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Filed under: Star Wars: The Old Republic

Bigpoint vs. BioWare: CEO says The Old Republic will never be profitable

Filed under: Sci-fi, MMO industry, Star Wars: The Old Republic

As a high-profile MMO, Star Wars: The Old Republic is proving itself to be a big target for attack. Bigpoint, the German game developer that's working on Battlestar Galactica Online, stepped up to take a swing at the as-of-yet-unreleased title.

At the London Games Conference, Bigpoint CEO Heiko Hubertz made the bold prediction that The Old Republic will never see a profit: "If you look at Star Wars from EA and BioWare, they estimated a development budget of over $100 million. This is an online game for many million of subscribers, so the publisher does not understand that a subscription model is not the future. With microtransactions maybe I see the game having a chance but I don't think that EA or BioWare will ever be profitable with this game."

EA BioWare has yet to release a definite pricing plan for TOR, although it is widely believed it will be subscription-based. Earlier this year, Dr. Ray Muzyka said that there will be "more of the traditional business model with maybe some twists as well."

Star Wars: The Old Republic -- Warzones and Wizard's rename

Filed under: Sci-fi, Trailers, Video, Classes, New titles, Professions, PvP, Endgame, Star Wars: The Old Republic

A few months back at Gamescom, BioWare announced the names of all the advanced classes for Star Wars: The Old Republic, and one name in particular stood out to fans for all the wrong reasons. A Jedi Consular sub-class was called Wizard, and fans decided that the name was not Star Wars-y enough because SWTOR is a science-fiction game, not fantasy. However, the creators at BioWare wanted to stick to the name by justifying the name on the official forum and in interviews. But now, it seems they have caved. The ranged and healing sub-class will be renamed to Jedi Sage, Jedi Seer, or Jedi Adept. The best news is that you, the fans, get to choose. Head to the SWTOR forums and place your vote for your favorite name.

Continuing the trend of giving the fans what they asked for, BioWare created a new video of Warzone ingame footage. For those who are unfamiliar, the Warzones are the PvP areas announced at E3. Alderaan is the only planet we know of that has a Warzone, so they weren't shy about showing some of that off in the new trailer. The Imperial forces have invaded a Republic outpost in an attempt gain control of Alderaani skies. Will you help the Republic or the Empire? Catch the video after the break.

BioWare doctors "disappointed" in EA Louse

Filed under: Sci-fi, Interviews, MMO industry, New titles, News items, Star Wars: The Old Republic

BioWare founders Greg Zeschuk and Ray Muzyka recently sat down for a lengthy interview with Eurogamer. The doctors discussed Dragon Age II, Mass Effect 2, and more importantly for MMORPG fans, Star Wars: The Old Republic. In terms of a release window, Muzyka confirmed 2011 for the Star Wars opus but wouldn't commit to the first half, second half, or any other portion of the year.

The interview also addressed the recent rant by EA Louse that, in part, predicted The Old Republic would be "one of the greatest failures in the history of MMOs" and that also decried working conditions at BioWare-Mythic. Zeschuk and Muzyka mentioned the fact that BioWare recently won a top 100 employers award and invests both time and money into bettering the workplace environment for employees. When pressed as to the credibility of the anonymous poster, the doctors dismissed the posting as difficult to act upon. "We sit down and do an open forum with all the employees and get feedback from them. We welcome one-on-one feedback. When we get stuff we can improve and act on we do it," Muzyka said.

Finally, the interview touches on the financial gamble that TOR represents for BioWare and Electronic Arts, and neither founder comes across as particularly concerned. "We know millions and millions of people out there love this universe, and we're delivering a great game experience in that universe," Muzyka said. Head to Eurogamer for the full article text.

This week on the MMO Report

Filed under: Fantasy, Sci-fi, Entropia Universe, News items, Opinion, Star Trek Online, Humor, Champions Online, Star Wars: The Old Republic, The MMO Report, TERA

The MMO Report returns to its familiar studio digs this week, and host Casey Schreiner has a lot of ground to cover in the segment. In between shots at the Tea Party and senator-elect Rand Paul, he even manages to discuss a few MMOs. First up is the new user generated content tool in Star Trek Online, called the Foundry and currently undergoing beta testing.

BioWare's new The Old Republic Imperial Agent video also makes an appearance, along with a brief discussion of Entropia Universe's new Van Helsing monster planet. Finally, Casey reveals his soft spot for TERA via the newly released Slayer video, and also talks a bit about Cryptic's decision to go F2P with Champions Online.

As always, you can find The MMO Report after the cut, and on display every week at G4TV.

This ain't like dusting crops, boy: The Old Republic expounds on crafting and PvP

Filed under: Sci-fi, Previews, PvP, Star Wars: The Old Republic

Earlier this week, BioWare promised a couple of Star Wars: The Old Republic "juicy reveals" at this year's Winter Showcase in London, and it looks as though it might have delivered. The studio went into detail about two key systems in the game: crafting and PvP Warzones.

Darth Hater reports
that Warzones will be just one of the types of PvP arenas in the TOR. Warzones feature set teams with specific objectives. In the case of Alderaan's Warzone, it involves taking over turrets and blasting the enemy's drop ship to pieces -- once this happens, the match is over and tokens and XP is awarded. This Warzone was shown to be 8v8, although BioWare did not mention if the Warzones scaled in group size. BioWare also hinted about another Warzone that takes place on a derelict spaceship.

Turning to crafting, BioWare is implementing something called the Crew Skill system. Players will send their crew on assignments to accomplish various objectives, including gathering (Bio Analysis, Slicing), crafting (Artifice, Biochem) and missions (Diplomacy, Treasure Hunter). Companions are typically suited to do one of these tasks better than the others. These tasks can be queued up in advance, and will have different benefits -- for example, Diplomacy can spread a player's influence and impact morality points, while Treasure Hunting will turn up treasures (and, presumably, junk) based on a random number generator.

Hyperspace Beacon: Wall of light

Filed under: Sci-fi, Lore, New titles, Opinion, Star Wars: The Old Republic, Hyperspace Beacon

As promised, today I will finish the story of Nomi Sunrider. A couple of weeks ago, I wrote the Hyperspace Beacon: Unsung about a key figure left out of the Star Wars: The Old Republic timeline video about Exar Kun. I felt Nomi Sunrider was a great character and should not be left out of the story. So I have included her here.

Nomi's story actually leads right up to Knights of the Old Republic, but part of it has not been written (I will explain that in a bit). Today, I intend to highlight the greatest accomplishments of Nomi in the Force and clue you into how this character's story may influence your character's story in SWTOR. Follow me after to break to complete the story of this unsung heroine.

Spy the SWTOR Imperial Agent!

Filed under: Sci-fi, Galleries, Screenshots, Trailers, Video, Classes, Lore, New titles, Professions, Races, Star Wars: The Old Republic

When BioWare gives out so much information about one class, where do you start? We now have confirmation of the Sniper DPS sub-class and the support/healing Operative class for the Imperial Agent. Also, we know more about the Chiss' origins, the Agent's starship, and the Agent class' combat role in Star Wars: The Old Republic.

The Chiss hail from the the unknown regions of galactic space, and their advanced Ascendancy evolved independently from the Republic and the Sith Empire. Despite having a grand army these blue-skinned humanoids prefer to handle war through negotiation and espionage. So when the Sith Empire brought its fleet to conquer Chiss Space, instead of being met by brute force as in other systems, the Empire was met by diplomatic messages. These negotiations allowed for the Chiss to become the only true ally of the Sith Empire.

As with any spy for the Empire, the Agent needs the most advanced starship one can find. In this case, we are talking about the X70B-Phantom-class Prototype. The superior technology of this starship prevents it from being mass-produced, so it is only given to the best operatives. The shape and haul keep the craft off most radars, and the navigation system will not be seen on any other ship for the next couple of decades.

Generally, the training for an Imperial Agent will go one of two ways. Secrecy and stealth are the weapons of the Agent, and much like its Republic counterpart, the Smuggler Scoundrel, the Operative can specialize in medical technology as well. However, unlike the Smuggler Gunslinger DPS class, the Sniper's advantage is the distance and precision of rifles instead of the Gunslinger's rapid-fire dual short-ranged pistols.

Be sure to check out the gallery of concept art and screenshots below, and don't miss the Agent's teaser video after the break.

Star Wars Insider share the secrets it learned from SWTOR designer James Ohlen

Filed under: Sci-fi, Interviews, New titles, Star Wars: The Old Republic

BioWare and LucasArts have not always been very forthcoming with secrets of Star Wars: The Old Republic, but Star Wars Insider Magazine has learned a few tidbits of information that may give us a tingle in the Force.

In the article, James Ohlen talks about nearly every major aspect of the game: starting levels, space combat, armor progression, and even the sounds and score of the game, most of which we have covered in here in some way or another. However, he did give a very interesting quote regarding casual gameplay. "A lot of people are scared of massively multiplayer games because a lot of MMOs can become a grind... We've chosen to avoid that. We always give the player a story to drive the game forward."

The most interesting part of the article is when Ohlen outlined the Sith storyline. He explains in the article that one of first Sith Warrior missions is to kill your master as well as other students. When that is complete, you are tasked with tracking down and corrupting a very important Jedi Knight. He continues later to explain that the choices a player makes is reflected in his storyline, the light/dark side system, the rewards received, as well as your character's appearance. He explains, "If you're familiar Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, one of the things that we showed was how the dark side started to corrupt you. Your appearance started to change, your flesh started to age and become more like Palpatine from the movies, and your abilities started to change as well. This also occurs in The Old Republic."

Go to your local newsstand (do they still have those?) or comic book store and pick up the latest issue of Star Wars Insider to nab more detailed information.

Hyperspace Beacon: Jef's soapbox smells like a wet Wookiee

Filed under: Sci-fi, New titles, Opinion, Star Wars: The Old Republic, Hyperspace Beacon

Disclaimer: This column is entirely the opinion of the Hyperspace Beacon's writer and does not necessarily reflect that of Massively as a whole. If you're afraid of opinions other than your own, remember: fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering -- whatever that means. So, maybe you should skip this column if this opinion is too much for you to handle.

I know in my last column I said I would continue the story of Nomi Sunrider, and I will, just not this week. I felt Jef's Soapbox article about the hype surrounding Star Wars: The Old Republic required some sort of response.

The denotation of "hype" doesn't bother me. Stimulating the audience's excitement about a game is kind of the job of a game's producers. Teasing people with parts of the story or gameplay is common. It's the connotation of "hype" that drives me bats when people apply it to STWOR. Nearly every person, who uses "hype" when talking about SWTOR, seems to indicate that BioWare and LucasArts are attempting to sell the audience something that is not truly what it is. Do they tease? Sure, but the BioWare PR managers are not selling you death sticks. I contest that the people who are selling the death sticks are the fans.

Follow after the break and I will explain.

SWTOR lore expands with more biographies

Filed under: Sci-fi, Lore, New titles, Star Wars: The Old Republic

The fourth pillar of story has just widened its base this morning as BioWare announced three more supporting characters to the line-up. An Alderaani noble, a tight-lipped Sullustan, and an Imperial super-spy brand the front web page of Star Wars: The Old Republic. Who are they, and what role do they play in the world arc?

The Alderaani known as Bouris Ulgo "gave us pants" according to Daniel Erickson's joke at the PAX presentation. However, the truth is Ulgo is the self-proclaimed King of Alderaan. What role does the House of Ulgo play in the conflict on this independent planet? That is yet to be discovered, but we do know Ulgo has gone mad since the return of the banished House of Thule (not the one from the EverQuest expansion -- it confused me, too.)

Diab Duin is the Sullustan diplomat Supreme Chancellor entrusted to keep the secret of Aeten II. It is possible the Chancellor believed this quiet pessimist would be over-looked by Imperial spies and assassins, but one this is for certain: the secret of the stygium crystals is safe with him.

When one has risen to the the upper echelons of Imperial Intelligence, he loses his personal identity and becomes known only by his code name. In this case, we are talking about the "Keeper." Every unscrupulous deal of assassination or territorial infiltration is controlled by the Keeper. If he fails at his job, the Empire is quick to replace him.

To find out more about these spies and nobles of the SWTOR universe, check out their biographies on the official site.

The Soapbox: Episode II - A New Hype

Filed under: Sci-fi, New titles, Opinion, Star Wars: The Old Republic, The Soapbox

Disclaimer: The Soapbox column is entirely the opinion of this week's writer and does not necessarily reflect that of Massively as a whole. If you're afraid of opinions other than your own, you might want to skip this column.

Well golly, I think it's time for a bit of contrarian opinion regarding The Old Republic. I know, I know, I don't write about TOR aside from the occasional news post, but here is one of the many joys of Massively (and more specifically, the Soapbox). We all play a lot of games and have pretty strong opinions about them regardless of whether or not they're our bread and butter.

So, while my day job consists of covering sword and sorcery titles for our fine website, it's hard to get away from the oncoming repulsorlift hype train that is The Old Republic. Several months back, I wrote a Daily Grind in which I basically said that all the hoopla surrounding the game was getting tiresome. Predictably, crucifixion by comments ensued, all for daring to question the supremacy of both BioWare and Star Wars.

The fact that a minority opinion generated so much rancor (yeah, I went there) got me to thinking about TOR, BioWare, and the unrestrained optimism that often characterizes MMO fandom in general. On a purely personal level, my fire has gone out of the Star Wars universe, the fandom is all but extinct, a couple of posters and a model X-Wing are all that's left of my former religion. Can BioWare rekindle that fire? Do I even want it to?

Make point five past the lightspeed jump for more.

Hyperspace Beacon: Unsung

Filed under: Sci-fi, Lore, New titles, Opinion, Star Wars: The Old Republic, Hyperspace Beacon

I love the timeline videos. I actually wish there were going to be more of them than are scheduled. I don't believe any other game has illuminated its backstory in quite the same way Star Wars: The Old Republic has. But (you were expecting a "but" there, weren't you?) last week's video was slightly disappointing. I believe the story of the central figure, Exar Kun, was told very well. Granted, some things were skipped, but overall his story was complete, save for one thing: A very pivotal character was left out of the story entirely, thus my disappointment. This unsung hero (or rather, heroine) was Nomi Sunrider.

Ironically, the Dark Horse comic that introduces Nomi -- Tales of the Jedi: The Saga of Nomi Sunrider -- has an opening crawl that reads: "Another Jedi Warrior, whose skill in the art of Battle Meditation will never be forgotten, is Nomi Sunrider." There is speculation that she was left out because of the legal issues that surround her last name, but no BioWare developer has confirmed this. But that's not what I'm going to present here today.

Over the next couple of issues of the Hyperspace Beacon, I will provide a synopsis of Nomi Sunrider's story. And just so I get everything as correctly as I can, I dug up all the comic books Mrs. Sunrider appeared in. Continue after the break to read the first part of this exceptional woman's story.

Sith ancients support Exar Kun, not the SWTOR Emperor

Filed under: Sci-fi, Video, Lore, New titles, Star Wars: The Old Republic

We just learned some breaking news from the archive of Jedi Master Gnost-Dural. For those who do not know, Master Gnost-Dural has been researching and reporting on the the threat of the Sith Empire on The Old Republic. His hopes are to understand the Empire so that one day the Republic might defeat them and save the galaxy.

In his latest report, Master Gnost-Dural discovered the secrets behind Exar Kun and his empire. Kun was indoctrinated by the spirit of Freedon Nadd, was trained by the ghosts of ancient Sith, and was named lord of the Massassi warriors. He was powerful enough to bring the Krath to his service and destroy the Jedi archive at Ossus. However, this Sith marvel had no connection to the current Empire threatening the Republic.

Master Gnost-Dural is under the impression that the Emperor does not have the blessings of the Sith ancients and is in fact working against them. If you recall in one of his earlier reports, a Sith agent trespassed on the tomb of Naga Sadow, and the ancient Sith Lord's spirit attacked the agent. Perhaps this is the Empire's weakness. More research is required.

View the full report after the break.

Hyperspace Beacon: Killer colors

Filed under: Sci-fi, Lore, New titles, Star Wars: The Old Republic, Hyperspace Beacon

The lightsaber is the most iconic tool of the Jedi in Star Wars. "This weapon is your life," Obi-Wan Kenobi said to Anakin Skywalker as the master handed back the lightsaber his student lost while chasing Zam Wessel. Without a lightsaber, the Jedi are just another group of wizards with fancy quotables. But as soon as you put the glowing laser sword in their hands, they become something more; they become the warriors whom every child has imitated in one way or another. Just what about that blade makes it special? Well, I can't tell you the reason people are intrigued by the illuminated weapon, but I can tell you that, according to lore, the crystal is the heart of the blade.

In the movies, we have seen four different colored blades: red, green, blue, and purple, but other colors exist in lore. The Lead Writer for Star Wars: The Old Republic, Daniel Erickson, made a statement at PAX when questioned about saber crystal colors at the SWTOR presentation: "There is a broad spectrum of crystals available out in the galaxy. We have not made final plans on some of the more esoteric ones. They all have specific canonical connotations -- as to what they represent and how they came to be." Which raises the question: What are these canonical connotations? What do the colors of the crystals mean? I took a trip through Star Wars lore to uncover the answer to that question. Follow me after to break to find out more.

SWTOR's Ilum a crystal-clear win for the Sith

Filed under: Sci-fi, Previews, Star Wars: The Old Republic

While Hoth may take the spotlight whenever someone wants to interview a winter-bound planet in the Star Wars universe, the scrappy planet of Ilum is out to make a name for itself. Star Wars: The Old Republic's 16th announced planet is a remote ball of ice that just so happens to be a major source of lightsaber crystals. Ilum used to be owned by the Republic, but the Sith have since made great headway in conquering the planet and hogging all of those saber-licious crystals all to themselves. BioWare's also hinted at a mystery that goes well beyond a mere resource grab.

Although we hate to invoke Hoth in comparison, if you liked the Rebel's base in The Empire Strikes Back, then you're going to feel right at home in Ilum's ice-and-crystal outposts. You can read up on Ilum at TOR's Holonet, and watch the quick flyby video after the jump.

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