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Dick Van Dyke Got Saved By Porpoises (No, Not In A Movie. In Real Life!)

Yesterday, I wrote about headlines that just begged to be clicked on and read. At the time, I thought that the story about a man being forced to eat his own beard was the best one we'd see today. Then I read this headline from The Guardian:"Porpoises rescue Dick Van Dyke." Just an embarrassment of riches this week, huh?

Look Who’s Coming To Lunch: Media Matters Pays $86,000 To Dine With Rupert Murdoch

Sorry, all those who had bid on Rupert Murdoch's companionship. The auction for a "friendly lunch" with the News Corp. CEO ended today, and the winner is... wait for it... Media Matters. Womp womp.

Report: The Daily Beast And Newsweek Agree To Merge

Throughout the past few month there have been many whispers that embattled print weekly Newsweek and the red-hot (and well funded) website The Daily Beast were in talks about merging their two businesses. A lot of people thought it made sense, the marraige of a print behemoth (with solid ad revenue) and a hip and cool online entity with a proven editorial hall of famer in Tina Brown. Alas, as Ms. Brown said recently, the two entities could not agree to terms on a prenup and the talks died without a deal. But no so fast - according to The Observer, it turns out that the merger may, in fact, be back on.

End Of Days: Sold Out Crowd Cheers Hologram Performance In Japan

video Hatsune Miku is a Japanese pop idol who recently played a sold-out show in Japan, to throngs of adoring fans thrusting glow stick in the air to the beat of her tunes. Also, Hatsune Miku is not a normal Japanse pop idol (if there is such a thing.) She's a 3D Virtual pop idol, a hologram of which rocked the crowd. As Buzzfeed's Mark Mann writes "So this is how the world ends."

And The Winner For Best “Old Spice Guy” Parody Ever Goes To…

The Sun. Yes, the British tabloid that has supplied us with countless hours of cheekily entertaining soccer headlines has now provided us with this “Old Spice” parody.

This Exists: Kentucky Man Forced To Eat His Own Beard In Fight Over Lawnmower

video Some headlines just insist on being clicked. Kentucky NBC affiliate KSDK's "Man says former friends cut off his beard and forced him to eat it" is just one of those headlines. It tells the harrowing story about a fight between four men over a lawnmower that almost ended in death but, fortunately, only ended in the loss and ingestion of a beard. We have the video report below. There's really nothing more we can say about it. We report. You decide.

Glenn Beck Accuses George Soros Of “Helping Send The Jews To The Death Camps”

What's with all the recent inappropriate Nazi comparisons? On Tuesday, liberal radio host Mike Malloy likened George W. Bush to Hitler. Now, Glenn Beck has drawn the ire of the Anti-Defamation League by claiming that Jewish billionaire George Soros played a role in the Holocaust.

Bush Interviews Reminiscent Of Dan Abrams’ Live Interview W/ Ashcroft And Gonzales

Two years into the Obama administration, President George W. Bush’s newly-released memoirs (and his promotional media tour) have rekindled interest in many of the previous administration’s executive decisions, especially those involving national security. And with the hindsight of being two years removed from his tenure, President Bush has stood by a majority of his foreign policy decisions-- and within his administration, he's not alone.

So It Begins: Reagan Library To Host First GOP Presidential Debate In Spring 2011

already The midterm elections are over, so you know what that means: It's time to talk 2012! Well, not really; there are still almost two years between that election and now, right? Even so, 2012 fever is already starting to ratchet up. Case in point: NBC News sent out a press release today about the first GOP debate of the 2012 election season. It's happening pretty soon too.

A Real Life Stephen Colbert? Conservative Group’s Leader Writes Post On Why We Need To Kill All Bears

Oh no. The one thing that can hurt a satirist as good as Stephen Colbert has finally happened. That's right, someone in the real world has appeared to make his satirical character look normal. That someone is Bryan Fischer, the Director of Issues Analysis for the conservative Christian group American Family Association. Fischer has written a series of blog posts about how the grizzly bear is "a predator, a fierce, savage unstoppable killing machine" that should be shot "on sight." Clearly, the Colbert Report writers are going to need to step it up.

Progressive Radio Host Mike Malloy Compares President Bush To Hitler

audio A corollary to Godwin’s Law states that “as an Internet discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Nazis or Hitler increases, and whomever makes that comparison has automatically ‘lost’ said debate.” Extending this axiom to the current state of American public discourse begs the question: should critics of a political figure who reflexively evoke Hitler be considered losers? Absolutely. Case in point: self-described progressive radio talk show host Mike Malloy, who on Tuesday compared former president George W. Bush to Hitler and other mass murderers.

From Glenn Beck To Nancy Pelosi: Experts Propose Time’s Person Of The Year

Every December, Time names a "Person of the Year"—the individual or entity that, in the magazine's estimation, has had the greatest impact on the news either for good or for ill. The process for naming 2010's recipient kicked off last night, when Time hosted a Person of the Year panel in Manhattan's Time and Life building.

White House Signals Compromise On Bush Tax Cuts; Right Call, Wrong Time

It is a poorly-kept secret that President Obama is a poker aficionado. If the administration's new posture on the soon-to-expire Bush tax cuts are any indication, he's a lousy one. Senior adviser David Axelrod, in an interview with Huffington Post, has signaled that the administration is all but ready to fold the strongest hand they're likely to get in post-midterm Washington. While the President favors extending the middle class portion of the Bush tax cuts, while allowing those for the wealthiest Americans to expire, Axelrod has already resorted to the fallback position of a temporary extension for the rich. While that's probably the best outcome, the timing of this move is bad politics, and will lead to bad policy.

I Dare You Not To Laugh At The Worst Hurdles Race Ever

Adding insult to assumed injury (somebody is leaving this thing with horribly scraped knees) are the motivational messages at the beginning of this high school girls’ hurdle race.

Boxee Will Change Your TV Experience. Here’s How.

Here are some 2010 problems with television: cable bills are expensive. TV content is limited to TV. It has no built-in community. Enter Boxee. It’s software for your TV and it allows you to watch what you want to watch when you want to watch it — including many big budget shows and movies plus Vimeo, YouTube and hundreds of relatively smaller and independent sources — plus content your friends and family have recently loved.

Why I (Still) Love George W. Bush

Suck it up, haters. I love George W. Bush and I’m not afraid to admit it, nor am I hesitant to explain why. This piece is by no means an attempt to convince leftist adherents to abandon their false perceptions of America’s 43rd president (that’s a hapless task and I’m well beyond believing in my power to persuade people who base their stances on vapidity). Rather, I am penning this piece because I truly believe that a great disservice has been done to a man who gave his all to protect his nation – a man who, despite what critics say, was and is highly intelligent, capable and intrinsically-tuned in to the nation’s needs.

Sarah Palin’s Alaska: World’s Most Expensive Political Ad?

By now, it's common knowledge that people can see Sarah Palin's Alaska from their living rooms. But as the show's premiere edges closer, a new question is taking root: can 2012 be seen from Sarah Palin's Alaska? According to one former aide quoted in The Daily Beast, the answer is yes. "She is running for president," he said. "And this is a season-long bio ad, free of charge."

While Conan Returns, Jimmy Fallon Continues Late Night Reinvention With “Suckers”

video Conan O'Brien made his much talked about (and written about) return to late night this week, to strong ratings. But while a lot of attention has been paid to Conan's place in the late night community, someone else is continuing to break the mold: NBC's Jimmy Fallon (also on the New York cover this week).

Anderson Cooper Is Outraged That Amazon Is ‘Profiting From Pedophilia’

video Yesterday news spread that Amazon was selling a guide to pedophilia an e-book for its Kindle product, which sparked understandable outrage and a call for a boycott of the online retailer. Last night, Anderson Cooper joined the chorus of those calling out Amazon in a frank and candid segment called "Keeping Them Honest," pointing out that Amazon's defense of "supporting the right of every individual to make their own purchasing decisions," is not consistent with the fact that they censor books all the time, namely pornography.

Rush Limbaugh Calls CNN’s Nonpartisan Ad “Hilarious,” CNN “A Bunch Of Commie Libs”

video When CNN launched their "Your choice is clear" ad yesterday, the one that attacks MSNBC and Fox News for being too partisan, it was inevitable that it was going to generate some hostility. Well, Rush Limbaugh is the winner in the race to see who could release the first salvo and he's certainly set a high bar for any future detractors, letting loose some typically great vindictive at the network. He even seemed to name MSNBC as the lesser of two evils for, at least, admitting that they're "lunatic liberals." Clearly, MSNBC has a frontrunner for a new tagline during their next rebranding effort!

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