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Stewart To Rally Critics: “Not Necessarily What They Wanted It To Be About”


Jon Stewart returned from his long weekend, having spent one less day off than the indefinitely suspended Keith Olbermann, and was ready to talk about the MSNBC host and others in the media who had critiques of his rally from the left.

After explaining the point, he turned to the suspension.

People from Olbermann (and Rachel Maddow) to Bill Maher, Stewart heard from some unlikely sources of critique over the last week. After joking about a follow-up rally on Saturday to explain the rally, Stewart went on to give his take on what the point was. “It was to suggest we be more judicious with our blanket slander,” he said. Also:

Contrary to what some people may believe, I do think the rally was about something, just not necessarily what they wanted it to be about or what they think it’s about.

This transitioned to the Olbermann suspension and subsequent ending-of-the-suspension. As Stewart put it: “MSNBC: it’s a stupid rule, but at least it was enforced poorly.”

Then it was time to talk about the cost of Pres. Barack Obama’s trip to India, and the inflated rhetoric from Fox News (and those who got it right). While complimenting Glenn Beck for what he said on TV, Stewart contrasted it with what he had said that day on the radio. “Thank God TV’s Glenn Beck doesn’t ever listen to radio’s Glenn Beck,” he said.

Here’s the segment, from Comedy Central:

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  • tatboy tatboy says:
    Thumb up 20 Thumb down 9

    Bad rules, enforced poorly… yep sounds like MSNBC.

  • Pablo Pablo says:
    Thumb up 17 Thumb down 9

    tatboy said:
    Bad rules, enforced poorly… yep sounds like MSNBC.

    Change that to “Bad Ideas, Poorly Executed” and I think we’ve got MSNBC’s new slogan.

  • Pablo Pablo says:
    Thumb up 12 Thumb down 8

    This transitioned to the Olbermann suspension and subsequent ending-of-the-suspension. As Stewart put it: “MSNBC: it’s a stupid rule, but at least it was enforced poorly.”

    Wait, isn’t that the rule that makes MSLSD a paragon of unbiased journalistic integrity and proves that Fox totally isn’t a news operation?

    Yup, it’s stupid.

  • The Real Royal King The Real Royal King says:
    Thumb up 11 Thumb down 24

    tatboy said:
    Bad rules, enforced poorly… yep sounds like MSNBC.

    True, but I am more impressed with the Beckerhead radio and television polarity. It is a matter about which his fans and the fans of Beckerhead, O’Hannity and Bill-o (when Bill-o had a radio show) are highly, highly sensitive, I suspect because it indicates just how fluid these great personalities great principles are. All the Mary’s in Heaven, just go over to Koldy’s PHOX Phan Klub and mention what Beckerhead says on the radio. You will most assuredly be shot down at once for not focusing on cable “news”, despite the site’s own homage to O’Gibson who, of course, lost his television show (very hard to do at FOX “News”) and shameless but unintended promotion of the “Newshounds” about which much time and space is allocated. This radio – television dichotomy is striking, and Stewart was astute to pick up on this.

  • wulun54 wulun54 says:
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    welcome to :
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    This is a shopping paradise

  • Cancon2 Cancon2 says:
    Thumb up 7 Thumb down 5

    Well, it took him talking about it to register anywhere. As I suspected, it was forgotten almost immediately, as these things usually are. This is so last week. It had no meaning then, even less now.

  • CosmosDan CosmosDan says:
    Thumb up 8 Thumb down 9

    The Real Royal King said:
    True, but I am more impressed with the Beckerhead radio and television polarity.

    I’ve been wondering about that for a couple of weeks now. I’ve never heard his radio show until I started posting here , but as I listened to the clips it struck me that his personalities were quite difference from radio to TV. On TV he seems more soft spoken and the polite pundit just putting things together and asking questions. {with totured logic, dishonesty, and guilt by association} On the radio he seems to be nastier and and more eager to mock those he disagrees with and hand out bullshit as facts rather than questions.
    Hey, he’s the professional so he gets to decide what works for him but somebody ought to notice and think about what that says about any sincerity and credibility they attribute to the guy. Jon points it out very directly by showing the same subject only hours apart.

  • CosmosDan CosmosDan says:
    Thumb up 7 Thumb down 10

    I’m glad to see Jon address the criticism of the rally. Just as I said, the people who thought he was equating Fox and MSNBC as doing the same thing were wrong. That was never the intention.

    It must not feel good to be a giant media outlet and be told you’re doing a lousy job by some pissant cable TV comic, who just happens to be right.
    Is that the relevant discussion now, who’s the worst ones of all the outlets doing a bad job? I think Fox clearly succeeds in their message and agenda, which sadly, often has little to do with the truth.

    It’s funny to see posters knock MSNBC’s foolish handling of Olberman but ignore the outright lies of Fox. This isn’t a whoops we made a little boo boo, thing. It’s obviously completely intentional. If we can serve the agenda of shitting on the president by repeating lies, FULL SPEED AHEAD. All that matters is we keep feeding the emotional animus against him.

  • The Real Royal King The Real Royal King says:
    Thumb up 7 Thumb down 11

    CosmosDan said:
    I’m glad to see Jon address the criticism of the rally. Just as I said, the people who thought he was equating Fox and MSNBC as doing the same thing were wrong. That was never the intention.

    It must not feel good to be a giant media outlet and be told you’re doing a lousy job by some pissant cable TV comic, who just happens to be right.
    Is that the relevant discussion now, who’s the worst ones of all the outlets doing a bad job? I think Fox clearly succeeds in their message and agenda, which sadly, often has little to do with the truth.

    It’s funny to see posters knock MSNBC’s foolish handling of Olberman but ignore the outright lies of Fox. This isn’t a whoops we made a little boo boo, thing. It’s obviously completely intentional. If we can serve the agenda of shitting on the president by repeating lies, FULL SPEED AHEAD. All that matters is we keep feeding the emotional animus against him.

    One has to wonder what will happen when Beckerhead does something to alienate the rightists. And, he most certainly will. The rightists have virtually adopted “Disposability” as their creed. “Cannibals” as Christine O’Donnell calls them. I think the rightists are Beckerhead’s big threat. When they turn him, Murdoch and Ailes are unlikely to continue to prop up a television personality prone to inflammatory rhetoric and unable to generate sufficient ad revenue to pay his own way.

  • sarainitaly sarainitaly says:
    Thumb up 9 Thumb down 6

    Too bad Stewart didn’t show the video of all the MSNBC talking heads being hypocritical.

    “Contrary to what some people may believe, I do think the rally was about something, just not necessarily what they wanted it to be about or what they think it’s about.”

    He was spot on there. Liberals thought it was going to be a Bash Beck Fest, and it wasn’t. Now they are upset.

    It’s quite funny that Stewart showed the clip of Maddow blabbering on about how they are NOT FOX and the very next story was about Olby being suspended for donating to Democrats… that, coupled with that video out there by J$ refuting that very show pretty much prove Stewarts point, no? Too bad he didn’t stress that.

  • sarainitaly sarainitaly says:
    Thumb up 7 Thumb down 6

    And as for the reports about Obama and India – except for the cost – which no one has clarified what they actually are – the numbers of staff, SS, cars, planes, hotel rooms, etc. have all been reported elsewhere, since the arrival of Obama.

    As for the warships – the article never said the US was sending 34 war ships – it said 34 war ships would be protecting Obama. A warship is not necessarily a 10,000 person aircraft carrier. OFFSHORE PATROL VESSELS are considered warships – I put together a list of Indian Navy warships, and links here:


    That said, I think the costs are more like $20M a day (based on spending from pre 9/11 numbers from Clinton), for a total of $200M. Perhaps it was a mathematical conversion error?

    Anyway, there are tons of stories coming out of India on TV and news online that discuss the hotel preparations, city shut down, numbers of Indian police and military being used, the Obama entourage, etc. which support the original stories addressed in the video.

    The original story seems to be pretty spot on – except for maybe the cost – which we don’t know the truth of either way.

    I suppose it is possible if the US has to reimburse India, Indonesia, South Korea, Japan and China for their expenditures while he is there?
    I have a huge round up here: http://sarainitalyblog.blogspot.com/2010/11/india-trip-wildly-inflated.html

  • The Real Royal King The Real Royal King says:
    Thumb up 7 Thumb down 10

    sarainitaly said:
    And as for the reports about Obama and India – except for the cost – which no one has clarified what they actually are – the numbers of staff, SS, cars, planes, hotel rooms, etc. have all been reported elsewhere, since the arrival of Obama.

    As for the warships – the article never said the US was sending 34 war ships – it said 34 war ships would be protecting Obama. A warship is not necessarily a 10,000 person aircraft carrier. OFFSHORE PATROL VESSELS are considered warships – I put together a list of Indian Navy warships, and links here:


    That said, I think the costs are more like $20M a day (based on spending from pre 9/11 numbers from Clinton), for a total of $200M. Perhaps it was a mathematical conversion error?

    Anyway, there are tons of stories coming out of India on TV and news online that discuss the hotel preparations, city shut down, numbers of Indian police and military being used, the Obama entourage, etc. which support the original stories addressed in the video.

    The original story seems to be pretty spot on – except for maybe the cost – which we don’t know the truth of either way.

    I suppose it is possible if the US has to reimburse India, Indonesia, South Korea, Japan and China for their expenditures while he is there?
    I have a huge round up here: http://sarainitalyblog.blogspot.com/2010/11/india-trip-wildly-inflated.html

    I am sure we are all indebted to your coming over to this thread and sharing your ignorance with us, Tumbleweed. Now, if you’ll excuse me, the cocktail hour approaches, and I have a bang-up party to attend. So, TTFN. Enjoy Google and Wilkipedia.

  • The_Reasonable_Lib The_Reasonable_Lib says:
    Thumb up 5 Thumb down 8

    While complimenting Glenn Beck for what he said on TV, Stewart contrasted it with what he had said that day on the radio. “Thank God TV’s Glenn Beck doesn’t ever listen to radio’s Glenn Beck,”

    You mean Glenn Beck’s a hypocrite? NOOOOOOOO

  • sarainitaly sarainitaly says:
    Thumb up 8 Thumb down 5

    funny how you keep running from the facts, and your lie that the Indian Navy only has 4 warships.

  • CosmosDan CosmosDan says:
    Thumb up 5 Thumb down 7

    The Real Royal King said:
    One has to wonder what will happen when Beckerhead does something to alienate the rightists. And, he most certainly will. The rightists have virtually adopted “Disposability” as their creed. “Cannibals” as Christine O’Donnell calls them. I think the rightists are Beckerhead’s big threat. When they turn him, Murdoch and Ailes are unlikely to continue to prop up a television personality prone to inflammatory rhetoric and unable to generate sufficient ad revenue to pay his own way.

    I’m not sure he could do anything short of preforming a human sacrifice with small children on his show to alienate his fans. The sad truth seems to be that for a certain percentage of partisans the truth is largely irrelevant, or at least not worth any real effort. Just find somebody to tell you what is true and magically all your responsibility to verify evaporates. Speaks to that whole personal responsibility thing doesn’t it? Personal responsibility means we shouldn’t create dependents among the poor, but it evidently doesn’t speak to some conservatives of a personal responsibility to make an effort to find out what is true, rather than made up bullshit.

    The good news is I believe a lot of conservatives know full well that Beck is full of crap and the chicken little of conservatives. The problem is , as the Jon S correctly points out, that TV media in general isn’t offering quality alternatives in this age of sound bytes, and sadly the public is not making the effort to really seek detailed intelligent analysis. You can’t realistically expect average folks to be well educated in many complex issues. We do need to try and get back to valuing and rewarding honest fact based reporting. A few weeks ago MSNBC dd a great job focusing on education for a week and I see that soon they’re doing some specials on immigration. It’s the kind of detailed investigation we need. Something people can record and watch at their leisure to get a handle on specific issues.

  • CosmosDan CosmosDan says:
    Thumb up 4 Thumb down 5

    sarainitaly said:
    Liberals thought it was going to be a Bash Beck Fest, and it wasn’t.

    A whole lot of people understood what it was. Some people , including the people I rode with, did see it as an anti Glenn Beck rally, but a boat load of signs there indicate people understood it was about encouraging reasonable dialogue.

    The mistake Olberman and Maher made was that Jon saying the media in general was doing a lousy job somehow meant Fox and MSNBC were equally guilty. One does not have to mean the other.
    Bill M had a point about certain arguments not being worthy when it’s all exaggerati9on and hyperbole but that’s only true if you only focus on the extremes. I think Jon was suggesting that maybe the media needs to find a way to give reasonable moderates a platform and if you need conflict then focus on the pone between reason and real solutions vs extremism.

  • bealzebubba bealzebubba says:
    Thumb up 5 Thumb down 4

    LOL@ “Fox is even outsourcing their bullshit manufacturing jobs”

  • The_Reasonable_Lib The_Reasonable_Lib says:
    Thumb up 3 Thumb down 5

    Watch what you watchin’
    Fox keeps feeding us toxins
    Stop sleeping
    Start thinking
    Outside of the box and
    Unplug from The Matrix doctrine
    But watch what you say Big Brother is watchin

  • Pablo Pablo says:
    Thumb up 3 Thumb down 3

    CosmosDan said:
    It must not feel good to be a giant media outlet and be told you’re doing a lousy job by some pissant cable TV comic, who just happens to be right.

    Keith clearly didn’t like it. The Fox folks didn’t seem to care much.

  • CosmosDan CosmosDan says:
    Thumb up 5 Thumb down 3

    By the Way; Best line of the clip, and way under appreciated.

    “Oh My god , Fox has been outsourcing even their bullshit manufacturing jobs”

  • CosmosDan CosmosDan says:
    Thumb up 4 Thumb down 3

    bealzebubba said:
    LOL@ “Fox is even outsourcing their bullshit manufacturing jobs”

    Right, best line of the clip.

  • Pablo Pablo says:
    Thumb up 7 Thumb down 4

    CosmosDan said:
    Just find somebody to tell you what is true and magically all your responsibility to verify evaporates. Speaks to that whole personal responsibility thing doesn’t it?

    That must be why Beck keeps saying ad nauseum: “Don’t take my word for it. Do your own homework. Go to the original sources.” That’s why his books have long and detailed appendices full of footnotes.

    And you were saying you listen to him how often?

  • CosmosDan CosmosDan says:
    Thumb up 4 Thumb down 4

    Pablo said:
    Keith clearly didn’t like it. The Fox folks didn’t seem to care much.

    I doubt they think their pretense of being fair and balanced is threatened at all by Stewart and Colbert. They are successful in their agenda of offering real news, and a whole lotta contrived bullshit under one banner.

    It’s been interesting to hear Jon S praise Fox for being good at what they do while also making no pretense of how dishonest he finds them.

  • TeaPartyPatriot TeaPartyPatriot says:
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    “Jon Stewart Explains The Purpose Of The Rally To Restore Sanity”

    …Remember that bit on Seinfeld when Jerry and George wrote a “show about nothing”. Obviously, the lunatic-left clowns stole that idea to produce their “rally about nothing.” Seinfeld and Larry David would certainly sue if anyone but a fellow d-crat socialist did that.

  • CosmosDan CosmosDan says:
    Thumb up 4 Thumb down 4


    Pablo said:
    That must be why Beck keeps saying ad nauseum: “Don’t take my word for it. Do your own homework. Go to the original sources.” That’s why his books have long and detailed appendices full of footnotes.

    And you were saying you listen to him how often?

    Like that seriously means something. Since a huge percentage of what he offers is tortured logic and false conclusions based on some facts it’s pretty hard to research an opinion. You can, if you give a dam about the truth and reason, find out the details he purposely omitted and observe his abuse of logic and his double standard , if you want to. I’m pretty sure he knows his audience doesn’t want to.

    I watched Beck for a while after a friend asked me to and in an effort to be fair. Just before his big rally I was ready to give him another shot and entertain the idea that maybe he had changed a bit, but he demonstrated right after the rally that he hasn’t.

    I was particularly impressed with R Rep Bob Inglis being booed and shouted down at a town hall for daring to suggest people turn off Glenn Beck. In 2010 he lost in the primary. That’ll teach him to value reason and honesty.

  • writer writer says:
    Thumb up 4 Thumb down 3

    Now, if you’ll excuse me, the cocktail hour approaches,

    King, it’s not even noon yet. Instead of partying so often, perhaps an AA meeting is in order.

  • Jon Martin says:
    Thumb up 0 Thumb down 4

    Jon Stewart missed his chance to have something truly historic. I doubt 250,000 people will ever come to another of his “rallies”.

    I agree with Bill Maher. Jon Stewart essentially wants us to join in a big circle and sing Kumbaya. Count me out, I want the House back, not to be friends with the opposition. They don’t want to be friends :I

  • Orion Antares Orion Antares says:
    Thumb up 2 Thumb down 2

    Pablo said:
    Keith clearly didn’t like it. The Fox folks didn’t seem to care much.

    Pretty sure the FOX folks didn’t “care” because MSNBC started going berserk about being grouped with FOX. We’ve seen plenty of examples that the FOX folks care what Stewart says but this time MSNBC got the focus on themselves and FOX just decided to not comment and let all the focus stay on MSNBC.

  • CosmosDan CosmosDan says:
    Thumb up 2 Thumb down 1

    Jon Martin said:
    Jon Stewart missed his chance to have something truly historic. I doubt 250,000 people will ever come to another of his “rallies”.

    I agree with Bill Maher. Jon Stewart essentially wants us to join in a big circle and sing Kumbaya. Count me out, I want the House back, not to be friends with the opposition. They don’t want to be friends :I

    I suggest you actually listen to what Jon is saying instead of forcing your own interpretation on him. When he says what he means why declare, “no that’s not what he really means”

  • PBerg PBerg says:
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    JON—There WAS no point in your rally. Just a bunch of people trying to outdo Beck/Palin and their righties, who don’t have a clue what goes on in this country. We were HOPING that maybe you could point that out, but you didn’t !

    Maybe you could point out this observation and quiz!

    What is the significance of the numbers 9658? Relax this is not a pop quiz in mathematics.

    Give up? I’ll help you out.

    Ninety-six refers to the number of months George W. Bush was in office, and you did not make a sound—while he lied us into wars, and set deficit and spending records. That’s right. You sat on your humps for 96 months and not a peep!

    Fifty-eight are the number of DAYS it took you to organize your first protest, after Barack Obama was elected President. That’s correct. It only took you fifty eight days to rally against what? He had yet to sign a single piece of legislation. But you still rallied. And it showed, because you had to make things up to rail against—like his birth certificate, his children, his faith, your guns… ad nauseam. No policy to protest, no credibility for you.

  • gar gar says:
    Thumb up 0 Thumb down 2

    Cosmos Dan, strange that if you took your rebuttal of Pablo and inserted Rachel Maddow where you have Beck’s name I’d find truth in that. Different takes from 2 conspiracy theorists.

  • CosmosDan CosmosDan says:
    Thumb up 3 Thumb down 0

    gar said:
    Cosmos Dan, strange that if you took your rebuttal of Pablo and inserted Rachel Maddow where you have Beck’s name I’d find truth in that. Different takes from 2 conspiracy theorists.

    really? What conspiracy theories do you think Rachel spouts?

  • henkun henkun says:
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  • gar gar says:
    Thumb up 0 Thumb down 1

    Cosmos Dan, we can start backwoods with Steve Stockman. Maybe we should throw in all Republicans are trying to do is ‘’scare white people” episode. With Rachel if A knows B and B knows C and C knows D then A is definately fucking D. Ask Art Robinson.

  • Powerslave Powerslave says:
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    Stewart To Rally Critics: “Not Necessarily What They Wanted It To Be About”

    After the dismal failure that was the One Nation Rally, liberals thought the Rally to Restore Sanity would be their second chance. Not so as Stewart stuck to his word and kept it non political.

  • fallenchicken fallenchicken says:
    Thumb up 0 Thumb down 0

    I thought Stewart’s Rick Perry interview was actually very good; but with all the juicy Conan and Keith news, it’s getting overlooked.

  • CosmosDan CosmosDan says:
    Thumb up 1 Thumb down 0

    gar said:
    Cosmos Dan, we can start backwoods with Steve Stockman. Maybe we should throw in all Republicans are trying to do is ‘’scare white people” episode. With Rachel if A knows B and B knows C and C knows D then A is definately fucking D. Ask Art Robinson.

    I’m not familiar with the two names but I’ll check them out. Rachel is obviously pretty bias in how she presents a story but she seems to try and research her facts. I don’t think she accused all republicans of trying to scare white people but there was a series of stories on Fox that followed that theme.
    The republicans southern strategy was based on exploiting anti black sentiment. That an admitted fact. I think that’s been played on again. Didi you see Angle’s adds exploiting anti immigrant sentiment?

  • PoliticalPAW PoliticalPAW says:
    Thumb up 0 Thumb down 0

    NOT OUT OF THE WOODS YET…Comcast an Even Bigger Threat to Olbermann http://tinyurl.com/37v5ewp NBC “News” POLITICAL OPERATIVE $50,000 BRIBERY: http://tinyurl.com/325g7tn

  • Some_Dude Some_Dude says:
    Thumb up 0 Thumb down 0

    Had Mediaite bothered to look into what Beck said on his radio show, they wouldn’t have published that retarded article featuring Beck’s hilarious pretend concern.

  • CosmosDan CosmosDan says:
    Thumb up 0 Thumb down 0

    gar said:
    Cosmos Dan, we can start backwoods with Steve Stockman. Maybe we should throw in all Republicans are trying to do is ‘’scare white people” episode. With Rachel if A knows B and B knows C and C knows D then A is definately fucking D. Ask Art Robinson.

    Looked them up.
    With Stockman I suppose you’re referring to a mistake MAddow made and then immediately corrected. I think it’s silly to bring that up since she quickly admitted it and corrected it. I’ve done the same for Beck. Art Robinson, I’m not sure what your complaint is. He voluntarily went on her show and she asked him about some crazy stuff he had written himself. What’s the problem?

    Maddow’s bias is evident and so what? IMO the important thing is trying to stay focused on the facts and IMO she tries harder than any other pundit, and far far harder than blatant liars like Beck and Hannity.

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