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Development: Teens Articles, Tips and News - ParentDish
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Development: Teens


Your Kid Crazy? Don't Worry, It's a Big Club

Is moodiness in teens a medical condition? Credit: Getty Images
Teenagers are nuts. Tell you something you don't know? Very well. Let's get ...
Teens suffer from depression, anxiety, panic, hyperactivity and short attention spans. Who woulda thunk it?

Caution: New Teen Driver, Terrified Parent

It's easy enough for the folks at AAA to say parents need to spend more time teaching teenagers how to drive. Sure, let those people hurtle ...Study says parents need to spend more time on the road with inexperienced, jittery and dim-witted teen drivers

Semester Abroad Leads to More Brewskis and Vino for College Students

Drinking in college increases when students study abroad. Credit: Getty Images
In the midst of gaining cross-cultural skills, learning a foreign ...
College students are getting their drink on when they study abroad, a new study shows.

Opinion: Bullying Stops With Parents

Tyler Clementi, 18, a first year student at Rutgers University in New Jersey, killed himself shortly after being spied on and having footage of ...Tweens and teens are grappling with who they are in the romantic world, so many of whom are bullied at school for being different, so many of whom remain silent about their struggles and pain.

Condom Sense: Trojan Ranks 13 Most Sexually Healthy Colleges

Columbia University had the highest "sexual GPA." Credit: Getty Images
Crazy parties, wild behavior, one-night stands, unprotected sex: This is ...
Trojan wraps up study on condom use, sexual health at the nation's leading colleges and the Ivy League, Big 10 schools top the honor roll.

Knocked Out: Challenge Inspires College Kids to Get Some ZZZZs

The Huffington Post is challenging college students to get eight hours of sleep (a night). Credit: Corbis
Sleep? Please. Who needs it? Isn't that ...
Think Red Bull is for sissies? Nap time is for newbies? You probably won't want to enter this sleep contest.

Teachers to Students: Let's Not Be Facebook Friends

Maybe teachers should keep their relationships with kids offline. Credit: The Canadian Press/Adrian Wyld/AP
Let's face it, there's a certain creep ...
Sorry, kids, schools don't want you to friend, poke or comment on your teachers' Facebook pages.

Top 10 Most Beautiful College Campuses

Oxford University is no. 2 on the list. Credit: Corbis
Hey, parents -- as your high schoolers start sending in their college applications, it's ...
If your kid picks one of these gorgeous colleges, you can be assured that he'll be exposed to lovely landscapes and striking architecture as he stumbles to his 8 a.m. classes.


AdviceMama Says:
Raise that rainbow flag and say "AMEN!"
