Cars of Elvis(Some images from Elvis Presley Enterprises, Inc., used by permission)

There are many things for which The King of rock and roll is remembered - a record string of number one singles, super slick dance moves, Blue Suede Shoes, glitzy costumes and an untimely demise. His extensive car collection is generally not one of them.

But situated in a former shopping mall on Elvis Presley Boulevard, directly opposite the imposing facade of the Graceland mansion, awaits The Elvis Presley Car Museum. And as it turns out, Elvis was a bit of a car nut, with the museum playing home to several dozen of the cars he once owned.

It even includes a John Deere tractor, golf cart, several motorbikes and a snowmobile for good measure. Despite this, the collection barely scratches the surface. As Elvis shot to stardom so the line of cars he owned increased at an equally dazzling pace, and included well over 30 Cadillacs alone.

One thing that helped fuel the list of cars once owned by Elvis, was his unusual penchant for giving cars as gifts. Many were given to close relatives, but more than a few perfect strangers found themselves driving off in a sparkling set of wheels after an encounter with Elvis.

As Graceland celebrates 75 years of Elvis this year, we have a look at some of the King's finest rock and roll mobiles.