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Microsoft sues Motorola, alleges 'excessive' Xbox 360 tech royalty fees | Joystiq
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Reader Comments (27)

Posted: Nov 10th 2010 3:08AM Mach2 said

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And then, in Romeo & Juliet 3: This Time It's Personal, the two families have an epic showdown involving two katanas, twenty chainsaw-firing guns, thirteen angry cheetahs, and a really, really angry duck.

Posted: Nov 10th 2010 3:13AM ShadowXIII said

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Posted: Nov 10th 2010 10:59AM Magetf said

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That duck is going to quack some heads.

Posted: Nov 10th 2010 4:12PM Ryuk said

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is that on Kinect?

Posted: Nov 10th 2010 3:12AM ShadowXIII said

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Microsoft casting lawsuit over excessive fees.....


Posted: Nov 10th 2010 9:07AM Protege420 said

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Posted: Nov 10th 2010 3:17AM Richard Jae said

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Capulet for life!

Posted: Nov 10th 2010 3:27AM Mmmmz said

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Hopefully Microsoft loses just so they know how we, the consumers, feel about their excessively priced accessories. Namely their hard drives.

Talk about calling a Kettle Black.

Posted: Nov 10th 2010 5:07AM sonicspike41 said

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Personally I'm hoping they win. If they lose and are forced to continue paying the apparently excessive fees then we're likely to see a cost increase somewhere on the consumer side to make up for it.

I don't wanna have to give Microsoft even more money just cause Motorola decided to charge them more.

Posted: Nov 10th 2010 11:04AM Magetf said

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Microsoft either:

A. Agreed to pay Motorola these royalties ahead of time or

B. Used Motorola's tech without securing the rights first, and are now under Motorola's thumb.

Either way it's Microsoft's fault and I think they should pay.

Posted: Nov 10th 2010 3:30AM Riley Freeman said

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Can't we all get a long?

Posted: Nov 10th 2010 3:37AM ShadowXIII said

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@Riley Freeman

Hell naw!!

Posted: Nov 10th 2010 3:42AM Mach2 said

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@Riley Freeman
A long what?

Posted: Nov 10th 2010 3:56AM Pure Black World Tendency said

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@Mach2 A long nights sleep. So we can be well rested and fight again next day.

Posted: Nov 10th 2010 4:29AM Riley Freeman said

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Posted: Nov 10th 2010 11:26AM Mister Darcy said

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@Riley Freeman

What, drawn, and talk of peace! I hate the word.

Posted: Nov 10th 2010 3:47AM neoXmahi said

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Hm... This is really funny. And actually quite ironic. Really, this makes me laugh. So, what do we as gamers get out of this? Are we getting cheated as well? By Motorola? We deserve compensation. Oh wait! Microsoft overprices and overcharges us for everything. Great move Microsoft. This really puts you up on the pedestal doesn't it?

Posted: Nov 10th 2010 4:44AM Esposch said

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But those $120 HDDs and Wireless dongles were special! Seriously!

Posted: Nov 10th 2010 5:30AM glassfin said

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conspiracy time: it's about android, say.. android infringes on these video encode&whatever; patents and motorola let's androids go with it since it's motos saving horse. but ms paid for those patents moto is letting others use for free, thus we end up with discrimination against ms by moto.

also quite probably moto has cross license agreements with other players, so they might not be paying cash or at all.

Posted: Nov 10th 2010 8:01AM McDuckScrooged said

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@glassfin Its all to do with Android..

If you dont succeed sue, its just all such underhanded rubbish tactics. I hope WP7 flops hard.

The really scummy thing is that they try leverage crappy software patents such as syncing to try and make out that the core of Android ie the Kernel ie Linux is infringing their patents, so that they can try and say hey you all should be paying us royalties all of you server owners running Linux, you need to pay us royalties..

Their greed and lies know no bounds...

Posted: Nov 10th 2010 8:34AM Agies said

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@McDuckScrooged You have to play ball in the field available. Currently software patents are perfectly valid so the onus is on Microsoft to protect them. It's probably also a combination of software and hardware patents.

They aren't suing over Android, they are suing over Motorola's implementation of Android. If Microsoft was going to sue anyone over just Android they'd sue Google. And if the Linux kernel somehow violated Microsoft patents then they'd move against the major distributors.

For the record Android uses a modified Linux kernel and any suits against Android based on the kernel would probably be based on the modified parts. If there were going to be any suits over Linux they would already have happened since it's no secret as to what is in there.

Posted: Nov 10th 2010 11:28AM McDuckScrooged said

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@Agies software patents are a load of rubbish end of. They only exist in the US and are the stupidest idea ever. I am so glad we don't have it here in Europe.

They are suing motorola over rubbish:

"Microsoft has hit up the ITC over a total of nine alleged patent infringements by Motorola in its Android devices, specifically relating to "synchronizing email, calendars and contacts, scheduling meetings, and notifying applications of changes in signal strength and battery power."

Also Microsoft have repeatedly and wrongly claimed Linux infringes on its software patents trying to scare monger people away from Linux and it has nothing to do with Androids fork of the Linux kernel..

They again are trying the same sort of crappy tactics with Android Mobile phone manufacturers, indirectly blaming Linux and indirectly saying its the underlying Linux kernel all the while trying to hide exactly what it is they are licensing out..




Posted: Nov 10th 2010 4:56AM SushiGummy said

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Oh, the irony. What's next, Zynga suing a company for stealing their game?

Posted: Nov 10th 2010 5:01AM brer said

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Rad, yes I just said rad. Thank you joystiq

Posted: Nov 10th 2010 7:17AM RastaPanda said

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"Motorola demanded "royalties that are excessive and discriminatory" Hmm.. Doesn't this sound a lot like microsoft and their price on their products? lets rephrase this. "Microsoft demands "royalties that aren't excessive and discriminatory to the consumer, KooKooKaChoo"

Posted: Nov 10th 2010 7:34AM Batzarro The worlds WOrst Detect said

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"Actually, we'll save you the trouble: it's basically a bunch of talking until they ultimately settle their dispute in an ultra-anti-climactic exchange of cash in the back alley. "

Just like a broken marriage.

Posted: Nov 10th 2010 8:53AM Jack Kevorkian said

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@Batzarro The worlds WOrst Detect you are one dark dude. And I kill people for a living.
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