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Lunafest Film Screenings Rescheduled

Steven Rosen
The Lunafest screenings for today and Wednesday at the Carnegie Visual and Performing Arts Center in Covington have been rescheduled due to bad weather.
at 01:38 PM | Permalink | Comments (0)

Valentine's Day Affliction

Julianne Warren-Novick
In 2008 there was Definitely, Maybe. Last year, there were Confessions of a Shopoholic. And now, with only six days left before Valentine’s Day is actually upon us, a movie baring the same name is set to hit theaters.  Valentine’s Day, this year’s most blatant bid for romantically charged girls to drag their boyfriends down to the theater, and spend gobs of money to found out whether or not Ashton Kutcher, Julia Roberts, and a fistful of other stars will live happily ever after. For anyone with a remotely decent sense of cinematic taste, this would be something to avoid. And yet, in the deep recesses of my otherwise logical brain, there lives a tiny little blob of girly power that screams, “Go see this movie!”
at 06:56 PM | Permalink | Comments (0)

Friday Movie Roundup: Oscar Nominations

Jason Gargano
Oscar nominations for the yearly industry wankfest known as Academy Awards were announced on Feb. 2. As expected, James Cameron’s Avatar and Kathryn Bigelow’s The Hurt Locker did well: Each yielded nine nominations, including nods for Best Picture and Best Director. (Curious side-note: Bigelow and Cameron were once married; for the record, she made the better film.)
at 10:28 AM | Permalink | Comments (0)

Friday Movie Roundup: Jewish & Israeli Film Festival

Jason Gargano
As we head into the post-awards, pre-summer period known as The Dead Zone (see Legion, The Spy Next Door, The Tooth Fairy, as well as a dumpster-load of upcoming titles), the 2010 Jewish & Israeli Film Festival should be an oasis for filmgoers seeking fare that strays from Hollywood formula. And while the festival obviously centers on films that fall in line with its namesake, viewers of any faith or nationality are likely to appreciate and enjoy its humanist-leaning, character-driven offerings.
at 02:41 PM | Permalink | Comments (0)

Friday Movie Roundup: King of the World Strikes Again

Jason Gargano
The Golden Globes remain a guilty pleasure marked by fashion faux pas (Sandra Bullock’s uninspired dress looked like something my prom date wore back in the day), longwinded speeches (Drew Barrymore and Mo’Nique could learned a thing or two from the pithy Robert Downey Jr.), a few pleasant surprises (including Christoph Waltz’s supporting actor win for Inglourious Basterds), cringe-worthy moments (alcohol-imbibing host Ricky Gervais’ dis of Mel Gibson) and just plain oddities (what was up with Harrison Ford’s stunted delivery?).
at 01:36 PM | Permalink | Comments (0)

Friday Movie Roundup: A Curious Collection

Jason Gargano
A curious collection of filmmakers populates this week’s opening films — from well-established veterans to foreign masters to newbies to practitioners of Hollywood product. Pedro Almodovar’s entertaining Broken Embraces is laden with the Spanish master’s now signature traits: a rich narrative rife with emotional u-turns and sex galore; a healthy splash of mood-altering color; beautiful females, including longtime muse Penelope Cruz; and ample technical chops informed by a clear nod to film history.
at 11:54 AM | Permalink | Comments (0)

Friday Movie Roundup: Terry Gilliam's Imagination

Jason Gargano
There’s no denying that Terry Gilliam has a vast imagination. But is that a good thing for his films and those who have to watch them?
at 12:33 PM | Permalink | Comments (0)

Friday Movie Roundup: Awards Season Mania

Jason Gargano
The movie awards season kicked into overdrive Dec. 15 with the announcement of the 67th annual Golden Globe Awards nominations. I’m typically the first one to criticize the Globes’ often banal, stars-and-studio-influenced nominations, but this year’s crop seems more discerning than usual.
at 04:17 PM | Permalink | Comments (0)

Friday Movie Roundup: Clint Eastwood

Jason Gargano
Clint Eastwood might be one of the most overrated directors currently making movies — don’t get me started on the heavy-handed melodramatics of 2004 Best Picture winner Million Dollar Baby — but you can’t call him lazy. The 79-year-old has made five movies since 2006, all of which can be admired for their thematic ambition and steadfast technical economy if not their narrative clumsiness and overly earnest emoting.
at 03:36 PM | Permalink | Comments (0)

Friday Movie Roundup: The Dilemma of Being Robert DeNiro

Jason Gargano
Many people have complained in recent years (including Scott Renshaw in his review of Everybody’s Fine below) that Robert DeNiro is not the actor he used to be. Maybe, maybe not.
at 10:05 AM | Permalink | Comments (0)