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Harrison Ford - Conan O'Brien | Video | Conan - TBS | Mediaite
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What Was Harrison Ford On During His Conan Appearance Last Night?


Harrison Ford was a guest on Conan O’Brien’s TBS show last night, to promote his new network news-based movie Morning Glory.

That was the plan, at least – the result was the first of Conan’s classic, delightfully awkward interviews since his recent move, trying to make sense of an…off Harrison Ford.

It started oddly. “I’m fine, how are you,” said Ford, while O’Brien noticed a noise in the crowd and asked “What was that?” “It’s my echo,” explained Ford.

Then there were a lot of unnecessary pausing and intense facial expressions from Ford. Right around the 5:30 mark it seems to become clear to the audience, and to O’Brien, that this interview is going to get really weird. O’Brien is talking about his “Conan blimp” and asks if the pilot Ford has ever flown a blimp. He has. “It doesn’t really…want to go anywhere,” he says. “It’s meant to be there. In your face. Or over your head.”

Then O’Brien asks how Ford would handle a Sully-like situation. Ford’s unbleeped answer: “Shit and die.”

Red Eye’s Bill Schulz had this theory, on Twitter last night: “They don’t bleep “shit” on TBS? Either way, Harrison Ford is def drunk. Poor Conan. This is terrible.”

Or maybe stoned. “This is the most honest interview I’ve ever had in my life,” said Conan at the end. Yeah – definitely the most something. Check it out:

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  • TonyClifton TonyClifton says:
    Thumb up 12 Thumb down 5

    He was on The Daily Show last week and was equally loopy.

  • Dronetek says:
    Thumb up 16 Thumb down 49

    What is it with these Hollywood leftists and always being stoned out of their minds?

  • Some_Dude Some_Dude says:
    Thumb up 2 Thumb down 21

    Lack of rehearsal is my guess.

  • Jack Burns Jack Burns says:
    Thumb up 21 Thumb down 7

    Old, famous and rich. He can be as loopy as he wants…

  • valkyrie101 valkyrie101 says:
    Thumb up 21 Thumb down 9

    Are you kidding, Ford was hilarious. And he looked excellent.

  • sarainitaly sarainitaly says:
    Thumb up 29 Thumb down 1

    he seemed like he always does in interviews. he hates them, and every time i have seen him, he’s been weird like this.

  • Hugo Daun Hugo Daun says:
    Thumb up 6 Thumb down 11

    Ford has terrible stage fright…it would come as no surprise if he self-medicated to ease his anxiety.

  • omega919 omega919 says:
    Thumb up 10 Thumb down 3

    As TonyClifton said, he was on the Daily Show last week and seemed the same. I don’t know if he’s just ALWAYS on something, or if he’s just a naturally odd man. Either way, it sure is entertaining.

  • dhg dhg says:
    Thumb up 8 Thumb down 5

    If he wasn’t married to Calista I’d swear he was dating Paula Abdul and she was his supplier…

    If this was 1978 I’d say he had taken a Qualude.

    It was like a slow motion drunk…

  • Thelonious Funk Thelonious Funk says:
    Thumb up 29 Thumb down 19

    Harrison Ford is just another stuck-up, half-witted, scruffy-looking nerf-herder.

  • njoy-d-ride njoy-d-ride says:
    Thumb up 23 Thumb down 1

    “Shit and die.”

    Good thing Chewy was flying the Falcon !!!

  • Pebbles36 Pebbles36 says:
    Thumb up 12 Thumb down 2

    What a sweetheart! I’ve loved this man since ‘78!!

  • Pebbles36 Pebbles36 says:
    Thumb up 7 Thumb down 6

    btw, definitely drunk not stoned.

  • goldmind goldmind says:
    Thumb up 2 Thumb down 26

    Just another Hollyweird buzzard. Intriguing the minds, of the clueless and destitute of spirit. Those who tune in for a late night fix with ratings and advertising goons, like Conan, Leno and Letterman. I will never understand the fixation too many Americans have with media personalities. It definitely rings of compulsive/obsessive behavior.
    No wonder, so many in our society have no lives. I have two squirrels, outside my flat, who have better entertainment qualities.

  • stoogedudes stoogedudes says:
    Thumb up 9 Thumb down 5

    Dronetek said:
    What is it with these Hollywood leftists and always being stoned out of their minds?

    He’s a leftist? Oh no, alert the authorities!

  • dhg dhg says:
    Thumb up 3 Thumb down 3

    You need some of Harrison’s booze there goldmind…

    “flat” means a brit I suppose…no wonder…as your people gush over a wedding and family that personify that which you rant at us for.

    And the name “goldmind”….says it all.A materialistic narcissist.

  • omega919 omega919 says:
    Thumb up 17 Thumb down 1

    goldmind said:
    I will never understand the fixation too many Americans have with media personalities.

    You do realize your posting this on a site that is DEDICATED to talking about media personalities, right?

  • lris lris says:
    Thumb up 10 Thumb down 1

    Hugo Daun said:
    Ford has terrible stage fright…it would come as no surprise if he self-medicated to ease his anxiety.

    I agree. If you watch his face there are moments when he is completely terrified. Anyone who’s ever had stage fright can sympathize.

    He’s also obviously medicated in some way. Either that or he’s having a stroke.

  • goldmind goldmind says:
    Thumb up 1 Thumb down 10

    Dhg…Brooklyn, NY…Flat(line), is how I feel, when I explore the different media jungles, and observe the mindless preoccupation with the status of Britain’s derelict monarchy, Sarah Palin’s fetish for bear claws, Glenn Beck’s hotline to providence, ect. Omega, indeed I do. Thankfully, Abrams and his band of thieves, has avoided the moderator oversights, that prevent commentaries which offend the fraudcasters. Try posting something derogatory on Witch Doctor Philly, and you will feel the void immediately. I have no real issue with these clowns who permeate the airwaves. My issue, is with the idiots, who believe they are Sages, and those who inundate us with their products. Especially, the American Drug Cartels.

  • alamo2 alamo2 says:
    Thumb up 5 Thumb down 7

    Dronetek said:
    What is it with these Hollywood leftists and always being stoned out of their minds?

    Do you drink or inject something to come up with those idiotic comments — or do they just come naturally?

  • kelllllz kelllllz says:
    Thumb up 5 Thumb down 3

    I was in the Conan audience last night and the Harrison Ford interview was pretty painful to watch. Conan was doing all the talking and there were quite a few long, awkward pauses as Harrison tried to form a phrase that seem to have been edited out of the final show. It was actually kinda sad

  • lane lane says:
    Thumb up 3 Thumb down 2

    Clearly Ford had a couple of drinks beforehand. Reminds me of the old tonight show w/ carson clips. Ford looks fantastic for his age.

    But, what explains Conan? He still seems really stilted and odd in his interview questions. Letterman would have had much more fun with Ford.

  • valkyrie101 valkyrie101 says:
    Thumb up 3 Thumb down 0

    kelllllz said:
    I was in the Conan audience last night and the Harrison Ford interview was pretty painful to watch. Conan was doing all the talking and there were quite a few long, awkward pauses as Harrison tried to form a phrase that seem to have been edited out of the final show. It was actually kinda sad

    Conan was mining it. He egged it on. Indeed, assuming this clip can make it also to Comedy Central, and O’Reilly, possibly as a pin head segment, then everyone can be happy that the PR blitz worked fantastic.

  • valkyrie101 valkyrie101 says:
    Thumb up 9 Thumb down 0

    Obviously some people here are too young to remember the numerous drunk guests that passed through Johnnie Carson’s show, and delighted millions. There is nothing wrong with it. No cars or heavy machinery in sight.

  • CRZ CRZ says:
    Thumb up 5 Thumb down 0

    I’m surprised this is even news. EVERY Harrison Ford interview is ALWAYS like this. YouTube has countless clips of Harrison Ford appearances on Letterman that would look just as awkward.

    This is really more of a clue as to how much and which late night shows the Mediaite crew are watching these days. (Only Conan, apparently)

  • CRZ CRZ says:
    Thumb up 0 Thumb down 0

    Oh, and Steve never misses Fallon. Sorry, Steve!

  • redleaf redleaf says:
    Thumb up 2 Thumb down 0

    Harrison Ford is a legendary stoner.
    I’m not saying he was stoned on Conan. I haven’t watched the interview.
    I’m just saying Ford is a longtime pot smoker, so that’s a possible explanation.
    PS: I’m not saying this to denegrate pot smoking. I smoke pot myself. To each his own.
    I’m just saying he’s known as a pot smoker, so that might be an explanation.

  • Thelonious Funk Thelonious Funk says:
    Thumb up 4 Thumb down 2

    Whoa, lot of thumbs down for the nerf-herder reference. Must be a Jar Jar crowd today.

  • skyship007 skyship007 says:
    Thumb up 0 Thumb down 3

    Hi folks,
    I don’t think Harrison Ford was drunk and he definitely was not high on Conan, but it is possible the two of them could have been sniffing a little Helium from Conans orange blimp.
    If you are in the mood for a Helium sniffing laugh try http://www.hybridblimp.net the worlds only lighter than air comedy web site. Not even Conan has his own blimping comedy site.
    Regards JB ( http://www.hybridairship.net )

  • Jelperman Jelperman says:
    Thumb up 1 Thumb down 0

    Harrison Ford has always been crotchety and sarcastic in interviews, like this one from 1982:


  • ortom ortom says:
    Thumb up 0 Thumb down 0

    Thelonious Funk said:
    Harrison Ford is just another stuck-up, half-witted, scruffy-looking nerf-herder.

    At least 10 people didn’t get your “Empire” reference. I gave you the thumbs-up, anyway.

    As far as Ford’s interviews go: yeah, he’s always like that in interviews. Disappointingly, I don’t think he has a lot going on upstairs.

  • Andrew K Andrew K says:
    Thumb up 2 Thumb down 0

    An actor acting funny on a comedy show?!?! That guy must be on DRUGS.
    seriously, I think the only thing Conan and Ford were “on” was fire. Hilarious interview. Contrived story.

  • pakattak pakattak says:
    Thumb up 0 Thumb down 0

    Thelonious Funk said:
    Whoa, lot of thumbs down for the nerf-herder reference. Must be a Jar Jar crowd today.

    I gave you a thumbs up and I don’t even usually give thumbs up on this site.

  • Susan Marie says:
    Thumb up 0 Thumb down 0

    I’ve noticed him acting like this on other interviews, as well. It really seems to me that he’s not comfortable with interviews, he seems nervous. Conan wasn’t really helping things, either.

  • lovelee lovelee says:
    Thumb up 1 Thumb down 0

    valkyrie101 says:
    Are you kidding, Ford was hilarious. And he looked excellent.

    absolutely.a brilliant slowing down from the usual hyperdrive to leave room for the waves of laughs as ford beamed us into mr bean-land taking the “talk” out of “talk-show” with some very funny hand-jive. And to steve krakauer, citing, as proof of ford being “def drunk” or “stoned”, his accurate observation that the express purpose of an ad-blimp is to stay “in your face or over your head” looks like “proof” that you, steve, remain totally lucid in either of those conditions. Designating “difference” as “drug/drink induced” might be something Mediaite might want to reconsider(please….)

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