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Filed under: Found Footage, iPad

Found Footage: iPad portrait of Woz

David Newman is an accomplished painter who's been using Apple computers since 1984. The above video shows him painting a portrait of none other than Steve Wozniak, which the Apple founder has started using as his Facebook profile picture. Newman sat with Woz for 3 hours creating the portrait entirely on an iPad, and Wozniak reportedly thinks this is the best portrait of him ever created.

The movie shares Newman's process as he created the portrait. You can see that the very first brush strokes were actually the artist spelling out "Woz" over and over. After that, Newman sketched in huge patches of color and shape. As the process continued, he layered additional touches of color, refined the shapes and added details. We especially like the box of Dots candy to Wozniak's left -- nice touch. Newman's got a great eye for detail, and a project like this really shows off the creative possibilities of Apple's magical and revolutionary device.

[Via Razorianfly]

Filed under: Odds and ends, Retro Mac, Mac, Found Footage

MacBook Air versus PowerBook 145B video smackdown

The oldsters at TUAW (yeah, I'm one of 'em) just love it when someone does a comparison of some nice new shiny Apple technology with Michael Spindler-era Apple products.

Today's example comes from TUAW reader and Duke University sociology professor Kieran Healy, who kept the PowerBook 145B that helped him throughout grad school. As he says in the blog post accompanying the video (after the break), "despite being such a seemingly underpowered dinosaur, it (the Powerbook) nevertheless cold-booted faster than any computer I've owned since." That "dinosaur" had a 25 MHz 68030 processor, 4MB of RAM, and a huge (for the time) 40MB hard disk drive.

Healy recent purchased an 11" MacBook Air, which he put to the test versus the aging speedster. The Air won handily in the bootup race, loading OS X and even a few applications (I saw 1Password appearing on the Air's screen) before the PowerBook finished loading all of those extensions. Enjoy the video, and especially the final shot comparing the size of the two laptops.

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Filed under: Apple, Found Footage

Found Footage: Steve Jobs demonstrates NeXT Step

Here's a great piece of Apple history. In this video (check it out after the break), Steve Jobs gives a demonstration of a NeXT computer. You'll remember that Steve formed NeXT in 1995 after being ousted from Apple. Years later, in 1996, Apple purchased NeXT after Steve's return. Much of the current Mac OS X system is built on the OPENSTEP foundation.

You needn't look too closely to see the predecessors of Mac OS X, like the dock, the services menu, the home directory and windows that display their contents while being dragged. It's also interesting to hear Steve put the Mac down on a couple of occasions. For a nice illustration of how NeXT features became a part of Mac OS X, look here.

Looking at this, one could argue that Steve's dismissal from Apple was the best thing that happened to the Mac OS.

[Via Reddit]

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Filed under: Video, Found Footage, iPhone

Found Footage: Injection molding process for the Glif

Over the holiday weekend, we noted that the Glif is now available for ordering (although it's not shipping quite yet). The iPhone 4 stand / tripod mount gadget is a triple threat: functional, attractively designed and the owner of a great backstory.

The Glif guys wanted to share the experience of producing their product, so they released a short video covering the injection molding process out in South Dakota. If you're a fan of the Science Channel's hypnotic How It's Made show, you'll dig this clip. It's embedded in the second half of this post.

Again, congratulations to team Glif on taking their idea from the napkin stage to physical realization.

Thanks to Dustin for the heads-up.

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Filed under: Video, Mac, Found Footage

27" iMac gets an SSD, process is not for the faint-hearted

There comes a time in a boy's life when his latest toy no longer thrills him as it did when it was shiny and new. Engadget blogger Richard Lai found that his Core i7 27" iMac was slowing down as it neared its first birthday, so he decided to liven things up by popping a 240GB OCZ Vertex 2 SSD into the box.

Watching Richard tear apart his baby was a bit unnerving to me. I recall opening an iMac G5 about five years ago to swap out a noisy power supply and fan assembly, and I still shudder to think about that.

Richard was armed with the proper tools: a set of Torx screwdrivers, tweezers, a pair of suction cups for removing the glass screen and the restore disc for Mac OS X. He also had a handy tool nearby in the form of an iFixit teardown guide for the iMac displayed on his iPad.

Richard noted that boot times are almost three times as fast for the iMac after the heart transplant, and the video (after the break) shows it launching in just over 20 seconds. That's still not enough to make me take apart my iMac. Enjoy the video, if you can stand to watch that beautiful iMac being dissected.

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Filed under: Found Footage

Found Footage: The Woz on how Apple got its name

For all you trivia buffs who may not know the real story, TV Deck has posted a short video where the Woz explains exactly how Apple got its name. An amazing thing is that Steve Wozniak didn't really know himself until recently. The quality of the video isn't the best, but for all you completists, this is today's geeky cocktail party conversation starter.

Click "Read More" to catch the video.

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Filed under: Found Footage

Found Footage: Palm Top 3D Theater creates Pepper's Ghost on the iPhone

A sort of 3D may be coming to an iPhone or iPod touch near you through a new gadget using technology that was developed in 1842 called Pepper's Ghost. Jistsuro Mase, a Japanese artist has created i3DG which converts a 2D images into three layered images that are displayed on three planes using a snap on contraption containing three 45-degree mirrors. The images must be specially designed to be split into three parts, and i3DG then reconnects them for a near 3D effect that can be viewed without glasses. You've probably seen Pepper's Ghost if you've been to a Disney Park, since it's heavily used in The Haunted Mansion and the Twilight Zone Tower of Terror to make characters look like they are appearing out of nowhere.

In the picture above, for instance, the woman is on one screen, while the rest of the room's objects are situated on various other screens. Using see-through glass, all of the images combine into one image, which (if you were looking at it in real life) would then translate into 3D. The effect can be very impressive, as long as you understand that nothing can move from the front to the back since all there is to work with is three layers. The video after the break will show you just how good it can be under the right circumstances.

[via iPhone Download Blog]

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Filed under: Odds and ends, Found Footage

No Comment: Sesame Street's iPogo and the App for That song

If you had a smart pogo stick, wouldn't you want it to run apps? It just makes sense, in a strange sort of way.

Thanks to Sesame Workshop and those lovable Muppets, here's your Tuesday No Comment. Click the image or Read More to see the video.

[via Switched Tumblr, Laughing Squid & Minyanville]

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Filed under: Found Footage

Found Footage: The geekiest marriage proposal ever

Update 11/30/10: It's a fake. Mashable reports Frank popped the question according to script, if Kasey didn't catch the ring they'd have tried again another day. It was an attempt to create a reproducible formula for making viral videos.

On October 24th, after a two year relationship, Frank decided to propose to his girlfriend Kasey in romantic Central Park, found in the heart of New York City. Lots of people have done this, but never as geeky. Frank got a bunch of techie friends together to pull off this one-take event. Employing musicians, playing Kasey's favorite song, a famous bridge, a rowboat, a bunch of iPhones running custom apps and a MacBook Pro to mix it all together, Frank popped the question.

The result was a big "Yes!" and a video that looks like it came out of the credits of Trainspotting. It's a fun three-minute watch which raises a question: what would have happened if Kasey didn't catch the ring?

Update: They would have tried again the next day.

[via Macgasm]

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Filed under: Found Footage

Found Footage: Back to the Mac in an incredibly great 104 seconds

Remember last week's Back to the Mac event where the stunning iLife '11 suite and the jaw-dropping new Macbook Airs were announced? No? Well if you missed it, Lockheed91 has saved you some time and reduced the introduction of the awesome new computers along with the amazing new releases of the incredible new iPhoto, the stunning new Garageband and the extraordinary new iMovie down to a remarkable 104 second adjective-fest. Take a look at this phenomenal (and really exciting) video after the break and see for yourself.

[via Huffington Post]

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Filed under: Found Footage, iPhone, Music

Found Footage: Reggie Watts and his iPhone rock Sirius XM

Comedian/musician/mad genius Reggie Watts found himself sans equipment (seems to be going around) when he was being interviewed on Sirius XM radio, but that didn't slow him down one bit. He pulled out his iPhone 4, and using a looping app (possibly Everyday Looper, $5.99) he improvised a number that absolutely wowed host Ron Bennington and the rest of the folks in the studio. Be sure to listen for Bennington's final line.

Seeing this, you wonder: are the rest of us really getting the maximum utility out of these ridiculously powerful miniature computers disguised as phones?

[via CrunchGear, hat tip to C.K. Sample III]

Filed under: Found Footage

Found Footage: TWEET IT a video parody of Beat it

We're a few days late on this one, but I thought that it was quite well done and rather clever in a Weird Al Yankovich sort of way. In this spoof of Michael Jackson's Beat It, Pantless Knights, a group that has made some pretty good musical spoofs, presents TWEET IT. In this video the hipsters, sporting iPhones, and the suits, all with iPads, take it to the streets in a battle of the tweets.

At the quarterly Apple earnings call this past Monday, it was mentioned that Apple hasn't marketed the iPad to the enterprise market though iPads have gotten on the approved acquisition list of many Fortune 500 companies. However, it was also noted that 85% of Fortune 500 firms are currently deploying iPhones. So wouldn't it make sense for the hipsters to brandish iPads while the suits threatened them with iPhones?

Click on the Read More link to take a gander.

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Filed under: Found Footage, iPhone

Found Footage: Homemade stratospheric capsule uses iPhone GPS

In the midst of all the excitement and hype surrounding today's announcements, we thought we'd share this popular and heart-warming tale of a father and son believing in their dreams and reaching for them.

Seven-year-old Max Geissbuhler and his dad, Luke Geissbuhler, dreamed of visiting space. After eight months of determination and preparation, and with the help of a weather balloon, a HD video camera, and an iPhone, they got pretty close. Housing the equipment in a specially designed, insulated case (filled with some hand-warmers) and hoping to capture "the blackness beyond our earth," the pair launched their explorer in August of this year. The video above is the story of that journey.

Climbing almost 19 miles, their craft flew into the stratosphere, capturing some rather impressive video footage along the way. International convention puts space at 100km. Once the weather balloon burst (due to lack of atmospheric pressure), the capsule began its decent back to the Earth -- aided by a deployed parachute.

But how did they locate the unit once it had landed back on earth? Well, that's where the iPhone came into play. They used a GPS tracking app on a borrowed iPhone (that's how you know who your real friends are, by the way) to locate the downed capsule and recover it.

From all of us at TUAW, we say well done to you, Max and Luke Geissbuhler. The family is now gauging interest in a 'how-to' book for other parental explorers.

Filed under: Found Footage, iPhone

Found Footage: iPhone concert on the B train

It's time for another installment of our favorite viral program, "Bands You've Never Heard Of Play A Song On Their iPhones." In this case, the band is Brooklyn's Atomic Tom, the song is the decidedly catchy Take Me Out, and the performance is live on the 6th Avenue line of the New York City subways, crossing the Manhattan Bridge on the B train.

Add the degree of difficulty of shooting the video on iPhones, the noise and lighting challenges of the train, and the likelihood of an overeager "see something, say something" New Yorker getting the boys into trouble with the transit cops -- all in all, an impressive effort.

Thanks Howdy!

[via NYT Bits, Daily What and The Loop]

Filed under: Odds and ends, Found Footage

Found Footage: Chinese Steve Jobs clone intros new iPhone app

The amazing presentation skills of Steve Jobs have been the topic of many articles, but it's downright rare to see an entire press event done by a Steve Jobs clone -- especially one who is speaking in Chinese.

The press conference in question was held yesterday in Hong Kong to celebrate the launch of the MTR Mobile subway app. This is an impressive app, using augmented reality to show the location of stations, displaying schedules and maps, and including a helpful route planner. It's also incredible for finding local goods and services.

The clone at the conference was local celebrity Law Kar-ying, who has obviously watched enough Stevenotes to pick up a lot of the mannerisms of His Steveness, including "One More Thing," gulping bottled water, and plucking an iDevice from his jeans pocket. He's even wearing a close facsimile of the Jobsian wardrobe of a black St. Croix mock turtleneck, Levi's 501 jeans, and New Balance 991 shoes.

As Winandmac.com reports, the Steve clone did something that Jobs never does at press events -- he gave away four iPhone 4's to audience members. Perhaps the real Jobs can learn a lesson here...

Check out the video (in Chinese) after the break.

[via Engadget]

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