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George Soros Sarah Palin | Soros Glenn Beck | George Soros | Mediaite
The Wayback Machine - https://web.archive.org/web/20101113224451/http://www.mediaite.com:80/online/salon-george-soros-is-funding-one-of-sarah-palins-top-aides/

Salon: George Soros Is Funding One Of Sarah Palin’s Top Aides


Yesterday, Glenn Beck finished his week-long exposé on billionaire George Soros. Calling him the “Puppet Master,” the majority of Beck’s attacks revolved around following Soros’ money and listing the enormous amount of organizations that are seemingly in the man’s pocket while theorizing what Soros could be using them for in his goal to bring about a one world government. However, Justin Elliott over at Salon has tugged on one of the puppet strings that Beck left out and has found someone unexpected at the end: Randy Scheunemann, Republican lobbyist and Sarah Palin’s foreign policy adviser.

From Salon:

“He runs a Washington, D.C., consulting firm called Orion Strategies. Scheunemann and a partner have since 2003 been paid over $150,000 by one of Soros’ organizations for lobbying work, according to federal disclosure forms reviewed by Salon. The lobbying, which has continued to the present, centers on legislation involving sanctions and democracy promotion in Burma.

Scheunemann’s client is the Open Society Policy Center, a DC-based advocacy group founded and funded by Soros. The Open Society Policy Center says on its website that it ‘encourages Congress and the Administration to press the military dictatorship in Burma to restore political rights and democracy.’”

So, what does this do to Beck’s argument? Most likely very little. True believers will be able to shrug it off by pointing out the difference between the amount Scheunemann received and, say, the recent Soros donation to Media Matters. At the very least though, this should be proof that not every single person or organization that ever held a check with Soros’ name on it is actually some part of a giant, scary shadow group plotting to take over the world. Of course, at the very most, some could interpret this as proof that the conspiracy is much bigger than Beck ever dreamed!

Either way, this news is a bit of the dent in the scenario that Beck has been illustrating for his audience; that Soros is a “spooky” man who is using his money to fund nothing but people who are out to get YOU and ruin YOUR life!

Check out the Salon article with more on Scheunemann’s relationships with both Palin and Soros here.

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  • michael moore says:
    Thumb up 7 Thumb down 18


  • Seeing 2012 From My Window Seeing 2012 From My Window says:
    Thumb up 45 Thumb down 12

    All this proves is people have NO idea how many cookies jars soros’ has his hands in. Hence, Beck’s profile on him.

  • Joe Brooks says:
    Thumb up 45 Thumb down 7

    Actually this plays into the Glenn Beck narrative. In George Soros own words he likes to be invisible. Sprinkling a little money to someone on the right and dogpiling cash to people on the left is a way to hide the agenda. Nothing more.

  • notsofast notsofast says:
    Thumb up 30 Thumb down 10

    George Soreass, it’s over!

  • timzank timzank says:
    Thumb up 32 Thumb down 11

    “At the very least though, this should be proof that not every single person or organization that ever held a check with Soros’ name on it is actually some part of a giant, scary shadow group plotting to take over the world. Of course, at the very most, some could interpret this as proof that the conspiracy is much bigger than Beck ever dreamed!”

    It’s proof that only 99.9% of his money goes to socialist causes, wow what a frickin’ relief.

  • BlackWidow BlackWidow says:
    Thumb up 11 Thumb down 26

    You are all a bunch of conspirists on here. Especially you NUTSO!

  • Bad Wolf Bad Wolf says:
    Thumb up 13 Thumb down 1

    The Supreme Court has ruled that money is an expression of free speech.
    Gotta love that Constitution.

  • lazzzlo lazzzlo says:
    Thumb up 3 Thumb down 0


  • Dave Inboca says:
    Thumb up 18 Thumb down 6

    The amazing thing is that anybody is surprised. It’s not like a high school football game with personal loyalties. You can bet on both sides or even most of the horses in a race. Soros is sludge and some of it gets in a lot of peoples’ engines.

  • tgk tgk says:
    Thumb up 22 Thumb down 3

    “True believers”

    True believers in what? That George Soros has an agenda and is funding multiple organizations to achieve his agenda? What are the Beck haters actually defending AGAINST when it comes to this subject?

  • valkyrie101 valkyrie101 says:
    Thumb up 7 Thumb down 20

    Seeing 2012 From My Window said:
    All this proves is people have NO idea how many cookies jars soros’ has his hands in. Hence, Beck’s profile on him.

    Yes, that vile democracy in Burma cookie jar.

  • Thumb up 8 Thumb down 33

    Seeing 2012 From My Window said:
    All this proves is people have NO idea how many cookies jars soros’ has his hands in. Hence, Beck’s profile on him.

    Such complete and utter sheep. Beck, Hannity, Limbaugh and the Czars of Reich Wing Propaganda are traitors to America – they’re the ones you should go after – they laugh at people like you for being so dumb.


    Like Andrew Brietbart and Shirley Sherrod:

    Like Fox/Beck’s lies against ACORN:
    Like http://www.mediaite.com/online/rachel-maddow-exposes-foxs-bogus-coverage-of-acorn/

    Like India!


    Teabagers are buying even more propaganda to sell:

    Lonesome Rhodes strikes the minds of the ignorant sheep again!!

  • Thumb up 5 Thumb down 18

    tgk said:
    “True believers”

    True believers in what? That George Soros has an agenda and is funding multiple organizations to achieve his agenda? What are the Beck haters actually defending AGAINST when it comes to this subject?

  • Thumb up 6 Thumb down 31

    notsofast said:
    George Soreass, it’s over!

    Want to draw a new conspiracy theory Beckers:
    Murdock – Saudi Royalty – Koch Bros. – Teabagers – Heritage Foundation – Bill Krisol – Project for a New American Century – Freedom Works – Dick Army – Fox – Teabagers – Koch Bros. – Freedom Works – Americans for Prosperity – Fox – RNC – Propagandists – Beck, Limbaugh, Hannity, O’Reilly Coultre = RNC = Palin, Republican Chamber of CoNmerce = RNC = Republicorp – Citizens United – Republican USSC = GOP = Teabagers, = Koch Bros. = Illegal Iraq Invasion = Bush = Cheney = Nuzis = Propaganda = Wire-tapping US Citizens = arresting media (Joe Miller) = profiling = Nuzi = Arizona = GOP = KKKrazy = Teabagers, etc., etc.


    Like Andrew Brietbart and Shirley Sherrod:

    Like Fox/Beck’s lies against ACORN:
    Like http://www.mediaite.com/online/rachel-maddow-exposes-foxs-bogus-coverage-of-acorn/

    Like India!


    Teabagers are buying even more propaganda to sell:

    Lonesome Rhodes strikes the minds of the ignorant sheep again!!

  • Thumb up 4 Thumb down 25

    Joe Brooks said:
    Actually this plays into the Glenn Beck narrative. In George Soros own words he likes to be invisible. Sprinkling a little money to someone on the right and dogpiling cash to people on the left is a way to hide the agenda. Nothing more.

    Want to draw a new conspiracy theory Beckers:
    Murdock – Saudi Royalty – Koch Bros. – Teabagers – Heritage Foundation – Bill Krisol – Project for a New American Century – Freedom Works – Dick Army – Fox – Teabagers – Koch Bros. – Freedom Works – Americans for Prosperity – Fox – RNC – Propagandists – Beck, Limbaugh, Hannity, O’Reilly Coultre = RNC = Palin, Republican Chamber of CoNmerce = RNC = Republicorp – Citizens United – Republican USSC = GOP = Teabagers, = Koch Bros. = Illegal Iraq Invasion = Bush = Cheney = Nuzis = Propaganda = Wire-tapping US Citizens = arresting media (Joe Miller) = profiling = Nuzi = Arizona = GOP = KKKrazy = Teabagers, etc., etc.


    Like Andrew Brietbart and Shirley Sherrod:

    Like Fox/Beck’s lies against ACORN:
    Like http://www.mediaite.com/online/rachel-maddow-exposes-foxs-bogus-coverage-of-acorn/

    Like India!


    Teabagers are buying even more propaganda to sell:

    Lonesome Rhodes strikes the minds of the ignorant sheep again!!

  • AninTx AninTx says:
    Thumb up 20 Thumb down 4

    I dont see the dilemma here for Beck. Soros paid a lobbyist for some service and it just so happens that the lobbyist is also paid by Palin for some service. Unless I am misunderstanding this article, it doesn’t mean the the lobbyist is “owned” by Sorors (or Palin). Kind of like indicting Target because both Soros and Palin shop there. What am I missing?

  • Thumb up 3 Thumb down 20

    timzank said:
    “At the very least though, this should be proof that not every single person or organization that ever held a check with Soros’ name on it is actually some part of a giant, scary shadow group plotting to take over the world. Of course, at the very most, some could interpret this as proof that the conspiracy is much bigger than Beck ever dreamed!”

    It’s proof that only 99.9% of his money goes to socialist causes, wow what a frickin’ relief.

    How’s the Saudi Royal Family “Muslim” terrorist money working for the Republicans and Fox?

    Want to draw a new conspiracy theory Beckers:
    Murdock – Saudi Royalty – Koch Bros. – Teabagers – Heritage Foundation – Bill Krisol – Project for a New American Century – Freedom Works – Dick Army – Fox – Teabagers – Koch Bros. – Freedom Works – Americans for Prosperity – Fox – RNC – Propagandists – Beck, Limbaugh, Hannity, O’Reilly Coultre = RNC = Palin, Republican Chamber of CoNmerce = RNC = Republicorp – Citizens United – Republican USSC = GOP = Teabagers, = Koch Bros. = Illegal Iraq Invasion = Bush = Cheney = Nuzis = Propaganda = Wire-tapping US Citizens = arresting media (Joe Miller) = profiling = Nuzi = Arizona = GOP = KKKrazy = Teabagers, etc., etc.


    Like Andrew Brietbart and Shirley Sherrod:

    Like Fox/Beck’s lies against ACORN:
    Like http://www.mediaite.com/online/rachel-maddow-exposes-foxs-bogus-coverage-of-acorn/

    Like India!


    Teabagers are buying even more propaganda to sell:

    Lonesome Rhodes strikes the minds of the ignorant sheep again!!

  • Thumb up 3 Thumb down 22

    AninTx said:
    I dont see the dilemma here for Beck. Soros paid a lobbyist for some service and it just so happens that the lobbyist is also paid by Palin for some service. Unless I am misunderstanding this article, it doesn’t mean the the lobbyist is “owned” by Sorors (or Palin). Kind of like indicting Target because both Soros and Palin shop there. What am I missing?

    Just the idiocy of Beck’s troubled mind and the hypocrisy of said idiocy.
    Want to draw a new conspiracy theory Beckers:
    Murdock – Saudi Royalty – Koch Bros. – Teabagers – Heritage Foundation – Bill Krisol – Project for a New American Century – Freedom Works – Dick Army – Fox – Teabagers – Koch Bros. – Freedom Works – Americans for Prosperity – Fox – RNC – Propagandists – Beck, Limbaugh, Hannity, O’Reilly Coultre = RNC = Palin, Republican Chamber of CoNmerce = RNC = Republicorp – Citizens United – Republican USSC = GOP = Teabagers, = Koch Bros. = Illegal Iraq Invasion = Bush = Cheney = Nuzis = Propaganda = Wire-tapping US Citizens = arresting media (Joe Miller) = profiling = Nuzi = Arizona = GOP = KKKrazy = Teabagers, etc., etc.


    Like Andrew Brietbart and Shirley Sherrod:

    Like Fox/Beck’s lies against ACORN:
    Like http://www.mediaite.com/online/rachel-maddow-exposes-foxs-bogus-coverage-of-acorn/

    Like India!


    Teabagers are buying even more propaganda to sell:

    Lonesome Rhodes strikes the minds of the ignorant sheep again!!

  • michael moore says:
    Thumb up 5 Thumb down 14

    The second largest owner of News Corp is a member of the Saudi royal family, the same Saudi Arabia that attacked us on 9/11, it wasn’t Afghanistan most all of the 19 hijackers were from Saudi Arabia. Why doesn’t Fox do a expose on that guy and his connections to terrorism. That would be awesome, they never will though the like the fact that they are controlled by our enemies.

  • tgk tgk says:
    Thumb up 14 Thumb down 3

    James Gregory Backus said:

    I am going to guess based on your other ranting posts here, that you were NOT just re-posting my post because you agree with me.

    So does that mean you were going to attempt to tell me what it is that the liberals are defending AGAINST when it comes to this Soros business?

    Or was I too going to get your long list of irrelevant links to articles?

  • valkyrie101 valkyrie101 says:
    Thumb up 1 Thumb down 13

    AninTx said:
    I dont see the dilemma here for Beck. Soros paid a lobbyist for some service and it just so happens that the lobbyist is also paid by Palin for some service. Unless I am misunderstanding this article, it doesn’t mean the the lobbyist is “owned” by Sorors (or Palin). Kind of like indicting Target because both Soros and Palin shop there. What am I missing?

    What is Soros doing supporting freedom in Burma? Does that play to his “really bad guy” personna that Beck peddles?

  • Thumb up 4 Thumb down 22

    Seeing 2012 From My Window says:
    “All this proves is people have NO idea how many cookies jars soros’ has his hands in. Hence, Beck’s profile on him.”

    Except Beck is mixing in fictions (and anti-Semitism) in with his “profile.” Check for yourselves:


    Beck is hounding Soros for one reason. Soros is the Koch brothers of the left. Charles Koch doesn’t have strings attached to Beck’s head and arms any more that Soros has strings attached to John Podesta. Beck is just applying his highly developed, paranoid style to someone that is now more likely to get murdered by one of Beck’s unstable sheeple (followers).

    Once again, Beck is poisoning the waters, not making anything more clear.

    Thumb up 2 Thumb down 17

    James Gregory Backus said:
    Want to draw a new conspiracy theory Beckers:Murdock – Saudi Royalty – Koch Bros. – Teabagers – Heritage Foundation – Bill Krisol – Project for a New American Century – Freedom Works – Dick Army – Fox – Teabagers – Koch Bros. – Freedom Works – Americans for Prosperity – Fox – RNC – Propagandists – Beck, Limbaugh, Hannity, O’Reilly Coultre = RNC = Palin, Republican Chamber of CoNmerce = RNC = Republicorp – Citizens United – Republican USSC = GOP = Teabagers, = Koch Bros. = Illegal Iraq Invasion = Bush = Cheney = Nuzis = Propaganda = Wire-tapping US Citizens = arresting media (Joe Miller) = profiling = Nuzi = Arizona = GOP = KKKrazy = Teabagers, etc., etc. http://www.thedailyshow.com/watch/mon-november-8-2010/doubtsourced Like Andrew Brietbart and Shirley Sherrod:http://www.mediaite.com/online/has-the-white-house-fallen-for-breitbarts-game-beck-calls-sherrod-firing-political-assassination/ Like Fox/Beck’s lies against ACORN:Like http://www.mediaite.com/online/rachel-maddow-exposes-foxs-bogus-coverage-of-acorn/ Like India! http://www.thedailyshow.com/watch/mon-november-8-2010/doubtsourced Teabagers are buying even more propaganda to sell:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a4moR4NFTd8&feature=related Lonesome Rhodes strikes the minds of the ignorant sheep again!!

    Alright James!! You go guy!

  • valkyrie101 valkyrie101 says:
    Thumb up 3 Thumb down 19

    In general, what else is Beck not telling us about Soros? What other causes does he support that most of us agree with? Funding big bird? Environment causes? The Helping the blind little old lady Fund? Why does an evil dude like Soros, a wealthy philanthropist, secular, support so many good causes? Shouldn’t Glenn be covering the other side of the story, just a little? Is he evil because he does not buy into Glenn’s end of the world rhetoric?

  • juan juan says:
    Thumb up 15 Thumb down 1

    Are the Usual Suspects Behind Boycotting “Sarah Palin’s Alaska”? You Betcha!

    Leading the charge to shut down the Palin series has been Michael Kieschnick, who has his hands in just about everything, working with George Soros, Jim Wallis, Andy Stern, Drummond Pike and many more.


  • Cancon2 Cancon2 says:
    Thumb up 19 Thumb down 1

    Keep talking about Soros. I am sure he hates this. Especially the millions learning about him. So, now he will be challenged,….GOOD.

  • juan juan says:
    Thumb up 16 Thumb down 1

    valkyrie101 said:
    Is he evil because he does not buy into Glenn’s end of the world rhetoric?
    juan says:

    Destroying currencies is evil!

  • juan juan says:
    Thumb up 11 Thumb down 1

    yr so liberl chuck norris said:
    Why doesn’t Fox do a expose on that guy and his connections to terrorism. That would be awesome, they never will though the like the fact that they are controlled by our enemies.

    What a CROC!

  • valkyrie101 valkyrie101 says:
    Thumb up 2 Thumb down 15

    Causing millions to panic and buy gold, while owning a share of the Gold company profits, that is evil.

  • juan juan says:
    Thumb up 12 Thumb down 3

    James Gregory Backus said:

    Pedophile James Gregory Backus!

  • juan juan says:
    Thumb up 13 Thumb down 2

    valkyrie101 said:
    Causing millions to panic and buy gold, while owning a share of the Gold company profits, that is evil.

    Nah, just capitalism!

  • valkyrie101 valkyrie101 says:
    Thumb up 2 Thumb down 10

    juan said:
    Nah, just capitalism!

    Yes, precisely.

  • tgk tgk says:
    Thumb up 11 Thumb down 1

    valkyrie101 said:
    Causing millions to panic and buy gold, while owning a share of the Gold company profits, that is evil.

    Well, THIS should really piss you off then:


    BOSTON (Reuters) – Billionaire investor George Soros’ hedge fund more than doubled its bet on the price of gold during the fourth quarter, a portion of the firm’s total U.S.-listed equity holdings of $8.8 billion at the end of 2009.

  • valkyrie101 valkyrie101 says:
    Thumb up 1 Thumb down 7

    tgk said:
    Well, THIS should really piss you off then: http://www.gold-speculator.com/paco-ahlgren/22470-george-soros-buying-gold-hypocrite-talking-out-both-sides-his-mouth.html BOSTON (Reuters) – Billionaire investor George Soros’ hedge fund more than doubled its bet on the price of gold during the fourth quarter, a portion of the firm’s total U.S.-listed equity holdings of $8.8 billion at the end of 2009.


  • valkyrie101 valkyrie101 says:
    Thumb up 3 Thumb down 9

    The kind of gold invesment that glenn promotes is not about including gold in a hedge fund, its about obtaining it and making it a part of their end of the world kit, with food, survival napsack, last days seeds, and guns.

  • Chuck Coffer says:
    Thumb up 13 Thumb down 1

    Is this retarded drivel what passes for journalism these days? Some assclown finds out that Sarah Palin knows a lobbyist?

    This site has absolutely no integrity. It’s Perez Hilton minus the cartoon semen stains.

  • tiredofbs tiredofbs says:
    Thumb up 3 Thumb down 0

    It wouldn’t surprise me, if:” Scheunemann’s relationships with both Palin and Soros here. ”
    is where Glenn got some of his info from… What a tangled web we weave…

    Interesting factoid.
    Never a dull moment

  • Thumb up 11 Thumb down 3

    GlennBeckReview said:
    Once again, Beck is poisoning the waters, not making anything more clear.

    Have you no SHAME? Everyone knows that you are a liar. Why are you still here?

  • Call_Me_Ishmael Call_Me_Ishmael says:
    Thumb up 4 Thumb down 0

    The dynamics of a good conspiracy theory are a joy to behold:

    Mel: “Jim Demint is a stealth Marxist planning the Chinese takeover of America!”

    Mr. Spock: What are you talking about? Demint has never said or done anything that could not be consider conservative. He’s an evangelical fundamentalist, pro life, anti big governments, anti taxation, pro military, flag waving patriot. His never done a single thing in his life that could be considered anti-American.

    Mel: Exactly, which all proves conclusively that he is a Marxist planning the takeover of America! What, are you stupid?

  • tgk tgk says:
    Thumb up 4 Thumb down 0

    valkyrie101 said:
    The kind of gold invesment that glenn promotes is not about including gold in a hedge fund, its about obtaining it and making it a part of their end of the world kit, with food, survival napsack, last days seeds, and guns.

    a) That’s not true. Glenn frequently talks about buying gold as a hedge against inflation

    b) Exactly why does it matter if one person buys as a hedge and one person buys because of a “end of the world” fear? Don’t BOTH of them end up with the same product?

  • Ted- Ted- says:
    Thumb up 3 Thumb down 10

    gordonbloyershow said:
    Have you no SHAME? Everyone knows that you are a liar. Why are you still here?

    You are little more than a cockroach…maybe a bed bug at best. Most certainly a complete dumb ass.

  • The Real Royal King The Real Royal King says:
    Thumb up 1 Thumb down 10

    I’m thinking that Murdoch would be open to off-loading the albatross, revenue-losing Beckerhead. Soros ought to buy up his contract, start a line of fungus creams, and make Beckerhead his spokesperson. Beckerhead could fake lots of tears to prove that his jock itch really hurts, and he could flash that sinister smile to show how well the cream works.

  • Alz Alz says:
    Thumb up 3 Thumb down 0

    Soros –> Ernst Stavro Blofeld.

  • Tedderman Tedderman says:
    Thumb up 0 Thumb down 1

    Glenns chalk board just burst into flames. How’s he ever going to explain this one.

  • CanofSand CanofSand says:
    Thumb up 1 Thumb down 0

    Tedderman said:
    Glenns chalk board just burst into flames. How’s he ever going to explain this one.

    I’m really tired of having to argue with idiots who clearly don’t read any of the other comments posted long before their drivel shows up at the bottom of the heap. What exactly is he supposed to argue against? “OMG PALIN AND SOROS BOTH BOUGHT GROCERIES FROM THIS ONE STORE! THAT MEANS PALIN IS IN LEAGUE WITH SOROS!” That is the exact sort of argument your ilk are making. That’s just stupid. Now, if you want to say “it’s the same sort of tie all those people Beck implicates have to Soros” (like I fully expected you drones to say), at least that BEGINS to LOOK LIKE you’re trying to make a logical argument, but you don’t even do that. More importantly, if you did say that, the fact that Beck’s research isn’t at all structured in that way annihilates your sad, pathetic, desperate reachings.

  • xiayizhan xiayizhan says:
    Thumb up 0 Thumb down 0

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  • VRWC Destruction Machine VRWC Destruction Machine says:
    Thumb up 1 Thumb down 0

    That’s suppose to make Soros a good guy to Consevatives? Soros’ Open Society Institute has pushed this agenda:

    -promoting the view that America is institutionally an oppressive nation
    -promoting the election of leftist political candidates throughout the United States
    -opposing virtually all post-9/11 national security measures enacted by U.S. government, particularly the Patriot Act
    -depicting American military actions as unjust, unwarranted, and immoral
    -promoting open borders, mass immigration, and a watering down of current immigration laws
    -promoting a dramatic expansion of social welfare programs funded by ever-escalating taxes
    -promoting social welfare benefits and amnesty for illegal aliens
    -defending the civil rights and liberties of suspected anti-American terrorists and their abetters
    -financing the recruitment and training of future activist leaders of the political Left
    -advocating America’s unilateral disarmament and/or a steep reduction in its military spending
    -opposing the death penalty in all circumstances
    -promoting socialized medicine in the United States
    -promoting the tenets of radical environmentalism, whose ultimate goal, as writer Michael Berliner has explained, is “not clean air and clean water, [but] rather … the demolition of technological/industrial civilization”
    bringing American foreign policy under the control of the United Nations
    -promoting racial and ethnic preferences in academia and the business world alike
    -promoting taxpayer-funded abortion-on-demand
    -advocating stricter gun-control measures
    -advocating the legalization of marijuana

    George Soros is a real life Lex Luthor. He is a megalomaniac.

  • Michael2010 Michael2010 says:
    Thumb up 0 Thumb down 1

    Funny how the conspiracy theory falls apart with facts, right rightwingers? Is Sarah Palin part of the conspiracy as well?

  • Thumb up 0 Thumb down 0

    Hey Michael….. you should remove your kool aid IV and give what remaining brain cels you have a rest. And then you should do your own research into Soros,because if you did you would find that he really did destroy the economies of those countries,and he is trying to do the same to America.

    But why should I expect a liberal to actually do their own work? You probably agree with the nutcase Pelosi that we should be able to “chase our dreams”and not be worried about insurance. Like Michael Savage said……

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