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Have a Ball by downloading this new demo on Steam | Joystiq
The Wayback Machine - https://web.archive.org/web/20101109230238/http://www.joystiq.com:80/2010/11/08/have-a-ball-by-downloading-this-new-demo-on-steam/
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Reader Comments (30)

Posted: Nov 8th 2010 1:11AM Kanjimari said

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Well, thank god we have Joystiq here to give us breaking news that Steam already told every single steam user over a week ago!

And with a snippet of information smaller than that actually provided by steam said week ago, too!

Posted: Nov 8th 2010 1:31AM Faenix said

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I didnt know about it.. :)

Posted: Nov 8th 2010 1:35AM Nero6 said

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@Kanjimari Seriously. Joystiq doesn't get the message: you know something's wrong when people are going to Kotaku for news.

For real, how many times have I seen an actual newsworthy article on Engadget that hit Joystiq a week later? You guys don't think that's a problem when you can't relay information *from your own sites*?

Posted: Nov 8th 2010 1:41AM SeanR said

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@Faenix me either... not all of us live on Steam...

Posted: Nov 8th 2010 1:44AM Faenix said

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Not everyone goes on every news place on the net, get off it. seriously.

Posted: Nov 8th 2010 2:24AM Dao Jones said

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DAMN IT JOYSTIQ! I lost a week of my life due to your delay! Thank you Kanjimari for keeping them in line!

Also, this is from the official Steam group for said game:
"Demo for The Ball Now Available!
posted by [TW]Yoshiro @ 06:49PM on November 05, 2010"

That's a bit over two days ago, not "over a week ago".

Posted: Nov 8th 2010 2:33AM Faenix said

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@Dao Jones

Didnt you know? two days is the new week :P

Posted: Nov 8th 2010 2:45AM Nero6 said

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@Faenix Seriously? Any professional news organization should have a checklist of common sources to see if anything's up. It's no different than us regular guys going to Kotaku, Gizmodo, and whatever other sites there are in case somebody missed something. It only takes us two seconds, but the entire team of, "journalists" at Joystiq can't do it? Heaven forbid we had all our news in one place.

But don't worry, you're right. I'm the one who should get off it. :rolls eyes:

Posted: Nov 8th 2010 2:54AM Raiki said

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I hate to agree with you since you're being a dick, but yeah, you're right. If the New York Times stated the results of the presidential election two days late, people would stop reading it. Competition should be the driving force in this type of industry, especially when the bulk of the revenues come from ads.

Posted: Nov 8th 2010 3:18AM PhilipJWitow said

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Uhh, or its just not very big news so they don't have to report it? Am I going to do a report on the presidential election (Kinect), or am I going to report that the local store just started selling a new product?

The newspaper also cannot report every single bit of news possible, so you have to choose what to report and what not to report. Small news articles like this can be reported late, who cares? If you're a serious fan of Steam games I doubt you come to Joystiq for Steam news, so I don't see a problem with them reporting it late.

Also, even if Joystiq reports it late, reading Kotaku? Really? That stuff is seriously just flamebait.

Posted: Nov 8th 2010 5:31AM SSUK said

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Get over yourself. If you think other outlets provide better, more up-to-date news, go read them. I'm sure Joystiq will miss all 0.008 cents they get from you through your ad-related page view. Meanwhile, the millions of other people who just want news, editorials and reviews will continue to enjoy Joystiq just the way it is, thank you.

Posted: Nov 8th 2010 8:01AM jchan said

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So what you're saying is... Joystiq must constantly monitor the internet and report on every single game that releases a free demo? I'm pretty sure I didn't read anything on Joystiq about the Making History II: The War of the World demo that was made available in October. How could Joystiq not tell me that Making History II was coming! They surely collectively fail as journalists.

Posted: Nov 8th 2010 8:10AM Chazzr said

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I totally agree. You are correct as well.

I like how people who would like the site improved are voted down. Theres a very interesting psychological case there.

Posted: Nov 8th 2010 8:53AM The Wicker Man said

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@Chazzr interesting psychological case?/ for a psych 101 freshman? Joystiq has stated often that some less pressing stories are spread out over a weekend to keep steadier rate of posts. Getting all pissy and saying site so and so did x days ago is the new" first". I keep it locked on the 'stiq.

Posted: Nov 8th 2010 10:39AM Emokitteh said

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Those who are trying to improve the site aren't voted down for trying to improve it, the down votes are done so because of the tone of their comments. Someone could say something constructive in a smartass tone and I will vote them down every time.

I didn't know about this until today. I don't usually open games from the Steam program, but from right-clicking the quick launch icon. I don't usually visit any other sites. It's not that big of a deal.

More news on Mondays is always welcome.

Posted: Nov 8th 2010 11:22AM Levi said

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Odd, I checked for a demo of this game around a week ago and didn't see one. Maybe I missed it, but either way, I don't have Steam set up to automatically log on anymore, so joystiq's post was helpful. Screw off dude.

Posted: Nov 8th 2010 11:46AM Kanjimari said

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@Levi Let's return to teh "New york times announces eleection results 2 days late" example.

If some dumbass still didn't know who won, and it was therefore useful to them that their one and only source of information said it, even if it was two days late, would that somehow make the newspaper a good publication? Even though they missed out on something for two days, when every other source had already noted it?

No, it wouldn't. Just because you found it useful doesn't mean it isn't asinine to go "Hey guys! Here's some old news!".

Wouldn't it have been even MORE useful if this was posted when it happened?

Posted: Nov 8th 2010 12:15PM Nero6 said

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@SSUK Your argument is invalid. It would make sense if they missed something every once in a while, or if the stuff they missed was a day or two late. But it's not just once in a while, and it's a week or two late. You arguing that Joystiq didn't grab .0001% of the articles from somewhere else is irrelevant because a good percent of the time the news that doesn't get reported for weeks comes from Engadget - their own sister site.

But like any other fanboy, you jump to the conclusion that somebody dissed something you like and went full on pitchfork mode. Big surprise. Fortunately you can't argue with emotions in the real world, and the only things considered credible are facts and logic. My logic of, "Joystiq couldn't have checked their own websites first?" defeats your logic of, "lols you can't expect them to check everybody, herpdy derp". Heaven forbid they actually take my advice and become a better gaming site for everybody because of it. Yeah it may sound like I'm being a dick, but after seeing your 10th article that was posted somewhere else weeks ago (let alone when they own the site that reported it) it kind of shows you that Joystiq isn't the cool guy he made himself out to be, but rather the kid who runs to the back of the bus to eat glue every morning.

Posted: Nov 8th 2010 1:32AM XLM said

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Wow, sounds like someone needs a nap.

Posted: Nov 8th 2010 1:44AM Snappyguy said

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What is it? I read tit(followed by big word) sphere and I still don't know what it is.

Posted: Nov 8th 2010 1:47AM ch3burashka said

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When I first heard of the game, I thought, great, another PC indie classic to play. Now that I've seen in a few times, I'm slightly less interested - the design is just too generic. Ancient temples and skeletal themes are overdone.

Posted: Nov 8th 2010 2:13AM Faceless Troll said

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Titular sphere . . . .oh. It's not really a Tomb Raider game then?

Posted: Nov 8th 2010 8:54AM The Wicker Man said

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@Faceless Troll close, but that would be SPHERES. So very close...

Posted: Nov 8th 2010 2:32AM Faren22 said

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I prefer my balls to be sticky and lumpy, not giant, heavy, and cumbersome.

Posted: Nov 8th 2010 2:38AM sonicspike41 said

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I prefer my balls being dragged across another man's (or woman's) face.

What? Don't look at me like that!

Posted: Nov 8th 2010 3:29AM Faren22 said

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@sonicspike41 Don't worry, I know what you mean. In my experience, there's nothing more satisfying as the sound and sight of people shrieking and flailing as giant balls are dragged over them.


Posted: Nov 8th 2010 8:55AM The Wicker Man said

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@sonicspike41. OMG! Is this THE Captain Jack Harkness?

Posted: Nov 8th 2010 3:26AM stafa said

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Wow, that demo was extremely boring, I didn't even finish it. It's as if they were trying to do something unique, like Portal, but didn't.

Posted: Nov 8th 2010 8:11AM Chazzr said

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Already played this when it was available. It isn't that great of a game. I like the concept and the graphics but it could have been so much better.

Posted: Nov 8th 2010 11:38AM Hank Hill said

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This demo will make or break my decision to buy this game. It looks interesting, I'm definitely going to give it a shot.
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