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Michael Jackson's 'Breaking News' -- The Real Deal

Hey, it's Harvey. We usually don't write first person on TMZ, but I gotta tell you what I just heard.


Someone has played me the song "Breaking News." I'm not a music expert, but I am a Michael Jackson music fan ... and it's definitely Michael Jackson. The song -- which is awesome -- is a pretty harsh look through Michael's eyes at the media. In essence, he is saying ... You've treated me shabbily and you've hope for my demise, but I'm back!

One of the lyrics:
 "They want to see that I fall,
cause I'm Michael Jackson.
You write the words to destroy
like it's a weapon."

In another part of the song, Jackson sings:
"Everybody wanting a piece of Michael Jackson.
Reporters stalking the moves of Michael Jackson.
Just when you thought he was done,
he comes to give it again."

The song is vintage Jackson. The initial beat will remind you of "Billie Jean" and there are all sorts of MJ trademarks throughout.

When you hear it, you will not be able to suppress the image of Jackson dancing to the song.

The song was recorded at the home of music producer Eddie Cascio, when Michael Jackson was living there for four months in 2007.

As good as the song is ... it's not the first single that will be released. We're told we might be able to post a copy of  "Breaking News" on TMZ as soon as late tonight.

Filed under: Michael JacksonEddie CascioMusic

Lindsay Lohan -- Movie Night Gone Awry

Lindsay Lohan tried to enjoy a night out of rehab by taking in a movie -- but things didn't go as planned ... sources tell TMZ.

Lindsay was spotted at the Century Rancho Mirage movie theater last night, located about three miles away from the Betty Ford Center. A movie theater employee tells TMZ Lindsay tried to see a movie, but started to get noticed by other moviegoers and decided to leave instead.

Our spies say Lindsay visited a Borders bookstore located right near the theater. According to Hollyscoop.com, who first reported Lindsay's night out, she picked up a couple of magazines and then left.

Filed under: Lindsay Lohan

MJ Fan Group Gunning to Shut Down Vault Website

A group of Michael Jackson fans have banded together and fired off a scathing letter to the people behind JacksonSecretVault.com -- calling for the site to stop the "exploitation of Michael Jackson, his grieving mother, his beloved children and his legacy."

The letter contains a laundry list of complaints against the site, among their objections:

-- The exploitation of Michael’s elderly mother in the marketing, selling and merchandising from the Jackson Vault.

-- The use and brokering of Michael Jackson’s children to promote events, merchandise and interviews.

-- The use of the demeaning term, “Jacko” in the Jackson Vault website and press release. A degrading term that Michael himself, spoke openly against and thought was insulting.

This has all come about because of the release of a song on JacksonSecretVault.com -- which was first billed as a new song that had the blessing of Katherine Jackson ... but was later determined to be neither.

Filed under: Katherine JacksonMichael Jackson

Katherine Jackson's Partner Backtracks on 'New' Song

The guy behind the website JacksonSecretVault.com -- the one who called out the Jackson estate for releasing a song he insinuated wasn't "authentic" -- now has a big "authenticity" problem of his own.

Howard Mann, Katherine Jackson's business partner, now says the song his website released Saturday was not "unreleased" as he advertised, but rather a "remake."  Pretty big difference.

Mann told TMZ on Friday his site was releasing the song "Opis None" in part to "overcome the confusion" that arose from the release of the song "Breaking News."

But it turns out Mann is guilty himself of creating "confusion" by touting an unreleased song that was really a remake.

And on top of that, Mann touted that the release of "Opis None" was made with the blessing of Katherine Jackson.  Now he has taken all references to Mrs. Jackson out of the advertisement they posted on Friday (see below).

Bad timing for Mann and Katherine -- She's appearing on "Oprah" Monday to push the book she wrote on MJ as well as other projects ... projects in which she partnered with Mann.

Filed under: Katherine JacksonMichael JacksonHoward MannMusic

Chilean Miner Completes NYC Marathon

Edison Peña, one of the 33 Chilean miners who was recently rescued, completed the New York City Marathon today with a time of 5:40:51.

Pena overcame severe knee pain -- as well as having previously been buried alive for 69 days -- to finish the race.

Filed under: Edwin Pena


Michael Jackson's New Album -- Now Prince Free

Prince has always been a strange and mysterious man -- but now he's found a way to magically appear and then disappear from the cover to the new Michael Jackson album.


The cover to the album, "Michael," is a copy of a painting from 2009. If you look closely  ... you can see Prince's unique symbol inside of a circle (upper right). But now, when you go to Sony's website to buy the CD, Prince's glyph has magically disappeared.

The website DrFunkenberry.com,  which first took note of the symbol, claims to spoken to Prince's people, who told them, "No permission was granted. Sony Entertainment has removed the symbol."

This is what it sounds like ... when Prince's lawyers send you a takedown notice.

Filed under: Michael JacksonPrinceMusic

Lil Wayne -- Did You Miss Me?

He is Weezy, but he ain't asthmatic -- Lil Wayne threw the crowd into a frenzy last night when he made a surprise appearance during Drake's concert in Las Vegas.

Wayne came out to his track with Drake called "Miss Me" -- and based on the sheer pandemonium from the crowd ... we'd say the answer is clearly "yes."

Filed under: Lil WayneDrakeMusic

Dina Lohan -- 'Today' Show Bound Once Again

Dina Lohan is ready to give her State of the Lohan address once again ... with the help of her old friend Matt Lauer.

Sources tell TMZ Dina will appear on "Today" Monday morning to talk all things Lohan. We're told Dina will be yakking about Lindsay's progress in rehab, her plans for the future, and how the rest of the family is doing -- wild guess ... that does not include Michael.

Our sources say Lauer called Dina himself and asked her to come on the show.

We're betting he didn't have to twist her arm.

Filed under: Lindsay LohanDina LohanMatt Lauer

La Toya Jackson: That's Not Michael

Add La Toya Jackson to the list of Jackson family members who don't think the new song "Breaking News" really contains Michael Jackson's voice.

As we previously reported, Michael's mom, Katherine, and two of his kids, Prince and Paris, don't believe it's really Michael's voice on the song Sony released on Friday.

When we asked La Toya about it yesterday, she told us, "I listened to it ... It doesn't sound like him."

Also, bad new for Oprah ... she might not have a viewer in La Toya for O's big Jackson episode tomorrow.

By the way ... numerous experts and people associated with the recording of the album say it is indeed Michael's voice.

Filed under: La Toya JacksonMichael Jackson

Rift in Michael Jackson's Family Over Song

It seems the Michael Jackson song TMZ posted Friday has created some bad blood in Michael's family.


We posted an MJ song on Friday -- "Opis None" -- along with a statement from Katherine Jackson's business partner, Howard Mann.  Mann, who said he was speaking for Katherine, seemed to be taking a shot at Sony's upcoming MJ album by saying Mann and Katherine wanted to let people hear "an actual authentic Michael Jackson track to the world."

But Jackie Jackson has now  twittered, "I just spoke with my Mother and she did NOT authorize the release of the demo track called Opis None."

And Taj Jackson -- Tito's son -- also tweeted, "Just talked to my grandma.  She didn't  even know about the 'song,' nor did she authorize it.  We are getting to the bottom of this."

Here's what's interesting -- Howard Mann has inserted himself right smack in the middle of Katherine Jackson's business deals, including the Oprah appearance in which Katherine is pitching her book about MJ.

This could be an opportunity for the Michael Jackson Estate to finally get Katherine on board.

Filed under: Michael JacksonKatherine JacksonHoward MannJackie JacksonTaj Jackson

Celebrity Justice

The Real Poop On Rachel Uchitel

Rachel Uchitel has got some nerve suing a recovery center for her security deposit after her doggie
allegedly treated the joint like its own personal toilet.

Uchitel filed a small claims suit this week against Oceanside Traditional Living in Malibu -- her second lawsuit against the facility in a month -- claiming they're refusing to refund her $1,500 security deposit.

But a rep for the Oceanside paints a very different picture. They tell us Rachel's pup peed and pooped with abandon and she didn't clean it up.

Oceanside tells us it took a professional carpet and couch cleaner to get the stench out.

Let's hope there is no "Exhibit A."

Filed under: Rachel UchitelCelebrity Justice

What's the Big Frigin' Difference?!

Take an extra close super-special look at the following photos and see if you can spot the subtle differences!

**HINT -- There are THREE differences in the above picture!**

Filed under: What's The Big Frigin' DifferencePhoto Galleries

Celebrity Justice

'Bad Girls' Chick -- Alleged Car-Crashing Face-Macer

Weeks before "Bad Girls Club" star Catya Washington was jailed on drug and gun charges this week -- TMZ has learned Catya was arrested for allegedly beating the crap out of another woman.


Law enforcement sources tell TMZ, Catya was arrested October 18th in Philly on a warrant stemming from an incident that occurred this summer -- in which she allegedly rear-ended another vehicle ... driven by the wife of a guy Catya was allegedly dating at the time.

It's unclear if Catya was intentionally tailing the woman -- but after the fender-bender, we're told Catya and the other woman got out of their cars ... and that's when things got violent.

According to law enforcement, Catya repeatedly struck the woman in the face with a chain -- then pulled out a can of mace and sprayed the other chick. 

Several weeks after the alleged incident ... cops tracked Catya down ... arrested the reality star and charged her with aggravated assault, inflicting serious bodily injury, possession of an instrument of crime (mace), and recklessly endangering another person.

She's due in court December 14 for the alleged beatdown ... several weeks after she faces the judge for that whole drugs and gun thing.

Someone's gonna have a busy holiday season.

Filed under: Catya WashingtonCelebrity Justice

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