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Filed under: iPad

Verizon iPad TV ad is out

Last month Verizon Wireless stores began selling iPad/MiFi bundles. Now, the first television spot advertising that fact has debuted.

It features a user in a small room with an iPad on his lap. He pulls a MiFi from his pocket, flicks it on and presto! The walls of the room disappear as "the world opens up" to him. It's got a nice Apple vibe and should get people talking. "Wait a minute. Apple and Verizon?"

You can watch the ad after the break.

[Via The Next Web]

Continue readingVerizon iPad TV ad is out

Filed under: Rumors, iPhone

Verizon iPhone announcement rumored to hit on November 9 [nope, it's the Droid Pro]

Update: Yes, well, so much for that theory. The Iconic Device is revealed as the Droid Pro, complete with a full keyboard. That's one tall phone.

Yes, we know, another day and another iPhone/Verizon rumor -- but this one comes with a photo and a rather interesting backstory.

Here come the puzzle pieces. Verizon has been beefing up on staffing recently, including what's believed to be a near doubling of the service staff assigned to handle number porting requests. All around the iPhone-lovin' world, the expectation is that we'll hear an announcement before the end of the year with a hardware launch in early 2011. (Compare and contrast Big Red's stance on Windows Phone 7.)

Now we hear from a VZW insider that training notices have been sent out to customer service personnel describing an "Iconic Device" that will be available for pre-order on November 9, 2010. The device is expected to be in very high demand, and the training goes on to cover how to handle the pre-orders as they come in. Our source even came through with the internal display you see above.

Update: Reader CJ points out that the Motorola Droid Pro is scheduled to be available for pre-order on the same day, with a similar Iconic Device identifier. The screens might be referring to the same device launch, but they might not.

Is it a mortal lock? No, but Apple does like to announce things on Tuesdays. We'll see.

Filed under: iPad

How the iPad is benefiting Sprint's mobile broadband sales

Sprint recently noticed an increase in sales of its Overdrive (3g/4g) MiFi wireless hotspot, and it seems the iPad is behind it all. In an interview with GigaOM, Sprint's chief executive officer, Dan Hesse, noted that most iPads sold are Wi-Fi only. Since their introduction, his company has seen an increase in sales of the Overdrive.

When asked about the iPhone, Hess refused comment, stating that Sprint policy is to refrain from commenting on its relationship with vendors. He also noted that Sprint is banking its future on great customer experience, a simple value proposition and finally the actual devices (in that order). Currently, Sprint is carrying BlackBerry and Android phones, while arch-rival Verizon is almost a lock to be selling the iPhone next year.

Meanwhile, Verizon is addressing the iPad-plus-hotspot trend directly by offering iPad/MiFi bundles in its retail stores. For those who want to support an iPad in addition to a few other devices, it's not a bad way to go.

Filed under: iPhone

Verizon iPhone definitely coming in 2011, says Fortune

In a profile of Verizon's CEO Ivan Seidenberg, Fortune couldn't quite get him to spill the beans on the upcoming Verizon 'dream phone,' as the story's headline puts it. Still, between the timeline of meetings between Seidenberg and Steve Jobs, and the story of how Verizon and Google found common ground on net neutrality, writer Sarah Ellison lays it on the line. Like the Wall Street Journal before it, Fortune is now confirming a 2011 launch for the long-awaited Verizon iPhone.

The report suggests the phone will be a 3G-only unit (sorry, would-be 4G early adopters) and most likely will not carry a SIM slot and GSM radio to allow worldwide roaming, at least not in the first version of the device. It's also possible that the phone will include live FIOS TV streaming video service, much as the company's anticipated iPad app will do.

We won't know the exact plan until Ivan and Steve take the stage at some undisclosed future date -- but if you're a Verizon customer with your upgrade date coming up in the next few months, you might want to think twice before getting that new Droid while re-upping your contract.

Filed under: iPad

iPad now available at Verizon, AT&T stores

Today is October 28th, and that means the iPad is now available in Verizon Wireless and AT&T retail locations. The arrangement was announced October 14th. As a refresher, here's how it works.

At Verizon stores, the iPad (all models) is sold bundled with a Verizon MiFi 2200. The access point offers a 1GB allowance in exchange for $20/month with no contract. Bundles start at $US630 for the 16GB iPad plus a MiFi and go up to $730 for the 32G model and $830 for the 64GB model. At AT&T stores, 3G models are sold with not external access device.

As the holiday shopping season officially begins, the iPad is available from seven vendors: Apple, AT&T, Verizon Wireless, Best Buy, Micro Center, Target and Walmart. That distribution will get the gadget in front of a lot of potential customers. Here's to a successful shopping season.

Filed under: iPhone

Rumor: Verizon Wireless on a pre-iPhone hiring spree

As 2010 comes to a close, Verizon Wireless is rumored to be on a hiring spree prior to carrying the iPhone. CNET reports that the company is hiring "hundreds" of call center personnel, who will be trained to handle support calls for "personal computers and portable devices like MP3 players and smartphones."

Of course, Apple, the iPhone and Verizon are never mentioned in this story, and any connection is based upon supposition. Customer service call center staffing companies Teleperformance and Ryla are said to be recruiting on behalf of a "major wireless cell phone service retailer." Both companies have prior experience supporting Verizon and Teleperformance has worked with Apple.

Rumors of a Verizon iPhone have persisted for years. Last April, Verizon CEO Ivan Seidenberg, told Apple outright that Verizon wants to carry the iPhone on its network, and the Wall Street Journal suggested that it could happen just a few weeks ago.

[Via MacDailyNews]

Filed under: iPhone

AT&T activates record-setting 5.2 million iPhones this summer

AT&T set a new record by activating 5.2 million iPhones in the US over summer of 2010. That's a huge number, especially considering that it activated 3.2 million iPhones in the spring. That's a soaring leap of 62.5 percent.

In total, AT&T switched on more than 8 million "integrated devices" during that quarter, the majority of which were iPhones. The company also grew its customer base by 2.6 million, bringing the grand total of those of us enjoying its services to 92.8 million. Finally, the iPhone is being recognized for producing AT&T's best ever customer turnover rate of 1.32 percent.

Remember that "antenna issue" that was supposed to kill the iPhone 4? Yeah.

it will be interesting to see what happens to AT&T's numbers should the rumors of a Verizon phone come to fruition. Would there be a mass exodus? We can only assume that AT&T hopes the answer is no.

Filed under: Software, iPhone, App Store, iPod

Verizon's FiOS Mobile Remote app ready for iPhone

Verizon FiOS appVerizon has had their FiOS DVR Manager app available for some time. Now, the company has released another offering to the App Store in the way of a wireless remote.

Using the Verizon FiOS Mobile Remote requires you to be connected to your FiOS-provided wireless network in order for it to work. Once you follow the simple steps presented by the app, you'll be paired with your cable box and have the ability to quickly change channels, traverse the on-set programming guide, and control the DVR. You know, like the actual cable box remote already does.

I've tried the app out, and it was certainly painless to set up. The controls are surprisingly responsive and, dare I say, may actually work faster than the standard IR remote. The biggest plus to using the app is the presence of a QWERTY keyboard. No more cursor-ing around an on-screen keyboard to search for programs!

I'm not really sure why Verizon didn't just roll these functions into the DVR Manager app, but I guess they have their reasons. Both apps are free and on the App Store now.

[via electronista]

Filed under: Rumors, iPhone

Rumor: Apple field testing revised iPhone 4

With all of the hoopla about the alleged Verizon iPhone now being stirred up by such illustrious sources as the Wall Street Journal, it's surprising that we haven't seen much physical proof of the device turning up. Usually there are a few good leaked photos, devices are left in bars, and excited engineers spilling the beans to blogger friends.

Boy Genius Report (BGR) is quoting a "solid Apple source" as saying that iPhone model 3,2 is ready for field testing. This is widely expected to be the CDMA version of the iPhone 4, and has reached the last testing stage ("AP") before retail release with finalized hardware and software that just needs minimal tweaking.

The identifier 3,2 refers to a revised iPhone 4, as iPhone model 3,1 is the current iPhone 4. BGR's source stated that the new iPhone contains a SIM card, which indicates that the phone can run on GSM standard systems. Rumors earlier this month implied that the Verizon iPhone could use a dual-mode baseband chip from Qualcomm that would enable it to run on both CDMA and GSM networks. There's also speculation in the BGR post that the new model could include a fix for the "antennagate" issue.

The site is also saying that the iPhone 5 (model 4,1) is now in Engineering Verification Testing for a release sometime next year. As AppleInsider pointed out, BGR has been wildly incorrect with some previous rumors. They asserted that iTunes 9 would include support for Blu-Ray, and were slapped upside the head by Apple PR after they published a set of emails allegedly sent between Steve Jobs and an unhappy customer. In other words, if you have salt, sprinkle it liberally on this rumor.

[via AppleInsider]

Filed under: iPad

iPad will hit Verizon Wireless and AT&T stores October 28

Don your tin foil hats, conspiracy theorists: Verizon stores will begin selling iPads on October 28th.

There's no CDMA iPad. Big red will be selling iPads bundled with MiFi 2200s. Starting at $US630 for the 16GB model plus a MiFi, the bundles go up to $730 for the 32G model and $830 for the 64GB model.

Here's how the data plan works for these MiFi units. Customers will get a 1GB allowance in exchange for $20/month with no contract. That's a lot better than what I'm paying for my MiFi now, and it's a lot more convenient and warranty-friendly than previous iPad/MiFi combinations.

Meanwhile, AT&T stores will also begin selling iPads on the 28th, though they'll be stocking the 3G variety and not bundling them with external hotspots.

This might not be the Apple/Verizon news you were hoping for, but it's a start. We're big MiFi fans here at TUAW, and getting a mobile hotspot that can support five devices simultaneously definitely compensates for the hassle of carrying a second gadget and charger along.

[Via Engadget]

Filed under: Rumors, iPhone

Rumor: Apple talking with CDMA carriers in India

Adding to the already bloated CDMA iPhone rumor mill, The Wall Street Journal is now reporting that Apple is in talks with Reliance Communications Ltd and Tata Teliservices Ltd to bring the much-talked-about CDMA equipped iPhone to India. Apparently, talks with Tata Teleservices Ltd have been going on for some 4 to 5 months now.

Similarly, this same CDMA iPhone is the one that has been repeatedly rumored to appear on - surprise, surprise - Verizon's network early next year, also according to the Journal. So, Verizon folks, things are looking more and more in your favor, once again -- at least until they don't, once again.

If Apple were to introduce a code division multiple access (CDMA) iPhone, it would open Apple's iPhone up to roughly 550 million new customers worldwide, according the latest official figures from the CDMA Development Group. This certainly would expand Apple's iPhone market!

In India, one of the world's fastest growing wireless markets, Apple has the potential to get its iPhone into 134 million current CDMA handset users' hands, though Apple Insider suggests that nearly half the country may struggle to afford the phone, with individuals earning an estimated US$1.25 or less a day.

If the rumors are to be believed, a CDMA iPhone release early next year is looking more and more likely. As always, nothing is certain until we see it in the cold, hard, light of day.

[Via AppleInsider]

Filed under: Rumors, Apple, iPhone

Rumor: No 4G for Apple in 2011

Are we tired of all the rumors around a 4G Verizon iPhone yet? First it's off, then it's on, and now it's off again. TechCrunch's Steve Cheney claims he's heard from sources that Apple won't support the 4G/LTE cell network in 2011, which means that we won't see a 4G iPhone next year. Cheney claims Apple is going to wait on the standard, and instead implement a dual-mode GSM and CDMA iPhone sometime in 2011.

That still leaves the possibility of other carriers open, though, and it does corroborate what we've heard from the Wall Street Journal, which said a while back that Apple would bring a CDMA-enabled iPhone out on Verizon's network. Honestly, at this point, it's all just a blur -- we've heard rumors for almost years now that Apple would release an iPhone on one technology or another, and to date, there are no (non-jailbroken) iPhones in the US that run on anything but AT&T's 3G network.

As with all of this stuff, nothing is legit until we see Steve actually holding it up there on stage.

Filed under: iPhone

Just about everyone thinks the iPhone is coming to Verizon

Add the New York Times to the chorus of reporting claiming the iPhone is coming to Verizon early next year. The sources seem credible, even though there have been no end to rumors about our favorite phone making the trek to the big V.t

With a good deal of dislike for AT&T and its policies, it will be interesting to see if Verizon is more liberal about the various hiccups Apple has had with its current carrier. It will also be worth seeing what kinds of concessions Verizon might get Apple to make -- it certainly seems like they'd want to load the iPhone up with crap-ware and the Verizon music or video services. Then again, Apple's holding most of the cards here, so if they do accept a Verizon deal, it'll probably be on their terms.

It's starting to look like iPhone/Verizon may be the real deal, and instead of denials, both companies are now saying nothing. Stay tuned.

Filed under: iPhone

Rumor: Verizon iPhone to debut early next year

The Wall Street Journal reports that Apple will start manufacturing a Verizon-ready iPhone by the end of this year, with sales to start early 2011. Based on the iPhone 4, the new phone would leverage CDMA technology instead of the GSM 3G mobile technology used by AT&T. Wireless telecommunications company Qualcomm will provide a key chip for the new device.

Sourced to "people briefed by Apple," the WSJ story is thin on details but is published on a reputable site that usually doesn't stick its neck out on unfounded items. If this report is grounded in truth, it indicates the end of AT&T's exclusivity deal with Apple and the possible opening of the device in the United States for even further carriers.

This is a rumor we've heard several times before.

Filed under: iPhone

Verizon CEO says no to iPhone? Oh.

The rumors have been flying around for longer than I can remember about there being a Verizon iPhone, but here it is, straight from one of the sources: "We would love to carry it when we get there, but we have to earn it." That's Verizon CEO Ivan Seidenberg speaking honestly on his company's chances at carrying the iPhone anytime soon. From that statement alone, you can probably conclude that while there may have been talks between Verizon and Apple about carrying the iPhone, it's not going to happen anytime soon, including by January (which is when the latest rumor puts the mythical announcement).

Why not? Seidenberg is talking about "earning it" with his company's 4G LTE network. While most of the rumors have evolved around a CDMA iPhone, Seidenberg says it's more likely that Apple will want to make a 4G phone, and whenever Apple decides to do that, Seidenberg wants to be there with the network to support it. "I think 4G will accelerate the process," he said, "and any other decisions Apple makes would be fine with us. Hopefully, at some point Apple will get with the program."

So if you were planning to jump on a brand new VeriPhone sooner rather than later, consider those hopes dashed -- for now. This means we get to stop dealing with the obviously fake "screaanshots," right?

Tip of the Day

iTunes tip: to check or uncheck all the songs in a playlist or Library, including apps, hold down the Command key while clicking the checkbox next to a song or app in that list.

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