(Translated by https://www.hiragana.jp/)
Ann Coulter - Proud Of My Gender | Sean Hannity | Video | Mediaite
The Wayback Machine - https://web.archive.org/web/20101030110440/http://www.mediaite.com:80/tv/ann-coulter-on-hannity-i-am-so-proud-of-my-gender-for-turning-to-gop/

Ann Coulter On Hannity: “I Am So Proud Of My Gender” For Turning To GOP


Sean Hannity had Ann Coulter on his Fox News show to do some preemptive gloating about Tuesday’s midterm election.

Coulter didn’t want any part of that, but she did have a lot to say about her gender.

“You’re not really doing much to lower expectations,” she warned Hannity at the beginning. Later in the show, she cautioned him “I think you’re getting kind of ahead of the game,” when he said he believes Democrats think “Marco Rubio could be President some day.”

But looking at the polls this year, Coulter had this conclusion:

I am so proud of my gender, which is, for the first time, voting Republican more than they have since that poll has been taken beginning in 1992, and I think that’s because women are more likely to pay the bills in the family.

Coulter also weighed in on the Christine O’Donnell-Gawker story – in addition to O’Donnell herself. “The attacks Christine O’Donnell has come under are just stunning,” she said. “For one thing this shows why public figures don’t like to meet new people or go out in public.”

Also, of Gawker’s tactics: “This is the Democratic Party, America.”

Check it out, from FNC. Apparently Ann Coulter wakes up at Noon. Who knew?

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  • Big Eddie Big Eddie says:
    Thumb up 23 Thumb down 17

    Beautiful Ann is right ! No woman would sink as low as the pet ratlike Coons or the evil Soros , who ordered his henchmen Obama and Clinton to force out Kendrick Meek , as they tried to remove David Paterson , Joe Sestak , Andrew Romanoff and who knows how many others ? Including , no doubt African-Americans and Latinos ! Thwarting the American voting process is no problem for these connivers . Obama will be leaving for a 60 million dollar vacation to India right after the election , where he has reserved 785 plus hotel rooms . He seems to be very worried there will be money left over when he is voted out or resigns . A shocking scandal is this .

  • Gipper1980 Gipper1980 says:
    Thumb up 14 Thumb down 16

    Ann is spot on. She’s intelligent and a true patriot. Thank God for women like her!

  • Seeing November From My Window Seeing November From My Window says:
    Thumb up 20 Thumb down 16

    I am too Ann. Finally, the ladies are waking up.

  • Jack Burns Jack Burns says:
    Thumb up 21 Thumb down 13

    Woman, as well as Black voters are having a rude awaking by the Democratic Party. The party have done nothing to help them succeed in life, or reflect their values. Only thrown out obstacles, and deserted them when they needed support. Hows that saying go? Fool me once shame on me. Fool me twice shame on you….

  • Seeing November From My Window Seeing November From My Window says:
    Thumb up 18 Thumb down 12

    RIght on Jack. Look at Florida, they tried to force out the black candidate so whytee would win. Disgraceful!

  • The Real Royal King The Real Royal King says:
    Thumb up 7 Thumb down 31

    Yes, I am very proud of my gender, as well. And, of my race. And, of my planet. And, of my God.

  • The_Reasonable_Lib The_Reasonable_Lib says:
    Thumb up 13 Thumb down 21

    I wonder if Coulter will come under the same scrutiny as the First Lady for this idiotic remark.

  • The Real Royal King The Real Royal King says:
    Thumb up 11 Thumb down 31

    Not on FOX “News”.

  • timzank timzank says:
    Thumb up 19 Thumb down 9

    The_Reasonable_Lib said:
    I wonder if Coulter will come under the same scrutiny as the First Lady for this idiotic remark.

    I wouldn’t think so, since the two statements are not even close. Ann is proud so many women are voting republican instead of democrat while Meechellll was never proud to be an American until Barry became nominated. Big difference.

  • sdgerher sdgerher says:
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  • The Real Royal King The Real Royal King says:
    Thumb up 11 Thumb down 26

    timzank said:
    I wouldn’t think so, since the two statements are not even close. Ann is proud so many women are voting republican instead of democrat while Meechellll was never proud to be an American until Barry became nominated. Big difference.

    Yes, in essence, Mann was saying that she is pleased that some women seem to have become fearful and intolerant, whilst Ms. Obama was saying that she is proud of the progress her nation is making. So, one woman puts party before nation, and the other nation before party. I can understand your bitter contempt for the latter, although I don’t share your feelings.

  • timzank timzank says:
    Thumb up 19 Thumb down 10

    The Real Royal King said:
    Yes, in essence, Mann was saying that she is pleased that some women seem to have become fearful and intolerant, whilst Ms. Obama was saying that she is proud of the progress her nation is making. So, one woman puts party before nation, and the other nation before party. I can understand your bitter contempt for the latter, although I don’t share your feelings.

    You take a lot of liberty with “re-phrasing” what they meant. How about you simply simply admit what they said instead of making it up as you go?

  • Seeing November From My Window Seeing November From My Window says:
    Thumb up 16 Thumb down 10

    Yeah, don’t you hate those woman who won’t tolerate having a pair of scissors jammed into the brain of a baby until it dies! Man, I hate those selfish broads!

  • The Real Royal King The Real Royal King says:
    Thumb up 8 Thumb down 27

    timzank said:
    You take a lot of liberty with “re-phrasing” what they meant. How about you simply simply admit what they said instead of making it up as you go?

    Tim Z. Angst: English, like Mandarin, is a language of inflection and nuance. Often, it is as important to listen to the manner in which something is said, as it is to the content. For example, if my wife and I were at a party, and I said “I really like Kiri Te Kanawa’s ‘O Mio Babbino Caro’” with the emphasis on ‘I’ that would indicate that my wife doesn’t like the Takanawa version as well as I, perhaps preferring Sarah Brightman. If the emphasis were on “really” it would mean I am extraordinarily fond of the Te Kanawa version. Nuance. Inflection. Mann was being her usual snarky, contemptuous, arrogant self, whilst Ms. Obama was speaking emotionally, her voice breaking, with a sense of awe and pride. Then, again, I’m not incorrect on content either. I believe you’re simply accustomed to sound bites and adverts and have lost a command and appreciation of English.

  • The Real Royal King The Real Royal King says:
    Thumb up 9 Thumb down 25

    Seeing November From My Window said:
    Yeah, don’t you hate those woman who won’t tolerate having a pair of scissors jammed into the brain of a baby until it dies! Man, I hate those selfish broads!

    Michelle-in-Utah’s usual response when she has lost an argument on reason and logic or by reason of her citation of a disreputable and discredited source ….

  • timzank timzank says:
    Thumb up 19 Thumb down 8

    The Real Royal King said:
    Tim Z. Angst: English, like Mandarin, is a language of inflection and nuance. Often, it is as important to listen to the manner in which something is said, as it is to the content. For example, if my wife and I were at a party, and I said “I really like Kiri Te Kanawa’s ‘O Mio Babbino Caro’” with the emphasis on ‘I’ that would indicate that my wife doesn’t like the Takanawa version as well as I, perhaps preferring Sarah Brightman. If the emphasis were on “really” it would mean I am extraordinarily fond of the Te Kanawa version. Nuance. Inflection. Mann was being her usual snarky, contemptuous, arrogant self, whilst Ms. Obama was speaking emotionally, her voice breaking, with a sense of awe and pride. Then, again, I’m not incorrect on content either. I believe you’re simply accustomed to sound bites and adverts and have lost a command and appreciation of English.

    Again with the Professor Irwin Corey schtick?

  • Seeing November From My Window Seeing November From My Window says:
    Thumb up 17 Thumb down 7

    More pearls of wisdom from Ann:


    With the media sneering about the Tea Party candidates being a bunch of nuts, how about we take a look at some of the Democrats running this year?

    We’ve got Massachusetts Rep. Barney Frank, who personally presided over the housing crash after getting that gay prostitution business behind him. Of course, Frank’s actions are nothing compared to Republican Senate candidate Rand Paul’s alleged participation in a college prank. Now, THERE’S a scandal!

    Last weekend, Illinois governor Pat Quinn — Rod Blagojevich’s running mate — stood silently as his supporter, state Sen. Rickey Hendon, blasted Quinn’s Republican opponent, Bill Brady, as “idiotic, racist, sexist, homophobic.”

    Hendon has repeatedly made headlines over the past few years for his inappropriate behavior toward female colleagues. Once — during a Senate debate — he asked Sen. Cheryl Axley if her hair was naturally blond and then publicly propositioned her.

    Another time, Hendon tackled Rep. Robin L. Kelly, knocking her to the ground after a House-Senate softball game she had come to watch in office attire.

    Last weekend, Illinois governor Pat Quinn — Rod Blagojevich’s running mate — stood silently as his supporter, state Sen. Rickey Hendon, blasted Quinn’s Republican opponent, Bill Brady, as “idiotic, racist, sexist, homophobic.”

    Hendon has repeatedly made headlines over the past few years for his inappropriate behavior toward female colleagues. Once — during a Senate debate — he asked Sen. Cheryl Axley if her hair was naturally blond and then publicly propositioned her.

    Another time, Hendon tackled Rep. Robin L. Kelly, knocking her to the ground after a House-Senate softball game she had come to watch in office attire.

    Of the impeccable Brady, Hendon wailed: “If you think that women have no rights whatsoever, except to have his children, vote for Bill Brady. If you think gay and lesbian people need to be locked up and shot in the head, vote for Bill Brady.”

    Even the Chicago press was shocked by this, calling on Quinn to apologize. Quinn has “renounced” Hendon’s remarks, but refused to apologize.

    But watch out for the Tea Party candidates! There are some real loose cannons in that bunch.

    Also last week, Rep. Ron Klein, Democrat of Florida, hysterically claimed he had been “threatened” by one of the Vietnam Veteran bikers supporting his Republican opponent, Allen West.

    The man who had allegedly “threatened” Klein is 60 years old and goes by the terrifying name of … “Miami Mike.” Mike told the Miami Herald that he had simply e-mailed Klein, saying that he deserved to be voted out of office and, in addition, he needed “a good ass-kicking, which I’d be more than happy to do even though I’m a lot older than you.”

    As Miami Mike said: “A threat? Give me a break. He cannot be scared of what I wrote. If he is, he is just a real baby.”

    Apparently so. Klein turned Mike’s e-mail over to the Capitol police, where they promptly burst out laughing and then ordered framed copies of the e-mail.

    Speaking of little girls in pink party dresses, Keith Olbermann has repeatedly claimed that Allen West “disgraced his uniform.” Weirdly, he never gives details of how he thinks West did that. (Maybe Olbermann could check on war-zone protocol with fake-Vietnam War veteran Dick Blumenthal, who’s running for the Senate from Connecticut by lying about having served in Vietnam.)

    As a colonel in Iraq, West was interrogating an Iraqi terrorist who knew about a planned ambush. Unable to get him to talk, West shot a gun near the terrorist’s head, whereupon the frightened but unharmed detainee spilled the beans.

    Because of that, West’s men were able to capture a potential attacker and identify future ambush sites. There were no further attacks on West’s men.

    As West later told The New York Times, “There are rules and regulations, and there’s protecting your soldiers.” He said, “I just felt I’d never have to write a letter of condolence home to a ‘rule and regulation.’”

    When the Army considered court-martialing West, thousands of letters poured in defending West and thanking him for what he had done. Ninety-five members of Congress signed a letter to the secretary of the Army in support of West. No court-martial was ever convened.

    Liberals won’t say that John Phillip Walker Lindh disgraced his country. Washington Sen. Patty Murray thinks Osama bin Laden is a swell guy for building “day care centers” in Afghanistan. But they say a hero like Allen West “disgraced his uniform” by saving the lives of American soldiers.

    Yeah, the Tea Party candidates are a real embarrassment.


  • The Real Royal King The Real Royal King says:
    Thumb up 7 Thumb down 26


    Seeing November From My Window says:
    October 29, 2010 at 11:09 am Seeing November From My Window

    I am pleased you could find someone with whom you can share your hatred, Michelle-in-Utah.

    By the way, thanks for another lengthy copy and paste. You do them so well.

  • Alz Alz says:
    Thumb up 15 Thumb down 7

    Jack Burns said:
    Woman, as well as Black voters are having a rude awaking by the Democratic Party. The party have done nothing to help them succeed in life, or reflect their values. Only thrown out obstacles, and deserted them when they needed support. Hows that saying go? Fool me once shame on me. Fool me twice shame on you….

    Look at how the Democrats have treated the people in the inner cities? It’s utter liberal control and it’s been going on for 50 years. About all we can say is there is a lot of hopelessness, despair and death.

    I’m really hoping that people wake up and see the Modern Liberals/Progressives (meaning the real deep down liberals) for who they are: tyrants.

  • thenutts thenutts says:
    Thumb up 5 Thumb down 13

    Ann Coulter is something out of the movie Pleasantville. And not a good thing, either.

  • The_Reasonable_Lib The_Reasonable_Lib says:
    Thumb up 3 Thumb down 11

    Seeing November From My Window said:
    More pearls of wisdom from Ann:


    With the media sneering about the Tea Party candidates being a bunch of nuts, how about we take a look at some of the Democrats running this year?

    We’ve got Massachusetts Rep. Barney Frank, who personally presided over the housing crash after getting that gay prostitution business behind him. Of course, Frank’s actions are nothing compared to Republican Senate candidate Rand Paul’s alleged participation in a college prank. Now, THERE’S a scandal!

    Last weekend, Illinois governor Pat Quinn — Rod Blagojevich’s running mate — stood silently as his supporter, state Sen. Rickey Hendon, blasted Quinn’s Republican opponent, Bill Brady, as “idiotic, racist, sexist, homophobic.”

    Hendon has repeatedly made headlines over the past few years for his inappropriate behavior toward female colleagues. Once — during a Senate debate — he asked Sen. Cheryl Axley if her hair was naturally blond and then publicly propositioned her.

    Another time, Hendon tackled Rep. Robin L. Kelly, knocking her to the ground after a House-Senate softball game she had come to watch in office attire.

    Last weekend, Illinois governor Pat Quinn — Rod Blagojevich’s running mate — stood silently as his supporter, state Sen. Rickey Hendon, blasted Quinn’s Republican opponent, Bill Brady, as “idiotic, racist, sexist, homophobic.”

    Hendon has repeatedly made headlines over the past few years for his inappropriate behavior toward female colleagues. Once — during a Senate debate — he asked Sen. Cheryl Axley if her hair was naturally blond and then publicly propositioned her.

    Another time, Hendon tackled Rep. Robin L. Kelly, knocking her to the ground after a House-Senate softball game she had come to watch in office attire.

    Of the impeccable Brady, Hendon wailed: “If you think that women have no rights whatsoever, except to have his children, vote for Bill Brady. If you think gay and lesbian people need to be locked up and shot in the head, vote for Bill Brady.”

    Even the Chicago press was shocked by this, calling on Quinn to apologize. Quinn has “renounced” Hendon’s remarks, but refused to apologize.

    But watch out for the Tea Party candidates! There are some real loose cannons in that bunch.

    Also last week, Rep. Ron Klein, Democrat of Florida, hysterically claimed he had been “threatened” by one of the Vietnam Veteran bikers supporting his Republican opponent, Allen West.

    The man who had allegedly “threatened” Klein is 60 years old and goes by the terrifying name of … “Miami Mike.” Mike told the Miami Herald that he had simply e-mailed Klein, saying that he deserved to be voted out of office and, in addition, he needed “a good ass-kicking, which I’d be more than happy to do even though I’m a lot older than you.”

    As Miami Mike said: “A threat? Give me a break. He cannot be scared of what I wrote. If he is, he is just a real baby.”

    Apparently so. Klein turned Mike’s e-mail over to the Capitol police, where they promptly burst out laughing and then ordered framed copies of the e-mail.

    Speaking of little girls in pink party dresses, Keith Olbermann has repeatedly claimed that Allen West “disgraced his uniform.” Weirdly, he never gives details of how he thinks West did that. (Maybe Olbermann could check on war-zone protocol with fake-Vietnam War veteran Dick Blumenthal, who’s running for the Senate from Connecticut by lying about having served in Vietnam.)

    As a colonel in Iraq, West was interrogating an Iraqi terrorist who knew about a planned ambush. Unable to get him to talk, West shot a gun near the terrorist’s head, whereupon the frightened but unharmed detainee spilled the beans.

    Because of that, West’s men were able to capture a potential attacker and identify future ambush sites. There were no further attacks on West’s men.

    As West later told The New York Times, “There are rules and regulations, and there’s protecting your soldiers.” He said, “I just felt I’d never have to write a letter of condolence home to a ‘rule and regulation.’”

    When the Army considered court-martialing West, thousands of letters poured in defending West and thanking him for what he had done. Ninety-five members of Congress signed a letter to the secretary of the Army in support of West. No court-martial was ever convened.

    Liberals won’t say that John Phillip Walker Lindh disgraced his country. Washington Sen. Patty Murray thinks Osama bin Laden is a swell guy for building “day care centers” in Afghanistan. But they say a hero like Allen West “disgraced his uniform” by saving the lives of American soldiers.

    Yeah, the Tea Party candidates are a real embarrassment.


    Let me add a few:
    Not all Muslims may be terrorists, but all terrorists are Muslims. (nevermind that timothy mcveigh or those weather underground people)

    I think the government should be spying on all Arabs, engaging in torture as a televised spectator sport, dropping daisy cutters wantonly throughout the Middle East and sending liberals to Guantanamo.
    Airports scrupulously apply the same laughably ineffective airport harassment to Suzy Chapstick as to Muslim hijackers. It is preposterous to assume every passenger is a potential crazed homicidal maniac. We know who the homicidal maniacs are. They are the ones cheering and dancing right now.

    We should invade their countries, kill their leaders and convert them to Christianity.

    I’m getting a little fed up with hearing about, oh, civilian casualties”; “I think we ought to nuke North Korea right now just to give the rest of the world a warning.

    [Canadians] better hope the United States does not roll over one night and crush them. They are lucky we allow them to exist on the same continent.

    These two directly contradict each other:
    Being nice to people is, in fact, one of the incidental tenets of Christianity
    I’m a Christian first, and a mean-spirited, bigoted conservative second, and don’t you ever forget it.

    I particularly love the desegregation comment:
    Few failures have been more spectacular. Illiterate students knifing one another between acts of sodomy in the stairwell is just one of the many eggs that had to be broken to make the left’s omelette of transferring power from states to the federal government.

    a question on reparations has got to be confusing when you’re half-white and half-black. What do you do? Demand an apology for slavery and money from yourself? I guess biracial reparations would involve sending yourself money, then sending back a portion of that money to yourself, minus 50 percent in processing fees

    The ethic of conservation is the explicit abnegation of man’s dominion over the Earth. The lower species are here for our use. God said so: Go forth, be fruitful, multiply, and rape the planet — it’s yours. That’s our job: drilling, mining and stripping. Sweaters are the anti-Biblical view. Big gas-guzzling cars with phones and CD players and wet bars — that’s the Biblical view

    They’re [Democrats] always accusing us of repressing their speech. I say let’s do it. Let’s repress them. Frankly, I’m not a big fan of the First Amendment.

    The funniest comment on Bush ever:
    The man responsible for keeping Americans safe from another terrorist attack on American soil for nearly seven years now will go down in history as one of America’s greatest presidents.

    More racism from Mr. Ed;
    In 1960, whites were 90 percent of the country. The Census Bureau recently estimated that whites already account for less than two-thirds of the population and will be a minority by 2050. Other estimates put that day much sooner. One may assume the new majority will not be such compassionate overlords as the white majority has been. If this sort of drastic change were legally imposed on any group other than white Americans, it would be called genocide.

    When we were fighting communism, OK, they had mass murderers and gulags, but they were white men and they were sane. Now we’re up against absolutely insane savages.

    I think our motto should be, post-9-11, ‘raghead talks tough, raghead faces consequences.’

    Southerners are truly our warrior class.

    I can cite every last one of those if you’d like. I can also go on with more. Both you and Coulter are fucking idiots.

  • Seeing November From My Window Seeing November From My Window says:
    Thumb up 10 Thumb down 3

    Both you and Coulter are fucking idiots.

    Good one!

  • The_Reasonable_Lib The_Reasonable_Lib says:
    Thumb up 3 Thumb down 10

    Seeing November From My Window said:
    Both you and Coulter are fucking idiots.

    Good one!

    They always are, Michele

  • VRWC Destruction Machine VRWC Destruction Machine says:
    Thumb up 11 Thumb down 4

    When women gravitate the Democrats Party, I shake my head in disbelief because it’s like when I see a woman gravitates to a known cheater and abuser.

  • timzank timzank says:
    Thumb up 5 Thumb down 3

    VRWC Destruction Machine said:
    When women gravitate the Democrats Party, I shake my head in disbelief because it’s like when I see a woman gravitates to a known cheater and abuser.

    That’s why they love Clinton, Dem women seem to like being treated badly, no?

  • writer writer says:
    Thumb up 5 Thumb down 3

    After seeing that video of Father Pfleger during the campaign, Hillary is such a terrible woman, she deserved what she got.

  • whytee whytee says:
    Thumb up 2 Thumb down 4

    Seeing November From My Window said:
    RIght on Jack. Look at Florida, they tried to force out the black candidate so whytee would win. Disgraceful!

    Hey, “whytee” doesn’t refer to being white, just so you know. The usual way to spell out what you’re trying to say is “whitey.”

  • whytee whytee says:
    Thumb up 2 Thumb down 4

    By the way, I’m a woman and I would never vote for someone who says out of one side of their mouths that they’re against “big government” but on the other side of their mouth wants “big government” to intrude into the privacy rights of women.

    If the people who spend so much time and energy trying to control women and take away their rights to privacy would instead channel that fervor into helping all the millions of kids that are abused, neglected, abandoned or living in poverty, this would be a better country.

  • Seeing November From My Window Seeing November From My Window says:
    Thumb up 4 Thumb down 2

    By the way, I’m a woman and I would never vote for someone who says out of one side of their mouths that they’re against “big government” but on the other side of their mouth wants “big government” to intrude into the privacy rights of women.

    And I would never vote for someone who thinks it’s ok to jam a pair of scissors into a babies brain to kill it, and in the next breath lobby for saving a deathrow murderer. To each their own!

  • Seeing November From My Window Seeing November From My Window says:
    Thumb up 4 Thumb down 2

    Hey, “whytee” doesn’t refer to being white, just so you know. The usual way to spell out what you’re trying to say is “whitey.”

    Michelle Obama, is that you?

  • MiddleRoader MiddleRoader says:
    Thumb up 1 Thumb down 4

    The_Reasonable_Lib said:
    I can cite every last one of those if you’d like. I can also go on with more. Both you and Coulter are fucking idiots.

    And just as scary. And will continue to be long after Halloween is over.

  • writer writer says:
    Thumb up 4 Thumb down 1

    King, even Dennis Miller scaled back on the fancy sounding references. (Hint, hint)

  • whytee whytee says:
    Thumb up 1 Thumb down 4

    Seeing November From My Window said:
    And I would never vote for someone who thinks it’s ok to jam a pair of scissors into a babies brain to kill it, and in the next breath lobby for saving a deathrow murderer. To each their own!

    I wish that people who said they cared about children would channel that energy into the overburdened and undersupported foster care system, and the underfunded family services systems across this country charged with protecting children from violence, poverty and death. Once a child is actually born in this country, all of these crusaders who want to control a woman’s body and a woman’s right to privacy seem to lose all interest in the welfare and life of the actual baby.

  • whytee whytee says:
    Thumb up 1 Thumb down 4

    Seeing November From My Window said:
    Michelle Obama, is that you?

    I’m trying to have reasonable discussions in this forum, something a lot of people who don’t share my ideological views have been very gracious in doing. It’s one thing to make a crack in reference to something I say. It’s another thing entirely to use my nickname as a way to mock me and disparage the First Lady.

  • writer writer says:
    Thumb up 4 Thumb down 1

    And yet when anyone suggests that kids are better off having two parents around, it’s usually the left that howls in protest. That’s bigoted! How dare anyone bring up that subject. Remember how Dan Quayle was roundly mocked for saying kids were better off in two parent households?

  • whytee whytee says:
    Thumb up 1 Thumb down 4

    writer said:
    And yet when anyone suggests that kids are better off having two parents around, it’s usually the left that howls in protest. That’s bigoted! How dare anyone bring up that subject. Remember how Dan Quayle was roundly mocked for saying kids were better off in two parent households?

    I think kids ARE better off with two parents but when you punish kids whom circumstances have landed in one-parent households, that’s only kicking someone when they’re down. I also think that kids are better off when their parents don’t have to work two, three jobs to keep a roof over their heads. I’m therefore for a living wage. But since big business has somehow convinced people that the American worker has to compete with Chinese or Vietnamese or Indian labor that will work for pennies an hour, and since wages have been flat since the 1980s and unionization has dwindled to a paltry 7%, it doesn’t look like pro-business is very pro-family.

  • Seeing November From My Window Seeing November From My Window says:
    Thumb up 5 Thumb down 3

    It’s another thing entirely to use my nickname as a way to mock me and disparage the First Lady.

    MIchelle does a fine job on her own. She doesn’t need my help to make her look bad.

  • Seeing November From My Window Seeing November From My Window says:
    Thumb up 5 Thumb down 3

    You know what else I love Whytee? Global warming liberal alarmists telling me to get on a bike and then reading stuff like this:

    Gore leaves car idling for one hour during speech; Opts for Swedish government jet over public transportation


  • writer writer says:
    Thumb up 3 Thumb down 2

    I agree with some of your points, whytee. But even with a liberal in the White House, I don’t see our trade deficit with China lessening. And liberal Bill Clinton pushed NAFTA, telling us that our auto companies taking advantage of cheap Mexican labor would be a good thing. And if the left actually believes in two parent households, why was Quayle raked over the coals for saying it? Just because he was a conservative, and the left felt the need to disagree with anything he said, no matter what?

  • whytee whytee says:
    Thumb up 1 Thumb down 2

    Yeah, essentially. Sometimes people will attack someone they perceive is on “the other team” because of something they said even if they agree with it. You see that on “both” sides. I don’t remember that particular incident but I believe you. You also won’t hear an argument with me about Clinton and NAFTA. When he signed NAFTA, I switched from Democrat to Independent.

    As to the trade deficit with China, the Obama administration (which I support) is wrong in thinking that trying to pressure the Chinese government on currency manipulation is going to do $#!&. China has tariffs on US goods. Many South American and European countries have tariffs on U.S. goods. India has very strict regulations on U.S. companies doing business there. The U.S., because of the free market kool-aid, is the only major industrialized country that has no protections for its manufacturing base, and as a consequence of all these trade deals, we’ve lowered the standard of living in this country, destroyed local economies in a number of small countries, and helped China awaken as the manufacturing superpower of the contemporary world.

    Straight up, we need to raise tariffs on the import of finished goods, ban corporations from opening foreign subsidiaries to “trade” with its U.S. counterparts, and close the loopholes that allow U.S. corporations to pay little to no taxes into the U.S. treasury.

  • whytee whytee says:
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    Also, repeal NAFTA and GATT.

  • The_Reasonable_Lib The_Reasonable_Lib says:
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    Seeing November From My Window said:
    By the way, I’m a woman and I would never vote for someone who says out of one side of their mouths that they’re against “big government” but on the other side of their mouth wants “big government” to intrude into the privacy rights of women.

    And I would never vote for someone who thinks it’s ok to jam a pair of scissors into a babies brain to kill it, and in the next breath lobby for saving a deathrow murderer. To each their own!

    Of course not, you’re mormon, you people force your children to opt into disabilities and lifelong pain anyway.

  • The_Reasonable_Lib The_Reasonable_Lib says:
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    Seeing November From My Window said:
    It’s another thing entirely to use my nickname as a way to mock me and disparage the First Lady.

    MIchelle does a fine job on her own. She doesn’t need my help to make her look bad.

    I can think of a number of males and fashion designers as well as many other prominent figures who would beg to differ. Were I the first lady, I’d be ashamed to have the same name as you.

  • The_Reasonable_Lib The_Reasonable_Lib says:
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    whytee said:
    If the people who spend so much time and energy trying to control women and take away their rights to privacy would instead channel that fervor into helping all the millions of kids that are abused, neglected, abandoned or living in poverty, this would be a better country.


  • Jon Martin says:
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    Umm.. what’s the big deal? Men are exposed as having sex all the time and no one freaks out. This isn’t about feminism, it’s about O’Donnell exposing herself as a conservative christian that wants to reform the US… When she’s a fucking liar…

    You are all so stupid. Can’t you see that she has no idea of what she’s doing? Yet.. you all support these Tea Party republicans… if they get in the house, there is no bi-partnisanship, they don’t even know how to run a government.

    I hope the Tea Baggers and Republicans realize they are COMPLETLY WRONG on almost every issue because the Tea Party movement is run by rich people.

    Remember when Bush made you think the Patriot Act was good? Well they’ve done it again, they’ve caught you all hook, line, and sinker. You’re all voting against things that will help you. Voting for politicians that don’t know how to legislate.

    The republicans here and the tea baggers here are probably some of the most ignorant, irresponsible voters in the last 100 years. You fight for nothing, you call people communists without knowing what the word means, and you flip daily on who is a “good republican” or bad “republican”

    You guys have the temperment of children, stomping on other protestors heads.

    Welcome to the new Republican party, the selfish greedy party tearing America apart. You will reap what you sow and I promise when the tea partiers are done, they will live in a country they don’t want to.

  • felixw felixw says:
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    Despite what the Left wants you to believe, the Republicans now control the female vote, the working class vote, the Catholic vote, the college educated vote, etc. Democrats rely on the least educated, least well informed voters. How ironic given their smug, patronizing tendency to ridicule all opponents as less intelligent than them. The polls show the exact opposite. The less you know, the less you’ve learned, the less you think, the greater your likelihood of voting Democrat. And when you get to the very bottom of the barrel, the totally ignorant who can’t even tell you the name of the Vice President, or which century the Civil War took place, or the name of the country north of the U.S. etc., the Democrats control almost 100% of that voting bloc. Quite revealing, no? That’s why they can make pipe dream promises, spend borrowed money like there’s no tomorrow and pass bills without reading them — because, after all, their core supporters are so clueless that they don’t understand the implications of such irresponsible governance.

  • Jon Martin says:
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    Hey felix do you have a source to cite these figures?

  • Nachi Nachi says:
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    Does something like Ann HAVE a gender??

  • Oregon Conservative Oregon Conservative says:
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    The Real Royal King said:
    Tim Z. Angst: English, like Mandarin, is a language of inflection and nuance. Often, it is as important to listen to the manner in which something is said, as it is to the content. For example, if my wife and I were at a party, and I said “I really like Kiri Te Kanawa’s ‘O Mio Babbino Caro’” with the emphasis on ‘I’ that would indicate that my wife doesn’t like the Takanawa version as well as I, perhaps preferring Sarah Brightman. If the emphasis were on “really” it would mean I am extraordinarily fond of the Te Kanawa version. Nuance. Inflection. Mann was being her usual snarky, contemptuous, arrogant self, whilst Ms. Obama was speaking emotionally, her voice breaking, with a sense of awe and pride. Then, again, I’m not incorrect on content either. I believe you’re simply accustomed to sound bites and adverts and have lost a command and appreciation of English.

    Are you kidding me? Seriously King, really??

  • Oregon Conservative Oregon Conservative says:
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    Today is my last day in the office before I become a full time Dudley volunteer. Enjoy Tuesday my fellow Americans; half way back from the misery that is the Barack Obama administration.


  • Tedderman Tedderman says:
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    Leave it to Ms. Cuntler to be proud of women who vote against their own best interests. A truely, horribly ugly woman, both inside and out.

  • Seeing November From My Window Seeing November From My Window says:
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    Unreasonable lib says;

    I’d be ashamed to have the same name as you.

    Funny, I’m always thinking the same thing about her. !

  • VRWC Destruction Machine VRWC Destruction Machine says:
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    Tedderman said:
    Leave it to Ms. Cuntler to be proud of women who vote against their own best interests. A truely, horribly ugly woman, both inside and out.

    I’d say a woman being forced to go on food stamps to feed her family is more important than a woman getting an abortion because of a one night stand.

  • timcajun timcajun says:
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    She is an evil, lying witch, that could care less about other women, but still a little hot!

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