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myApi - Joomla! Extensions Directory
The Wayback Machine - https://web.archive.org/web/20101205192158/http://extensions.joomla.org/extensions/social-web/facebook-display/11624

myApi Popular ComponentModulePluginExtension Specific Addon

myApi is a Joomla package consisting of a suite of components, modules and plugins that bring deeply integrated facebook features to your website quickly and easily.
It's main features can be summarised as follows

Facebook Connect - Allow your users to login into you site using their facebook account, myApi links facebook users to existing or new joomla account and allows native managing of users from within Joomla and compatibility with other user management systems such as community builder.

Support for sh404sef - The problems when using myApi and sh404sef have been resolved

Full Community Builder Support - Facebook accounts can be linked to new or existing joomla accounts, wich keep synchronized with community builder. And using a clever javascript override users community builder pictures are replaced with their current facebook profile image.

Comments - Bring ajax powered spam proof comments to your site. Automatically adds comment boxes to all articles or specific categories or sections

Share - Allow users to share your site content on the web. Automatically add share buttons to all articles and post the article contents to a users facebook profile

Status updates - Update a users facebook status when they log into your site to tell their friends to check it out.

Publish to mini feed - Stories such as new user accounts cad be published as a mini feed story, or stream items, to bring in more users from facebook.

Fan Box - Show case your online communities members by showing a facebook fan box on your site.

If you already have a Joomla website then you can add all this functionality in under 10 minutes. All you need is a facebook account, no php or javascript knowledge is required.

Simply upload and install the Super Installer zip file, it will install the myApi Component, install and enable 4 plugins and install two modules. Enable the fanbox and login modules and position them as required and enter your API and Secret Key in the Component.

The demo link above now points to the myApi.co.uk Joomla website shown inside of facebook. This is a demo of a feature which will be made available in a future release.

Become a fan of myApi on facebook to keep track of updates

myApi is in beta, I should work fine most of the time, but if you do find a bug, or if it doesn't work for you please email me thomaswelton@me.com


bywilliamp80 on November 16, 2010
I loved what this extension can do but had some issues with error messages. I emailed the developer and used the message board but NO RESPONSE. The support is terrible.
byBonusMoney on November 4, 2010
This module doesn't work right. During signup Connect Dialogue goes Behind Modules that is described here:

Unfortunately author doesn't answer to this question.

i will have to go on another similar comp
byjmil on November 3, 2010
For a free Module (That I would have definitely donated too) it loaded up great. No issues. Easy set up and worked like a CHAMP until I saw it was NOT compatibility with IE. Where +80% of user utilize IE - This is not satisfactory. I also went to Fourm to discuss - but I can not even register. If IE support is not added soon - I must delete this module and move on. Or at a minimum the developer should indicate to us a time frame for solution here and on his forum.
bydodgydaz on November 2, 2010
Very good extension, worked first time with no set up issues, however Internet Explorer is not compatable with it, and it advises you to install Chrome. My customers and the vistors to their sites are mainly IE users as are most internet users. So have had to uninstall it from my site. Developers Really need to add IE support.
byopik24 on October 28, 2010
I think this extensions is really great. even in beta.

works great on my site. and even works on K2 contents (i used K2 components) for FB comments and share plugin.

just one thing, the comments plugin setting parameter seems like little different between joomla contents and K2 contents...

but overall this extensions are great...!!!

You should try it...
Almost every single aspect of this extension I liked very much, as it sounded promising. I was thinking about installing my latest community with Jomsocial, but because myAPI doesn't support it, I thought I might as well go with CB. But when I installed it, I was flabergasted:

No IE support? The message, "Facebook Connect
I'm sorry myApi login is currently not compatible with Internet Explorer. Download Chrome, that's what all the cool kids are using." got me really frustrated, as I try to offer my services to a large bandwith of users, and limiting my viewers to a certain browser is a nogo in terms of usability! What a shame, I thought.

I will just de install this now,and install Jomsocial instead of CB, hoping that there will be enough Plugins one day to suite my needs.
great script, works out of the box and does most things that some paid scripts do. Thumbs up for the developer.

Unfortunately, account creation doesn't integrate with jomsocial (only with CB) and, when using myapi and jomsocial fbconnect in my site, conflicts arise and logins stop working. I had to uninstall myAPI, much to my discontent.

Browsing in Jomsocial support forums I've seen a few webmasters who also had the same problem and ended up disabling myAPI.
It's a pity, because it greatly extends the JS FB integration and does some things that the JS team seems unable to implement (publishing to FB wall when user logs in my site, adding fb comments to articles, etc...).
So here is something (I believe), would even make myAPI a must have for any site.

would also be nice to have a fbinvite box...and FBcomments integration in VM flypages :-)

Anyway, great job.
bynkarip on October 10, 2010
FYI, needed to install separate plugin from another developer (Facebook SDK) to make this work for me. After that, worked perfectly (before installation, wasn't working at all). Simple to use and setup.
bychokens on October 9, 2010
Thanks to the developer of this extension, it helps me a lot..All in one FB extension..
bynickmartinez on September 30, 2010
Easy to use, easy to install, easy to configure. New to design and MYAPI was easy to integrate and I was up and running in under 10 minutes.

Only request would be an integrated LIKE button into the component and news feed, similar to the SHARE button.
bykubwit on September 25, 2010
Great extension thank you.

works right out of the box and is easy to configure. Also all needs are described very good.

The only thing missing on italian language site don't get the fb-connect button shown and working and the Fb-connect box does appear behind some blocks. Maybe make it popup in front of all div's

Thank you for your work

best regards
I really like this extension, however I noticed that my RSS feeds aren't loading correctly after this installation.

Would like to ask the developer to fix this. As you know RSS feeds are important for driving traffic and SEO.

Though I'm having tiny issues with "lightbox" comments, the rest of it works seemlessly. The author states he'll be back on the project soon, can't wait!!! Awesome Job!
Everything in this extension is fantastic, unless you need your users to be able to use the login module with Internet Explorer.

I can appreciate all the hard work gone into making this extension, plugins, modules and component but it really does need to be IE compatible.

Regardless of what the "cool kids" are using the majority of web traffic is still MSIE.

With that in mind I have had to uninstall this and that's left me dissapointed because I loved it till that point.

Please fix that when you get chance, then your really on to a winner ;)
Extension works as described above.

However, I had a problem with the facebook-connect module; modal frame popping up behind the main page and thus unable to enter user information in the input fields.
Got it around by having the facebook-login module placed in an article with plenty blank space, the article is in turn linked to a menu item.
(This setup works fine with IE8.)

FBcomment is great, too, but I hope future versions include the option to place it 'after article' similar to JComments.

Overall, very good extension and I'd recommend other people to give it a try.
bylondonman on September 4, 2010
1 of 1 people found this review helpful
Note: if You create new application in Facebook, sometimes You receive an error message in Facebooks side. This looks like normal Facebook behavior :). Don't worry - MyApi works correctly and after some time You see in Facebook developer page new application, necessary API keys and secret codes.
byGunnar Borg on August 29, 2010
Super. Once installed - no worries. Just keep on building my website. Thanks a lot.
keep up the godd work.
bytyu on August 22, 2010
the best working solution for facebook. really great.
byMunhemba on August 19, 2010
I have just been working on the component and I must say this is one excellent and very excellent. Very easy to work with.

I designed a website inspired by a facebook group, I searched for a joomla solution and was happy to have found this one, it makes life much easier for joomla based websites and a fresher approach to social networking.

I recommend this component without hesitation and am happy to assist anyone having problems setting it up. I Give you an additional two stars.
byMrFullSwing on August 3, 2010
All seems to work since new release but really needs the Connect / Login option to work in IE. My favourite part is the Article Comments, great to be able to link this with Facebook. Good job so far & will look forward to future developments.
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