  • mixed-flow turbine (machine)
    Francis turbines are probably used most extensively because of their wider range of suitable heads, characteristically from three to 600 metres. At the high-head range, the flow rate and the output must be large; otherwise the runner becomes too small for reasonable fabrication. At the low-head end, propeller turbines are usually more efficient unless the power output is also small. Francis......
  • mixed-grass prairie (botany)
    Midgrass, or mixed-grass, prairie, supporting both bunchgrasses and sod-forming grasses, is the most extensive prairie subtype and occupies the central part of the prairie region. Species of porcupine grass, grama grass, wheatgrass, and buffalo grass dominate the vegetation. Sand hills are common in the western portion bordering the......
  • mixed-layer inversion (atmospheric science)
    ...layer relative to the surrounding air, the lower the chance that subsequent turbulent bubbles will penetrate far above the boundary layer. The top of the daytime boundary layer is referred to as the mixed-layer inversion....
  • mixed-media filter (chemistry)
    ...out or removed at the surface of the filter bed, as is the case in slow sand filters. In order to enhance in-depth filtration, so-called mixed-media filters are used in some treatment plants. These have a third layer, consisting of a fine-grained dense mineral called garnet, at the bottom of the bed....
  • mixed-member proportional system (politics)
    The New Zealand election on Sept. 17, 2005, broke new constitutional ground as mixed member proportional (MMP) voting returned 121 members of Parliament, an increase of one from the previously fixed 120-member House of Representatives. Prime Minister Helen Clark’s government was elected to a third three-year term, but Clark was obliged to negotiate support from four minor parties to form an...
  • mixed-signal chip (electronics)
    For designs that contain both analog and digital circuitry (mixed-signal chips), standard analog and digital simulators are not sufficient. Instead, special behavioral simulators are used, employing the same simplifying idea behind digital simulators to model entire circuits rather than individual transistors. Behavioral simulators are designed primarily to speed up simulations of the analog......
  • mixed-signal integrated circuit (electronics)
    For designs that contain both analog and digital circuitry (mixed-signal chips), standard analog and digital simulators are not sufficient. Instead, special behavioral simulators are used, employing the same simplifying idea behind digital simulators to model entire circuits rather than individual transistors. Behavioral simulators are designed primarily to speed up simulations of the analog......
  • mixer (audio technology)
    ...and equalization equipment were typically housed in a booth at the back of the auditorium. Portable loudspeakers were placed wherever needed on the stage or in the auditorium. Through the use of a playback mixing console (also called a mixer or a mixing desk), the sound operator could direct the sound for a particular cue to its appropriate location at a specific loudness level. It therefore......
  • mixer (appliance)
    ...Roman professional bakers introduced technological improvements, many were of minor importance, and some were essentially reintroductions of earlier developments. The first mechanical dough mixer, attributed to Marcus Virgilius Euryasaces, a freed slave of Greek origin, consisted of a large stone basin in which wooden paddles, powered by a horse or donkey walking in circles, kneaded the......
  • mixer (mechanics)
    The afterburner in a turbofan usually requires a mixer for mixing the relatively cool bypass air with the hot core stream (see Figure 6); the cooler air is otherwise difficult to burn in the low-pressure environment of an afterburner. Also, in both the turbojet and the turbofan with an afterburner, the exhaust nozzle must have a variable throat area to accommodate the large variations in......
  • Mixiales (order of fungi)
    ...MixiomycetesParasitic or saprobic; simple septate; contains one order.Order MixialesParasitic primarily on ferns; blastosporic yeasts; example genus is Mixia.Class......
  • mixing (materials processing)
    The first step in most plastic fabrication procedures is compounding, the mixing together of various raw materials in proportions according to a specific recipe. Most often the plastic resins are supplied to the fabricator as cylindrical pellets (several millimetres in diameter and length) or as flakes and powders. Other forms include viscous......
  • mixing (food processing)
    ...2), processing about one ton per batch, and usually constructed with heat-exchange jackets, allowing temperature control. The objectives of mixing are a nearly homogeneous blend of the ingredients and “developing” of the dough by formation of the gluten into elongated and interlaced fibres that will form the basic structure......
  • mixing (motion pictures)
    The final combination of tracks onto one composite sound track synchronous with the picture is variously known as mixing, rerecording, or dubbing. Mixing takes place at a special console equipped with separate controls for each track to adjust loudness and various aspects of sound quality. Although some of the new digital processes employ the record-industry technique of overdubbing, or......
  • mixing desk (audio technology)
    ...and equalization equipment were typically housed in a booth at the back of the auditorium. Portable loudspeakers were placed wherever needed on the stage or in the auditorium. Through the use of a playback mixing console (also called a mixer or a mixing desk), the sound operator could direct the sound for a particular cue to its appropriate location at a specific loudness level. It therefore......
  • mixing ratio (meteorology)
    ...Earth, the variation being indicated on the isentropic chart by isobars, lines showing the pressure at which the isentropic surface is found. The moisture distribution is shown by lines of constant mixing ratio (which expresses the mass of water vapour per unit mass of dry air) and of constant specific humidity (which expresses the mass of....
  • Mixiomycetes (class of fungi)
    ...hyphomycetes; simple septal pores; some with long fusiform basidiospores; example genera include Classicula and Jaculispora.Class MixiomycetesParasitic or saprobic; simple septate; contains one order.Order MixialesParasitic primarily on fern...
  • Mixolydian mode (music)
    in music, seventh of the eight medieval church modes. See church mode....
  • mixotroph (biology)
    ...as symbionts. Many autotrophic flagellates must also consume bacteria because photosynthesis alone is not sufficient. These flagellates and those with symbiotic algae exhibit a metabolism known as mixotrophy, in which heterotrophy and autotrophy are combined in a variety of ways and to different degrees. Thus, flagellates exhibit the complete nutritional spectrum, from totally plantlike......
  • mixotrophy (biology)
    ...as symbionts. Many autotrophic flagellates must also consume bacteria because photosynthesis alone is not sufficient. These flagellates and those with symbiotic algae exhibit a metabolism known as mixotrophy, in which heterotrophy and autotrophy are combined in a variety of ways and to different degrees. Thus, flagellates exhibit the complete nutritional spectrum, from totally plantlike......
  • Mixquiahuala Letters, The (novel by Castillo)
    ...Castillo characterized these arenas as feminine and masculine, respectively, and looked at how women claim their own sexuality as they negotiate between these conflicting desires. In The Mixquiahuala Letters (1986), Castillo continues her exploration of Latina women and their sexuality and examines the reactions of men in the Anglo and Latino communities. Written in an......
  • Mixtec (people)
    Middle American Indian population living in the northern and western sections of the state of Oaxaca and in neighbouring parts of the states of Guerrero and Puebla in southern Mexico. Historically the Mixtec possessed a high degree of civilization in Aztec and pre-Aztec times....
  • Mixtecan languages
    The Mixtecan group consists of two main varieties, Mixtec-Cuicatec and Trique, with the vast majority being dialects of Mixtec. For decades there was some difference of opinion as to the relationship of Amuzgo to Mixtecan, but in the late 20th century Amuzgoan was determined to be a separate branch within Oto-Manguean....
  • Mixton War (Mexican history)
    ...Jalisco and other Pacific coast regions were conquered by Nuño de Guzmán. The Indians of Jalisco rebelled in 1541 but were suppressed after hard fighting in an episode known as the Mixton War. In order to complete the subjugation of the indigenous peoples, the Spaniards began to move into Zacatecas, where in 1546 they found immensely valuable silver mines. After similar......
  • mixture (chemistry and physics)
    ...oxygen; these two substances, however, are elements because they cannot be decomposed into simpler substances by any known chemical process. Most samples of naturally occurring matter are physical mixtures of compounds. Seawater, for example, is a mixture of water and a large number of other compounds, the most common of which is sodium......
  • mixture stop (organ stop)
    From the earliest times, organs have, therefore, been supplied with what are known generically as mixture stops, which have several high-pitched pipes to each note. But, since, for example, a 1-foot rank could not be carried right up to the top note, it breaks back an octave at some convenient point in the compass. Ranks pitched even higher will break back more than once. Thus, in the bass, a......
  • Miya Island (island, Japan)
    offshore island, Hiroshima ken (prefecture), Japan, in the Inland Sea. The small island, one of Japan’s most scenic locations, is 19 miles (31 km) in circumference and occupies an area of 12 square miles (31 square km). It is best known for its 6th-century shrine, which was built on tidal land and has the appearance of floating on the sea during ...
  • Miyabe maple (plant)
    ...of sugar maple, a Rocky Mountain tree, often multistemmed, displaying pink to red fall foliage. Coliseum maple (A. cappadocicum) and Miyabe maple (A. miyabei) provide golden-yellow fall colour. The three-flowered maple (A. triflorum) and the paperbark maple (A. griseum) have tripartite leaves and attractive......
  • Miyagawa Chōshun (Japanese painter)
    Japanese painter of the ukiyo-e style of popular, colourful art based on everyday life. He was the founder of the Miyagawa school of painting....
  • Miyagawa Nagaharu (Japanese painter)
    Japanese painter of the ukiyo-e style of popular, colourful art based on everyday life. He was the founder of the Miyagawa school of painting....
  • Miyagawanella (microorganism)
    a genus of bacterial parasites that cause several different diseases in humans. The genus is composed of three species: C. psittaci, which causes psittacosis; C. trachomatis, various strains of which cause trachoma, lymphogranuloma venereum, and conjunctivitis; and C. pneumoniae, which causes respirat...
  • Miyagi (prefecture, Japan)
    ken (prefecture), northern Honshu, Japan, its indented coastline forming Sendai Bay of the Pacific Ocean. Much of its area is mountainous. The Sendai Plain in the south contains the prefectural capital, Sendai. To the north is the beautiful Matsushima Bay, long celebrated for its more than 200 isla...
  • Miyagi Michio (Japanese musician and composer)
    ...and successful composer in the new traditional music (shin hōgaku) following World War I was Miyagi Michio (1894–1956), a blind koto teacher in the Ikuta school. In 1921 he composed a piece Ochiba no odori (“Dance of the Falling Leaves”), whic...
  • Miyake, Issey (Japanese fashion designer)
    Japanese fashion designer best known for combining Eastern and Western elements in his work....
  • Miyake Yoshinobu (Japanese athlete)
    Japanese weightlifter who won three Olympic medals, including two golds, in the 1960s....
  • Miyako (port, Japan)
    city, Iwate ken (prefecture), Honshu, Japan, on the estuary of the Hei River, facing Miyako Bay. The city has been an important fishing port since the Tokugawa period (1603–1867) and is known for its salmon, trout, and ...
  • Miyako (Japan)
    City (pop., 2003 est.: 1,386,372), west-central Honshu, Japan....
  • Miyakonojō (Japan)
    city, Miyazaki ken (prefecture), Kyushu, Japan, on the upper Ōyodo River. The city developed around the castle built by the Shimazu family in the early 11th century. During the Tokugawa period (1603–1867), sericu...
  • Miyamoto, Kenji (Japanese politician)
    Oct. 17, 1908, Yamaguchi prefecture, JapanJuly 18, 2007, Tokyo, JapanJapanese politician who held (1958–77) leadership positions in the Communist Party of Japan (JCP), serving as general secretary (1958–70) and presidium chairman (1970–97); he renounced violent revolution and instead sought ...
  • Miyamoto Masana (Japanese soldier-artist)
    famous Japanese soldier-artist of the early Edo (Tokugawa) period (1603–1867)....
  • “Miyamoto Musashi” (film by Inagaki [1955])
    famous Japanese soldier-artist of the early Edo (Tokugawa) period (1603–1867).......
  • Miyamoto Musashi (Japanese soldier-artist)
    famous Japanese soldier-artist of the early Edo (Tokugawa) period (1603–1867)....
  • Miyamoto Shigeru (Japanese electronic game developer)
    ...heart rates necessary for improving cardiovascular health, and the ability to cheat on certain exercises can present a false impression of progress. According to the game’s Japanese designer, Miyamoto Shigeru, the Wii Fit has the potential to connect physical therapists and personal trainers with their clients over the Internet. ...
  • Miyata Fumiko (Japanese author)
    Japanese novelist whose realistic stories deal with urban working-class life....
  • Miyazaki (Japan)
    Japanese novelist whose realistic stories deal with urban working-class life.......
  • Miyazaki (prefecture, Japan)
    ken (prefecture), southeastern Kyushu, Japan, facing the Pacific Ocean. Most of its area is mountainous, and there is a small coastal plain. The southern coast contains Nichinan-kaigan Quasi-national Park, which includes the offshore island of ...
  • Miyazaki Hayao (Japanese director)
    Japanese anime director whose lyrical and allusive works won both critical and popular acclaim....
  • Miyazaki Torazō (Japanese adventurer)
    ...much of the ensuing eight months reading in the British Museum, Sun traveled to Japan by way of Canada. Arriving in August 1897, he was met by Miyazaki Torazō, an adventurer who had heard of the London incident and who was willing to help Sun in his political activities. Miyazaki introduced Sun to many influential Japanese, including....
  • Miyazaki Yūzen (Japanese painter)
    Japanese painter credited with perfecting a rice-paste dyeing method that made possible the economical production of sumptuously decorated cloth. He gave his name to the process (yūzen-zome) by which elaborate designs and pictures were drawn on silk with a rice-paste coating. Later, yūzen came to denote the cloth produced in this way and also the kind of designs (y...
  • Miyazaki Yūzensai (Japanese painter)
    Japanese painter credited with perfecting a rice-paste dyeing method that made possible the economical production of sumptuously decorated cloth. He gave his name to the process (yūzen-zome) by which elaborate designs and pictures were drawn on silk with a rice-paste coating. Later, yūzen came to denote the cloth produced in this way and also the kind of designs (y...
  • Miyazawa Kiichi (prime minister of Japan)
    prime minister of Japan from 1991 to 1993....
  • Miyomaru (Japanese actor, playwright, and musician)
    Japanese actor, playwright, and musician who was one of the founders of Noh drama....
  • Miyoshi family (Japanese family)
    ...nonexistent, and real power came into the hands of the chief administrators of the Hosokawa family (1490–1558). In the 16th century actual power devolved into the hands of their retainers, the Miyoshi family (1558–65), until it was finally usurped by their own retainers, the Matsunaga family (1565–68)....
  • Miyun Reservoir (reservoir, China)
    Large-scale water-conservation projects were begun in the early 1950s to provide more water for the expanding urban area. Notable are the large Miyun Reservoir, northeast of the city, and the Guanting Reservoir, which impounds the Yongding in the northwestern mountains beyond the Great Wall. These regulate the flow of the rivers upstream, storing water at times of heavy discharge and then......
  • Mizʿal, Sheikh (Iranian sheikh)
    Khazʿal was instrumental in having his brother, Sheikh Mizʿal, assassinated in June 1897. He then became the ruler of Moḥammerah and the paramount chief of the Arab tribes of Khūzestān. Though nominally owing allegiance to the central government in......
  • Mizan (Turkish publication)
    ...the ground for revolution by developing a comprehensive critique of the Hamidian system. The most noteworthy among these were Murad Bey, Ahmed Rıza, and Prince Sabaheddin. As editor of Mizan (“Balance”), published first in Istanbul (1886) and later in Cairo and Geneva, Murad Bey preached liberal ideas combined with a strong Islāmic feeling; this may have......
  • “Mizan al-ḥaqq fi ikhtijārī al-ahaqq” (work by Kâtip Çelebi)
    ...remedies for the economic crisis in the Ottoman Empire of his day; and Mizan al-ḥaqq fi ikhtijārī al-ahaqq (The Balance of Truth) defends positive sciences and Islāmic doctrine and criticizes fanaticism....
  • Mizar (star)
    first star found (by the Italian astronomer Giovanni Battista Riccioli in 1650) to be a visual binary—i.e., to consist of two optically distinguishable components revolving around each other. Later, each of the visual components was determined to be a spectroscopic binary; Mizar is actually a quadruple star. Apparent visual magnitudes...
  • Mize, John Robert (American athlete)
    ("JOHNNY"; "THE BIG CAT"), U.S. baseball player (b. Jan. 7, 1913, Demorest, Ga.--d. June 2, 1993, Demorest), was a slow-moving right-handed first baseman but a powerhouse left-handed hitter whose unique, graceful swinging style earned him the moniker "the Big Cat." His heavy Southern drawl...
  • Mizell, Jason (American rap musician)
    American rap musician and producer (b. Jan. 21, 1965, New York, N.Y.—d. Oct. 30, 2002, New York City), was a member of Run-D.M.C., the first rap group to attract a worldwide audience. Jam Master Jay teamed with Joe (“Run”) Simmons and Darryl (“D.M.C.”) McDaniels to form the group in the ear...
  • Mizerak, Steve (American billiards player)
    American billiards player (b. Oct. 12, 1944, Perth Amboy, N.J.—d. May 29, 2006, West Palm Beach, Fla.), was considered one of the all-time billiards greats, capturing four consecutive U.S. Open 14.1 championship titles (1970–73) as well as winning more than 100 other tournaments. Mizerak was best remembered for his trick shots in Miller Lite beer advertisements and for his film appea...
  • mizmār (musical instrument)
    ...launeddas, a triple pipe sounded by single reeds, as well as hosts of double clarinets—such as the arghūl, mizmār, and zamr—that are played in the Mediterranean littoral and the Middle East. The performer’s cheeks often look...
  • Mizo (people)
    Tibeto-Burman-speaking people numbering about 540,000 in the late 20th century. They inhabit the mountainous tract on the India-Myanmar (Burma) border known as the Mizo (formerly Lushai) Hills, in the Indian state of Mizoram. Like the Kuki tribes, with which they have affinities, the Mizo traditionally practiced shifting slash-and-burn cultiva...
  • Mizo Hills (mountain range, India)
    mountain range in southeastern Mizoram state, northeastern India, forming part of the north Arakan Yoma system. The Mizo Hills rise to about 7,000 feet (2,125 metres), and their slopes are covered with thick ...
  • Mizo Hills District (state, India)
    state of India. It is located in the northeastern part of the country and is bounded by Myanmar (Burma) to the east and south and Bangladesh to the west and by the states of Tripura to the northwest, Assam to the north, and Manipur to the northeast. The capital is Aizawl...
  • Mizo National Front (organization, India)
    ...of about 2,950 feet (900 metres) and is the most populous city in the state. In the 1970s Aizawl was the scene of an armed attack on the government treasury and other offices by members of the Mizo National Front....
  • Mizoguchi Kenji (Japanese director)
    Japanese motion-picture director whose pictorially beautiful films dealt with the nature of reality, the conflict between modern and traditional values, and the redeeming quality of a woman’s love....
  • Mizoram (state, India)
    state of India. It is located in the northeastern part of the country and is bounded by Myanmar (Burma) to the east and south and Bangladesh to the west and by the states of Tripura to the northwest, Assam to the north, and Manipur to the northeast. The capital is Aizawl...
  • Mizos, Land of the (state, India)
    state of India. It is located in the northeastern part of the country and is bounded by Myanmar (Burma) to the east and south and Bangladesh to the west and by the states of Tripura to the northwest, Assam to the north, and Manipur to the northeast. The capital is Aizawl...
  • Mizraḥi (Jewish religious movement)
    (Hebrew: “Spiritual Centre”), religious movement within the World Zionist Organization and formerly a political party within Zionism and in Israel. It was founded in 1902 by Rabbi Yitzḥaq Yaʿaqov Reines of...
  • Mizrahi, Moshe (Israeli director)
  • Mizuho Financial Group, Inc. (Japanese bank holding company)
    Japanese bank holding company, one of the largest in the world in terms of assets, which exceeded $1 billion when it was founded. Mizuho originated in September 2000 with the mergers of Dai-Ichi Kangyō Bank, Fuji Bank, and the Industrial Bank of Japan. Losses at...
  • Mizuno Tadaakira (Japanese official)
    ...while the councillors who had supported Sadanobu’s reforms were still alive. During the period 1804–31 these men died one after another, and the bakufu government became lax once again. Mizuno Tadaakira, a senior councillor with acute business acumen, rose to power as a personal attendant to Ienari. But he and other high officials seemed as addicted to bribery as earlier re...

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