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BlackBerry PlayBook Tablet To Support Android Apps

There's probably never going to be a tablet that unseats the iPad, just as there never ... Read on »

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BlackBerry PlayBook Tablet To Support Android Apps

There's probably never going to be a tablet that unseats the iPad, just as there never was an iPhone killer or a serious iPod competitor. But that doesn't mean that some companies won't make great products and fantastic business decisions. Case in point is RIM, which yesterday announced that the ...

RIM: Disable JavaScript on Your BlackBerry for Security

Research in Motion is urging BlackBerry users to disable JavaScript on their smartphones after a major vulnerability was exposed at this year's Pwn2Own hacker challenge. According to the company, the security hole could allow a hacker to gain access to the device's data if a user stumbles upon any ...

Hacked and Hijacked! How to Save Data if Your Portable Device Is Stolen

Symptom: You reach into your pocket or bag, and, well, it's empty! Diagnosis: Beyond the understandable distress of losing a pricey smartphone, laptop or tablet PC, the real trauma is the sudden and unfettered access afforded to the slippery-fingered jerk who took it. The cost of a new ...

Essential BlackBerry Keyboard Shortcuts for Fighting RSI

Yesterday, we showed you how to set up your basic AutoText and predictive text settings, but you can do much more to relieve the dreaded BlackBerry thumb by taking advantage of keyboard shortcuts. Since so many exist, though, you'll want to get started with learning the basics. Some shortcuts work ...

Soothe Your BlackBerry's Spell Check, AutoText and Predictive Text Turmoil

Many BlackBerry owners bemoan -- and remain ignorant of -- their devices' various messaging and keyboard settings. BlackBerry does, however, offer an impressive variety of shortcuts and alternative options, although those features are located within an extensive and disorganized menu arrangement. ...

Best Netflix Apps for Managing Your Queue on the Go

With the number of times that we've had a friend tell us about an incredible flick (only to forget the title later), or that we suddenly remember a favorite film we haven't seen in ages, having mobile access to our Netflix accounts is vital. The official app has one gigantic leg up over ...

Best Tablets of CES: Xoom, VIA, Tab and PlayBook Lead the Way

We're quickly coming up on a year since the iPad was released, and while opinions may have been divided early on, there's simply no questioning now that Apple's take on the tablet PC singlehandedly made that long-failing device category suddenly viable. Apple didn't invent the tablet; it was simply ...

Ford Announces MyFord Mobile App, Teases Unannounced Electric Car

Ford has not officially announced an all-electric vehicle yet, but that hasn't stopped the company from unveiling 'MyFord Mobile,' an app specifically designed to work with a (currently non-existent) battery-powered car. Ford announced Android, iPhone and BlackBerry versions of the app, along with ...

Groupon Unveils BlackBerry App for Mobile Deals

Daily deal purveyor Groupon recently rolled out an official mobile app for BlackBerry, letting RIM smartphone users get the same cupcake and yoga deals as their iPhone and Android brethren. Users in the U.S. and Canada will get access to Groupon's daily deal, GPS-equipped searches for nearby ...

G.O.P. House Becomes First to Allow Personal Gadgets on Floor

You'd think that the tech-savvy Dems would've thought of this -- especially after the social networking-powered election of President Obama -- but it actually took the incoming class of Republicans to propose rule changes that now allow electronic devices on the House floor. Until now, cell phones ...