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Sean Dahlberg moves on to Faxion Online development

Star Wars: The Old Republic
For some of our readers, the idea of managing the community for Star Wars: The Old Republic would be a dream job. (How well this lines up with understanding what community managers actually have to do is debatable.) Sean Dahlberg, however, has apparently decided that he's had quite enough of that scene, so he's packed up and moved on to UTV True Games and Faxion Online. It's a bit of an odd move, and Dahlberg has put up a short entry on his personal blog explaining why he's moved on and what he's moving on to do.

Faxion Online is a free-to-play game focused on the war between Heaven and Hell, with what Dahlberg describes as a sense of humor resembling that of the inimitable Dungeon Keeper franchise. He explains that while he enjoyed working with communities, he wanted to get back into designing fun systems for an actual game, and he felt that he could make a larger contribution by shifting focus to his current occupation of Senior Game Systems Designer for Faxion. For more details and a few more tidbits about what's planned for the free-to-play title, take a look at his full entry.

Hell freezes over as Darkfall's latest expansion takes a bow

Darkfall isn't exactly renowned for its subtlety, so perhaps it's only fitting that the latest expansion for the indie sandbox game sounds like something an amped-up PvP junkie would choose for a character name. Ladies and gentlemen, Aventurine presents... Hellfreeze (cue the bombastic Hans Zimmer music).

All kidding aside, today's update contains quite a lot of PvE content for a PvP-centric game (perhaps the titular hell freezing over is a result of this interesting development?), as well as a hugely ambitious graphical reskinning of the entire world of Agon. In addition to the extreme makeover, no less than 17 dungeons have been redesigned to feature better rewards, more challenges, and new daily quests. All of the PvE-craziness is intended to "set the stage for many new dungeon style encounters to be introduced in the near future," according to the expansion announcement on the official website.

The update also introduces Funhulks, the Player Flag system, and new mounts and ships (including the first craftable vessel that doesn't require a shipyard), all of which points to Aventurine's desire to broaden the game's horizons beyond the red-equals-dead crowd that typically inhabits a FFA/corpse-looting MMORPG. Check out the official announcement for more gory details.

LEGO Universe lets pre-order customers start extra early

Anticipation for LEGO Universe has been building ever since the foundation was laid for the game. Considering the way in which players have assembled for the game's release, it seems no surprise that the team behind the game has put together something special for launch. We had known that there would be an early access event to allow players to start piecing things together, but now it seems that an even earlier release is being opened up for "Founders" to start playing -- one that starts this weekend.

Starting at 10:08 a.m. EDT on Friday, October 8th, the pre-order customers known in community terms as "Founders" will be able to log in and start playing the game, allowing them full access over the weekend. If you can't wait until then and still haven't pre-ordered, however, you aren't out of luck yet, as the official announcement encourages players to visit the nearest LEGO store to pre-order the game and get a special mini-figure. LEGO Universe players will have to keep their eyes peeled for further instructions, as the end of the week is quickly approaching, and it promises quite a set of experiences.

Command line execute: Perpetuum powers up open beta and early access

Do you like robots? We know, look whom we're talking to -- of course you do. Who doesn't? Well, let us ask you this: Do you like piloting hulking robots with enough ordinance to take out a smallish city? Again, that's a mostly rhetorical question.

Ergo, it might be of interest to you to know that Perpetuum, the giant city-killing robot simulation MMO, has not only booted up its open beta, but is looking ahead to an early access program as well. Avatar Creations is coming off fresh from a year and a half of closed beta testing and has its sights set on a launch in the not-too-distant future. Interested parties may get their hands on the open beta starting October 18th, and if the game tickles your fancy, you can pay €9.95 to enter the Early Access program, which includes the first month of launch and an extra week prior to Perpetuum's release.

Perpetuum boasts a single persistent world where one robot can, in fact, make a difference. We've been intrigued by some of the interesting ideas this dev team has whipped up, so it will be great to get our hands on the beta at last. You can read the full press announcement over on the official site.

Aion's 2.1 patch to increase drop rates

NCsoft isn't resting on their winged laurels after last month's release of its Assault on Balaurea expansion. Aion's 2.1 patch is just around the corner, judging by its debut this week on the Korean test servers and the associated patch notes that have been posted to the North American PowerWiki.

The update is brimming with the usual NPC, quest, and instance bug fixes, as well as a reduction on the prerequisites for the greater stigma quests. That said, the most interesting additions to the patch are the loot table tweaks. In a nutshell, it seems NCsoft is finally heeding the cries of players to do something about Aion's abyssmal loot drop rates. The patch notes indicate "greatly increased" drop rates on gear from instance and field bosses as well as regular mobs. There also appears to be an across-the-board hike in the drop rate of fluxes, skill manuals, and stigma stones.

While this news might drive broker prices to new levels of ridiculousness over the next little while, Aion's economy will probably look a little different after 2.1 goes live and supply overtakes demand.

A Mild-Mannered Reporter: Because of reasons!

It's weird to say it, but City of Heroes feels like it's still on the cusp of a storm. Going Rogue was a fine expansion, but it doesn't have the sense of breaking that built-up tension, that feeling of something major just over the horizon. Or perhaps it's just me, perched out on my metaphorical porch and loudly proclaiming that this next one is going to be the big one, as I puff on my metaphorical corn-cob pipe and look across the metaphorical skyline of rural Metaphorbraska.

OK, that one kind of got away from me there, but what I was trying to get at was that it's time for another question-and-answer session for City of Heroes and that I don't think I'm the only person feeling like Issue 19 might hold some great secret. We'll know soon enough, although right now it's time for Issue 20's super-secret beta, which even I don't know about just yet. I'm very curious. On to the questions!

Free for All: How will F2P fare at GDC?

GDC Online is one awesome event. Although I attended the event in the name of a different site last year, I remember it well. It was a mass of my favorite developers and inside-thinkers, clumping together to discuss customers, design and community. Of course, there were some panels and talks that, frankly, bored me to tears. Then there were many that were so exciting that they strengthened my resolve to be a games writer. In fact, it was around this time that dreams of design began to take a back seat to visions of writing. That's the power of attending such events.

On the other hand, these events have the ability to convince writers of almost anything. When attending, we must promise to always stay skeptical -- no matter what anyone says to us. Let the information sink in for a while before we take it as gospel. Let the varying ideas of the various speakers blend together a bit -- then let's form our opinions.

I am most excited to see how the last year's wave of free-to-play games and switch-overs will affect the chats. In '09, social gaming was the whipping boy (everyone said he/she hated it, yet everyone seemed to be planning some sort of social game), so will free-to-play receive the same treatment?

Razer introduces two special edition MMO gaming mice

Razer is releasing a couple of new Naga gaming mice designed for MMO fans, and before you protest that the company already did that, take a look.

Razer says that the first Naga mouse received a "phenomenal response," so the company has created two special edition versions: the Maelstrom and Molten. The Maelstrom has a "whirlpool of entrancing blue light emanating from its swirling core," while the Molten offers "lava-red fissures cutting a jagged path across the mouse."

They're pretty, but are they a good fit for MMO gamers? The Razer site has a decent overview and list of technical specifications. If you decide it's a must-have, the special editions will be available in November.

SWG's Community Manager on in-game events

Perhaps you can remember a time when the developers of MMOs were directly involved in player events -- either running them or just attending player-run events. In our interview with him on Massively Speaking, Richard Garriott mentioned a couple of times about hanging out with players as Lord British in Ultima Online. If you recall, Star Wars Galaxies had a whole team, lead by Jason "Pex" Ryan, that was completely devoted to creating and facilitating player events. It may seem that these days are fading with the scripted events common in more recent releases. Lydia "Zatozia" Pope, the newly appointed Community Manager of SWG, hopes to change that.

Zatozia has been with Sony Online Entertainment since May of 1999 when her department was still known as Verant. Under the customer service banner, she ran Historical Events for EverQuest. These were live GM-run events that were used to transition EQ from expansion to expansion. She was also a member of the Stormhammer Legends EQ server team, which specialized in GM-run events and storylines specifically for that server.

Zatozia is now the Community Relations Manager for Star Wars Galaxies, and we were able to speak with her about her personal plans for the title as well as how the SWG community is affecting other SOE titles. Click over the break to catch the full interview.

Massively Speaking Episode 118

Massively Speaking Episode 118 returns this week with Beau Hindman joining Shawn for an interview with special guests Susan Revelt (Producer) and Katie Simpson (Community Manager) from ChangYou to talk all about their new F2P MMO, Zentia.

Have a comment for the podcasters? Shoot an email to shawn@massively.com with the subject "Massively Speaking." We may just read your email on the air!

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Massively Speaking is the official podcast of Massively.com. Hosted by Editor-in-Chief Shawn Schuster and Contributing Editor Rubi Bayer, Massively Speaking takes on the week's biggest news and dev interviews with plenty of opinion, rants, and laughs thrown in for good measure. Join us every Wednesday afternoon to listen in and see what we'll say next!

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