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2009 October | Mediaite
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»» October 2009

HAPPY HALLOWE’EN! Please Enjoy This Blood-Spattered Post

Here at Mediaite we have had a disproportionate number of horror-filled posts, about monsters and vampires and zombies and Glenn Beck. And no, this isn’t just an excuse to post a picture of Megan Fox, how dare you imply such a thing!

Count Bill O’Reilly Channels Twilight And Annoys The View Hosts

video Bill O'Reilly appeared on The View Friday as a vampire for their Halloween-themed show. This is what happens when five women, including one dressed as a box of cereal, and a Fox News host dressed like he's Count Dracula have a heated political discussion.

Progressive Blog Jumps Into WH Press Pool, Conservatives Get Splashed

Talking Points Memo — the award-winning political blog with a knack for investigative reporting — is the latest news outlet to join the White House press pool. But some conservatives are upset that a progressive blog like TPM would get that kind of access, especially after the recent battle between Fox News and the White House. “Would anyone seriously suggest that TPM, the Huffington Post and Salon are more objective than Fox News?”

White House Releases Obama’s Visitor Log (Hello, William Ayers?)

Oprah. Lloyd Blankfein. Serena Williams. Michael Jordan. Vikram Pandit. George Clooney. Al Gore. Al Franken. No, not the invite list to the coolest party of all time. Just a few of the characters who have shot the bull (and maybe worked out a few deals) in the Oval Office with President Obama since he took office in January.

CNN’s Weird Attempt At Viral Marketing: Adult Swim?!?

Why is CNN trying to go viral in an ad campaign targeting Adult Swim viewers? It can't be to sell their iPhone app - can it? For those too busy or important to click the link, the ad purports to be from two guys (pictured here) from Muncie, Indiana, whose iPhone app idea, Zap News, was stolen by CNN.

Best of The Shining: Clips, Parodies and Recut Trailers

I read The Shining before I ever saw the movie, when I was maybe 12. It’s an incredible book, one which taught me to fear hotel room bathtubs, what a topiary was, why you can’t forget about the boiler, and the phrase “officious little prick” (I’ve met plenty of them since then.) I hate horror [...]

Lester Holt As Susan Boyle: Strangely Hot (VIDEO)

This morning on the Today Show, weekend anchor Lester Holt unveiled his Halowe’en costume: Susan Boyle. It was…impressive! So impressive that even Piers Morgan would have flirted with him. Amy Robach was Simon Cowell, looking a little like Natalie Portman with her fetching pixie boy-cut. Adorbs.

Investigative Reporters (Even Unpaid Bloggers) Closer Than Ever to Legal Protection

As the Obama administration and lawmakers get closer to agreeing on the terms of a Shield Law, investigative reporters might soon be protected from subpoenas and legal pressure to reveal their sources. But even if the bill passes, judges would be left to determine when the public's need to know outweighs the government's need to identify a leak.

Liz Cheney Scolded on Countdown For Criticizing Obama’s Casket Photo-Op

VIDEO Last night Countdown guest host Lawrence O'Donnell struck back at Liz Cheney for questioning President Obama's decision to be photographed while saluting the caskets of American soldiers. But things turned awkward when O'Donnell stared into the camera and addressed several rhetorical questions to Liz Cheney by name. Video Inside ...

Leno Comic Serves Up Bland, Stale Twitter Jokes

You know how people will say to you, “This is terrible. Taste it!” Well, that’s what I’m doing here with this terrible, excruciatingly banal set by comedian Jim Norton on The Jay Leno Show. Seriously? Making jokes about how tweets are boring because you don’t care what someone had for lunch? I watched this the [...]

The Real Reason For White House Feud With Fox? Health Care Reform.

While the salvos between FNC and the White House have recently abated, we are now left to wonder: what the hell happened? It's clear why FNC loved the controversy -- it helped their ratings and allowed them to cover one of their favorite topics: Fox News! But the unanswered question thus far is this: what exactly did the White House get out of it? Three words: Health care reform.

Rush Limbaugh Discovers Gawker The ‘Leftist Gay Gossip Site’

audio Actually it gets better. Turns out Rush Limbaugh only has nice things to say about Hamilton Nolan's recent post 'America Scared to Tell Wife It's Unemployed, Just Sits in Park All Day.' And then he reads it. Behold.

Not This Again: Fox Newsers Confuse Obama and Osama

video Remember during the lead-up to the 2008 presidential election, when Pres. Barack Obama didn't' have nearly the name recognition he has now? He has a somewhat difficult name, and it sounds a bit like Osama bin Laden. There were slips of the tongue then...and now that confusion is back this week on Fox News.

Christian Broadcasting Network Removes ‘Evil Candy’ Halloween Post

An article on CBN.com that alleges, among other things, that "most of the candy sold during this season has been dedicated and prayed over by witches" has been removed by the site after becoming an object of mockery by The Huffington Post.

Meet The Prensa: The Discontent with CNN’s “Latino in America”

I see high chances that the next great report on Latinos in the United States will be entitled “What is it that Latinos want?” CNN’s documentary “Latino in America” (no official online video as of this writing) debuted last week to great expectations, but so far the response from Latinos has been mostly negative, toward the special and its host Soledad O’Brien.

Overheard: Graydon Carter Making Monkeys Of Laid Off VF Staffers

rumor mill File this in the party, chit chat, rumor mill, category. According to a source, a Conde Nast editor at the Valentino fete the other night was telling party goers that Vanity Fair editor Graydon Carter -- who has apparently returned from his trip to Bermuda -- is offering laid-off Vanity Fair staffers a unique employment opportunity.

AOL Users Speak: Chris Cuomo Should Host Good Morning America

As Mediaite reported last week, George Stephanopoulos came out of the blocks a strong contender for the Good Morning America anchor slot opened up when Diane Sawyer left to host World News. But lately, Chris Cuomo is giving him a run for his money. Over at AOL, Cuomo appears to be the favorite for the job among readers.

Facebook ‘Recommends’ Friends After Death

By now most Facebook users have experienced finding out about the death of a friend or acquaintance via Facebook. But as all things new social media, there are some strange, and sometimes upsetting side effects. This week's Time notes one some of you may already have experienced.

The Daily Show Swats Both Sides Of White House/Fox News Feud

video Just as the White House vs. Fox News feud is winding down (actually, not at all), Jon Stewart and The Daily Show are weighing in. In what was his final show of October, he addressed the ongoing feud that began heating up as the month started - and he hit both sides for different reasons.

The Emerging Twitter List Arms Race

I use Twitter a lot, but I was not among the very first to see the new Lists feature. I can now, though. And what I find much more interesting than actually using the feature myself is the fact that I woke up this morning to find that I was on dozens of other people’s [...]

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