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Disney aims for social and mobile games, leaves consoles in the dust

Filed under: Other Games

Mickey Mouse on iPhone?
Don't expect to see Mickey on Xbox anytime soon. It looks like Disney is smartening up to its own $740 million buy of Playdom earlier this summer in saying to GamesIndustry.biz that it plans to invest less in console gaming. "We've seen a pretty big shift in games from console to what I'll call multiplatform, everything from mobile apps to social networking games, and by putting John Pleasants in to run games, not only will be the focus on turning those businesses into profitability, but diversifying our presence in the business," said Disney CEO Bob Iger to GamesIndustry.biz.

In other words, Disney is going to focus more on Playdom's potential than, say, Warren Spector and Epic Mickey's. Now, this isn't to say that we'll never see a Disney game on consoles again--we'll still have our licensed Pixar games. In all seriousness, Disney knows better than to ignore an entire market, but I wouldn't expect too many more original ideas based on Disney intellectual property after Epic Mickey releases. We're unsure as to what this might mean for Disney-owned console studios like UK-based Black Rock and Warren Spector's Junction Point, but we can probably guess what it will mean elsewhere.

More Facebook and mobile games with Disney characters all over them. We saw some pretty big hints pointing toward what Disney might be up to in Social City earlier this fall. It wouldn't be a stretch to say that a Disney-branded Facebook game is on the way. You can bet your City Bucks Disney didn't buy Playdom or Tapulous just to throw nifty little items into some of their existing games.

What do you think will come of Disney's new focus on social games? What Disney IP would you like to see Playdom or Tapulous handle first? Speculate away in the comments. Add Comment.
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Happy Island Wizard Week: Collect four LE items to unleash the Dragon

Filed under: Happy Island

Unleash the Dragon
The wizard fever has struck Happy Island in excitement for the seventh (but not final) Harry Potter movie to release next week, but CrowdStar decided to tone down the direct references and--gasp--be original. There are five attractions in all that will be available all week until the movie launches, so you have some time to collect them all. And trust us, you might want to.

  • Wizard's Bank ($9.90): Collects all Moneybags with one click, 2,250 coins
  • Wizard's Pranks ($4): Collects 2,250 coins
  • Wizard's Order ($4): Collects 2,250 coins
  • Wizard's Wands ($4): Collects 3,650 coins
  • Wizard's Burrow ($4): Collects 2250 coins

Purchasing the last four items in that list will reward players with the Red Dragon decoration, which will flutter adorably around your island and breathe fire--cute fire, that is. Players can also buy Demented Diamond gems for $1 a piece that will add demented* ghosts to their items, which should ring a bell for just about any Harry Potter fan. And we were so close to complete originality. Oh well, at least it has dragons.

*Hint: It's a reference to the Dementors.

What do you think of the new Wizard's items in Happy Island? How about the rampant Harry Potter references for the past two weeks? Sound off in the comments. Add Comment.
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Pet Society: Steampunk coming soon, bring your best mustache and monocle

Filed under: Pet Society

Red Airplane Brass Robot Mechanical Wings
Man, Steampunk is so awesome. The Victorian furniture, the fine leather clothing, the crazy blueprints--aw, who am I kidding? We want airships, mechanical arms and monocles. Next week in Pet Society you'll find most of those things in the game's various stores--even the furniture! Playfish has declared the week of Nov. 14 Steampunk Week and we couldn't be more psyched.

Anyone out there who grew up on movies like The Rocketeer will know why we're excited to see items like Mechanical Wings from the Boutique, the Vintage Goggles digging reward and the Red Flying Airplane that will be found in the Market. There will be a ton of new pieces of Victorian furniture, outfits and super cool accessories like monocles. But the best of all has to be the steam-powered Brass Robot and Brass Motorcycle. Sadly, there are no jetpacks as of right now, but like Playfish says, "Please keep in mind that everything shown/mentioned in this blog is not necessarily set in stone, and may change before it's released." Our fingers are firmly crossed.

Are you excited to go all Steampunk on us next week? What's your favorite item featured on the blog? Sound off in the comments. Add Comment.
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Social City: Historic Downtown Buildings add that 'Old City' charm

Filed under: Social City

Historic Downtown Apartment
While you might have the sprawling metropolis of your dreams in Social City, have you stopped to think about what might have made your city great? Well, Playdom clearly has with four new items in Social City that comprise the Historic Downtown set. These original brick apartments with classic arched windows and wall-crawling vines could a much needed "Old City" to the neighborhood. The Historic Downtown Apartment is open to Level 28 players for 100 thousand coins and provides 400 Population every 24 hours.

While Playdom has announced the other three buildings--Historic Downtown East, West and Corner--it seems that they've to make it into the game. Most likely, this is not a glitch and they're just being rolled out slowly to players. Stay tuned for when the rest of the Historic Downtown set makes it into Social City to add some homey flavor to your town.

Will you be adding the Historic Downtown set to your city? What city do you think these items are inspired by? Sound off in the comments. Add Comment.
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FrontierVille Third Kid Goals: Everything you need to know

Filed under: FrontierVille

FrontierVille Babies
And here you thought it stopped at two. Oh, no pioneers. Zynga is taking this all the way to six kids in FrontierVille, so we want to help get you there with some tips and information on how to make these deliveries as painless a process as possible. Well, at least for you--we can't speak for the misses.

Check after the break for more details on all four missions in the series.
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