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EVE extended downtime has some unfortunate consequences

Filed under: Sci-fi, EVE Online, Game mechanics, Guilds, Lore, Patches, PvP, News items

Early this morning, the EVE Online server underwent an extended scheduled downtime for the deployment of the Tyrannis 1.2 patch. The patch deployment proceeded as planned and almost exactly to schedule, with the entire downtime lasting around 12 hours. When the servers came up, however, members of some nullsec alliances noticed that something was amiss. All of a sudden, a number of systems in Delve that had been vacant before the downtime were now owned by Reddit-based alliance Test Alliance Please Ignore.

It soon became apparent that Test Alliance had placed territorial control units in the systems just before the extended downtime began. Under normal circumstances, territorial claim units must be protected by a fleet for the six hours they need to start up. During that time, enemy fleets have a chance to engage the hostile force and destroy their claim unit. If the six hours pass without event, ownership of the system is then awarded to the alliance that placed the structure. By placing the structures immediately prior to the extended downtime, enemies of Test Alliance were unable to contest the claim, which meant it automatically succeeded. What happened next has been the cause of a great deal of controversy on the EVE forums and Reddit.

Skip past the cut for a run-down of what happened next.

Icebound: An exclusive survey of Rift's Iron Pine Peak

Filed under: Fantasy, Galleries, Screenshots, Trailers, Video, Previews, Rift: Planes of Telara

As we continue the countdown to Rift: Planes of Telara's beta and launch, Trion Worlds rewards our patience by expanding our view of the world. Today, Massively reveals an exclusive overview of Rift's coolest area yet: Iron Pine Peak.

If you're a fan of winter-themed zones, then you're in for a doozy! Iron Pine Peak may seem beautiful, sprinkled as it is with snow-swept vistas and scenic views down vertigo-inducing cliffs, but only the hardiest of souls will survive to appreciate it. It's a place of solitude, history, mountains, watchmen, evergreens, and one terrifying dragon encased in a prison of ice. Both factions will be converging upon this location in an effort to unravel mysteries and prevent a possible terrifying future from taking place.

Hit the jump for the official description of Iron Pike Peak, a snippet of lore, a dash of video, and several new screenshots!

The largest battle ever held in EVE Online is going on right now

Filed under: Sci-fi, EVE Online, Events, in-game, PvP, Endgame, News items

While many of us haven't actively taken part in EVE Online's territorial warfare, news routinely surfaces of the massive alliance wars that take place in the game's lawless nullsec regions. As the number of players subscribed to EVE increases, so too does the size of the average nullsec fleet. Since there's no disadvantage to bringing additional pilots, each side in a heated war will try to bring as many people as it can physically get to attend. At a certain point, however, the server hardware strains under the weight of hundreds or thousands of players, and lag sets in. The point at which this happens has been rising over the years as CCP performs server upgrades, with previous expansions seeing fights as large as 500-1000 per side with quite manageable lag.

A landmark battle is currently raging in the system of LXQ2-T, with thousands of pilots fighting for control of the system. The number of players in the system peaked at over 3,110 pilots, with alliances from the Northern Coalition political conglomeration facing off against the Russian power block from the drone regions. Lag began to set in at around the 2,400-player mark, with pilots facing several-minute delays on warp commands and module activations. Several pilots have launched live video streams of the event, though much of the action has ceased for the moment as the server begins to recover from a severe clash with the lag monster.

V-E-ME Day: LotRO Europe announces launch date for free-to-play

Filed under: Fantasy, Lord of the Rings Online, Launches, Free-to-play, Legal

It's been a long time coming, and after some legal hemming and hawing, Codemasters announced that Lord of the Rings Online in Europe will be finally launching the much-anticipated free-to-play version of the game. On November 2nd, LotRO will open its doors to free players across Europe.

This comes after a two-month period of limbo for EU players, which began two days before the update launched in North America. Codemasters had cryptically announced that F2P would be put on hold for what turned out to be contractual reasons. Fortunately, it seems as though the red tape has been cut, and players are free to sample the same blessed bounty as their NA comrades.

This update also includes the new region of Enedwaith, the LotRO store, Volume III: Book 2 of the epic storyline and the Harvest Festival. Interested players can sign up for their free-to-play account at LotRO EU.

Stake or be staked: Van Helsing MMO to take the fight to classic movie monsters

It's the perfect time of year to announce a horror-themed MMO, so we're not surprised that at least one studio has stepped up to do so. SEE Virtual Worlds, the same company that's working on Planet Michael (which may or may not still have you giggling sporadically), is turning the world of Van Helsing into a MMO with the blessing of Universal Studios.

With eight decades of movie monsters under its belt, Universal Studios is not lacking for iconic ghoulies and gremlins: The Wolf Man, Frankenstein, the Invisible Man, the Mummy, Dracula and the Creature from the Black Lagoon have frightened generations of children and lingered in the imaginations of millions more. In the game, players will step into the role of a Van Helsing-type figure who's tasked with taking down the hairiest, slimiest and most bitey of them all.

Both Planet Michael and the Universal Monsters MMO will exist within Entropia Universe's domain, which houses virtual worlds and utilizes a real-world cash exchange economy. You can read the full Hollywood Reporter article here.

Star Trek Online preps player-generated content tools

Filed under: Sci-fi, Patches, News items, Star Trek Online

Cryptic Studios is boldly going where only a handful of MMORPGs have gone before: namely, the user-generated content quadrant. The official Star Trek Online forums now sport an additional section dedicated to hosting discussions about The Foundry, a set of mission authoring tools that will be made available to players in short order.

The Foundry looks to add a ton of additional content options to a title that has occasionally been criticized for a lack of things to do, and Cryptic hints that more functionality will be forthcoming. "Players can customize pre-made planet surfaces and star systems with their own encounters, objects, and story. They can also create their own star systems from scratch. More map features are planned for future updates," reads the FAQ on the o-boards.

The system will also feature peer review, with the aim of ensuring that only the highest quality missions make it into the new community authored content tab. STO players looking to test the new tools should keep an eye on their emails for invites to the upcoming closed beta.

[Thanks to Stormwaltz for the tip!]

Massively Exclusive: Hi-Rez talks Tribes Universe

Filed under: Interviews, MMO industry, New titles, News items, MMOFPS

It's been a huge couple of days for Hi-Rez Studios, the Atlanta-based indie developer behind Global Agenda and now, the forthcoming Tribes Universe. Massively sat down with company CEO and lead designer Erez Goren for an exclusive world-first interview about the game.

Follow along after the cut for more information about the new title's development direction and time frame, as well as how it may impact Global Agenda.

Champions Online going F2P

Filed under: Super-hero, Business models, Free-to-play, Champions Online

It's a pretty wild day for fans of Champions Online. In a surprising move, executive producer Shannon Posniewski announced in his most recent State of the Game that Champions will be adopting a free-to-play model.

This announcement isn't the only shocker for fans of the superhero MMO. New heroes in CO will be able to choose an "Archetype," a class-like build that streamlines the character creation process and makes the elaborate power selection mechanics a little easier to use. Existing superheroes and new fully-customized Champions will require a paid subscription, but the majority of the game's content, including the costume editor, the zones and expansion packs will be completely free.

Cryptic has included a full list of all the various features that Silver (free accounts) and Gold (subscriber accounts) will be able to access. This is definitely a bold move by the game's producers, and only time will tell if it pans out for them. What can be sure is that it will get a lot of new users to take the plunge and try the game out.

Rumor: APB buyout apparently nearing the "light at the end of the tunnel" [Updated]

Filed under: Legal, All Points Bulletin, Crime, MMOFPS, Rumors

"It's looking like there might be light at the end of the tunnel for APB. The end of the administration process is apparently close and there appears to be a buyer for the game."

Fans of the beleaguered and quickly shuttered All Points Bulletin may have something to celebrate soon, as the above message recently popped up in the game's patch notes. While the website has been taken down, the patcher is still delivering news. Earlier this month, the message went out that there still may be hope for APB, as the October 7th patch notes reported: "The negotiations continue! Still many groups in the fray, still hope that APB will rise again."

While the patcher address appears to be a little sketchy, APB's Ben Bateman, one of the former community managers for the title, has retweeted the address of the patch notes in order to spread the word.

There is no indication which company may be angling to take over -- and perhaps re-open -- the enforcers-vs-criminals MMO, although last we heard, Epic Games was a contender. We'll bring you more on this as it develops.

UPDATE: Ben Bateman works for Codemasters, according to his LinkedIn. Did Codemasters buy APB? Commence speculation!

[Thanks to Notturno for noticing the tweet and Mike for the LinkedIn profile!]

Hi-Rez Studios announces development of Tribes Universe MMO

Filed under: Sci-fi, MMO industry, News items, Global Agenda

The developers of Global Agenda have been taking a long look at player feedback over the past months, particularly that regarding Warzones in the game, and they've come to a decision. It's certainly not one that players were expecting, though.

Hi-Rez Studios CEO Erez Goren announced today that the company is the "proud new owner of the Tribes franchise." The company now has two teams in the studio, one devoted to Tribes Universe, which is expected to enter alpha testing at the beginning of 2011.

While some of the community worries that this news means the end of Global Agenda, Erez is clear that Hi-Rez will continue to develop and support GA. You can read all the details on the Global Agenda forums.

[Thanks to everyone who sent in this tip!]

Interplay says Bethesda turned down chance to purchase Fallout MMO

Filed under: MMO industry, Legal, Post-Apocalyptic, Fallout Online

Interplay president Eric Caen claims that Interplay attempted to sell full Fallout rights to Bethesda, only to be turned down.

The latest news in the ongoing legal battle says that former Interplay president Hervé Caen offered the full rights to Bethesda for $50 million. Bethesda rejected the offer on the grounds that the price was too high, negotiating a lower price for everything except the MMO rights. There were conditions for development of the MMO attached to the deal, which Bethesda claims that Interplay has not met.

Eric Caen has his own thoughts on these claims: "I think Bethesda, off the back of Fallout 3's success, realised that Hervé was probably right about the value. They said: 'OK, how can we get that without paying?'""

Interplay is continuing work on Fallout Online with a projected release date of 2012, as the legal investigations continue.

[via gamesindustry.biz]

ArenaNet community manager debunks Guild Wars 2 rumor

Filed under: Fantasy, News items, Guild Wars 2

Guild Wars 2 fans have been enjoying a series of articles at PC Gamer this week, but unfortunately the series came with a bit of misinformation. If you read through the articles, you may have noticed some news regarding dungeons as downloadable content in Guild Wars 2.

The community was buzzing about that possibility until Community Manager Regina Buenaobra stepped in to clarify things: "We have not made a decision on whether to sell dungeon content as DLC, contrary to what the article states. The author of the article jumped to this (incorrect) conclusion based upon his interpretation of Eric's statements."

Eric Flannum released a clarification that stated in part "...our core philosophy--of not requiring you to spend additional money to play the game and not making the game difficult or painful to play in order to encourage you to buy things from the store--still stands." Eric's full statement can be seen within Regina's forum post.

NCsoft releases Aion Exchange app for iOS

Filed under: Fantasy, Aion, MMO industry, News items

NCsoft has taken the wraps off another portion of its mobile platform offensive as today marked the unveiling of the new Aion Exchange app for Apple's iPhone, iPad, and iOS devices. The app provides live access to the fantasy MMO's broker system, as well as options for viewing your character info, statistics, and equipment.

The broker feature includes an item search as well as price lists, a wish list, and push notifications that will alert you to sales without the need to log into the game or open the app. Finally, Aion Exchange features a comprehensive item listing that boasts info about each piece of equipment available in game. Chris Hager, NCsoft West producer, sees the app as the first step in extending the world of Atreia beyond the desktop. "We see this application as an extension of the game and we will continually support and update the service offering with future feature updates," he said.

ArenaNet adding seven-hero parties, new outpost to Guild Wars

Filed under: Fantasy, Guild Wars, News items

The latest ArenaNet blog post is up, bringing with it the Guild Wars War in Kryta survey results and some exciting news.

One survey question regarding seven-hero parties sparked a lot of discussion in the community, and ArenaNet heard the answer loud and clear: An upcoming content update will bring the ability to fill your party with all heroes.

For those of you who love grouping, the other half of this update is for you: "We're going to be adding Embark Beach-a new Zaishen outpost that will allow players to travel to all Mission outposts (that they are eligible for!) from a single location. So if you're looking to find something to do or someone to help you out, you just have to check one convenient location. Embark Beach will be included in an upcoming feature build containing some improvements for the game."

Check out all of the survey results at the ArenaNet blog!

EQII Live server merges begin this November

Filed under: Fantasy, EverQuest II, MMO industry, News items

In a move that should surprise no one, Sony Online Entertainment has announced it will be officially merging EQII Live servers beginning this fall. Sixteen shards will be affected, though notably populated servers such as Antonia Bayle, Lucan D'Lere, Nagafen, and Crushbone are not among them (nor are the Live Gamer shards Vox and The Bazaar).

EQII producer Dave "Smokejumper" Georgeson cautions that the merges won't happen quickly, as there is a lot of work to be done. The trade-off is that "bigger population density on a server is just simply more fun for everyone involved, so it's time to get it done," he writes.

For the complete listing, check out the announcement on the official website, and also hit up this thread for more discussion and details.

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