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Filed under: Gaming, iPhone, iOS

TUAW's Daily App: ChuChu Rocket!

Sega's classic ChuChu Rocket! puzzle title is on the App Store for both iPhone and iPad right now. I've been waiting for this one for a while. I loved the old Dreamcast version, and the remake for the iPhone not only recreates the mouse-redirecting gameplay (you place arrows on a board to guide mice around cats and into their mouseholes), but it adds a few iOS-specific features as well. There are 145 puzzles to play through, and as a special treat, Sega has added a one to four player multiplayer capability via Apple's Game Center; there are achievements to score as well.

The iPhone version is US$4.99, which is less than you'd pay if you found the used Dreamcast version in a store somewhere. The iPad version is $6.99, but it includes a multiplayer mode where up to four players can play on one screen -- it sounds pretty crazy. This one is a classic puzzler that you should definitely check out even if you never played the old game. We're lucky to have it up and running on iOS.

Filed under: Software

RealVNC adds "iPod Out" so cars can display iOS device screen data

real vnc mobile

RealVNC, the company behind the original VNC remote computing protocol, has added iOS to the list of devices that are supported by its VNC Mobile Solution for Automotive. In general, VNC (virtual network computing) allows users to see the display output from another computer over a network. It's commonly used to manage servers that are running without an attached monitor.

While a number of automakers have integrated iPod/iPhone control functionality, many of them have implemented rather clunky user interfaces. VNC Mobile will allow the actual iOS interface, including Cover Flow or even Google Maps, to be displayed directly on the larger in-dash touchscreen in the car. This way, a user could just use the larger display to manage what they are listening to without fumbling with the iPod or iPhone. The new version uses the "iPod Out" feature that Apple has built into the latest versions of iOS to provide this capability. Check out the video in the second half of the post.

Update: The video actually shows the capability of the VNC software to display the output of a smartphone using a Nokia N900. RealVNC is utilizing the newly implemented capabilities in iOs 4.1 to do the same thing.

[Via Macnn]

Continue readingRealVNC adds "iPod Out" so cars can display iOS device screen data

Filed under: Developer, App Store

App Store locked down for Thanksgiving, Christmas holidays

Apple is apparently going to give the App Store approval staff some time off over the holidays. But don't worry, you'll still be able to shop. It's just that developers who are rushing to get holiday-themed apps into the App Store will need to make sure that they get their content approved before the holidays arrive.

According to Macgasm, the content lockdown has occurred at Christmas in the past. This will be the first year that Apple is throwing the Thanksgiving holiday in late November into the mix as well, ensuring that the App Store folks can get their fill of the U.S. Thanksgiving feast and watch lots of college and pro football. Developers won't be able to make changes or submit new apps during the lockdown periods through iTunes Connect, the portal that devs use to coordinate app entries in the store.

There will also be a freeze in the Top App listings during each of the holidays, so developers might want to make sure that they're at the top of the heap before taking a short vacation -- they'll get a few more days of App Store listing love that way. Developers are also reminded to pre-schedule any price changes during the freeze, as they won't be able to adjust pricing for special sales during the lockdown.

Filed under: iPhone, iPad, iOS

DOS emulator for iOS released, runs Windows 3.0

This seems like the kind of thing that Apple wouldn't want on the App Store (and indeed, it may soon disappear when they figure it out), but then again, after the relaxing of the rules, maybe they're OK with this one. Touch Arcade has discovered iDOS on the App Store -- it's a DOSbox-based disk operating system emulator that runs on iOS. And it apparently does everything that DOS does, including, as you can see in the picture, running Windows 3.0 complete with the Solitaire game.

The app is a 99 cent universal app for iPhone and iPad, and unfortunately, it's not user friendly at all -- if you don't remember your old DOS commands, the app's not set up to make things easy for you. The app also includes what the description calls "freeware/abandonware" like Ms. Pac Man PC, and DigDug, but you can upload other games and files through iTunes.

Honestly, this is awesome, but it seems a little too open for Apple's tastes. I can't see how it would ever hurt the iOS device (you're running everything from within the app, and Apple could simply assume that you own any copies of software that you install on there), but this is one app that may have snuck through the gates. At any rate, iDOS is now available on the App Store -- if it disappears later on, we'll let you know.

Update: We're getting reports that it's been pulled, not unexpectedly so. We'll have to see if the devs want to fight to try and keep it up. It's certainly possible to release an emulator app on the App Store, but Apple's touchy about the subject, to say the least.

Filed under: Software, Odds and ends

Departing Microsoft software architect warns of post-PC world

After announcing last week that he would be stepping down as Microsoft's chief software architect, Ray Ozzie has posted an essay where he warns that the end is near for the Redmond company's way of doing business. Despite all of the businesses that Microsoft has gotten into over the past two decades, only two account for the bulk of the company's enormous profits: Windows and Office.

According to Ozzie, these platforms are getting too complex to build and use. This is likely to spur both to move toward simpler, more appliance-like systems, such as mobile phones and tablets. While Ozzie praises the progress that Microsoft has made with online services like Live, Office 365, SharePoint and others, he warns that many opportunities have been squandered, especially in mobile.

Ozzie highlights the success of other companies in agile innovation in a rapidly changing marketplace. While Apple, Facebook, and Google are never mentioned by name, those are clearly the examples that Ozzie thinks Microsoft should be following.

[via Electronista]

Official Apple Store app updated

Just as the rumors suggested, Apple updated the official Apple Store app to include support for customer check-ins, reservations and other location-based services.

You can use the app to reserve products to pickup at Apple retail stores, check into stores upon arrival to alert employees to your appointment and add reservation appointments to iCal (note that iOS 4 is required for check-in and iCal support). You'll also be able to add engraving and gift wrapping options when making purchases from the store.

Version 1.1 is available now and requires the iPhone, iPod touch and iPad running iOS 3.0 or later.

[Via Mac Stories]

Filed under: Rumors, Apple, iOS

Rumor: Apple retail app to offer "check-ins," connect employees and customers

Apple Store Lincoln Park Chicago, IL USA by Thomas M.

MacStories has heard an interesting rumor: that Apple's recent work in location-based networking and "check-in" software will be used inside of Apple's retail stores, specifically to provide better service from employees there. Not a lot is known yet (and MacStories doesn't reveal the source of the info, though presumably it comes from someone who works in or with Apple retail), but the rumor says that Apple would provide an app that's specifically designed to help coordinate the experience of visiting an Apple Store. A customer could check in and set up appointments directly from the app, get push notifications, and even see photos of employees assigned to help them. Employees could also use the app to track customers in the store and receive information about what they were there for.

It all sounds very interesting -- we know for a fact that Apple employees went through some training just recently for the upcoming holiday season, so this app could have been one of the topics discussed. Something like this would definitely streamline things at the Apple Store, and move from the very ad hoc way of splitting up customers and employees to a more directed kind of connection. We'll have to see what Apple reveals as we move closer to this year's holiday sales season.

Filed under: iPad, iOS

iPad's orientation lock to mute switch change will be permanent

When iOS 4.2 gets rolled out to iPad users sometime in the coming weeks, the button on the side that, until now, has prevented the screen from swapping between portrait and landscape will become a mute switch, just like it is on the iPhone. However, since this is clearly a software-managed control rather than being hard-wired, some users were hoping that this might be configurable somewhere in the settings.

Unfortunately, Steve Jobs has made it clear to a 9to5Mac reader via email that no such user configurability will be a part of iOS 4.2. The decision has been made, and that's that... or at least it is until some handy hacker finds a way to modify the iPad firmware after 4.2 gets jailbroken. Theoretically, someone could also create an app to provide that capability, but it too would have to be exclusive to jailbroken iPads -- Apple doesn't allow modification of hardware controls, as the developers of Camera+ learned recently.

Filed under: Gaming, iPhone, iPad, iOS

TUAW's Daily App: Samurai II: Vengeance

We'll start with the obvious: Samurai II: Vengeance is one of the best, if not the best, looking games I've ever seen on the iPhone. It is simply gorgeous, with a unique, cel-shaded look filling out incredible 3D worlds. I'm excited for Epic Citadel's progeny, of course, but this one's in a class all its own in terms of the graphics. It's just amazing.

The gameplay isn't quite as astounding, but it's still quality. You play a samurai who (surprise!) is looking for vengeance and has to hack and slash his way through hordes of bad guys. Attacks are combo-based, and controls are responsive enough, given that they're based on overlay buttons, to pull off the attacks you want. Enemies are somewhat repetitive, but in an action game like this, that's kind of the way it works. And speaking of action, things can get kind of gory. Sometimes, by attacking just right, you'll up and chop a guy's head off or even slice him in half. That might be offputting if you're a more casual gamer, but what did you think was going to happen if you ran around swinging a samurai sword?

The game is US$2.99, and when you consider that includes both iPhone and iPad versions as well as Game Center integration and a survival mode, Samurai II: Vengeance is a bargain at twice the price. Definitely pick it up, if only to wander through the game's world and marvel at the way it's all portrayed.

Filed under: iPhone

Scare up some fun with Angry Birds Halloween

Just like Doodle Jump, another big-name App Store game is getting in the Halloween spirit. Angry Birds Halloween is now available on the App Store. It's a US$0.99 "special edition" of Angry Birds with 45 Halloween-themed levels, which are complete with "scary" backgrounds and pumpkins for you to smash.

Unlike the Doodle Jump "Doodlestein" update, Angry Birds Halloween is a totally separate app from Angry Birds, so even if you own the original Angry Birds, you'll still have to pay $0.99 for Angry Birds Halloween. But considering how much fun Angry Birds is, another buck for 45 new levels isn't a whole lot to ask.

Filed under: App Store

Angry Birds publisher Chillingo acquired for $20 million

In the wake of such huge news from Apple today, it's hard to concentrate on anything else. Here's one story you won't want to miss, though: Chillingo, the publisher behind the wildly popular game Angry Birds, was acquired by EA Games for a cool $20 million in cash.

Not to worry, though, because Angry Birds isn't going anywhere. The rights to the game are actually owned by the developer, Rovio, who updated his Twitter profile earlier today to clarify that Angry Birds was not part of the sale and will not be controlled development-wise by EA. Even so, it's no secret that the App Store's most popular game of all time certainly helped to sway EA towards this acquisition. With many successful apps available, Chillingo probably looked pretty delicious to all of the big fish in the game industry who were hoping to cash in on the mobile market.

Now, it's time to fire up Angry Birds and do some additional research on the story. What? Why are you giving me that look? Yes, I'm working!

Filed under: iOS

Pwnage tool 4.1 released

Pwnapple heads rejoice. The iPhone dev team has just released PwnageTool 4.1 for Mac OS X. Updated to use the recent geohot limera1n exploit, the new tool provides 4.1 jailbreaks for the Apple TV 2G, iPad (3.2.2), iPod touch (3G, 4G), and iPhone (4, 3GS, and 3G).

For download details, please hop over to the team's announcement post to grab a copy of the official torrent or to find an unofficial mirror.

Thanks to Brad for the heads-up.

Filed under: iTunes, iOS

Would-be iTunes competitor pending App Store approval

7digital, a UK-based online music store that offered the first DRM-free tracks from the four major music labels, has submitted an iPhone music store app to Apple, which is currently pending approval by Apple.

The app, already available on Android and BlackBerry phones (it's the number one music app on the BlackBerry app store with 500,000 installs), offers an iPod and iTunes music service replacement. If approved, the 7digital app will compete directly with iTunes on iOS devices.

Offering users the ability to browse, download and play music from the 7digital music store on their iOS device (over 3G or Wi-Fi), the 7digital app will sync users' downloaded music wirelessly to their computers, too - something iTunes does not currently offer. The tracks are offered in 328kbps high quality format and 7digital also plans to introduce a streaming service in the future, though, obviously this would require a further approval from Apple.

According to 7digital's blog, they now offer "the most comprehensive mobile [music] offering on the market." That's a bold statement to make. Having just released their Android app as well as their recently announced, mobile-optimized, web-based, HTML5 forward compatible online music store (accessible on most smartphones as well as scaling for tablet computers, too), 7digital appears to have a certain Apple iTunes Music Store in their crosshairs (if not all digital music stores).

To top it all off, 7digita has announced that there API is powering the music service on Toshiba's Folio 100 tablet as well as Samsung's Galaxy Tab music hub, which 7digital believes will be a "real contender" against the iPad. Although, if the Galaxy Tab's 7-inch screen is anything to go by, Steve Jobs doesn't seem to think it will be very successful.

With Steve Jobs recently saying the iOS model isn't closed, but rather "integrated," will Apple approve an app that is in direct competition with its own iTunes Music Store? It's a tough one to call. Apple has allowed streaming apps like Pandora into the App Store, but to approve an app that would directly purchase and download music on an iOS device that's not from iTunes, that's the big question. We'll keep you posted on any further developments.

[via theAppleBlog]

Filed under: Apple TV, Jailbreak/pwnage, iOS

Greenpois0n jailbreaks the Apple TV

A tweet from developer p0sixninja would seem to show a neatly jailbroken Apple TV, which is good news for those looking forward to hacking and tweaking Apple's $99 hobby. No word yet on when the jailbreak will be publicly available.

Among our speculations looking forward to Wednesday's Apple event, despite its 'Back to the Mac' focus, is the announcement or pre-announcement of an App Store and SDK for the iOS-based Apple TV.

[via 9to5 Mac and Engadget]

Filed under: Apple, iPhone, iPad, iOS

Report: Android ad revenue beats iPhone, iOS and smartphone market still growing

Millenial Media has released its latest report on cross-platform mobile advertising, and the iPhone has lost another step on the Android platform. According to Millenial's reporting, revenue for advertising from the Android platform has exceeded iPhone-only revenue. That's not quite as bad as it sounds -- the Android platform, as we already know, has outstripped the iPhone in terms of user numbers, just because there are so many more available handsets and carriers for those devices. Android ad requests, according to the company, are up a crazy 1283% since January of this year, and have gone up 26% month over month.

That's not to say that iOS is slouching -- its revenue growth increased 316% in the last quarter, and impression growth increased by 156%. Apple is still the leading device manufacturer on the network, with a 30% market share, and the company makes two of the top four "connected devices" in the iPad and the iPod touch, with the Sony PSP and PS3 rounding out that list.

It's also interesting to note that smartphone impressions overall are still growing -- this isn't a down and dirty fight between the manufacturers yet, as there are still new customers to grab out there. Smartphone impression share went up 7% month-over-month, so this is still a growing market.

Tip of the Day

Customize your desktop. While in the Finder, command-click (right-click) and choose 'Show View Options'. A box will appear allowing you to change the size of desktop icons, their spacing, text size and the position of icon labels.

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