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  • Darias.Perenolde
  • Member Since Feb 27th, 2007

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WoW132 Comments

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The Queue: The last Friday, the last weekend, the last kiss {WoW}

Dec 3rd 2010 5:19PM Because given the chance, Captain Kirk will mount ANYTHING.

Breakfast Topic: Do you collect non-combat armor? {WoW}

Dec 3rd 2010 10:29AM Besides what I have to hold because it's soulbound, my bank guild toon exists basically for all my myriad costumes (ok, and some spare gems and cloth and auctionables too).

Between on hand and the bank toon I have:

Tuxedo for special occasions.
Twill Set
Soulforge Set
An "Admiral's Set" that goes along with the Admiral's Hat (oh, and I use Nolkai's Lantern personally)
The purchased "Plate Mail" that you can get from armor vendors (cool for looking like a knight)
Winterveil Gear
Pilgrim Gear
And, Teh Sexay: The Eldr'naan set (use WoWhead's 3D modeler...the chicks can't resist me in this outfit!)
...the list gets scarier after that.

I also have two pieces of gear that I refer to as my "mantle of office" as the guild leader of Sleeper Cartel that I've had since TBC. The first is the "Headdress of the Sleeper" and the other is The Sleeper's Cord. Double-checking WoWhead shows me that there's a "Belt of the Sleeper" in Ulduar...gonna have to get me an upgrade.

NOTE: I'm considering buying the fourth guild bank tab...just cuz she has so much crap and I'm running out of space!

Around Azeroth: Waterworld {WoW}

Dec 1st 2010 10:25AM Feanora, this was probably my most memorable moment from leveling a Worgen in beta. No spoilers of what exactly happens from me, but it was pretty epic to watch.

Regardless of your faction affection, I recommend rolling both a Worgen AND a Goblin just to see the starting area quest. So much work went into them, they really deserve to be seen.

Cataclysm beta testing is officially over {WoW}

Nov 22nd 2010 4:16PM Aww...no "end of beta" event. Sad.


The Light and How to Swing It: Real numbers for future shockadins {WoW}

Nov 22nd 2010 12:18AM And it's the people who don't get what you've just said that continue to hate the fun of playing a shockadin. It's not about min/maxing, it's not about being God (just a god), it's not about topping the charts. It's fun, it's outside of the box, and it occasionally garners a, "Wow...that was pretty fun to watch. Nice job healing and DPSing!"

Official forums are now read-only {WoW}

Nov 18th 2010 10:55PM Still the eternal optimist, I'm holding out hope that the Guild Relations Forum will be reborn.


Gold Capped: Juggling the Volatiles market in Cataclysm {WoW}

Nov 18th 2010 9:29AM Ah, for the glory days of TBC when for some unknown reason, Motes sold for less per 10 than Primals did. The endless hours I spent farming up Motes out of the AH, stacking them to Primals...and killing on the house.

Good times. Good profits. I don't think that the Crystallized/Eternal market ever did that.

Breakfast Topic: What threads from the old WoW forums will you miss? {WoW}

Nov 17th 2010 10:00AM I'm going to miss the entirety of the Guild Relations Forum. This was an awesome resource for guild leaders, officers, and often just "regular joes" who had questions about being in a guild and/or how to lead one. We've compiled so much over the years since it was created that it's sad to think that there won't be a forum for it any more.

The old forum: http://forums.worldofwarcraft.com/board.html?forumId=11124&sid;=1

The save the GRF thread: http://us.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/970017061

Official WoW forums going read-only on Wednesday, new community site and forums ready {WoW}

Nov 16th 2010 2:05PM What disappoints me most is that they got rid of the Guild Relations forum. Since the guild relations program started that has been the one highlight for me, and safe haven from the idiocy of the General forums. There's been so much good information that's been posted there to help the new (and sometimes not so new) guild leader, that it will be sad to see it go.

If you've used the GRF and it's helped you as a leader, all I can say is to go to this thread and add your support: http://us.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/970017061?page=1

Don't just bump. Don't just "here here!" Make a case. State what the forum means to you and why Blizzard is neglecting THE most crucial section of their player base: it's leaders.

The Queue: Azeroth goes boom {WoW}

Nov 16th 2010 1:10PM I will say too that when I slacked off for awhile just to see how far I could level via Archaeology, I made it a full level (was at 82.25 when I started) just through surveying. Well, I can tell you this: do NOT go to a new zone that way. OMG.

I was still primarily wearing Vashj'ir / Hyjal greens...and then tried to do the starting Uldum quests. When I saw a level 83 shadow priest running all tra-la-la around mobs that smished me...I realized I shoulda done them quests instead of pulling rays out of the ground.

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