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What Present Did George Soros Personally Send Glenn Beck?

video Glenn Beck's George Soros exposé began today and it did not disappoint. Nothing that begins with the dramatic lines "83 years ago, George Soros was born. Little did the world know, then, that economy's would collapse, currencies would become worthless, elections would be stolen, regimes would fall, and one billionaire would find himself, coincidentally, at the center of it all" ever could. Beck also revealed an interesting anecdote: Soros once sent him a present.

Tucker Carlson Pranks Columnist Using Fake Keith Olbermann Email Address

Over the summer, Tucker Carlson's Daily Caller purchased the URL KeithOlbermann.com and Carlson said he would personally use the email address Keith@KeithOlbermann.com. Today, news came out that The Daily News' Stu Bykofsky was tricked into thinking he was having an email fight with Keith Olbermann himself. The exchange was published on Phawker, where it began to pick up heat before quickly being shot down.

Fox News Had Five Of Top 10 Programs On Cable Last Week – During Election Night

ratings Five "programs" (four hours and one partial hour) were in the top 10 programs on all of cable last week for Fox News, from 7:50pmET-MidnightET. The network also finished #2 overall in prime time on cable for the week - the first time in 2nd place since the May 31 week of the BP oil spill. More details:

Conan O’Brien’s First Night On TBS Beats Leno And Letterman

ratings Conan O'Brien is off to a huge start in the ratings for his new cable late night show, attracting more than 4.1 million viewers on his first night. This was better than Jay Leno's Tonight Show on NBC - an amazing statistic, that would be made more amazing if it happens again.

Matt Lauer’s George W. Bush Interview Gets Lower Ratings Than Everything Except 90210

Last night on network TV, House finally relented and agreed to hire a female doctor to the team, Barney got an important clue in his quest to find his father, Jeff and Audrey got Jeff's lesbian friend to be their surrogate mother and people continued to show that they are capable of dancing alongside stars! Oh, and on NBC, George W. Bush went blah blah blah to Matt Lauer about his presidency and whatnot. Judging by last night's ratings, many more people cared about dancing and House.

Tomorrow On Oprah: A Historic Daytime Talk Show Host Reunion

Watching Oprah's show tomorrow might make you flash back to your childhood—specifically, the days when you stayed home sick from school and spent the afternoon channel surfing. That's because the Queen of All Media will be welcoming a very special slate of guest stars: former talk show hosts Phil Donahue, Geraldo Rivera, Sally Jessy Raphael, Ricki Lake and Montel Williams.

Pentagon, Everybody Else Confused By Mysterious Missile Launched Near California

video So it seems like a missile was launched in Southern California. That's certainly alarming enough as it is, but prepare to be doubly alarmed: nobody, not even the Pentagon, knows who launched it.

Parents Television Council: Prime Time Profanity Increasing Rapidly

$*%# It was once a big deal for primetime viewers to hear the word 'shit' on network television. It seems those times are no more: the Parents Television Council has released a report that finds that the past five years have seen a 69.3% increase in primetime profanity. The f-word, for instance, showed up 111 times during "family hour" in the fall 2010 season, while that same word only appeared 10 times in 2005. Damn.

New Book Explains Why Conan Refused To Book Sarah Palin

video We got a preview of Bill Carter's forthcoming War For Late Night in Vanity Fair two weeks ago, but now that Conan O'Brien is back on the air, the book takes on added meaning. Carter was a guest on Morning Joe this morning to talk about the circumstances surrounding the book, and...Sarah Palin.

George W. Bush: Waterboarding Was Legal Because Lawyer Said It Was Legal

video Just like Commander-in-Chief George W. Bush, book promoter George W. Bush believes in the idea of preemptive strike. During his hour-long interview with Matt Lauer, Bush was the first one to bring up what NBC News calls "one of the most contentious issues of his presidency." "Let's talk about waterboarding," the former president said. Let's.

David Letterman Disses Jay Leno On Eve Of Conan

Conan O'Brien's night owl cohorts weren't shy about mentioning the redhead's new program on their own shows yesterday. David Letterman, though, wasn't quite so gentle when he gave Conan a shoutout. In a typically sarcastic move, the acerbic late night titan took Conan's premiere as an opportunity to lob an uppercut at his favorite punching bag.

Schwarzenegger Says He Didn’t Endorse Whitman Or Brown Because “I Couldn’t Understand Their Accents”

video Though Conan's new show got all the attention last night, there were also a few interesting things happening over at the redhead's old network. Specifically, Conan's nemesis Jay Leno had a big-name guest: Arnold Schwarzenegger, who gave a relaxed, funny interview about everything from his thoughts on the Tea Party to his family's dinner rules.

President George W. Bush On 9/11: “I Believe In Justice, Not Revenge”

video President George W. Bush's hour long special with Matt Lauer, which will serve in many ways as a promotional tool for his book, addressed the 'decisions' surrounding all aspects of his eight-years in office. But the issue he will most closely be tied is 9/11 - and he talked about the day of, and days after, with Lauer.

Keith Olbermann’s Donations Violate At Least One Set Of Ethics Rules: His Own

Keith Olbermann broke his non-Twitter silence last night on the matter of his suspension, alleging that he "knew nothing about" the NBC policy requiring approval for personal campaign donations from MSNBC anchors. His note was as candidly appreciative to fans as it was backhandedly scathing to those permitting him to return to air tonight, but rings inconsistent with the some of the anchor's previous statements.

Stewart To Rally Critics: “Not Necessarily What They Wanted It To Be About”

video Jon Stewart returned from his long weekend, having spent one less day off than the indefinitely suspended Keith Olbermann, and was ready to talk about the MSNBC host and others in the media who had critiques of his rally from the left. After explaining the point, he turned to the suspension.

Conan! Jon Hamm, Larry King, The Godfather and A Joyous Return To Late-Night

Well hello there, stranger! Welcome back! It’s been a while. Actually, it hasn’t really been a while — in fact, over the past few months it feels a lot like Conan O’Brien hasn’t really left. Well, to us — we are all well-acquainted with just how aware he is of having lost his late-night perch [...]

Conan O’Brien’s First TBS Monologue: Still Bitter About The NBC Break-Up

video Conan O'Brien made his return to late night TV tonight with the first episode of TBS' Conan. In some ways, the opening monologue of the premiere picked up from where he left off in the two weeks of his former NBC show - a lot of references to his now-ex-employer. Only now, he's on Twitter.

Dylan Ratigan: The Answer To America’s Woes Is ‘Obviously’ Revolution

video Given the polarized nature of American politics in the last several years, accusations of inciting violence on both sides have become somewhat cliched. But this afternoon, MSNBC's Dylan Ratigan took to his show to yell fire in a crowded theater, asking viewers, "Are things in our country so bad that it might actually be time for a revolution? The answer is obviously 'yes.'"

Bernie Goldberg Advises Bill O’Reilly To ‘Play Nice’ In George W. Bush Interview

video While former President George W. Bush 's first major interview in years aired on NBC tonight, Bill O'Reilly did some pre-interview sparring with Bernie Goldberg on the media's treatment of the current president and even asked Goldberg for sample questions. Goldberg complied with three questions and a suggestion: "play nice."

Olbermann: MSNBC Suspended “Without A Hearing” For “Inconsistently Applied Rule”

On the eve of his return from suspension for contributing to political campaigns against company policy, Keith Olbermann has released an open letter thanking his supporters for the support, apologizing for the "unnecessary drama," and telling his side of the story: how an "inconsistently applied rule" landed him a suspension after "my representative was assured no suspension was contemplated."

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