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Joe Biden On Larry King | Hillary Clinton VP Rumor | Video | Mediaite
The Wayback Machine - https://web.archive.org/web/20101120043901/http://www.mediaite.com:80/tv/joe-biden-tells-larry-king-he-and-hillary-clinton-wont-switch-jobs/

Joe Biden Tells Larry King He And Hillary Clinton Won’t Switch Jobs


Since the 2008 presidential campaign, rumors have swirled that Secretary of State Hillary Clinton could take Vice President Joe Biden’s position, with Biden sliding into Clinton’s current role, despite denials from the White House. Tonight, Biden appeared on Larry King Live and attempted – again – to put that rumor to rest.

King brought up the rumor, and Biden seemed a bit exasperated just at the sound of it, saying “I tried” to squash the rumor. He said there was “never any serious talk” about the possibility, and that “even Bob [Woodward, who floated the possibility early] backed off a little bit on that.” He added that Clinton’s said to him in no uncertain terms she’s not interested in taking his job, and that President Barack Obama told Biden he fully expects him on the ticket come the 2012 election, and ultimately dismissed the idea as “a Washington parlor game.”

It was a game effort by Biden to quash speculation, but considering the rumor’s persistence (over two years running) to date, we’d bet we haven’t heard the last of it. Video of Biden’s denial below.

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  • Big Eddie Big Eddie says:
    Thumb up 8 Thumb down 3

    Hill doesn’t want Joe’s job . She wants Barry’s . In 2012 .

  • david r david r says:
    Thumb up 8 Thumb down 2

    Well, that’s a load off.

  • BlackWidow BlackWidow says:
    Thumb up 5 Thumb down 7

    Big Eddie said:
    Hill doesn’t want Joe’s job . She wants Barry’s . In 2012 .

    Not till 2016. She would never run against Obama.

  • Thumb up 5 Thumb down 3

    Joe can’t get the job unless he was under sniper fire.

  • WildMan WildMan says:
    Thumb up 5 Thumb down 2

    Joe should step down and take over Fat, Angry Ed Schultz’s twin brother, Robert Gibb’s job of Presidential Press Secretary so we could all get our daily quota of laughs! I love laughing at Joe Biden. Then again I enjoy laughing at anyone in Obama’s Administration.

  • equaljustice4u equaljustice4u says:
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    I sure hope they don’t change…….Joe is the butt of the joke and he provides numerous gaffes that make me laugh……..the guy is funny…..and stupid!! Yes stupid; he provided the location of his secret bunker…….God what a sad sack.

    Although I do get goosebumps when I think about him being a heartbeat away from the office of president.

    “The summer recovery Tour…..NO, that wasn’t about jobs it was aboiut construction…….”…OK Joe OK……

  • David Mangan says:
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    Joe said the “Summer Recovery Tour” was about jobs all the way to September, and when the jobs never appeared, he switched and rewrote history, a Demonrat specialty they learned from their class-warfare heroes Lenin and Stalin.

    @black widow “Not till 2016. She would never run against Obama.”

    Yeh, blacko, just like Fat Teddy K would never run against Jimmy Carter in 1980—-Obama is Carter Redux and a one-term worm for sure. Hillary would be doing the Dems a favor by taking on the narcissistic ninny in ‘12.

  • antikythera antikythera says:
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    Poor Joe. Poor, poor Joe.

  • piikllmjj piikllmjj says:
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  • disenlightened disenlightened says:
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    BlackWidow said:
    Not till 2016. She would never run against Obama.

    Don’t fool yourself. All the clues are there if you look, including this one: http://www.realclearpolitics.com/video/2010/11/18/carville_if_hillary_gave_obama_one_of_her_balls_hed_have_two.html

    It’s going to be getting real personal and real ugly within the Democrat Party soon.

  • Upon Further Review Upon Further Review says:
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    Did Joe Biden say anything about switching jobs with Larry King? They’ll both have plenty of time on their hands in a couple of years.

  • pyrope pyrope says:
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    If there is anything like the resumption of reason in the US, in January 2013, they will both be unemployed.

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