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Enny Nuraheni, Pool / AP

Obama Recalls Childhood in Indonesia, Highlights Outreach to Muslim World

The president encouraged Indonesians to uphold transparency and accountability in their own government and to push their neighbors to do the same.

Virginia Sherwood, NBC

George W. Bush and the Fetus Tale: Revealing, Repelling, Or Commonplace?

Bush's experience is in many respects an earlier version of what many families go through in the age of the ultrasound image. But seeing the fetus in the womb may not make parents pro-life.

Bill Pugliano, Getty Images

Laws Aim to Protect Student Athletes With Concussions, but Money Is Lagging

Ten states govern the conditions under which a student-athlete with a concussion can return to the playing field, and progress is being made on a national law.

AP / Getty Images

Meet the GOP Freshmen, From Cotton Farms, Funeral Homes and the NFL

Of the 80-plus incoming GOP freshmen in the House, a whopping 35 have never served in any elective office in their lives.

Getty Images

Did the Democrats' Loss of Faith Lose Them the House?

Analysts and Monday morning quarterbacks suggest Obama and the Democrats didn't work hard enough to mobilize the "God vote" and ignored the religious left.

AP, AFP/Getty Images

Do Voters Keep Democrats on a Short Leash? Parsing History and the Midterms

Republicans have more two-term presidents and had six years of control of Washington starting in 2000. Do voters like the GOP better?

Ed Andrieski, AP

Republicans' Midterm Wave Didn't Drown Colorado Democrats

The GOP unseated two House Democrats, but the big wins -- the U.S. Senate and the governorship -- went in the blue column. Colorado Republicans are still conducting the post-mortem.

Why Obama Should Speak Up for Nancy Pelosi

Even if every adviser he's got tells him to steer clear of someone with such a low approval rating, would it really hurt him to show a little fire and feeling on behalf of a friend who has taken a beating for their shared goals?


Demonstrators outside the Supreme Court. (Alex Wong, Newsmakers)
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By Andrew Cohen
Exactly ten years ago, on November 7, 2000, the presidential election pitting Al Gore against George W. Bush morphed into the ...

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