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Glynnis MacNicol | Mediaite
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»» Glynnis MacNicol

George Will: Dems Mistakenly Think Problem Is Messaging Not Policies

video On 60 Minutes tonight President Obama tells Steve Kroft that one of the reasons the Dems lost a historic amount of seats in Tuesday’s Midterms was that his “messaging was the problem.” It’s hard to imagine how a President praised for his great oratorical skills during the campaign, and who has arguably appeared on [...]

Flashback: Chris Matthews Tells Glenn Beck He’s “A Great Guy”

video Every time I put up a post in which Chris Matthews mentions Glenn Beck, or mentions Beck in a way that might lead people to believe he's just discovered him, or mentions Beck in a way that might lead people to believe he (Beck) is not in fact human, someone emails in a link to this 2003 interview during which Matthews seems to be getting along just fine with Glenn.

Keith Olbermann Breaks Twitter Silence: “Greetings From Exile!”

Keith Olbermann Twittered for the first time since being indefinitely suspended without pay from MSNBC on Friday. Said @keitholbermann: "Greetings From Exile! A quick, overwhelmed, stunned THANK YOU for support that feels like a global hug & obviously left me tweetless XO"

Fox News Sunday Debates Whether Nancy Pelosi Is Like Winston Churchill

video Nancy Pelosi's announcement that she intends to run for Minority Leader in the House appears to have caught many people -- many of whom thought she's go quietly into the midterm defeat -- off guard.off guard. On Fox News Sunday today Mara Liasson said she thought Pelosi's current place in the Democratic party was similar to that of Winston Churchill. Really.

Report: Olbermann Was Suspended For Refusing To Apologize On Camera

video Politico's Mike Allen added another layer of speculation to Keith Olbermann's sudden and indefinite suspension on Friday: Olbermann was suspended for refusing to apologize on air. "Olbermann told his bosses he didn't know he was barred from making campaign contributions, although he is resisting saying that publicly. Olbermann may not hold as many cards as he thinks."

Obama On 60 Minutes: “Leadership Isn’t Just Legislation”

video President Obama taped an interview with Steve Kroft for tonight's 60 Minutes before departing for India. In it he tells Kroft that one of the reasons the voters have responded they way they they did on Tuesday was because his administration didn't properly communicate (over about a gazillion interviews) what they were doing and that "leadership isn’t just legislation."

Frank Rich: Why Is Obama Always In The Wrong Place At The Wrong Time

As another voice to the cacophony of pundits who have a problem with the Obama's taking off for India. Frank Rich. Rich is not so much worried about the economics of the trip, or the President's, er, "safety," he just thinks it looks bad. Very bad.

A Sarah Palin ‘Favored’ Tweet…May Be Racist Against Obama?

Sarah Palin's Twitter is getting her in trouble again. Palin recently favorited a Tweet from Ann Coulter that included a questionable picture.

Rachel Maddow: Don’t Kid Yourselves, There’s Not Going To Be Any Compromise

"So, what's next?" Rachel Maddow asked at the opening of her show last night, clapping her hand and shrugging her shoulders. What's next, according to Maddow, is not the bipartisan cooperation both President Obama and Rep. John Boehner have been giving (a small amount of) lip service to since Tuesday.

If Election Were Held Today Obama Would Lose To Huckabee And Romney But Trump Palin

CNN marked the beginning of the 2012 presidential election season by surveying how President Obama would fare against the (presumed) top GOP candidates if the election were held today. Answer: badly...unless Sarah Palin is the candidate.

Sarah Palin Celebrates Midterm Victories With New Video: Congratulations America!

video Sarah Palin may not have convinced many people that she's qualified to be president but there's no question the woman could run a major media operation. Of course, one might argue that's exactly what she's been doing since quitting her job as Alaska's governor. Behold her latest offering: A fun new video from SarahPac titled 'Together' featuring a slew of Tuesday's big winners (and Palin endorsements)

Glenn Beck Sums Up This Year’s Midterms….With Puppets

video Leave it to Glenn Beck to put this year's Midterm elections in perspective. Behold: Political theater...the puppet kind. It's more like political theater. [Cue funny voices]....Because nothing seems real to me right now....Who does the puppet belong to? Who's hands are these?" Indeed!

Chris Matthews: “Don’t Compare Any Human Being To Glenn Beck”

video Following Rep. John Boehner's weepy speech last night MSNBC's inimitable election panel spent some time hashing over what the tears meant. Rachel Maddow felt that Boehner's tears fit right in with certain cable news hosts.

Giuliani On The View: There Will Be Plenty Of GOP Candidates Without Sarah Palin

video Welcome to day one of the 2012 Presidential Election Race. On The View this morning former Mayor of New York Rudy Giuliani weighed in on the question much of the media will spend at minimum the next six months hashing over: Will Sarah Palin run for President. Sort of. Actually, he threw a cold bucket of reality on her proposed plan.

While You Were Voting: Explosive Packages Sent To Leaders In Europe

Here is one measure of how completely yesterday's election dominated the big headlines. While the nation and the media (probably more that latter than the former) were focused on the Midterm results last night authorities in Europe were scrambling to intercept packages containing bombs that had been sent to leaders in Germany and Italy.

How Do You Spell Lisa Murkowski? ‘Write-In’ Votes Lead In Alaska

Alaska's polls were the last to close in the nation last night (or today, depending where you are), but it may be a while before we know who snagged the hotly-contested Senate seat there. Reports this morning indicate that “Write-in Votes" was leading the results with nearly 40 percent of the vote.

Kerry Bashes Media’s Predictions On Reid: ‘Hell, All The Pundits Were Wrong!’

Harry Reid's surprising victory over Sharron Angle may turn out to be the one bright spot in an otherwise fairly dire night for the Dems. So really who can blame John Kerry for being jubulent and wanting to rub everyone's face in it. And by everyone we really mean the media, which has been gleefully predicting an Angle win for weeks now.

Chris Matthews To Michele Bachmann: “Has Someone Hypnotized You?”

Chris Matthews just had a action-packed interview with triumphant congresswoman Michelle Bachmann during which one brave soul brandished a sign making fun of Sarah Palin, and another who wandered through the second half of the interview with a big sign asking 'How's the tingle Chris?' complete with the NBC peacock symbol.

Christine O’Donnell’s Concession Speech: ‘We’ve Got A Lot Of Food, We’ve Got The Room All Night’

video The media's favorite candidate Christine O'Donnell bid conceded her Senate loss to Chris Coons tonight, telling her audience that actually they won....because Delaware politics will never be the same. Indeed. She also said that during her phone call to Coons she encouraged him to watch the 30 minute video she'd made. Also? Try the veal! ("We've got a lot of food, we've got the room all night.")

Rand Paul’s Victory Speech: It’s A Tea Party Tidal Wave

Rand Paul used his victory speech to declare that the Tea Party was witnessing a tidal wave victory across the nation. He also presented a list of requests he was "respectfully" asking the Senate to deliberate on.

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