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Little known iTunes 10 benefit… | 9 to 5 Mac Little known iTunes 10 benefit… | Apple Intelligence
The Wayback Machine - https://web.archive.org/web/20101016013936/http://www.9to5mac.com:80/24861/little-known-itunes-10-benefit

You can now plug in someone else’s iOS device and listen to their music on iTunes 10 without the Enable “manual sync mode” option.  How’d we miss that?

Thanks Jonathan!

Oh, and now you can take your music via your iOS device to your locked down work computer running iTunes 10 as well.

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  1. Sam says:

    sweet! I'm going to try it out as soon as I get home.

  2. kralle777 says:

    Wasn't that on iTunes 9, too?

  3. juplm says:

    that was on itunes 9 also :/

  4. fixinggenie says:

    I'm confused, I've been doing that for a while now.

  5. richie_ambience says:

    cool thing. thanx for that.
    one more thing….. i discovered: when you click on the cover artwork in the left column (use the button with the little black triangle to open) so that it pop's up, controls will appear now when your mouse moves over the cover art…..

  6. Miguel says:

    You can play Movies and TV shows too

  7. @IMPMAC says:

    It was stupid that you had to delete everything on an ipod

  8. David says:

    that has been the case already ever since the first iPod…
    You just had to swicth off the auto-sync…

    • Rob says:

      Maybe you should read the article David.

      "…listen to their music on iTunes 10 WITHOUT the Enable “manual sync mode” option."

    • Andrew says:

      Also this was not the case for iphones. Didn't let you play them at all. Hence all the third party apps that are available.

  9. _feDe_ says:

    Wasn't this possible before?

    • SinfulJosh says:

      Agreed. I think this was possible before. Anyone still have iTunes 9 wanna verify?

      • flysi says:

        It worked with iPods, but not with iPhones. I've been bitching about this since I've had an iPhone.

      • John says:

        Never worked for me – iPhone 3G, syncing playlists. Home computer Mac Mini OS X 10.6 iTunes 9.whatever.
        However it was able to hook up to my Linux netbook and play OK from there 8)
        I'll try from my work desktop updated to iTunes10.

        Note for iTunes 10 – a little tricker to make ring tones, I couldnt see how to export a file as AAC. Found I had to change the default codec for ripping (importing) CDs to AAC, I could then export as .aac and change the file to .m4r and reimport. Yay, can still make ringtones afterall.

  10. flo says:

    I had to use an extra tool before to listen to my ipod music on the windows side of my mac.

  11. Corey says:

    Doesn't work with iphone?

  12. Awesome! So I can still keep my Auto-Sync to my home computer and plug in to my iTunes at work without worrying about anything being deleted. AWESOME!

  13. ian says:

    won't play if your not authorized to play protected tracks

  14. RZV says:

    is just for iOS devices or it works with an older iPod?

  15. Uthne says:

    This feature was enabled in one of the later versions of iTunes 9. I don't know what exact version, but I remember discovering it after some iTunes 9 upgrade.

  16. SquareWheel says:

    Great, but let me know when we can actually grab our music off the device.

  17. Keith says:

    I discovered this at work today–however, for some inexplicable reason, you can't play music on an iDevice in shuffle mode. Or at least I couldn't.

  18. Trix says:

    i worked before on the touch and ipods but not the iphone… works great for music but buggy for podcasts, does not remember your position very well for unfinished podcasts, but does mark completed podcasts as played

    • mkko says:

      I does work with podcast and even saves the position, at least for me. You just have to eject the device properly and it'll sync the positions and ratings.

  19. Nice Try says:

    Haha…nice try. Locked down computers don't run iTunes 10.

  20. Tape says:

    "locked down work computer running iTunes"

  21. Kurt says:

    This is a cool update. I am wondering, if you can now play other iOS devices in iTunes, can you play through to speakers connected via Airport Express?

  22. @jvdgoot says:

    Now, if only I could listen to my iTunes 10 music from any iOS device without syncing, then you'll have me excited.

    • John says:

      Share the iTunes media library as an SMB share. 20GB of music shared to my old chipped XBoxes running XBMC.

  23. Marty says:

    I plugged in my iphone into my computer at work, which is authorized, and it automatically added the 6 tracks that were in itunes to my iphone. I have never been able to add music to it from other computers besides the one i setup it up with.

  24. What I don't understand is why Apple aren't shouting about this. It's almost as if they release their features like Easter Eggs on DVDs. They spend all this money on development then let people just find it. If you've got it, tell everyone!

    For the bigger picture visit BigBlenderOfTech at http://bigblenderoftech.com

    • RobM says:

      Because this isn't a feature, it's the correction of an embarrassing mistake. It would be like toyota advertising their next line of cars with the tagline "Now comes with not being a deathtrap".

  25. Sam says:

    I'd rather use my headphones in the ipod – most motherboard sound output are very weak sounding.

  26. Alex says:

    This function sounds like it would work just fine with the solid state iOS devices, but does this work with “classic” iPods that have hard drives?

    My only experience listening to music off my iPod Touch Wheel (that is the one with the four buttons above the wheel) via the manual sync mode in iTunes 9 resulted in the iPod overheating due to its hard drive never spinning down.

  27. Newton says:

    This post is entirely incorrect. With the iPod Touch, iPhone, and iPad, you've always been able to do this. However you can only play, you can't rate, copy, edit info or anything like that. With the iPod Classic you still have to manually manage your music to play on someone elses computer. 9to5 Mac, you guys should really check out your info before you post stuff like this.

  28. john says:

    i just downloaded itunes 10 and most of my songs will not play. when i click on a song to play, it doesnt do anything, it just turns blue. i tried to delete a song and put it back on, but when i tried to drag the song back on itunes, it didnt show up in my library. Please Help!

  29. Shadow16nh says:

    Having always been able to manually manage my music from both my home computer and my work computer, I frankly cannot believe I am now being forced to sync my iPhone 4 to one computer at a time; formatting my iPhone each time I want to add new music from work and then my home computer.

    This is a baffling inconvenience which I never would have expected from Apple.

    What is the point of authorizing multiple computers on your iTunes account if you can't freely add to your iWhatever from each of them?! I don't see how this can be a copyright issue either, because clearly, I OWN what I download to each computer, or what I buy on CD and import, or what I download from any other music service!

    Please, for the love of science will somebody at help Apple recognize that this is completely unnecessary frustration to loyal its loyal users?!

    • splodge says:

      I'm not sure how you were always able to manually manage your music from more than one computer to the same device. At least with an iPhone I didn't think this was possible unless you do a "hack" (editing the Library Persistent ID) and this hack doesn't work anymore with iTunes10.

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