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The Anvil of Crom: Class guide #1 - The Demonologist

Filed under: Fantasy, Video, Age of Conan, Classes, Opinion, The Anvil of Crom, Guides

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This week I'd like to kick off something a little bit different. Thus far The Anvil of Crom has been somewhat reactionary, meaning things happen in the Age of Conan game world that make for good discussion, or things happen in the community surrounding the game that do likewise. Aside from my semi-regular Hyborian travelogue series (and an occasional guide or two), the column has basically reflected the current game-related news.

Initially that was by design, as I didn't want it to be yet another gaming blog that talked about more of the same stuff you'd find at 100 other destinations. The problem is, Age of Conan doesn't feature a large internet presence, and every time I look for a guide, I'm reminded of the fact that I should write one.

Beginning today, I'm going to embark on a series of class guides designed to give newbs and vets alike the information they need to determine whether a particular archetype is right for them. My initial thought is to offer three guides per class: a 1 - 40 examination, a 40 - 80 synopsis, and a look at the class at endgame. Obviously this will be an ongoing experiment, since Age of Conan boasts a hefty complement of classes (12 as of this writing), each of them fairly unique from the others and their conventional MMORPG counterparts.

Join me after the break for a look at the life and times of a young Demonologist, as well as a brief gameplay video of the class in action.

New Lineage II project in the works

Filed under: Fantasy, Trailers, Video, Lineage 2, Expansions, News items

Korean imports are all the rage these days, what with TERA inching closer to open beta and release, Aion maintaining a small but faithful North American playerbase, and ArcheAge beginning to turn heads in the West. Not to be outdone by all the young whippersnappers is Lineage II, NCsoft's stalwart PvP-focused title that's been lopping off heads and parading around in skimpy armor since 2004.

The official Lineage II website brings word of a new, untitled expansion in the works, complete with a lengthy lore entry -- focused on the goddess Shilen -- and a brief bit of video footage. We don't have many details on the expansion content, but we'll keep our eyes peeled, as Lineage II has always provided significant bang for the buck with its meaty (and free) chronicle updates.

In the meantime, check out the video after the break.

DC Universe reveals Tomorrow District, today

Filed under: Super-hero, Trailers, Video, Lore, New titles, Virtual worlds, DC Universe Online, Dev Diaries

If you are looking for the district that is the epitome of Metropolis, look no further than the Tomorrow District. This apex of technology guides all scientific advancements for the entirety DC Universe Online. Every gizmo you can imagine -- and not imagine -- is found here. Ever heard of a thermal-nuclear toothbrush? Yeah, neither have we, but the scientist in STAR Labs invented it. And STAR Labs is just one of the many gargantuan buildings your hero will find in this district of the future.

If it's gameplay opportunities you seek, the Tomorrow District is is designed specifically for your high-level character. Even though Jenet Kylburn works for the good guys, sometimes she cannot maintain control of everything STAR Labs produces. As Game Director Chris Cao said in regard to the STAR Labs scientists, "Sometimes their optimism exceeds their wisdom," and they have to call on the heroes to come save the day. However, because of the heaping amount of new technology in the area, the Tomorrow District attracts its share of villains looking to get their grubby paws on these advanced inventions.

After the break, Chris Cao provides a travelogue of the ups and downs of this exciting zone.

DC Universe directors talk ranged vs. melee combat

Filed under: Super-hero, Video, New titles, News items, DC Universe Online

Sony Online Entertainment is going absolutely video crazy with DC Universe Online. Not that we mind of course. The latest release is a new edition of Inside the Studio, hosted by game director Chris Cao and creative director Jens Andersen. The dynamic duo are here to answer your Facebook-submitted questions, and they touch on everything from maps and city exploration to the game's headline system and combat mechanics.

Most of the time is devoted to combat, of course, as player skill and combat customization are clearly DCUO's talking points. The directors have some interesting things to say about ranged vs. melee combat, even going so far as to indicate that melee is the more important of the pair. "What we found that gave the most satisfying superhero experience is really a big brawler. But it's a brawler with ranged weapons," Cao says.

If that makes you scratch your head like we scratched ours, keep watching, as it starts to make a bit more sense as the discussion continues.

Nexon changes everything about MapleStory in one Big Bang!

Filed under: Fantasy, Trailers, MapleStory, Events, in-game, Patches, Free-to-play

When darkness has covered the world, whom do you call? When everything you have seen on Victoria Island has been changed, is there a hero to save it? When the Black Mage unleashes his evil on the unsuspecting innocents, can he ever be defeated? Will the balance of power be shifted back to good? Will you, the greatest hero, stand up against the destruction and chaos?

What are we talking about? Well, it is Nexon's side-scrolling, free-to-play MMO MapleStory, of course. Continuing a five-year tradition of constantly giving players new content, the developers will literally change everything you know about the world of MapleStory this winter in the game's newest story arc, Big Bang. In addition to crafting the new plot, the developers have seen fit to it to better the user interface, game resolution, and graphical textures. On top of that, players should expect a higher experience curve, updated maps, and brand-new character classes.

Begin your new adventure by clicking after the break. We have stolen a glimpse of the exciting upgrades with a video trailer of Big Bang. Maybe you can be the one to save Maple World!

Battle of the Immortals trailer teases new content update

Filed under: Fantasy, Patches, News items, Free-to-play, Battle of the Immortals

Perfect World Entertainment has just released a new trailer for their sprawling Battle of the Immortals Fall 2010 update patch. The patch, scheduled to go live on November 10th, features a plethora of new content including Mount Olympus, Shadow Manor, new class skills, new pets, equipment upgrades, and a vendor system.

Mount Olympus is geared toward endgame players and features an array of high-level bosses to fight, while Shadow Manor is a new 90-player raid dungeon. The 1.8 patch also boasts the requisite bug fixes as well as new maps and quests. Have a look at the trailer after the cut to see some of the new bosses and environments.

Vindictus takes a look at casting with Evie

Filed under: Fantasy, Video, Classes, Game mechanics, Previews, Free-to-play, Vindictus

The highly active nature of Vindictus has made the game a bit of a darling within the free-to-play community for the time being, but many of the class spotlights thus far have focused on getting into your opponent's face and carving him up. All well and good, but sometimes you'd rather just hang out in the back and start casting some fireballs or summon up devastating golems from the surrounding debris. If that sounds like your cup of tea, the latest video from the game will be for you.

Evie is a caster, focusing less upon beating things to death with a staff and more on controlling the battlefield via magic. Among the spells on display are her abilities to summon golems, create magic turrets to attack enemies, and reverse gravity to give party members a fighting edge. Click on past the break to take a look at what things look like in Vindictus from the caster's point of view. (Here's a hint: It's violent.)

Icebound: An exclusive survey of Rift's Iron Pine Peak

Filed under: Fantasy, Galleries, Screenshots, Trailers, Video, Previews, Rift: Planes of Telara

As we continue the countdown to Rift: Planes of Telara's beta and launch, Trion Worlds rewards our patience by expanding our view of the world. Today, Massively reveals an exclusive overview of Rift's coolest area yet: Iron Pine Peak.

If you're a fan of winter-themed zones, then you're in for a doozy! Iron Pine Peak may seem beautiful, sprinkled as it is with snow-swept vistas and scenic views down vertigo-inducing cliffs, but only the hardiest of souls will survive to appreciate it. It's a place of solitude, history, mountains, watchmen, evergreens, and one terrifying dragon encased in a prison of ice. Both factions will be converging upon this location in an effort to unravel mysteries and prevent a possible terrifying future from taking place.

Hit the jump for the official description of Iron Pike Peak, a snippet of lore, a dash of video, and several new screenshots!

Gina Torres as Wonder Woman in DC Universe

Filed under: Super-hero, Video, New titles, News items, DC Universe Online

The hits just keep on coming for DC Universe Online, as SOE has added another A-list performer to the game's star-studded voice cast. Gina Torres, well-loved in geek circles for her role as Firefly's Zoe Washburne, lends her vocal talent to one of DC's classic heroines: Wonder Woman.

In the latest Voices of the Game video, creative director Jens Andersen narrates a brief look at Wonder Woman's in-game appearances as well as Torres' work in the recording studio. Torres, who also guest-starred in Joss Whedon's Angel, is the third Whedonverse veteran to sign up for SOE's superhero extravaganza, joining James Marsters (Lex Luthor) and Adam Baldwin (Superman). Other DC Universe Online notables include Arlene Sorkin, Wil Wheaton, and Dwight Schultz.

Take a look at Torres, Wonder Woman, and the rest of the video after the break.

ArcheAge fly-through video sighted in the wild

Filed under: Fantasy, Trailers, Video, New titles, News items

Waiting with bated breath for more information about the XL Games sandbox title called ArcheAge? We are too, and rest assured that we're working on the Jake Song-led dev team to try to get some answers regarding the mysterious Korean import. In the meantime, we're keeping our eyes peeled for new videos, whether they're snippets of closed beta footage or officially sanctioned trailers like the one we've found for you today.

While the last video focused heavily on naval combat and player ships, today's three-minute opus is a bit more tranquil, featuring fly-through footage of some of the game's vast explorable areas. You'll see everything from mist-shrouded forests and mountainous highlands to Middle Eastern-flavored harbor towns and sprawling medieval-style villages.

Check out the goods after the cut or on YouTube.

Look into the lore of Forsaken World

Filed under: Betas, Fantasy, Trailers, Video, New titles, Free-to-play

With the first phase of closed beta in Forsaken World now underway, we're getting more tasty tidbits of information on this new MMO from Perfect World Entertainment. For those who didn't manage to make it into the first batch of beta testers, or those who are simply curious for a bit more information on the lore of Eyrda, we have a shiny new trailer for you!

In this new video, we're introduced to the two gods behind the Forsaken World; Dyos and Nyos, as well as their children and creations. The Advent trailer also gives us a look at the different races that now populate Eyrda, and some great looking in-game footage. So, if you're curious about the story behind this new free-to-play MMO, hit the break and check out the loretastic eyecandy.

Aventurine reaches out to Darkfall community with tournament video

Filed under: Fantasy, Video, Darkfall, News items

Darkfall's devs are going out of their way to interact with the community of late. Whether it's in the form of new blog entries or unannounced presences at in-game events, it's clear the Aventurine braintrust is interested in keeping their fingers firmly on the community's pulse. The latest outreach example takes the form of a forum post by Tascha, a developer who shares a company-produced video that was recently recorded at a dueling tournament on the game's EU server. "Several of us, including Aventurine's CEO, where watching from the shadows during the last 1vs1 Tournament on EU organized by Ninogan Swiftstep," Tascha writes.

As for the tourney itself, it was a labor of love for Swiftstep. "When you spend as much time as you do with an MMO, you want to make the most of your time and do cool stuff. For Darkfall, which is all about PvP for me, doing something like this felt natural," he says.

Keep an eye on Darkfall's community events forum for more happenings around the world of Agon, and don't forget to check out the tourney video after the break.

New DCUO video details Metropolis Police Department

Filed under: Super-hero, Video, New titles, News items, DC Universe Online

DC Universe Online may have been delayed from its original November 2010 start date, but the SOE marketing department is still faster than a speeding bullet (and arguably more powerful than a locomotive). Lately we've been privy to everything from voiceover videos with the game's star-studded audio cast, to new screenshots galore, to fly-through videos of the expansive game world.

Today brings another fly-through clip, this time showcasing the Metropolis Police Department that functions as an in-game hub for your characters. In addition to footage in and around the station, the video also provides a bit of background on the use of the wanted posters inside the station. The posters provide lore about DCUO's more noteworthy personalities as well as serve a gameplay function by helping you track them down for various missions. Check out the full video after the break.

Dress up in new costumes with Super Hero Squad Online!

Filed under: Betas, Super-hero, Trailers, Video, Events, in-game, New titles, Kids, Family, Super Hero Squad Online

Children of all ages (yup, that includes most of the adults out there) have dressed up for Halloween as their favorite super hero. The Super Hero Squad Online from Marvel and Gazillion is giving out new costumes for the kids (and adults) this trick-or-treat season. We all know what the classic Spider-man costume looks like, right? Well, why not try the black costume? Or maybe a red Hulk fits you better? Whatever best helps you to hero up! Each costume is not just a cover to wear over your existing costume, but they are full-fledged heroes with their own emotes and superpowers that are different from any other hero.

After the costume try-ons are over, go play the amazing online trading card game or save Super Hero City from evil. What? You haven't signed up for beta yet? Well, get over there an do it now, and while you're at it you can sign up your children, too. Gazillion is looking for a whole range of different testers! And if you haven't seen the "spooky" Halloween trailer, you can watch it by hitting "Read More" below.

'Nuff said.

TERA fly-through videos show off Celestial Hills and Pora Elinu

Filed under: Fantasy, Video, New titles, News items, TERA

En Masse Entertainment invites you to run to the hills, the Celestial Hills to be exact (and you don't even have to be in a big-haired metal band). The North American publisher for Bluehole Studio's TERA MMORPG has released a pair of fly-through videos to close out the week, showing off both the Celestial Hills and the Pora Elinu regions of Arborea.

The hills feature a series of mysterious monoliths -- rock formations whose true origin and purpose is unknown -- as well as bands of roving cultists and deadly orcans. Pora Elinu is the tree-city home of the popori race and, though the land of endless night holds many beautiful sights and sounds, it also plays hosts to deadly dangers including cultists and vampirs.

Check out both of the new videos after the cut or at GameTrailers.

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