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Final Fantasy XI December update is on track

Rumors of the death of Final Fantasy XI have been greatly exaggerated. Even with the game having celebrated eight years of operation earlier this year, there's a lot of life left in the world of Vana'diel, and the update cycle is continuing apace. We knew we were due for another version update soon, and the most recent news from Square-Enix confirms that the December version update is on track for early next month. It's an end-of-year treat for the game's many devoted players.

And it should be quite a treat, at that. Along with the next installment of level cap updates -- complete with improved and added job abilities -- the update will feature the conclusion to the storyline of Wings of the Goddess at long last. It will also likely include the last installment of the Abyssea expansions, and it will definitely feature the job-specific emotes that were advertised at the beginning of the year. Final Fantasy XI players should keep their eyes open for more reveals on the next update, as it seems to be just around the corner.

Turbine revamps LotRO crafting window, simplifies Farmer recipes

Fancy yourself a Lord of the Rings Online crafter, or perhaps a purveyor of pipe-weed? Well, put down that Longbottom leaf and take a look at the latest LotRO dev diary, as it contains quite a bit of information on the forthcoming tweaks to the game's tradeskill system.

For starters, you'll be greeted with a revamped crafting window that's leaner, meaner, and considerably larger, allowing for a bigger recipe list on the left and more recipe information on the right. In addition to layout changes, you can now click the "Increase Craft XP" button and go directly to the LotRO store, where you'll find new crafting acceleration scrolls available for purchase. These scrolls will boost your output by 25 to 50 percent depending on which you select, and you can also pick up new ingredient packs to replace your normal crafting consumables.

Finally, the Farmer profession has undergone a few changes, chief among them a simplification of seed ingredients (for example, the recipes for Cauliflower Field and Green Onion Field now call for the Expert Crop Seed sub-component rather than separate ingredients). Turbine has also tweaked Field Recipes, first by reducing the number of seeds for all recipes from five to one, and second by changing the output of all recipes to only produce good crops.

For a full list of the changes and additions, visit the official site.

TERA reveals second race and class series installment, achievement info

En Masse Entertainment is back with another carefully rationed dose of TERA information that manages to stave off our withdrawal pangs -- even if it isn't the large-scale expose we'd like. This time around, TERA's North American publisher presents a brief look at the game's achievement system as well as the latest installment in the ongoing race and class series.

Join us after the cut for a bit about the Amani race as well as the Lancer class. Don't forget to check out the gallery of new screens below and the Lancer-focused video after the break. Finally, look for Massively's exclusive TERA lore reveal later this week.

EVE Online devblog discusses recent 3000-player battle and server stability

Recently, we reported on the largest battle ever held in EVE Online. Over 3200 pilots clashed in the lawless nullsec system LXQ2-T. What was meant to be a titanic battle between the Northern Coalition political conglomeration and its rival Russian power block from the drone regions was quickly overcome with lag. Although it's impressive that the server didn't crash, pilots reported delays of several minutes between issuing a command and the server's carrying it out. In a new devblog, CCP Veritas looks at exactly what went on behind the scenes at that colossal battle.

While we play EVE Online in realtime, the server essentially queues up our commands and processes them in order. If the load becomes so high that more commands enter the queue every second than can be processed, our commands begin to be delayed and we experience that as lag. If you've ever been interested in what goes on under the hood of EVE's massively complex server, this devblog is definitely worth a read. If nothing else, it reinforces the fact that lag is a much more complex issue than we sometimes expect and progress in combating it involves painstaking work. In a future devblog, Veritas will present a historical look at the EVE server's performance and how it's been improved in the last few months as part of CCP's ongoing war on lag.

The Game Archaeologist's fear and loathing in the Kingdom: Interrogating Mr. Skullhead

I'm sure that after last week's introduction to our Kingdom of Loathing retrospective, many of you out there were going, "What? What is this tomfoolery? Where are my three-dee em em ohs?" Yet I guard a tiny flicker of hope in my heart that a reader or two out there felt their curiosity tingle, then burn, then spontaneously combust as he or she gave KoL a shot.

In contrast to many of the other MMOs we play today, Kingdom of Loathing is downright old-school in terms of development and staff. There's no huge company here, no six floors of cubicles or corporate softball leagues. There's just a handful of gamers and writers who turned a pet project into a long-running success.

Today I got the privilege of putting Josh "Mr. Skullhead" Nite to the question, and it was a treat to end all treats. An armageddon treat, if you will. So what's it like being one of the masterminds behind the most insane MMO in the world? And are the stories of its boozy origins true? Hit the jump and find out!

Community Detective, Issue #12: World of Warcraft

Hey look, it's time for another installment of Community Detective! This week, boys and girls, we're going to venture where many folks have ventured before: the lands of Azeroth. That's right, World of Warcraft awaits, and I figured it's high time we took a look at the community and customer service aspects of the industry's resident titan. To be honest, I had a bit of an ulterior motive: I've been playing the game in my spare time, the better to get in and enjoy the old-world scenery a bit before Deathwing does his Pearl Harbor re-enactment on December 7th. So, why not kill two birds with one stone, right?

While the reigning MMORPG subscription champion's community is often referred to as the stuff nightmares are made of, the customer service is some of the best in the business. Yes, yes, I know, WoW's devs stole your lunch money, kicked your dog, and ran over your mother with their gold-plated sports coupes, so how much did Blizzard pay me to say it has good customer service?

Flip past the cut to find out.

The Soapbox: The impossible task of balancing PvP

Disclaimer: The Soapbox column is entirely the opinion of this week's writer and does not necessarily reflect the views of Massively as a whole. If you're afraid of opinions other than your own, you might want to skip this column.

PvP in MMO games often comes with a whole slew of ill-defined requirements for balance. As impossible as such a thing is, we often hear the mating calls of noobies everywhere, sounding out their ineptitude with words like "overpowered" or "nerf." Those same types of players can often be found asking questions like, "What is the best class?" as if by some chance, they'll cheat the very system of balance they yearn for when they cry about every defeat they suffer at the hands of class X. In that respect, I can't blame them, either. Oftentimes I've found myself looking for a channel through which to vent my frustration or expressing my nerd-rage by disconnecting altogether. But you won't see me trolling forums, stating that one class has more power than another. I might take part in discussions of parity -- maybe. I can probably even be found taking part in debates of factional equality -- sure, in a theoretical sense, why not?

But realistically speaking, balance in PvP is just an ideal. It is little more than a philosophical illusion to be debated but never fully realized.

Follow along after the break as I discuss the sheer absurdity of balance in a PvP game.

Massively interviews Shannon Posniewski about Champions Online's F2P changes

Champions Online
Champions Online has made quite the big change with the recent decision to go free-to-play. We got together with Shannon Posniewski, Executive Producer for CO, and asked quite a few questions about how the F2P changes will impact new, current, and returning players.

In addition to these questions, the CO devs have compiled a huge FAQ covering many of the common queries regarding F2P, as well as a primer on how archetypes will work. We tried to avoid asking many of the questions that have already been answered somewhere else, so be sure to check those out as well.

One Shots: Deep space divas

While there have always been interesting stories of exploration and imagination within the Star Trek series, another thing you were certain to see was beautiful women. From Uhura, Mudd's women, and more in the original series on up to Jadzia Dax on Deep Space Nine onwards, Star Trek has never been hurting for lovely ladies. Apparently Star Trek Online has no shortage of curvaceous femmes, either. However, determining just who is the better-looking lady can sometimes evolve into polite rivalries such as the one spotlighted today. This One Shots image comes to us from Joseph, who feels his avatar is the fairest of them all. He writes in: "[Here's a shot of] my character in front of Leeta, the Dabo Girl. I think I'm hotter."

If you're playing a game we don't get to see very often on One Shots, we want to hear from you! The variety in this daily feature is based entirely on players' sending in their images. If you'd like to help us (and your favorite game) out, then snap a great screenshot and email it in to us here at oneshots@massively.com. Be sure to include your name, the name of the game, and a description of what we're seeing in the image. We'll post it out here for everyone to check out and give you the credit for sending it in!

Issues 20 and Incarnates previewed for City of Heroes

If you were one of the lucky fans at the recent City of Heroes meet-and-greet, you were treated to a wealth of information from Paragon Studios about the future of the game. If you weren't, however, you still get a fair slice of luck with today's reveal on the official site about the Incarnate system, complete with lore illustrating the start of what promises to be a far-reaching storyline in the game. We've also gotten a look at the event's presentation on future content, which should give fans plenty to look forward to.

The Incarnate system is kicking off with the Alpha Slot in Issue 19, which will be focused on wide-ranging enhancements to all of a character's powers. Unlike Enhancements, Incarnate abilities can be slotted and removed without destroying them. Each slot will have several branches that players can explore as well, allowing for a great deal of character customization. Moreover, the most powerful Incarnate abilities allow characters to improve their effective level in battle past the cap. You can head to the official site for more details on the next major system of City of Heroes -- or you can take a look at the gallery for a preview of what's coming and the slides which give us a sneak peek at a new warehouse map, new costume pieces, and the trials of Issue 20.

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