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Michael Jackson's New Song -- Mystery Scream | TMZ.com
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Michael Jackson's New Song -- Mystery Scream

Sony has just released a teaser to Michael Jackson's new album "MICHAEL" due out next month ... but there's a big controversy over whether some of the vocals are real or fake.

In the teaser, which promotes the album's big song, "Breaking News," all we hear from Michael Jackson is a brief scream.

The question ... is it Michael Jackson's scream or that of an impostor???

By the way ... someone we know has heard the entire album and says it's "unbelievably good."  Our spy says some of the tracks sound a little like Justin Timberlake, but they are all Michael.


Tags: Michael JacksonMusic

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It doesn't sound like Michael.


Michael THE KING!!!

Miss you baby.


Michael forever!

Miss you baby!






Definately MJ I find it sad that they are using the kids to say it isn't dats really low.......


Ev1 is just out to make more $$$$$$$$ off of Michael Jackson. Let the guy RIP `` for cripes sake!!


It's Michael, definitely!


KJ might have coerced the kiddies into saying that to mess with sony




It's beyond whether it's fake or real. There wasn't much of Micheal's vocal in there, period. I love MJ and will alway support him but his mother is looking just like his father to me know giving Oprah that interview and allowing MJ's kids to be exposed on TV and by that Tramp no less


can't tell one way or the other, but it will be nice to hear some of the stuff that never was released.


It's him, although it would be alot easier to tell for sure if we heard some actual vocals.


f*ck you tmz!



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