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Rachel Maddow: Don’t Kid Yourselves, There’s Not Going To Be Any Compromise | Mediaite
The Wayback Machine - https://web.archive.org/web/20101107011339/http://www.mediaite.com:80/online/rachel-maddow-dont-kid-yourselves-theres-not-going-to-be-any-compromise/

Rachel Maddow: Don’t Kid Yourselves, There’s Not Going To Be Any Compromise


If MSNBC can figure out how to capitalize on a GOP majority the way Fox has done in the last few years with the Dem majority than Rachel Maddow may be running the show by 2012. She is not happy with the state of things. “So, what’s next?” she asked at the opening of her show last night, clapping her hands and shrugging her shoulders. What’s next, according to Maddow, is not the bipartisan cooperation both President Obama and Rep. John Boehner have been giving (a small amount of) lip service to since Tuesday.

The only agenda of congressional Republican since Barack Obama has been president has been to stop him, to obstruct anything and everything they can. They have voted against their own policies, they have voted against stuff they themselves have introduced. They have voted against their own ideas. They have done everything they can to obstruct everything they can. They know that anything good for the country in terms of policy converts to political capital for the President….that is what they did for the last two years, and it paid off for them big time last night.

Maddow says that having the majority in the House is not going to stop this trend, because with Obama in power and the Dem majority in the Senate they have no chance of passing anything so why take responsibility when the current obstructionist course is working so well for them. Why indeed. Watch below.

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  • notsofast notsofast says:
    Thumb up 24 Thumb down 6

    You are damn right, Behar!

  • writer writer says:
    Thumb up 28 Thumb down 6

    Everyone can’t be as willing to compromise as Rachel.

  • paulmdoro paulmdoro says:
    Thumb up 6 Thumb down 9

    Gridlock. Is that a transformer?

  • Big Eddie Big Eddie says:
    Thumb up 16 Thumb down 9

    How about talking about Barry ( I Won ! ) Obama’s family vacation to Asia ? It make cost the U.S. just a couple of bucks .

  • tomcable tomcable says:
    Thumb up 26 Thumb down 10

    After Maddow’s embarrassing performance along with the men of The View (Olbermann, Robinson, Matthews, O’Donnell), I figured she would read 99% of the horrific reviews of MSNBC’s coverage and take the rest of the week off.

  • writer writer says:
    Thumb up 22 Thumb down 11

    Being on the far left means never being able to take a hint.

  • paulmdoro paulmdoro says:
    Thumb up 6 Thumb down 10

    writer said:
    Being on the far left means never being able to take a hint.

    No you’ve twisted the expression. It’s “love means never having to say you’re sorry.”

  • writer writer says:
    Thumb up 13 Thumb down 7

    Okay, paul.. Rachel loves never being able to take a hint.

  • paulmdoro paulmdoro says:
    Thumb up 8 Thumb down 6

    writer said:
    Okay, paul.. Rachel loves never being able to take a hint.

    Thank you. That’s better.

    Thumb up 17 Thumb down 8

    Damn Right, Rach…NO COMPROMISE with lying Hugo Chavez wannabe’s!

    GOP: Make “personal responsibility” the theme for the next 2 years.

    1) Don’t expect MY tax dollars to bail out greedmongerers on Wall Street.
    2) Don’t expect MY tax dollars to support illegal foreigners.
    3) Don’t expect MY tax dollars to pay for other people’s reckless childbearing.

  • sticks sticks says:
    Thumb up 20 Thumb down 10

    I have not seen anything Maddow has said in quite a long time, that makes any sense whatsoever… I mean come of it, the numbers alone make it impossible for the republicans to have “obstructed” anything… And the whole republicans are stupid and just dont get it bullchit makes no sense either… We do get it, we dont like it !!!… Personally, I think the dems have lost what littile common sense they ever pretended to have… I see nothing and I do mean nothing, that makes one bit of sense, as far as their policies go… Their goals seem a tad lofty, if not fiscally impossible to achieve…

  • felixw felixw says:
    Thumb up 14 Thumb down 9

    This will be amusing to watch. The Democrats have been complaining for two years that the Republicans are the party of NO with no real policies or solutions. But now the Republicans in Congress will be passing bills constantly — with spending cuts, tax reductions, tort reform, allowing health insurers to sell across state lines, etc. — and sending them to the President. Surely, after two years spent complaining about Republican inaction, the President can hardly just sit there and veto all these bills? I mean, that would make him look like a total hypocrite, wouldn’t it? He would become the “President of NO”! And certainly, how could Rachel Maddow, after complaining for two years that the “Republicans have no policies and are just blocking steps to fix the economy,” support a President who constantly vetoed legislation aimed at fixing the mess we are in? This will amusing to watch the pathetic dance and backtracking of and self-contradictions of President Obama and his most ardent cheerleader Rachel Maddow.

  • Bill Mahwer Bill Mahwer says:
    Thumb up 12 Thumb down 7

    The last loser has to compromise. So it’s up to Obama to move.

  • Harry Flashman Harry Flashman says:
    Thumb up 18 Thumb down 8

    Maddow isn’t mourning a genuine lack of compromise. She whining because what she and the left want is for the Republicans to come to them with an olive branch and accept most of Obama’s agenda with just some modifications, and it ain’t gonna happen.

    Cap and trade – gone.

    Obama care – gone.

    Control of the internet – gone.

    Progressive control of the school system – gone.

    The list goes on and on. And li’l Rachel and her progressive cohorts don’t like it one bit. They don’t want compromise, they want further capitulation and they ain’t gonna get it.

    Like apples? How do ya like them apples, Rachel?

  • Harry Flashman Harry Flashman says:
    Thumb up 13 Thumb down 8

    You, on second thought maybe she’s right. Maybe they should be adults and compromise with Obama just like he compromised with them when he had the upper hand. Maybe….oh, wait. They will be, won’t they?

    Kharma is a behar, ain’t it?

  • Penguin60 Penguin60 says:
    Thumb up 10 Thumb down 9

    I’ll quote barry, ” ” we’re not campaigning anymore rachel, the elections over “. I guess the whining light is lit at lsdnbc

  • DEFENDER-90 DEFENDER-90 says:
    Thumb up 3 Thumb down 7

    I would like to dedicete this video clip to Rachel Maddow.


  • The Real Royal King The Real Royal King says:
    Thumb up 8 Thumb down 13

    Bill Mahwer said:
    The last loser has to compromise. So it’s up to Obama to move.

    So, since the Republicans lost the Senate, Chinless Mitch has to compromise?

  • sarainitaly sarainitaly says:
    Thumb up 11 Thumb down 8

    she is such a fear monger!

  • The Real Royal King The Real Royal King says:
    Thumb up 6 Thumb down 15

    sarainitaly said:
    she is such a fear monger!

    I suppose you don’t have a citation from 14 years ago or from a disreputable and discredited source to back that up, Tumbleweed?

  • rocky road rocky road says:
    Thumb up 8 Thumb down 7

    Not to be strident but who the hell is doing Maddow’s makeup? FALSE EYELASHES?????? I understand they are trying to feminize her but come on. She has a face for radio, not TV. And before you call me a homophobe, I am gay. Gay people can still critique other gays. In fact, many of my tribe find her ignorant, snarky and not ready for prime time. Her biggest fans are the leftist media who can say “Hey looky here, a lesbian on TV and we love her”.

  • writer writer says:
    Thumb up 10 Thumb down 8

    This from the King, who refuses to ever back up anything.

  • paulmdoro paulmdoro says:
    Thumb up 6 Thumb down 4

    Fearmongering is synonymous with cable news these days.

  • The Real Royal King The Real Royal King says:
    Thumb up 5 Thumb down 12

    writer said:
    This from the King, who refuses to ever back up anything.

    Just a few moments as I was leaving 7-11 I had to back-up, Kumquat. Please retract your accusation.

  • Chuck Steele says:
    Thumb up 11 Thumb down 7

    I just looked to see where Maddow is as compared to Fox and Friends as far as ratings go.
    It is funny how a program that runs from 3:00 to 6:00 AM outguns Maddow’s prime time show.
    Of course it makes sense if that prattle that Ms Maddow was blathering on about in this clip is any indication of what her program is normally like. Really now, what adult with any degree of sobriety or sanity would watch or listen to that program?
    That woman is a dult.

  • The Real Royal King The Real Royal King says:
    Thumb up 6 Thumb down 13

    paulmdoro said:
    Fearmongering is synonymous with cable news these days.

    Isn’t that the truth. Kimeade, O’Van Karlsen, Il Douchey, Beckerhead, Bill-o, O’Hannity and, to a lesser extent, O’Van Susteren. Olbermann and Schultz, to a lesser extent Matthews and Maddow. To some extent, Cooper. It’s a steady diet of fear and its symptoms, including paranoia.

  • newzmaker newzmaker says:
    Thumb up 7 Thumb down 8

    Maddow is a left-wing activist and has no business working on MSNBC. Maddow’s constant MO is to incite fear, with her poorly educated audience. MSNBC should be required to show a disclaimer, on Maddow’s program, noting that she is an angry radical left-wing activist.

  • murf murf says:
    Thumb up 9 Thumb down 7

    Well son of a behar , if isn’t the same person who led the witch hunt on the compromiser Joe Leiberman .

  • disgusted disgusted says:
    Thumb up 1 Thumb down 4

    Don’t EXPECT my DONATIONS: either “Party”!

  • shootfromthehip shootfromthehip says:
    Thumb up 6 Thumb down 12

    newzmaker said:
    Maddow is a left-wing activist and has no business working on MSNBC. Maddow’s constant MO is to incite fear, with her poorly educated audience. MSNBC should be required to show a disclaimer, on Maddow’s program, noting that she is an angry radical left-wing activist.

    You’re joking, right?

    People who know better and who work in the advertising industry will tell you that Rachel’s audience is among the BEST EDUCATED in all of cable news.

    And of course, Rachel is right here, but none of that matters to the hateful cons on this board.

  • Seeing 2012 From My Window Seeing 2012 From My Window says:
    Thumb up 10 Thumb down 8

    I’m SO sick of listening to these libs demand compromise when for the last 2 years they were egging on BO to ram through legislation after legislation that the people did NOT want with no regard for compromise. Take your compromise and shove it! They will spend the next couple of years undoing everything you did that we didn’t want.

  • murf murf says:
    Thumb up 8 Thumb down 8

    shootfromthehip said:
    People who know better and who work in the advertising industry will tell you that Rachel’s audience is among the BEST EDUCATED in all of cable news.

    LMFAO !!

    All you need to do, to disprove that absurd joke , is read the Maddow Blog commenters. You’d think that they just got all their news from Huffington Post .. Oh wait

  • Snidely Snidely says:
    Thumb up 9 Thumb down 3

    One can only hope Ms Maddow’s insights are correct. Boehner should put up ObamaCare for a vote first thing. It will pass the House handily. If it can get a vote in the Senate, it will pass there, or else the 21 Democrats up for re-election will be on record – again – with being for it.

  • The Real Royal King The Real Royal King says:
    Thumb up 6 Thumb down 12

    Seeing 2012 From My Window said:
    I’m SO sick of listening to these libs demand compromise when for the last 2 years they were egging on BO to ram through legislation after legislation that the people did NOT want with no regard for compromise. Take your compromise and shove it! They will spend the next couple of years undoing everything you did that we didn’t want.

    How very patriotic of you, Michelle-in-Utah. If I were you I should gather my torches and pitchforks and lead the charge up the Hill!

  • Obeezy Obeezy says:
    Thumb up 1 Thumb down 6

    Are you sure thats not John Liebowitz in drag..You never see them 2 in the ame place at the same time

  • The Real Royal King The Real Royal King says:
    Thumb up 7 Thumb down 11

    murf said:
    LMFAO !!

    All you need to do, to disprove that absurd joke , is read the Maddow Blog commenters. You’d think that they just got all their news from Huffington Post .. Oh wait

    Actually, the demographics are not with you on this, Murf. I find her show tedious and at times silly, but she does have a highly educated audience.

  • Thumb up 6 Thumb down 7

    Sorry little guy/girl, the time compromise has expired and has no place in the election process. When voters get disgusted with the inexperience race baiting president and the do-nothing congress they get voted out! What part of this doesn’t Madcow understand? He/she truly will be shocked two years from now and she better get her resume ready because the liberal media will be ready for deportation. The president, the liberal media and congress are all on probation as of today!

  • The Real Royal King The Real Royal King says:
    Thumb up 6 Thumb down 10

    Obeezy said:
    Are you sure thats not John Liebowitz in drag..You never see them 2 in the ame place at the same time

    Actually, I saw them both at 7-11 after Lawrence O’Donnell last night. “Hots” chocolate and Krispy Kremes.

  • The Real Royal King The Real Royal King says:
    Thumb up 6 Thumb down 10

    Dave Templeton said:
    the liberal media will be ready for deportation.

    No. None of them live in Arizona.

  • murf murf says:
    Thumb up 8 Thumb down 6

    The Real Royal King said:
    Actually, the demographics are not with you on this, Murf. I find her show tedious and at times silly, but she does have a highly educated audience.

    Could you please back that up ? Or is it time to change into your afternoon character ?

  • sarainitaly sarainitaly says:
    Thumb up 11 Thumb down 6

    this is nothing more than her racism towards orange old straight white dudes leading the house.
    straight up racism.

  • Big Eddie Big Eddie says:
    Thumb up 6 Thumb down 6

    What a sourpuss ! Always Beharing about something !

  • Thumb up 4 Thumb down 11

    sarainlalaland says:
    “she is such a fear monger!”

    Your claim would have made a modicum of sense if Maddow was making this argument BEFORE the elections. Now, she’s pretty much saying what the Republicans are saying.

    Only it’s going to be worse than mere gridlock and nothing getting done for two years:

    sarainlalaland also says:
    “this is nothing more than her racism towards orange old straight white dudes leading the house.
    straight up racism.”

    Yep, Maddow has something against orange people. Such a racist!

    Sara, please, my stomach hurts laughing at your absurd ideas. Seriously, pulling feces out of your rectum and throwing it at a comment box does not make for interesting dialog.

  • Seeing 2012 From My Window Seeing 2012 From My Window says:
    Thumb up 8 Thumb down 4

    Hey Rach, this is the American people telling you libs that it’s YOU that must come to our side, NOT the other way around:

    Republicans picked up 680 seats in state legislatures, according to the National Conference of State Legislatures — the most in the modern era. To put that number in perspective: In the 1994 GOP wave, Republicans picked up 472 seats. The previous record was in the post-Watergate election of 1974, when Democrats picked up 628 seats.

  • writer writer says:
    Thumb up 7 Thumb down 2

    pulling feces out of your rectum and throwing it at a comment box does not make for interesting dialog.

    GBR, we’ve been trying to tell you that for a long time, but you keep on doing it.

  • murf murf says:
    Thumb up 11 Thumb down 3

    GlennBeckReview said:
    sarainlalaland says:
    “she is such a fear monger!?

    Your claim would have made a modicum of sense if Maddow was making this argument BEFORE the elections. Now, she’s pretty much saying what the Republicans are saying.

    Only it’s going to be worse than mere gridlock and nothing getting done for two years:

    sarainlalaland also says:
    “this is nothing more than her racism towards orange old straight white dudes leading the house.
    straight up racism.?

    Yep, Maddow has something against orange people. Such a racist!

    Sara, please, my stomach hurts laughing at your absurd ideas. Seriously, pulling feces out of your rectum and throwing it at a comment box does not make for interesting dialog.

    Thanks for verifying my assertion of the low intelligence level of Maddow’s audience.

  • sarainitaly sarainitaly says:
    Thumb up 7 Thumb down 3

    GlennBeckReview said:
    Sara, please, my stomach hurts laughing at your absurd ideas. Seriously, pulling feces out of your rectum and throwing it at a comment box does not make for interesting dialog.

    dude – chill the f*ck out. i am kidding.

    anyone who criticizes obama is called a fear monger of a racist. get it?

  • VRWC Destruction Machine VRWC Destruction Machine says:
    Thumb up 8 Thumb down 3

    Maddow is such a clown. Some people actually think she has something important to say. During one of her segments last night, she was babbling on about Republicans with a canned laugh track. It was so awful, it drowned out anything she had to say. She looked into the camera looking so butch and smug thinking she had such a clever device to make her point.

  • rocky road rocky road says:
    Thumb up 8 Thumb down 4

    The male white liberal straight people are trying to do to the Gays and Lesbians what they did to african americans. The difference is that gays and straights do not walk in lockstep like other groups. We are more educated, more prosperous and don’t need the liberal left to make believe they are defending us. We don’t need them to defend us. We are like every successful hardworking american. We vote with our pocketbook. We don’t have a leader like jesse jackson or al sharpton. We don’t need leaders to tell us who to vote for. We also don’t need a farm league, failed radio host lesbian to be the face of gay people in the media. She is a waste of space. Not because she is gay but because she is stupid.

  • iris iris says:
    Thumb up 4 Thumb down 11

    Maybe Boners compromises come after enough rob roys
    and once his drunken crying is done

    Thumb up 5 Thumb down 12

    felixw said:
    This will be amusing to watch. The Democrats have been complaining for two years that the Republicans are the party of NO with no real policies or solutions. But now the Republicans in Congress will be passing bills constantly — with spending cuts, tax reductions, tort reform, allowing health insurers to sell across state lines, etc. — and sending them to the President. Surely, after two years spent complaining about Republican inaction, the President can hardly just sit there and veto all these bills? I mean, that would make him look like a total hypocrite, wouldn’t it? He would become the “President of NO?! And certainly, how could Rachel Maddow, after complaining for two years that the “Republicans have no policies and are just blocking steps to fix the economy,? support a President who constantly vetoed legislation aimed at fixing the mess we are in? This will amusing to watch the pathetic dance and backtracking of and self-contradictions of President Obama and his most ardent cheerleader Rachel Maddow.

    If the repubs had all these “good”ideas how come they didn’t help Americans 2 plus years ago?This as the days and weeks go by will be interesting.

  • musiccityvic musiccityvic says:
    Thumb up 11 Thumb down 4

    As of this morning 6 Senate Seats, 61 House Seats, 7 Governorships, and an astounding 680 State Legislative Seat pickups. Yep, its time for the Republicans to compromise and move to the center. Only Progressives and idiots like Lindsey Grahamesty believe that. BTW Lindsey, YOU ARE NEXT.

  • rocky road rocky road says:
    Thumb up 8 Thumb down 5

    They tried to help but the arrogance of Obama,Reid and Pelosi stopped them in their tracks. Not much you can do in the minority. They tried but the Dems found procedural roadblocks every step of the way. Healthcare would never have been passed without the game of deem and pass. The Dems couldn’t risk going back to the House so the Senate passed the bill the House passed earlier. The GOP almost stopped it but the Dems played fast and loose with the rules. That is what Tuesday was all about.

  • murf murf says:
    Thumb up 9 Thumb down 3

    iris said:
    Maybe Boners compromises come after enough rob roys
    and once his drunken crying is done

    Afternoon character it is.

  • writer writer says:
    Thumb up 9 Thumb down 3

    Just a few moments as I was leaving 7-11 I had to back-up,

    So your shift was over, King?

  • AntiHyperbole AntiHyperbole says:
    Thumb up 9 Thumb down 3

    Really tired of this obstructionist nonsense. Imagine if you will that our next president is a Republican. Imagine that the very first legislative goal that he/ she has is to completely eliminate the welfare program. Obviously there wouldnt be a single Dem that would vote for it. Then lets say the next legislative goal is to completely put an end to workers unions, and end all future collective bargaining. Again, not a single Dem vote. If the Right were to then scream that Dem’s are all of a sudden this obstructionist “party of no? political body because they won’t support a far right agenda, then that would be equally as ridiculous as all of this current B.S.
    Pres. Obama came into office with these grand moderate claims and post-partisan rhetoric, etc, etc. Ever since swearing in he has pushed an unwanted far left agenda, and his party screams newly invented buzz words at their opponents everytime the public rejects the Presidents far left ideology. It would be comical if it wasnt so sad that these people are running our country.
    When is locking an entire party out of negotiations considered compromise, Rachel? You’re a real model of rationality.

  • sarainitaly sarainitaly says:
    Thumb up 10 Thumb down 2

    murf said:
    Afternoon character it is.


  • writer writer says:
    Thumb up 9 Thumb down 2

    And tonight it will be Ted.

    Thumb up 2 Thumb down 11

    rocky road said:
    Not to be strident but who the hell is doing Maddow’s makeup? FALSE EYELASHES?????? I understand they are trying to feminize her but come on. She has a face for radio, not TV. And before you call me a homophobe, I am gay. Gay people can still critique other gays. In fact, many of my tribe find her ignorant, snarky and not ready for prime time. Her biggest fans are the leftist media who can say “Hey looky here, a lesbian on TV and we love her?.Yeesh.

    Just by this Quote its apparent you are not gay.

  • The Real Royal King The Real Royal King says:
    Thumb up 3 Thumb down 11

    murf said:
    Could you please back that up ? Or is it time to change into your afternoon character ?

    For Ms. Maddow’s website:


    For the television show:

    College Graduate/Some College/High School Only

    Maddow 40%/67%/33%
    BIll-o 35%/27%/38%
    Beckerhead: 29%/23%/47%


    Pew Research Center for the People and the Press


  • The Real Royal King The Real Royal King says:
    Thumb up 2 Thumb down 11

    murf said:
    Afternoon character it is.

    sarainitaly said:

    ‘Fraid not, Dimwits.

  • The Real Royal King The Real Royal King says:
    Thumb up 4 Thumb down 10

    The Real Royal King said:
    For Ms. Maddow’s website:


    For the television show:

    College Graduate/Some College/High School Only

    Maddow 40%/67%/33%
    BIll-o 35%/27%/38%
    Beckerhead: 29%/23%/47%


    Pew Research Center for the People and the Press


    I’d like you to note the links to reliable and reputable sources and non-stale dated sources here, Tumbleweed. You would do well to follow this pattern.

    Thumb up 3 Thumb down 8

    newzmaker said:
    incite fear, with her poorly educated audience

    All of this could be said of Beck.

  • writer writer says:
    Thumb up 4 Thumb down 4

    Hey, King. Sometimes we’d do the chasing. We’d beat the hell out of them when we caught ‘em. I know you think assaults are funny, so laugh it up.

  • Hawk11 Hawk11 says:
    Thumb up 4 Thumb down 11

    The more I read the right wing comments on here the more I realize that most of you making right wing comments either work for the Republican party in some way, work for FOX news, or have no insight into the way both parties operate because you limit yourselves to a single point of view.

    To understand that this election was bought by the Chamber of Commerce and other outside entities should not be lost on anyone. All that money was thrown at the GOP and they are going to want to collect something for those contributions.

    I was actually quite upset when all the numbers came in from the elections, but the next day I saw something that brought me back. Tamron Hall interviewing Michael Steele and asking him profoundly “Mr Steele, where are the jobs??” and Mr. Steele did what he usually does… He laughs, and then doesn’t answer the question. Some may argue to give him some time, but I argue that they should have had a plan in place for quite some time now.

    FOX news may be happy with the answers “tax cuts and cut discretionary spending” but I’m not satisfied when it’s not explained to me and neither should anyone on the right.

  • TfT TfT says:
    Thumb up 9 Thumb down 4

    Poor Rachel, and poor Glynnis too. This constant BS that republicans have been obstructionists is beyond absurd.

    I can’t believe that Glynnis doesn’t have the courage in her article to shed some light on Rachel’s nonesense.

    The dems have been in control of all three branches — they could have done any damn thing they wanted. They passed healthcare without any republican support, indeed the bipartisan vote was AGAINST it.

    But hey, lets not let facts get in the way on spin on MSNBC (or mediaite for that matter).

    Come on Glynnis, brain-up gal.

  • Seeing 2012 From My Window Seeing 2012 From My Window says:
    Thumb up 11 Thumb down 4

    Since you love stats, Keith, here’s another one for you:

    Tea Party supporters are wealthier and more well-educated than the general public, and are no more or less afraid of falling into a lower socioeconomic class, according to the latest New York Times/CBS News poll.

  • iris iris says:
    Thumb up 2 Thumb down 11

    Hey, sara we all know you’re in italy with your sugardaddy
    financing your little homemade crocheted hat business and
    yet for some reason you are here ALL THE TIME, its gotta be the King

  • The Real Royal King The Real Royal King says:
    Thumb up 3 Thumb down 12

    Seeing 2012 From My Window said:
    Since you love stats, Keith, here’s another one for you:

    Tea Party supporters are wealthier and more well-educated than the general public, and are no more or less afraid of falling into a lower socioeconomic class, according to the latest New York Times/CBS News poll.

    Michelle-in-Utah, you are so intellectually dishonest. Go back and compare this number with Liberals/Progressives and see what you come up with. Hint, the demographics for people who worship and the Altar of St. Beckerhead the Heretic and who watch Ms. Maddow will be very close to that number.

  • writer writer says:
    Thumb up 9 Thumb down 3

    you limit yourselves to a single point of view.

    You’d never see anyone on the far left doing that.

  • The Real Royal King The Real Royal King says:
    Thumb up 3 Thumb down 9

    iris said:
    Hey, sara we all know you’re in italy with your sugardaddy
    financing your little homemade crocheted hat business and
    yet for some reason you are here ALL THE TIME, its gotta be the King

    It is, indeed, a burden. I often feel as if Tumbleweed is stalking me. From Italy. Or, elsewhere.

  • writer writer says:
    Thumb up 6 Thumb down 3

    Pretty neat, King. You’re responding to yourself. Tonight you can have a chat with ‘Ted’.

  • The Real Royal King The Real Royal King says:
    Thumb up 3 Thumb down 10

    iris said:
    Hey, sara we all know you’re in italy with your sugardaddy
    financing your little homemade crocheted hat business and
    yet for some reason you are here ALL THE TIME, its gotta be the King

    This is small town Texas festival season, Iris, and the little craft shows are filled with crocheted toilet paper holders, liquor bottle covers (often with French Poodle tops), panty hose holders and the like. Imagine the money to be made!

  • Seeing 2012 From My Window Seeing 2012 From My Window says:
    Thumb up 8 Thumb down 3

    Go back and compare this number with Liberals/Progressives and see what you come up with.

    No need Keith. The American people have completely rejected the ideas coming from your side. It doesn’t matter if 100% of you went to Harward, we don’t want what you’re selling!!

  • Hawk11 Hawk11 says:
    Thumb up 2 Thumb down 4

    writer said:
    you limit yourselves to a single point of view.

    You’d never see anyone on the far left doing that.

    You just proved my point.. Thank you.

  • sarainitaly sarainitaly says:
    Thumb up 6 Thumb down 5

    The Real Royal King said:
    College Graduate/Some College/High School Only

    Maddow 40%/67%/33%
    BIll-o 35%/27%/38%
    Beckerhead: 29%/23%/47%

    that’s some math there, RRk…. so Rachel’s audience is comprised of 140%?

    You are such a liar!

    Her numbers, per YOUR link are:

    College Graduate/Some College/High School Only

  • writer writer says:
    Thumb up 5 Thumb down 3

    Glad to help, Hawk. Everyone knows the far left isn’t biased. Can’t hurt to remind people.

  • sarainitaly sarainitaly says:
    Thumb up 7 Thumb down 4

    The Real Royal King said:
    It is, indeed, a burden. I often feel as if Tumbleweed is stalking me. From Italy. Or, elsewhere.

    yes, i am clearly the one stalking you…


    iris said:
    Hey, sara we all know you’re in italy with your sugardaddy
    financing your little homemade crocheted hat business and
    yet for some reason you are here ALL THE TIME, its gotta be the King

    The Real Royal King says:
    This is small town Texas festival season, Iris, and the little craft shows are filled with crocheted toilet paper holders, liquor bottle covers (often with French Poodle tops), panty hose holders and the like. Imagine the money to be made!

    The Real Royal King says:
    October 14, 2010 at 12:07 pm (Quote)
    From henceforth, Sara N. Italy, thy name shall be: Tumblewood. An irritation, albeit not dangerous. Mass without weight. Haphazardly flitting about. Like the post you just gave. To what end? None except another shrill defense of the indefensible.

    The Real Royal King says:
    October 14, 2010 at 4:58 pm (Quote)
    It doesn’t appear to me the effort was worthwhile, Tumbleweed.

    The Real Royal King says:
    October 13, 2010 at 9:58 am (Quote)
    Why don’t you just butt out of American elections, Sara N. Italy. I don’t go to Italy and make suggestions about how they should conduct elections. I find your interjection into this matter patently offensive.

    The Real Royal King says:
    October 13, 2010 at 10:27 am (Quote)
    I’m not too fond of foreigners constantly bashing our President, either. Whether the president be W or President Obama, or anyone else. Well, maybe Raygun, but we all have our faults. Why not concentrate on Italian politics? There is plenty there.

    The Real Royal King says:
    October 13, 2010 at 7:50 am (Quote)
    You hatred of and contempt for our President is really limitless, isn’t it. I’m not sure I much care for an Italian or any other foreigner speaking in this manner.

    The Real Royal King says:
    October 12, 2010 at 8:52 pm (Quote)
    Kan the Krap, Toots. The biggest problem for Hillary was Hillary, and the biggest problem for the Drop Out Governor of Alaska was reason, logic, decency and integrity. Can’t you find anything else to bleat, kvetch, moan and whine about? Geez!

    The Real Royal King says:
    October 11, 2010 at 10:35 am (Quote)
    The motivation doesn’t make any difference here, you Vacuous Twit.

    We get it. You hate President Obama. You only regret an entire bookshelf didn’t fall on him, or that you weren’t there to push it on top of him. We get it. President Obama had the unmitigated gall to run a better campaign than Hillary!, and the chutzpah to beat Gramps and the Drop Out Governor. For that alone, he should be held in utter contempt, subjected to ridicule and assault. We get it. Your vengeance must be satiated. We get it. Now, run out and get some pasta for supper.

    The Real Royal King says:
    October 11, 2010 at 3:17 pm (Quote)
    You Insufferable Twit. My colleagues and I all on the Side of the Angels specirfically said intention and motivation were irreleveant. It is wrong to assault our President or anyone else. Let me repeat in the feint hopes it will sink in: It is wrong to assault our President our anyone else. Is it getting through.
    All of you who called for and/or sanctioned the assault of our President, as I earlier named, are every bit as wrong now as you were then.

    All the Marys in Heaven: Why must I suffer these fools?

    The Real Royal King says:
    October 11, 2010 at 8:50 am (Quote)
    We have another link in which yet another hate-filled loon is being applauded for assaulting President Obama. When will you people learn that your hate speech, which may or may not be protected speech, often inspires violence, injury and death. Your remarks are imflammatory and are an anathema to American free speech. I should think even in Italy you might realize that. At long last, Be Gone. Spare us further hatred and divisiveness.

    The Real Royal King says:
    October 3, 2010 at 9:47 pm (Quote)
    Well, this is typical intellectually dishonest Sara N. Italy crap. Kristol made an outrageous statement but the burden is on everyone else to prove it is not true. Sara N. Italy is simply a rightist tool.

    Sara N. Italy is correct in describing a system which is not the most efficient in Europe. No surprise there. However, even in the Italian system, any critical matter would have been addressed very quickly. Likely, a trip to the primary care giver would have been needed, followed by the necessary referral for many matters, but the average wait to see the primary giver even in Italy is less than five (5) days. This is just another one of those convenient lies Sara attaches to to further her victimization.

  • FearMonger FearMonger says:
    Thumb up 6 Thumb down 3

    glad the (D)’s brought us back from the brink….


    Many Thanks!

  • sarainitaly sarainitaly says:
    Thumb up 5 Thumb down 4

    more stalking: http://tinyurl.com/35zmxlg

  • The Real Royal King The Real Royal King says:
    Thumb up 3 Thumb down 8

    sarainitaly said:
    that’s some math there, RRk…. so Rachel’s audience is comprised of 140%?

    You are such a liar!

    Her numbers, per YOUR link are:

    College Graduate/Some College/High School Only

    IU am a dreaful proofer, Tumbleweed. Thank you for the correction.

  • The Real Royal King The Real Royal King says:
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    sarainitaly says:
    November 4, 2010 at 2:33 pm

    See, Iris. The woman lives and breathes me. She keeps all my correspondence.

  • sarainitaly sarainitaly says:
    Thumb up 7 Thumb down 4

    iris said:
    Hey, sara we all know you’re in italy with your sugardaddy
    financing your little homemade crocheted hat business and
    yet for some reason you are here ALL THE TIME, its gotta be the King


  • The Real Royal King The Real Royal King says:
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    Seeing 2012 From My Window said:
    Go back and compare this number with Liberals/Progressives and see what you come up with.

    No need Keith. The American people have completely rejected the ideas coming from your side. It doesn’t matter if 100% of you went to Harward, we don’t want what you’re selling!!

    Yes, Michelle-in-Utah, I know the numbers for the Tea Partiers and the Beckerhead are discouraging. I’m sure if I were in such a dumbed-down demographic I should be discouraged as well.

  • sarainitaly sarainitaly says:
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    The Real Royal King said:
    See, Iris. The woman lives and breathes me. She keeps all my correspondence.

    no, it was saved from my correspondence with Mediaite about you harassing and stalking me. i am saving them for court records, should i need them.

  • The Real Royal King The Real Royal King says:
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    sarainitaly said:

    No, I don’t think Iris wants me like you do, Tumbleweed.

  • The Real Royal King The Real Royal King says:
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    sarainitaly said:
    no, it was saved from my correspondence with Mediaite about you harassing and stalking me. i am saving them for court records, should i need them.

    Indeed. You might have a couple of holes in your legal theory.

    Thumb up 2 Thumb down 8

    Hawk11 said:
    The more I read the right wing comments on here the more I realize that most of you making right wing comments either work for the Republican party in some way, work for FOX news, or have no insight into the way both parties operate because you limit yourselves to a single point of view. To understand that this election was bought by the Chamber of Commerce and other outside entities should not be lost on anyone. All that money was thrown at the GOP and they are going to want to collect something for those contributions. I was actually quite upset when all the numbers came in from the elections, but the next day I saw something that brought me back. Tamron Hall interviewing Michael Steele and asking him profoundly “Mr Steele, where are the jobs??? and Mr. Steele did what he usually does… He laughs, and then doesn’t answer the question. Some may argue to give him some time, but I argue that they should have had a plan in place for quite some time now. FOX news may be happy with the answers “tax cuts and cut discretionary spending? but I’m not satisfied when it’s not explained to me and neither should anyone on the right.

    I totally agree.

  • The Real Royal King The Real Royal King says:
    Thumb up 3 Thumb down 8

    Merf: It is customary to thank someone when they provide you information you request. Even if the information didn’t make you feel all warm and toasty inside.

  • Alz Alz says:
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    The Real Royal King said:
    Actually, the demographics are not with you on this, Murf. I find her show tedious and at times silly, but she does have a highly educated audience.

    Educated by whom?

    Remember the math: smart * wrong = wrong.

  • Seeing 2012 From My Window Seeing 2012 From My Window says:
    Thumb up 6 Thumb down 2

    Educated by whom?

    Hooked oh fonix!

  • Alz Alz says:
    Thumb up 4 Thumb down 1

    Hawk11 said:
    The more I read the right wing comments on here the more I realize that most of you making right wing comments either work for the Republican party in some way, work for FOX news, or have no insight into the way both parties operate because you limit yourselves to a single point of view. To understand that this election was bought by the Chamber of Commerce and other outside entities should not be lost on anyone. All that money was thrown at the GOP and they are going to want to collect something for those contributions. I was actually quite upset when all the numbers came in from the elections, but the next day I saw something that brought me back. Tamron Hall interviewing Michael Steele and asking him profoundly “Mr Steele, where are the jobs??? and Mr. Steele did what he usually does… He laughs, and then doesn’t answer the question. Some may argue to give him some time, but I argue that they should have had a plan in place for quite some time now. FOX news may be happy with the answers “tax cuts and cut discretionary spending? but I’m not satisfied when it’s not explained to me and neither should anyone on the right.

    Steele isn’t the one to ask, it’s the Democrats and, especially Obama.

  • The Real Royal King The Real Royal King says:
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    Seeing 2012 From My Window said:
    Educated by whom?

    Hooked oh fonix!

    I shouldn’t be surprised that you are intimidated by college graduates and post-graduate degree holders, Michelle-in-Utah, nor that your intimidation results in a contempt for those who are educated and articulate.

  • shootfromthehip shootfromthehip says:
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    AntiHyperbole said:
    Pres. Obama came into office with these grand moderate claims and post-partisan rhetoric, etc, etc. Ever since swearing in he has pushed an unwanted far left agenda,

    That is a lie.

    Obama DID reach out and tried to appoint Republicans to his cabinet, only to get slapped down at every turn.


    Again, he has always had his hand slapped down by the GOP (whose stated mission is to have him fail, even if that means viting “no” AGAINST THE BEST INTEREST OF THE COUNTRY) and/or gets stabbed in the back whenever he genuinely reached across the aisle.

  • murf murf says:
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    shootfromthehip said:

    And then proceeded to jam a 2,000 page bill without reading it . The ” summit ” was pure show, in hopes to gain public support . It didn’t.

    How you liberals are so blind to that , is beyond me.

  • BatBoy BatBoy says:
    Thumb up 5 Thumb down 4

    shootfromthehip said:
    Obama DID reach out and tried to appoint Republicans to his cabinet

    Now that is a lie!

    President Obama only has 735 day left in office…Oh happy Days!

  • Thumb up 2 Thumb down 9

    murf says:
    “Thanks for verifying my assertion of the low intelligence level of Maddow’s audience.”

    Awe, muff; is sarcasm too much for you? (Apparently)

    Then, sarainlalaland says:
    “anyone who criticizes obama is called a fear monger of a racist. get it?”

    If you have a typo, yes. If not, then no.

  • Seeing 2012 From My Window Seeing 2012 From My Window says:
    Thumb up 4 Thumb down 2

    I shouldn’t be surprised that you are intimidated by college graduates and post-graduate degree holders, Michelle-in-Utah, nor that your intimidation results in a contempt for those who are educated and articulate.

    HAHA good one! First off, you have NO idea what my educational backgroud is and seond, if you think your “intellect” intimidates anyone here, you are more delusional than I thought!

  • BatBoy BatBoy says:
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    The Real Royal King said:
    post-graduate degree

    Are you still trying to convince us you have one…..I think not!

    President Obama only has 735 day left in office…Oh Happy Days!

  • murf murf says:
    Thumb up 8 Thumb down 2

    The Real Royal King said:
    Merf: It is customary to thank someone when they provide you information you request. Even if the information didn’t make you feel all warm and toasty inside.

    Thanks Iris/ted/TtT/TRRK

  • bealzebubba bealzebubba says:
    Thumb up 0 Thumb down 2

    Harry Flashman said:

    Control of the internet – gone.

    That alone is a fucking shame and every representative that supported net neutrality should have made a better effort to support it and garner support for it.

  • Alz Alz says:
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    shootfromthehip said:

    And why did he do it? So saps like you would repeat it.

    As we saw, Obama had no intention of including other ideas. And why didn’t Obama have any intention of including others? …because Obama’s ideas were/are Socialist.

  • AntiHyperbole AntiHyperbole says:
    Thumb up 3 Thumb down 2


    Damn right it was a stunt. When the susbstance of that proposed bill were being discussed and created, Obama back tracked on a repeated campaign promise to allow cspan cameras in during the entire process. That didnt happen. And how many “Democrats only!” meetings did he hold? I want to say at least 2 but I may be wrong. We all know about the one where he scolded one of his own hesitant party members with the threat ” Don’t think we’re not keeping score, brother!”.

    And how graciously was Bush treated by the ever non partisan noble democrats? No Child Left Behind, and the Guest Worker Program were sold middle ground compromises, yet he was trashed by democrats, no matter what he did, at every single turn.

  • FearMonger FearMonger says:
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    shootfromthehip said:

    Wow. After all the wrangling and BS tactics by the (D)’s you call that ‘reaching out’? Let me refresh your revisionist memory…..

    Scott Brown ran on the platform of being ‘the 41st vote’…. he won. ONLY AFTER that did the Prez extend the invitation to the HC “Summit”. Geez SFTH, the friggin’ thing was supposed to have long since been passed by then. I guess you don’t recall all the damned deadlines that came and went in 2009.

    shootfromthehip said:
    he genuinely reached across the aisle.

    lmao! What a joke!

    and btw…. remember Sir Harry saying ‘Nobody is talking about RECONCILIATION except you guys’? I doubt you’ll recall that either but but but…. he said that in February and they passed it by RECONCILIATION (formerly known as ‘The Nuclear Option’) in March. The Prez said ‘that’s what elections are for’. Yup. It is.

    What happened to all the promises? “You can keep your current policy” (R)’s said “Bullshit…. how are you gonna keep your current policy when your provider is driven out of business?” It was people like YOU SFTH who refused to listen. Every warning the (R) issued about that bill is coming to pass…. and the very same ignorant delusional idiots who insisted on that crappy bill are STILL denying the truth.

    Not only that, they are trying to rewrite history that somehow this administration was inclusive in the process. But our memories aren’t like yours. We remember WTF happened and will for a long long time. You can keep trying to rewrite it if you wish but but but…. all you are doing is proving just how short your memory really is and just how much kool-aid you have consumed.

    Delusional or just stoopid? We’ll see over the course of the next year.

    AntiHyperbole had it EXACTLY right. The fact that you leftwingers think these policies were “moderate” shows just how moonbatty you really are. You actually drank the WH kool-aid and repeated the BIG LIE that that 2700 page catastrophe would actually “bend the cost curve down”. Go ahead, tell me again. I know you want to.

    You can just add that to the long list of lies from that sad chapter of American History. Thankfully, we just turned the page.

  • njoy-d-ride njoy-d-ride says:
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    Hawk11 said:
    The more I read the right wing comments on here the more I realize that most of you making right wing comments either work for the Republican party in some way, work for FOX news, or have no insight into the way both parties operate because you limit yourselves to a single point of view.

    Hey Hawk, Fox is not as far to the right as MSNBC is to the left! And that’s from this (MediaITE) website!

    Roll that in your pipe and smoke it, since Prop. 19 failed…

  • The Real Royal King The Real Royal King says:
    Thumb up 2 Thumb down 6

    BatBoy said:
    Now that is a lie!

    President Obama only has 735 day left in office…Oh happy Days!

    You never heard of Judd Gregg?

  • The Real Royal King The Real Royal King says:
    Thumb up 3 Thumb down 6

    murf said:
    Thanks Iris/ted/TtT/TRRK

    No need for thanks, but you are most welcome.

    Thumb up 5 Thumb down 3

    Today’s progressives are yesteryear’s communists.

    Fear not however, people that deny reality and reason never last too long…these progressives will go the way of horse-drawn buggies, 8-tracks, and Pol Pot!

    Stand tall GOP and do not compromise with the oppressors. Expose them and THEIR media for what they are, and they’ll wind up little more than a discredited sidebar in the story of human evolution.

    You don’t compromise with tyranny, YOU DEFEAT IT!

  • felixw felixw says:
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    ROCKSTEADY said:
    If the repubs had all these “good?ideas how come they didn’t help Americans 2 plus years ago?This as the days and weeks go by will be interesting.

    If the Democrats had all these good ideas, how come they didn’t get re-elected 2 days ago?

  • bcnulater bcnulater says:
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    Real Royal King, your comment earlier about Arizona deporting people is incorrect. The State of Arizona does not have deportation authority, only the Federal Government has this authority and responsibility.

    Possibly you were making a poor ‘tongue in cheek’ reference to AZ SB1070. This law specifically states that persons detained and suspected and/or found to be in the US without proper documentation will be turned over to the appropriate US Government Agency (ICE) for disposition.

    Just want to clarify this point since there is a lot of misinformation on SB1070 that has spewed and bantered about on this subject.

  • FearMonger FearMonger says:
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    GlennBeckReview said:
    Sara, please, my stomach hurts laughing at your absurd ideas. Seriously, pulling feces out of your rectum and throwing it at a comment box does not make for interesting dialog.

    If you guys wanna see some REAL ‘feces’ go check out the end of this other Maddow thread…..


    GBR went Bizarro World on the english language. A poster had written

    “So what is it when Democrats say that Republicans want to take Grandma’s social security and make her eat dog food.”

    to which GBR replied “The truth”

    I called him out on that… comparing him to Alan Grayson for sinking that low. The next day he took me up on it and defended it but but but…… eventually he pulled the old ‘goalpost move’ and tried to rewrite what was clearly visible right there in the same thread. Meanwhile he managed to call me many things including deceitful/ liar as he tried to twist the english language….

    GlennBeckReview said:
    Make her eat dog food is not “want her? to eat dog food.

    to which I said ‘want to make her eat dog food’ means exactly what it says. And in that sentence…

    “So what is it when Democrats say that Republicans want to take Grandma’s social security and make her eat dog food.”

    … it’s clear that the poster was saying that ‘making Grandma eat dog food’ is EXACTLY what (D)’s say (R)’s ‘want’ to do.

    GBR was quite clear in what he meant when he responded to the question with “The truth”. Not only that…. the point being made by the original poster about gutter rhetoric was ABUNDANTLY CLEAR so… for GBR to play semantics with ‘make’ and ‘want’ is ridiculous. Not only is it clear what his INTENTIONS were, he was unambiguous that he believes it is TRUE that republicans want to make Grandma eat dog food by taking away her social security.

    Anyway, THAT’s why I called him out with the comparison to Grayson which eventually led to him …. at 2:59 PM today…. calling me ‘deceitful/ liar’ blah blah blah and questioning my integrity. I invite anybody who hasn’t already made up their mind about GBR to go have a look at his idea of ‘truth’.

    Don’t skip the part where he calls for myself and NOTSOFAST to be banned while ignoring my question about some of the lefwing posters here who say much worse shit than we do. I’m sure i can find a few good nuggets on this very thread without even trying but but but ….. instead I’ll sum up the sentiment with one word….


    And btw GBR….. next time you wanna lecture somebody about being ‘uninformed’ and sinking the discussions to ‘a primitive level’…. take a good look in the mirror and a glance at your side of the aisle.

    “Deceitful’ indeed. Know thyself GBR.

  • Hawk11 Hawk11 says:
    Thumb up 1 Thumb down 0

    njoy-d-ride said:
    Hey Hawk, Fox is not as far to the right as MSNBC is to the left! And that’s from this (MediaITE) website!

    Roll that in your pipe and smoke it, since Prop. 19 failed…

    Once again, someone making the argument that this is about FOX vs. MSNBC. If that’s all the people on this site are concerned with then just keep watching what you watch. I have no problem with what anyone watches. What I do have trouble with is our “elected” officials doing for their own interests and not the interests of the people that vote for them. Our entire political system is under the lash of money and favors. This is what needs to change. As far as i’m concerned, in the next election they should all be voted out and replaced. The only money our elected officials should take is their salary that is paid for by us.

    Vote them out! The first law that should be made is no contributions to campaigns WHATSOEVER!! The airwaves are owned by the people. Campaigns should be publicly financed and every candidate should be given the same resources. Once that is done then you start on the rest. Taxes, healthcare, defense, energy, etc.

  • TCinAZ TCinAZ says:
    Thumb up 1 Thumb down 1

    I always Knew that they awarded that dude a Rhodes scholarship fer Sumpin’ . And now I Know what that Sumpin’ Is.

    Quite the analytical Mind that you’ve got there, Maddow.

    “I think it’s understandable that “Folks” said to themselves that you know, Maybe this is the Agenda as opposed to the response to an Emergency.” – mm..mm..MM..Barack Hussein Obama

    aka, “I’m No King, but I Did “Inherit” a umm…”, when he’s Off TOTUS.

    Ps. “Once we know that people are human and have some Homer Simpson in them, then there’s a lot that can be done to manipulate them.” – Cass Sunstein

  • armwood armwood says:
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    tomcable said:
    After Maddow’s embarrassing performance along with the men of The View (Olbermann, Robinson, Matthews, O’Donnell), I figured she would read 99% of the horrific reviews of MSNBC’s coverage and take the rest of the week off.

    Embarrassing performance? What were you drinking?

  • armwood armwood says:
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    Harry Flashman said:
    Maddow isn’t mourning a genuine lack of compromise. She whining because what she and the left want is for the Republicans to come to them with an olive branch and accept most of Obama’s agenda with just some modifications, and it ain’t gonna happen.

    Cap and trade – gone.

    Obama care – gone.

    Control of the internet – gone.

    Progressive control of the school system – gone.

    The list goes on and on. And li’l Rachel and her progressive cohorts don’t like it one bit. They don’t want compromise, they want further capitulation and they ain’t gonna get it.

    Like apples? How do ya like them apples, Rachel?

    How is that going to happen? Basic civics, it takes both the House and the Senate to pass legislation. It takes a 2/3 majority of both houses to overcome a veto. You are really naive.

  • armwood armwood says:
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    rocky road said:
    The male white liberal straight people are trying to do to the Gays and Lesbians what they did to african americans. The difference is that gays and straights do not walk in lockstep like other groups. We are more educated, more prosperous and don’t need the liberal left to make believe they are defending us. We don’t need them to defend us. We are like every successful hardworking american. We vote with our pocketbook. We don’t have a leader like jesse jackson or al sharpton. We don’t need leaders to tell us who to vote for. We also don’t need a farm league, failed radio host lesbian to be the face of gay people in the media. She is a waste of space. Not because she is gay but because she is stupid.

    That is a very offensive comment. African Americans, better than any other group in America, vote intelligently for their self interest. How much do you earn? You probably do not earn more than 250,000 or even 100,000 a year. The conservatives you support were the ones who bailed out the banks, support driving down the value of your labor by shipping American jobs overseas. African American voters vote much more intelligently than you do. They are not as gullible and unaware as you are. They do not believe the conservative hype. Wake up!

  • writer writer says:
    Thumb up 4 Thumb down 2

    70% of black households are single parent. How’s all that liberal hype been working out, armwood? Black ‘leaders’ like Sharpton keep telling blacks they’re in a perpetual status of victimhood, so many figure, ‘What’s the point?’ But instead of ever daring to talk about personal responsibility, you preach more of the same, then wonder why things don’t get better.

  • armwood armwood says:
    Thumb up 2 Thumb down 4

    writer said:
    70% of black households are single parent. How’s all that liberal hype been working out, armwood? Black ‘leaders’ like Sharpton keep telling blacks they’re in a perpetual status of victimhood, so many figure, ‘What’s the point?’ But instead of ever daring to talk about personal responsibility, you preach more of the same, then wonder why things don’t get better.

    White males are the ones screaming victimhood. Look at this forum. I see it here every day. All these males who complain about liberals instead of getting an education so we can compete with the rest of the world. No, they support people like Sarah Palin who is an idiot. Only an idiot would support her. Get an education, i am not talking about a simple BA or B.S. in business. Be serious. Study engineering, and technical skills so we will not have to depend on students from overseas. Guess what. They are not coming here as much as they used to as a result of policies of President Bush. Stop whining and get an education and build this country back in to a competitive powerhouse

  • Nahu Tuk Nahu Tuk says:
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    felixw said:
    If the Democrats had all these good ideas, how come they didn’t get re-elected 2 days ago?


  • armwood armwood says:
    Thumb up 2 Thumb down 3

    Nahu Tuk said:

    What is popular at a particular moment is not always right! Kind of easy to understand, right?

  • OldGuy OldGuy says:
    Thumb up 1 Thumb down 1

    NORBIT said:
    Damn Right, Rach…NO COMPROMISE with lying Hugo Chavez wannabe’s! GOP: Make “personal responsibility? the theme for the next 2 years. 1) Don’t expect MY tax dollars to bail out greedmongerers on Wall Street.2) Don’t expect MY tax dollars to support illegal foreigners.3) Don’t expect MY tax dollars to pay for other people’s reckless childbearing.

    That’s scary. There’s another me out there. Well done.

  • Nahu Tuk Nahu Tuk says:
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    musiccityvic said:
    As of this morning 6 Senate Seats, 61 House Seats, 7 Governorships, and an astounding 680 State Legislative Seat pickups. Yep, its time for the Republicans to compromise and move to the center. Only Progressives and idiots like Lindsey Grahamesty believe that. BTW Lindsey, YOU ARE NEXT.

    I agree.

    What some (liberal) people are forgetting is it is not incumbent on the Republicans to compromise one whit. The -0bamacare bill, and many other bills, were crafted behind closed doors. In other words, the Dimmicraps with their cavalier attitudes prevented anyone’s involvement but their own.

    The Dimmicraps IGNORED the will of the people by cramming down their bailouts and –0bamacare bills down our throats in spite of our protest.

    The people made a clear statement on 2 November 2010, and sided with the Republicans. Had the Republicans had better candidates, e.g. in Delaware, they would have wip the slate clean, but there’s more.

    Now, it is the Republicans who’d damned well clean out their ears and listen to those who transferred power back to them. It’s either that, or a third party will emerge and dispose of both the pachyderms and the jack asses.

  • OldGuy OldGuy says:
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    armwood said:
    How is that going to happen? Basic civics, it takes both the House and the Senate to pass legislation. It takes a 2/3 majority of both houses to overcome a veto. You are really naive.

    You do realize that the funding for Obama’s previously passed programs has to come from the now Republican controlled House. Never forget, the Senate has little power when compared to the House.

  • Seeing 2012 From My Window Seeing 2012 From My Window says:
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    King says:

    You never heard of Judd Gregg?

    Yeah, he’s the guy that says we are about to turn into Greece.

  • armwood armwood says:
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    Nahu Tuk said:
    I agree.

    What some (liberal) people are forgetting is it is not incumbent on the Republicans to compromise one whit. The -0bamacare bill, and many other bills, were crafted behind closed doors. In other words, the Dimmicraps with their cavalier attitudes prevented anyone’s involvement but their own.

    The Dimmicraps IGNORED the will of the people by cramming down their bailouts and –0bamacare bills down our throats in spite of our protest.

    The people made a clear statement on 2 November 2010, and sided with the Republicans. Had the Republicans had better candidates, e.g. in Delaware, they would have wip the slate clean, but there’s more.

    Now, it is the Republicans who’d damned well clean out their ears and listen to those who transferred power back to them. It’s either that, or a third party will emerge and dispose of both the pachyderms and the jack asses.

    Republicans have lied about the health care bill from the beginning. There were no death panels. Those opposed to the bill should travel around the world and live in any developed country for a while. You will see how inferior our health care system is. to many Americans are arrogant and ignorant. Our system is horrible and expensive. I have lived under and used a single payer system which provided better health care for much less. Unfortunately to amy narrow minded and ignorant Americans buy the hype from the insurance company lobbyists.

  • armwood armwood says:
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    OldGuy said:
    You do realize that the funding for Obama’s previously passed programs has to come from the now Republican controlled House. Never forget, the Senate has little power when compared to the House.

    You are wrong. A large part of the bill was written as entitlements. Evidently you never took the time to read the bill like many conservatives. Read it, you might learn something.

  • Nahu Tuk Nahu Tuk says:
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    armwood said:
    What is popular at a particular moment is not always right! Kind of easy to understand, right?

    Are you implying that the liberals are so enlightened that the ignorant populace just doesn’t have the depth to understand all the good stuff they’re trying to do for us hustings? If so, you are wrong. You are DEAD wrong. There are some fundamental rules that do not require the mind of a physicist to understand, and the so-called “progressives” (RINOs included) have broken those rules. Here are some of the rules I’m talking about:

    1. You can’t do business with people who have nothing to offer–all business relationships must be equitable for all parties.
    2. Never reward bad behavior (e.g. bailouts and stimulii)
    3. Never throw good money after bad (if a system or methodology does not produce favorable results, abandon it–the sooner the better.)
    4. You cannot spend your way to prosperity (“invest” yes, “spend” no.)
    5. Never consume more than you produce.
    6. A “service-based” economy is a false economy–the US economy began to slide when we lost our manufacturing base; we lost it to over-regulation, labor unions, and draconian corporate taxes.

    There’s more but you get the idea…I hope.

  • Nahu Tuk Nahu Tuk says:
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    armwood said:
    Republicans have lied about the health care bill from the beginning.

    In a previous life, I wrote legislation. I was taught that the text of laws must be written in such a way that they cannot possibly be misinterpreted. I have only read about 500 pages of -0bamacare, but I can tell you that some parts of it can be interpreted in any of four ways! Death panels? No, not expressly stated, but that could be a valid interpretation of this law. The many ambiguities are one thing–the extraordinary costs of implementation are quite anoter.

  • armwood armwood says:
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    Basic Keynesian economics has carried the western world for a very long time. It brought prosperity to America. Economic growth generates prosperity through the multiplier effect but I assume you already know this. Sometimes you have to engage in bailouts for the greater good. This bailout worked. The bailout of G.M. worked. These are facts know economist worth his salt would deny. G.M. is now making a profit. Be pragmatic, not ideological. Pragmatism is the American way. Do what works, no matter where the idea come from. You cannot immediately know whether a particular system is bad or good. Sometimes it just takes time. If we continue to be policeman of the world, and we will remain so to protect our worldwide economic interest we will spend more than we produce. This is reality, not a libertarian phantasy. I agree that a service based economy is not a solid economy but your blaming of unions is totally wrong. Right now we are being beaten by competitors who have strong unions. Look at Samsung. I have personally witnessed how strong Korean unions are in the 11th largest economy in the world with a population just under 50 million. We are falling behind because of education. Instead of business majors, the last resort of the lazy, we need engineers and scientists. Korea is number 1 in the world in science scores. We are falling behind because we have become complacent and lazy. Our education standards are below the rest of the world. Overall Finland is number 1. This is our problem. It is education. Getting a business B.A. is not enough. We need skilled PHD’s and engineers.

  • armwood armwood says:
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    Nahu Tuk said:
    In a previous life, I wrote legislation. I was taught that the text of laws must be written in such a way that they cannot possibly be misinterpreted. I have only read about 500 pages of -0bamacare, but I can tell you that some parts of it can be interpreted in any of four ways! Death panels? No, not expressly stated, but that could be a valid interpretation of this law. The many ambiguities are one thing–the extraordinary costs of implementation are quite anoter.

    Obliviously you have never studied law, at least not at a top tier law school. Almost every single piece of complicated legislation can be interpreted many ways. That’s why we have lawyers, to fight over the interpretation of law. Ambiguity is the nature of law, “It depends on what the meaning of is is”.

  • The Real Royal King The Real Royal King says:
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    Seeing 2012 From My Window said:
    King says: You never heard of Judd Gregg? Yeah, he’s the guy that says we are about to turn into Greece.

    Michelle-in-Utah, this was in response to BatBoy’s ignorant assertion that President Obama had not asked Republicans to be in his cabinet. He did. He asked Gregg. Gregg accepted. Then, Gregg failed to keep his agreement. Greece was not an issue at the time. Must you be constantly, perpetually, chronically intellectually dishonest? Why must you and the truth always be distant relatives? I don’t understand this propensity you have for making up Krap.

  • The Real Royal King The Real Royal King says:
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    armwood said:
    Obliviously you have never studied law, at least not at a top tier law school. Almost every single piece of complicated legislation can be interpreted many ways. That’s why we have lawyers, to fight over the interpretation of law. Ambiguity is the nature of law, “It depends on what the meaning of is is?.

    You are an asset to this blog. Thank you.

  • dahni dahni says:
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    Am I ready to compromise with a party and a President that wants to establish a socialist government in America?
    What kind of compromise might that be? Help me out here, folks! I’m a moderate who believes in Individual Rights, Individual Responsibility, Loyalty to family, community and country, and Compassion for those unable to take care of themselves.

    Please help me understand where I should compromise with Progressive/Liberals/Socialists such as Obama and his Czar cohorts.

  • Hawk11 Hawk11 says:
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    dahni said:
    Am I ready to compromise with a party and a President that wants to establish a socialist government in America?
    What kind of compromise might that be? Help me out here, folks! I’m a moderate who believes in Individual Rights, Individual Responsibility, Loyalty to family, community and country, and Compassion for those unable to take care of themselves.

    Please help me understand where I should compromise with Progressive/Liberals/Socialists such as Obama and his Czar cohorts.

    First off understand that the “czar” term came to us during the Reagan era and it was really pushed during the Bush administration. It didn’t become a bad word until Obama took office.

    Second, if you believe in social security, medicare, public schools and a national defense then you already believe in a socialism.

  • armwood armwood says:
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    dahni said:
    Am I ready to compromise with a party and a President that wants to establish a socialist government in America?
    What kind of compromise might that be? Help me out here, folks! I’m a moderate who believes in Individual Rights, Individual Responsibility, Loyalty to family, community and country, and Compassion for those unable to take care of themselves.

    Please help me understand where I should compromise with Progressive/Liberals/Socialists such as Obama and his Czar cohorts.

    You really need to understand the terms you are using. America is not a socialist country, not even close. Obama has never espoused anything close to socialism. You are being duped by people manipulating your ignorance. do some research. Learn what the term means and then we can chat.

  • Nahu Tuk Nahu Tuk says:
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    armwood said:
    That’s why we have lawyers, to fight over the interpretation of law. Ambiguity is the nature of law, “It depends on what the meaning of is is?.

    Then you’re saying “if it weren’t for lawyers, we wouldn’t need them.” I’m telling you that you are wrong. The reason why so many laws are written with ambiguity is because of the people who write them. Again, I tell you that I wrote legislation, and the lawyer whom I worked for–Phi Beta Kappa, if that means anything to you–would not pass my work unless it was written sans ambiguity. (Ut supra.)

  • Ricky51 Ricky51 says:
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    Rachel Madcow…….who is this? Never heard of her, but she appears to be a communist sympathizer….lots of them I suppose, on the “state progessive, lame stream liberal media…….I used to wonder why anyone could believe in the socialist mantra…..then, in 1982, it all came to me in a blinding flash….you see….dope addicts, liers, theives and other discontents need a home…a political party to call their own….this is not the same democratic party that we all knew…..these are American haters and Radical Muslim sympathizers….Rachel Madcow is just one of the chosen WH mouthpieces….there are several on ABC>>>CBS>>>MSNBC>>>>CNN <<< NBC……even a couple of token libs on Fox…..only the brainwashed listen to these monkeys with brains…..

  • writer writer says:
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    armwood, you completely bypassed that 70% figure, didn’t you? Any community that’s doing that to itself is doomed to fail. But just keep pretending that the black community should never, ever have to look inward.

  • Nahu Tuk Nahu Tuk says:
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    armwood said:
    Basic Keynesian economics has carried the western world for a very long time.

    Keynes was flawed. He made the assumption that one can spend more money than they have–operate indefinitely on a deficit–and I believe you would agree (if you have an ounce of logic within you) that an individual, entity, or nation cannot operate indefinitely on less revenue than they take in. Deficit spending is basically robbing from the future.

    Freidman (and later Hayek) had it right; you can’t spend your way to prosperity, or break any of the fundamental economic rules I provided for you above. If you can show me where these premises are wrong, I would like to see your argument.

  • renagle renagle says:
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    I love watching Madcow choking over the HISTORIC win by the GOP. Love it. Tingles Chris Mathews is about to lose his mind and Larry “Your a LIAR” O’Donnell is expecting the apocalypse with Rand Paul. Watching MSLSD is a trip! Hahaha!

  • Penguin60 Penguin60 says:
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    armwood said:
    That is a very offensive comment. How much do you earn? You probably do not earn more than 250,000 or even 100,000 a year.

    Actually that’s quite an offensive comment.

    The conservatives you support were the ones who bailed out the banks, support driving down the value of your labor by shipping American jobs overseas.

    And the Dems didn’t, take off the partisan glasses.

    African American voters vote much more intelligently than you do. They are not as gullible and unaware as you are.

    Another offensive and racially charged statement.
    You just can’t help yourself.

  • Thumb up 1 Thumb down 1

    NORBIT says:
    “Today’s progressives are yesteryear’s communists.”

    No, today’s communists are today’s communists. Some progressives have a Libertarian streak, but none I’ve ever heard described have come close to communism.

    NORBUTT, when will you stop repeating the utter bullcrap that comes out of Beck’s mouth? Beck lies about progressives and progressivism every day, and he gets away with it because gullible sheep like you buy everything that the charlatan says.

    NORBUTT: Beck has no higher education. He knows about as much as any other high school graduate who smoked pot in high school (not much).

  • CAconservative CAconservative says:
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    You cannot compromise with a quasi-socialist president. Obimbo has been in power for two years, where’s the Obimbo energy-policy? Steve King, is the proper person to take charge of illegal alien trespassing. We have a comprehensive immigration policy in place now. You can find it under ” Title 8, Section 1325, of the U.S. Code. This is the “comprehensive immigration law” that Mr.King will be implementing.

  • OldGuy OldGuy says:
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    armwood said:
    You are wrong. A large part of the bill was written as entitlements. Evidently you never took the time to read the bill like many conservatives. Read it, you might learn something.

    You may have time to read a couple of thousand pages of legislation, but I have to work and pay taxes so the socialists in Washington can give the entitlements. FYJIGM

  • Thumb up 0 Thumb down 1

    Maddow is such a whiny little pussy.

    Progressives are the minority, Maddow. Get over it, you’re insignificant.

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    GlennBeckReview said:
    Some progressives have a Libertarian streak

    Probably the dumbest thing you’ve ever said. Progressivism and libertarianism are diametrically opposed to one another. Completely opposite sides of the political spectrum.

  • Nahu Tuk Nahu Tuk says:
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    Tony Westover said:
    Probably the dumbest thing you’ve ever said. Progressivism and libertarianism are diametrically opposed to one another. Completely opposite sides of the political spectrum.

    Yep, that’s pretty dumb alright, but you’re dealing with a poor failure of a human being, sitting alone in his parent’s basement in his underwear, munching on Cheetos all day, and never allowing himself to get out into the sunlight. He is obsessed with Glenn Beck–no doubt some sort of sick envy–and he’s trying to make a few bucks by getting people to click on his moronic website. Yes, I clicked ONCE and my pop-up blocker caught 3 pop-ups. I also received TWO tracking cookies that Norton obliterated.


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