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a band ... Abakumov, V. S.
abalone ... Abdul Rahman, Tuanku
Abdul Razak bin Hussein, Tun Haji ... Abipon
abiraterone ... absolute refractory period
Absolute Spirit ... Abu Salabikh, Tall
Abu Sayyaf ... acatalexis
Accademia Bridge ... acetyl transacylase
acetyl-S-ACP ... Acoemeti
Acolhua ... actinium series
actinium-227 ... Adad-shum-usur
adage ... Adarand Constructors v. Pena
Adare, Cape ... adhiyajna
Adhruh, arbitration of ... Adolf
Adolf Frederick ... advocate
advocate general ... Aeronomy of Ice in Mesosphere
aerophone ... Afonso III
Afonso IV ... Afro-Asiatic languages
Afro-Brazilian ... Agee, James
Agee, Philip Burnett Franklin ... agon
agonism ... Aha Of Shabha
Ahab ... Aicard, Jean
Aichbuhl ... Air Transport Command
air warfare ... Ajyad, Mount
Ak Koyunlu ... Akrotiri
Akrotiri ... alary muscle
Alas, Leopoldo ... Albert IV the Wise
Albert l'Ouvrier ... Alcantara Bridge
Alcantara, Order of ... Alectura lathami
Alegre, Caetano da Costa ... Alexander, John
Alexander, Lloyd ... algebraic notation
algebraic number ... Alkali Act
alkali basalt ... Allegheny Front
Allegheny Mountains ... Allin-Springfield rifle
Allingham, Margery ... Alnwick Castle
Aloadae ... alstonite
Alstroemeriaceae ... aluminum brass
aluminum bronze ... Amami rabbit
Aman-Jean, Edmond-Francois ... Ambika-Mata
Ambikapur ... American Ballet, School of
American Baptist Association ... American Le Mans Series
American League ... Americas, pony of the
americium ... ammocoete
ammonal ... Amphitheatre Franconi
Amphitherium ... An Olympic-Sized Scandal
An Qingxu ... Anand, Mulk Raj
Anand, Vijay ... ancient lights
Ancient Monuments Consolidation and Amendment Act ... Anderton
Andes Mountains ... android
Andromache ... Angelus family
Angelus Silesius ... Angonia highlands
Angora goat ... Anini
anion ... annuity depreciation
annular eclipse ... Antalya
Antalya Plain ... anthrax
Anthrax anale ... antihypertensive drug
antiknock agent ... antitragus
antitrust law ... Anziku, Kingdom of
Anzilotti, Dionisio ... Api, Gunung
Apia ... apostolic church
Apostolic Constitutions ... apprenticeship novel
appressorium ... Arab Maghrib Union
Arab Monetary Fund ... arartree
Aras River ... Archaic culture
Archaic Greek lyric ... arcuate artery
Arcueil ... argentaffin cell
Argentan lace ... Ariel
Ariel ... Arkoff, Samuel Zachary
Arkona ... armour-piercing projectile
armour-piercing, fin-stabilized discarding-sabot ... Arnuwandas I
Arnuwandas II ... Arsenije III Crnojevic
Arsenite schism ... arthrogryposis multiplex congenita
Arthroleptidae ... Arung Singkang
Arunta Ranges ... Ascension of the Lord, Feast of the
Ascential Software ... Ashland
ashlar masonry ... asmatika
Asmodeus ... Assembly Rooms
Assembly, House of ... Asti
Asti-Ruwas ... AT-3 Sagger
AT-6 Spiral ... Atherton Tableland
Atherton, Gertrude ... atmospheric scattering
atmospheric science ... Attar, Farid al-Din
Attar, Najah al- ... audiometry
Audion ... Aurangzeb
Auraria ... Australian External Territories
Australian Film and Television School ... Autodromo
autofocus ... auxiliary hypothesis
auxiliary of negation ... Avion III
avionics ... axiomatic basis
axiomatic method ... azathioprine
Azay-le-Rideau ... 
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