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Filed under: Productivity, Google

Google now taking suggestions for improving Tasks


Google seems to be aiming at making Tasks into a ubiquitous tasklist, available anywhere and easy to use. This is one of the few niches where a non-Google tool has the upper hand – in this case, Remember the Milk is the leader of the pack, at least for now.

Google's engineers know what they have to do to make Tasks into a smash hit: give users what they want!

To make that happen, they've just announced a Tasks poll for feature requests. Google's post seems to be very new, but the poll already has 720 ideas -- so I'm assuming they're just reminding us it exists. And a worthy reminder it is – go ahead, tell Google what you think and help them make a kick-ass task manager for all of us to use!

Filed under: iPhone, Mobile

PayPal for iPhone gets push notifications and local search

PayPal has launched version 3 of its iPhone application. The most important changes in it are support for push notifications and a search engine for local merchants.

You can set up push notifications to happen whenever you send or receive money, purchase something through PayPal, or receive a request for money. Push notifications will not work on jailbroken devices or if your iPod touch is in sleep mode.

PayPal Local functionality is now included in the app, but is still in beta -- and therefore may not always work. This allows you to see all nearby businesses that accept PayPal or Bling. You can narrow your search by distance or business type.

Other nice features have also made it into PayPal for iPhone 3. You can now sign up for PayPal from within the app and control the length of time you remain logged in to the app. A new help center is also available, with FAQ and customer service contact information.

Download PayPal for iPhone from the iTunes App Store.

[via TheNextWeb]

Filed under: Utilities, Windows, Productivity

Evernote 4 for Windows is a complete overhaul of the popular note app

Evernote, a popular app for capturing and editing notes, just hit version 4 of its Windows client. Evernote 4 features a completely redesigned user interface and a much faster experience built on native code. It reportedly starts 5 times faster than Evernote 3.5, and only uses half the memory. The Evernote team admitted to having issues with blurry type in version 3.5, so they've fixed that, too. As if that weren't enough to be excited about, Evernote 4 adds brand new features that make clipping and editing easier.

You can now create a new clip from within IE, Outlook or Firefox without leaving your current app, and clipping emails in Outlook has been vastly improved. If you've had problems with Evernote losing your text styling when clipping from web pages and email messages in the past, those problems fixed in Evernote 4. Editing clips has also been improved with more text formatting options -- tables and bullets now work within clips.

If you're a Windows 7 user, Evernote has also added some features just for you. It works with Windows 7's Jump Lists, so you can pin it to your task bar and perform some Evernote actions without even having the app running. It also uses Windows 7's location features to automatically geotag notes, if that's something you find useful.

All in all, Evernote has done pretty well by the users of their most popular client (that's right, Evernote has more Windows users than Mac users at this point). If you've passed up previous Windows versions of Evernote due to lack of polish, Evernote 4 is a good reason to take a second look.

Filed under: Video, Web

Vimeo adds Couch Mode 10-foot interface, mimics YouTube's Leanback

YouTube's Leanback isn't the only big screen TV game in town anymore -- Vimeo's gone and launched its own TV viewing experience, cunningly called, Couch Mode. As the name implies, it's all about watching from the comfort of your sofa, using a 10-foot interface, letting you get on with enjoying interesting videos, and not having to squint to read a tiny UI.

Couch Mode still lets you do all the regular stuff you can do with the desktop version of Vimeo. You can like clips, save them to your Watch Later playlist, and get extended information on them and other users. While Vimeo has optimized the experience for Google TV and it's HTML5 and CSS3 heavy, that doesn't mean you can't get in on the action from the desktop or your HTPC. All you need is Chrome or Safari, with navigation taken care of using either keyboard or mouse. It'll start playing the moment you get there, and will continue to play through your choice of collections without interruption.

Got a Google TV or computer hooked up to your big screen, or even just a massive monitor? Then head on over to Vimeo.com/CouchMode and take if for a spin.

[Via UberGizmo]

Filed under: Macintosh, Office, Microsoft, Commercial

Microsoft Office 2011 for Mac now available

Microsoft has officially released the retail version of Office 2011 for Mac. This update to the popular software suite includes Word, PowerPoint, Excel and Messenger, and adds Outlook to the Mac version of Office for the first time. Microsoft's cloud focus is evident in Office 2011, with Office Web app integration, cloud storage via Skydrive and networked file sharing with SharePoint. Design nerds will appreciate that it also comes with brand-new icons, created by product design firm Frog.

Prices for Office Mac 2011 are $119 for a single-license Home and Student edition, $149 for a Home and Student Edition Family Pack (3 licenses), $199 for a single-license Home and Business Edition, or $279 for 2 licenses, and a mere $99 for the Academic Edition. If you can't find Office Mac 2011 near you, you can still buy Office Mac 2008 before November 30 and get a free upgrade to Office for Mac 2011.

According to the official Office for Mac Blog, retailers that should have Office for Mac 2011 today include Apple, Amazon.com, Best Buy, MacMall.com and, of course, Microsoft's site.

Sprocket Rocket is a Wallace and Gromit themed brain teaser -- Time-Waster

Intellectual property is one of the most hotly debated subjects online. Should there be patents or not? And what can be patented? And once you have a patent, when is it fair to protect it? But to argue about these things, everyone should have the terminology down. What exactly is a patent? And what's a registered trademark? And what, then, is a registered design (which I did not know)? Sprocket ...

Search your Google Chrome tabs with Spot

I don't typically browse with more than a handful of open tabs, but every now and then I wind up with a vast forest of them. When that happens, it's easy to lose that one tab you're actually looking for. No worries, however, with the Spot extension for Google Chrome. Just click the magnifying glass icon and start typing something you remember about the page and Spot quickly returns a list of ...

Google Instant (sorta) comes to Firefox courtesy of an extension

File this one under "a screenshot doesn't do it justice," but if you've been wanting Google Chrome's Instant integration in Firefox, a new extension may be exactly what you're looking for. It's called InstantFirefox, and it does precisely what you'd expect. Start typing in the Awesome Bar, and InstantFirefox refreshes the Google search results below in real time. The InstantFirefox experience ...

Dutch police manipulate botnet to warn infected users

The battle against malware sure has changed over the past couple of years. It's no longer you and I in our chairs at home armed only with knowledge and an antivirus app. No, today's fight against trojans, botnets, and other software evil-doers involves everyone from lawyers to the police. In the case of the recent Bredolab botnet, it was the Dutch police who stepped up. Following a concerted ...

Scrivener writing application now available for Windows, just in time for NaNoWriMo

Scrivener is a long-form writing application with a pretty strong fan-base on the Mac. And now there's finally a beta version for Windows, too! This release of Scrivener comes just before NaNoWriMo, which is the National Novel Writing Month that's due to begin at the start of November. The Windows Beta is free to use (until the full version comes out), while the new Mac version (Scrivener 2.0 ...

Featured Time Waster

Give Up, Robot is an awesome platformer -- Time Waster

I literally had to tear myself away from this one just to write about it: Give Up, Robot is so much fun. It's a low-fi platformer with very engaging gameplay. You're a robot (I know, you never would've guessed that on your own) and you can run, jump, and hook onto things with your grapple (using Z to shoot it out). Once you've attached the grapple to anything, you can swing yourself using the left and right keys, and extend or shorten the rope using up/down. As soon as you let go of the Z key, the grapple ...

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Photoshop Express Beta


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