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Sarah Palin Slams Fed, Tells Bernanke to 'Cease and Desist'
The Wayback Machine - https://web.archive.org/web/20101111235959/http://www.newser.com:80/story/104905/palin-to-bernanke-cease-and-desist.html
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Palin to Bernanke: Cease and Desist!

Alaskan slams 'quantitative easing' policy

By Rob Quinn,  Newser Staff

Posted Nov 9, 2010 4:37 AM CST
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(Newser) – Chinese and German finance chiefs enraged by Fed chief Ben Bernanke's plans to inject $600 billion into the economy by buying Treasury bonds have found a somewhat unlikely ally: Sarah Palin. The Alaskan slammed the "quantitative easing" policy in a speech to a trade group yesterday, using terminology foreign to her typical "just us folks" speeches. "If it doesn’t work, what do we do then? Print even more money? What’s the end game here? Where will all this money printing on an unprecedented scale take us?" she asked, according to prepared remarks obtained by National Review Online.

"We shouldn’t be playing around with inflation," Palin warned, demanding Bernanke "cease and desist." The Fed's "pump-priming addiction has got our small businesses running scared, and our allies worried," she said. Palin says she plans to hold discussions at schools around the country to educate children about the effects of the Fed's policy, Reuters notes. President Obama, meanwhile, defended the policy at a news conference in India; click here for more on that.

Sarah Palin, seen here campaigning for Senate candidate John Raese in West Virginia last week, has set her sights on monetary policy.
Sarah Palin, seen here campaigning for Senate candidate John Raese in West Virginia last week, has set her sights on monetary policy.   (Getty Images)
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What happens if the Fed becomes not just the buyer of last resort, but the buyer of only resort? - Sarah Palin

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Showing 3 of 133 comments
Nov 10, 2010 10:07 PM CST
stfu you have no idea what you are talking Sarah.
Nov 10, 2010 11:55 AM CST
The problem with Sarah is that she lives in a universe called "reality." I see that a lot of the posts who are posting live in the alternative universe called "idealism." None of them has come up with an alternative. None of them seem to realize that Obama and his minions (Bernanke is included) are purposely trying to collapse our financial system. Only then, they believe, can they swoop in and really initiate the "Changes" he promised. Those idiots who are joyfully looking forward to switching from capitalism to communism haven't a clue of the terrible consequences if that really happens. Apparently, these noodle-heads believe that communism will be the answer to all those evil rich people running around. What a laugh. History shows that under communism a small number of elite politicos will control the money. They will be living in luxury while those outside the slite circle (the masses) live in abject poverty. It doesn't take a brain surgeon or a rocket scientist to look up the tragic history of communism everywhere its been tried. Anyone who thinks that Obama only wants a socialist government like that of Canada and England is living in that parallel universe I was talking about. It's the comments of those who bash Palin that are really scary. Ignorance will destroy America.
Nov 10, 2010 7:33 AM CST
I have a quick and easy solution to our economic woes that beats Bernancke's AND Palin's Plans HANDS DOWN !!! Why don't we open up all the offshore tax evasion accounts, which are committing felony anyway, and collect the back taxes with interest that has been systematically stolen from our Treasury year after decade after generation. And with our country in such an economic crisis, we REALLY need to rethink Reagan's rediculous 70% tax cut for the rich, what with the tax evasion felony, that leaves them getting a credit, that means the government owes them money at the end of the year, now how does that hit you??? How many of you know or remember that after just 3 years of Reagan's rediculous tax cut for the rich and wealthy, we were in the 2nd worst depression in American History? How much more proof do you need that the tax cut for the rich was the WORST decision and continues to be the WORST decision on our economy, and even as these Republican presidents in the last 30 years continued to lie to us and tell us that this tax cut would support spending, alas, it did not, because all the rich and wealthy did was stash their cash into the tax evasion havens, and the rich got richer and the poor got poorer, in fact by 1990, 99% of America's wealth was owned by 1% of America's population, and 1% of America's wealth was shared by 99% of America's population, isn't that incredible??? Doesn't that just make you wonder how the Republicans can justify their taxing on the middle and poor working classes and then spending on items to benefit the rich and wealthy, its a darn sin, it is, and it is time for us lower classes to stand up and roar, take our taxes back until the rich and wealthy have paid their back taxes to the birth of their tax evasion accounts with interest that is their own darn fault for not paying their taxes in the first place. Tax evasion is a felony, A FELONY, FOLKS, and as members of the government, it is their duty to practice the law and bring these felons to court and collect their back taxes, and if we did, our economic crisis would be over, that's it, and curtailing that 70% tax cut is only right and proper. What was Reagan's reasoning for this massive cut...that they would create jobs with this money. But did they...not a chance, they banked it, and as I have already reminded you, in only 3 years our economy was bankrupt. So what does this teach us... that if we cut the taxes to the rich so severely, they do not invest it in more jobs, heck, no, and as the depression started to roll on, they took more money out of their open banks here and stashed more cash into their tax evasion accounts there, further weakening our economy, but they were going to be well protected, the heck with the country. So, what have we learned, that if we are going to cut taxes, we have to cut the taxes of the melting middle and working poor, who will definitely spend it, only saving their homes, buying food, keeping the second car so mom can keep her job, too, because who knows what's just right around the corner, more sweaters so they can reduce the temperature of the house this winter, finding all the thrift shops in town to compare and make a shopping day out of it. Start shopping for the holidays at the thrift shops early to get the nicest gifts. Showing your teenagers all the cool, brand name stuff they can find at the thrift shops for 10-20% of their new prices. Have "Out to Eat" nights at home and try new, exotic things you would try at restaurants. Movie nights at home with your favorite snacks. There are just soooo many ways we have cut down, cut out, and cut off, without cutting away and for us, we have had to learn to live on one income, darned but the grant that the state college had from the state for my department was cut off completely and all 29 of us were laid off. So we have had to make some huge changes, but I resent hugely that the rich and wealthy still have this 70% tax cut and my department working with students with disabilities was cut off completely, which is kind of against the law, but only if the Governor presses on it, but rather he signed to cut the department, so no problem there. Well, the idea of closing in on tax felons is perfectly lawful, in fact we should be working on it anyway, like we do any other kind of felon, and, no, we shouldn't be making an exception for the rich and wealthy, expecially while our country is in a crisis, people are loosing their jobs, their homes, the number of homeless is rising, and they are committing a felony that is hurting our economy terribly, devastating our Treasury. TIME THEY PAID UP, and stabilize our economy with stolen taxes. Let's force the issue until our Congressmen stand up and do the right thing.
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