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Urlesque - Internet Trends, Viral Videos, Memes and Web Culture
The Wayback Machine - https://web.archive.org/web/20101109234437/http://www.urlesque.com:80/


Last Shot - Hogwarts Your Day Honey?

flying on a broomstick
Thanks for the funny headline, Andres!


6-Year-Old Skateboarder Asher Bradshaw Is Totes Gnardawg, Gets Mad Air

asher bradshaw skateboarding kidI'm no expert, but Asher Bradshaw has only been privy to skateboard culture for fourteen months and I'm pretty sure he's objectively better than you and your friends outside of the 7-11.

You know what I did for fourteen months when I was six? Took piano lessons. And I'm not some sort of piano savant nowadays. Some people get all the talentz in this world.

Check out his reel after the jump (LOL GET IT SKATEBOARDING).


MasterChef Final Remixed and I Can't Let You Know the Punchline

I can tell you that this parody of the BBC show "MasterChef" takes a while to reveal the joke, and that when it does, you might feel like it belongs on Adult Swim. But I can't reveal the specifics.

It is funny. It is about food. You will find it very funny when MasterChef host Michel Roux, Jr. smiles (pictured), but you don't need to know that. I am just filling up the space next to the intro image with text.


'From the Comments' Collects Cringey Commentary

The single-serving Tumblr blog From the Comments highlights usually cringe-worthy, but sometimes witty, comments from all over the web. It's a little New York media insidery, but you don't have to be part of that world to enjoy it.

After the jump, a few of our favorite comments they've recently posted.


Tony Danza Raps, Still Won't Tweet

tony danzaOur friend Noah Garfinkel has been recapping A&E's reality series Teach: Tony Danza over at Best Week Ever for weeks now, and it's been a glorious foray into one of the strangest television series we've seen in a long time (because Tony Danza "teaches" English to inner-city kids in a Philadelphia public school). In doing so, Noah's captured some great footage from the show, too, and recently he posted to YouTube a scene in which Tony "raps" for his principal's birthday (see after the jump).

It's...exactly what you'd imagine it would be, and leaves us with one burning question: HOW CAN YOU RAP AND NOT USE TWITTER? After we petitioned to get Tony Danza back on his inactive Twitter account with #twitterdanza, we finally received confirmation from the man himself that he just wasn't into it. Which is fine, but when you're trying on being an English teacher for size and casually rapping, you obviously have some semblance of, er, respect (right?) for the English language. So why oh why, Tony, won't you just start tweeting prophetic Danzaisms to your audience of over 6,300 followers?

Sorry, but we're not going to let this go.


50 Cent Joins Keenan Cahill in Surprise Video Appearance - The One

Keenan Cahill and 50 CentKeenan Cahill is that teenage YouTube sensation who does those popular lip-synching videos. 50 Cent is a popular hip hop artist who has been known to drop in on popular YouTube microcelebs in what amounts to cheap but powerful viral marketing, and probably a lot of fun.

In today's One, 50 Cent teams up with this little weirdo for a rendition of his new song Down on Me. I love to see a guy who would normally spend his time stuffing his stacks of money into a Lamborghini trunk hanging out in a teenager's boring bedroom.


Inspired by an xkcd Comic, Guy Creates Script to Buy Him Stuff on eBay

@trademe_xkcd576In theory, the fact that PhD student Paul Hunkin gave his computer a tiny budget and told it to purchase whatever it wants is really cool. He's like a stepdad trying to win over his wife's kids by letting them put all of the junk food they want in the shopping cart. What's disappointingly less-cool is the stuff his computer is deciding to buy.

Hunkin's script, which was inspired by an xkcd comic, searches for the cheapest items on eBay with no shipping fee and automatically buys them. The catch? Its budget starts at $1, and while the script earns a new dollar every day, it wants to spend its money, so more often than not Hunkin is gonna end up with some weird one-dollar items arriving at his doorstep. And he doesn't find out about the purchases until after the fact when the script automatically tweets about them.

He's only just started the experiment, but the system's first purchase was a pack of five watch batteries and apparently Hunkin doesn't own a watch, so you can imagine how bananas things are bound to get. Dude's gonna need an eBay account just to sell back the weird stuff his computer buys.


Album Corndogs Exist, But I'm Yawning a Little Bit

Back in August, Album Tacos taught us about the subtle LOL value of a well-photoshopped food item on an iconic album cover. Like everyone else, I clicked, I browsed, and I chuckled -- 'cause come on, who doesn't want to see the Nirvana baby go after a corn shell and seasoned beef?

And then in October my co-writer Jay noted that yes, Album Nachos were funny too, and that was fine.

But now it's November and months, MONTHS, have gone by since the birth and semi-instantaneous ebb of the meme (which is decades in internet time), so I'm wondering why the Dallas Observer has chosen now to try and revive it by creating Album Corndogs.

Timing aside, they hired their "resident art dude" to do all of the covers, so they're actually good 'shops, but come on man. In the words of Feist: let it die.


Amazing Video of Emergency Plane Landing on Highway

emergency landingI've played a lot of Pilotwings on Super Nintendo, so I like to consider myself something of an emergency landing expert. But wow, this video is like something out of an 80s action movie.

A 22-year-old pilot has engine trouble and realizes that he's going to have to land on the lake or on the road, but if he chooses the road, he has to line it up perfectly and avoid any vehicles. Somehow, he pulls it off.

Eat it, Sully Sullenberger.


Dramatic Dandelion Time Lapse Is Dramatic

dandelion time lapse Need to get a few tears on deck before you pretend to feel bad about "accidentally" sending your girlfriend's Gossip Girl Netflix back? Spend a minute and a half watching a dandelion bloom, die, and spread its seed set to the kind of heartbreaking music reserved for sad puppies at rainy windows in ASPCA commercials, and you'll be set.


Comcast Tries to Take Down Post About Fixing Comcast Internet, Sets Off Streisand Effect

Comcast has attempted to take down one blogger's post about how Comcast Cable customers can activate their internet service for free (if Comcast has screwed up and forgotten to do its job), and he's responded by heavily publicizing said post.

The blogger -- whose hosting company received a cease-and-desist notice from Comcast -- wasn't stealing internet service. He just found the webpage that Comcast technicians use to turn on internet service, and used it to activate service he had been promised as part of his package, and never received. Yet another reason why Comcast won The Consumerist's notorious Poop Award for Worst Company in America 2010.

So, what did The Worst Company get by trying to take this post down? A big old mouthful of the Streisand Effect, which is when trying to remove information from the internet only draws more attention to the information. It's named after an incident where Barbra Streisand sued to have an aerial photo of her beachfront house taken down from a research page about coastal erosion. As a result, hundreds of thousands of people viewed the photo, most of whom wouldn't have seen it if she had ignored it.

That's exactly what's happening to The Worst Company in this case. Redditors have piled onto a thread with screencaps and mirrors of the original post, making it hundreds of times more popular (and harder to take down) than it already was. What's more, they're sharing their own stories of Comcastically bad experiences with The Worst Company, hitting Comcast with even more bad publicity. That's a steep price to pay to get rid of one little blog post.


Unleash Your Inner Photographer With Photojojo - An Urlesque Giveaway!

Photojojo is a company with one simple idea: Anyone can take a great picture. And with that in mind, they've loaded up a Tumblr and newsletter with fun camera tips and tricks, as well as a really neat store where you can find gifts for everyone.

Now you can hone your own photography skills, because Photojojo is awarding one lucky Urlesque reader with any item from their shop under $50!

Want to be part of the photo revolution and win this great prize? Here's what you need to do:


What Was It Like to Be Seven Years Old in 1991?

age 7 in americaIn 1991, I was eight years old. Luckily, I was one year too old to be interviewed for a documentary called Age 7 In America, because, boy oh boy, I would've mucked it up BIG TIME (I was super into fart jokes at the time) (things haven't changed much).

In the doc, a bunch of seven-year-olds of varying means and backgrounds in Chicago are gathered to talk about lots of stuff, from beer to lesbians to brawls (seriously -- actual fighting, and apparently the requisite handshake that followed heavy-duty fist fights in the early nineties).

It's hard to describe exactly why this clip from Age 7 In America (the whole thing can be watched here) is so fascinating, but the closest explanation is probably that the subjects of the film are surprisingly mature in their answers, no matter what they're discussing. To hear such strangely prophetic, albeit charmingly naive responses emitted in voices that sound like they've ingested helium is a little unnerving, but in a peculiar, albeit touching way. Kids, right?