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San Francisco Giants' Pitcher Brian Wilson -- 'Party Never Ends' | TMZ.com
The Wayback Machine - https://web.archive.org/web/20101108111307/http://www.tmz.com:80/2010/11/05/brian-wilson-san-francisco-giants-pitcher-voyeur-west-hollywood-video
TMZ Sports

SF Giants' Brian Wilson -- Party Never Ends

San Francisco Giants pitcher Brian Wilson rode his wave of World Series awesomeness into West Hollywood last night and gave us a quick lesson on his anatomy.

The Giants' badass closer strolled out of Voyeur Nightclub and made it clear ... his World Series celebration is just getting started.

Dude's beard is a 24-hour party.

Tags: Brian WilsonTMZ Sports

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Go Giants! Brian, THANKS for the Series! Job well done!


not even a remotely cute guy on the Giants team....buncha homely peeps.


I am real glad for the Giants' Brian Wilson......but for heavens sakes shave your beard...you look absolutely HORRIBLE1


Go Giants!! World Champs baby! Dodgers suck peen!!!

Brian Wilson wants to rage....right now!


He is a perfect San Francisco character, we are an odd lot here.

GO motherfuggin GIANTS!!!!!!!

Best thing to happen to this City in DECADES.



"I feeling...I'm feeling like I want to rage.,..right now"

World Champs!!!
San Francisco Giants!!


Adam sandler Sf`s best picher ever and the 5th leading picher of all time "OPERA MAN" lives


Brian Wilson partying in West Hollywood. I knew this guy was gay. The beard makes perfect sense now.


i like his beard . he should keep it forever.


I guess he got tired of partying in the blue oyster club in san francisco that he had to go to gayer clubs in west hollywood


He's looks like Spencer, but with dark hair.


People not from the bay don't get it. Brian is just too cool for you. GO GIANTS!!! BEAT LA!


I like it!! Nice job on Leno last night. Brian Wilson and the Giants are awesome! Thank you Giants for an incredible season we will never forget!!


I'm not a fan of baseball but usually when a team wins the world series it is on every news outlet as the main headline. I didn't even know the Giants won. I guess their win was overshadowed by recent elections.


@ 2. tracy,

Quote/ not even a remotely cute guy on the Giants team....buncha homely peeps.

Yeah because being cute really matters to win a world series ****ing moron.

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