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SNL Weekend Update - Sarah Palin Refudiate | Seth Meyers | Mediaite
The Wayback Machine - https://web.archive.org/web/20101122105551/http://www.mediaite.com:80/tv/seth-meyers-refudiates-link-between-sarah-palin-and-william-shakespeare-on-snls-weekend-update/

Seth Meyers Refudiates Link Between Sarah Palin And William Shakespeare On SNL’s “Weekend Update”


In an aside during SNL’s “Weekend Update” segment, Seth Meyers chastised the New Oxford American Dictionary for selecting Sarah Palin’s literary “fender-bender” refudiate as the 2010 Word of the Year. The stern lecture, titled “Come on, Dictionary,” had the exasperated fake news host urging the Oxford University Press not to celebrate Palin’s accidental mash-up and producing evidence as to why the Alaskan politician is no William Shakespeare.

The critical Meyers had only enough time to offer “a couple of differences” between the Bard and the Mama Grizzly. “For one: when Shakepseare coined new words, it wasn’t by accident,” he informed the OUP’s lexicographers, whom he apparently assumes are SNL fans. He then shifted from history to prehistory, noting that a portmanteau like gynosaur—”a gynecologist dinosaur”—would be a more adequate contender for Word of the Year. “You can’t just change the ‘P’ in a word to an ‘F’ and say that you came up with a new word.” He demonstrated his point: “New Oxford American Dictionary, please stop rafing the English language.” And with that, he concluded his dispatch.

Watch SNL’s Seth Meyers get mad at the dictionary in the NBC clip below:

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  • David Mangan says:
    Thumb up 19 Thumb down 25

    Meyers comes across as a preachy little twit, a lot like Katie Couric. Neither have the brains or charm to be first-rate in their jobs.

  • Karl Spensen Karl Spensen says:
    Thumb up 15 Thumb down 32

    YES they are STUPID very much UNLIKE Sarah!!!!!111 She could take them both to SCHOOL (in fact she is so SMART because she attended FIVE COLLEGES!!!!11)!!!!11

  • Just4thefax Just4thefax says:
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    Fact: Sarah Palin is a Bozo Magnet. I still think Seth Meyers voice is the same as the Gay Robot on Youtube.

  • jrcmi jrcmi says:
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    I can’t tell how many times Seth Meyers has been compared to Katie

    No, wait. I can. ONE time . . . by someone so desperate to deride both of these people that he ignores the fact that this was SATIRE!

    While I’m not a huge fan of these folks, they both obviously possess the requisite skills to do what they do or they wouldn’t still be DOING it year after year.

    Baselessly attacking the abilities of people you disagree with is both petty and ignorant, you obstreperous rapscallion.

    See what I mean?

  • jrcmi jrcmi says:
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    Just4theflake said:
    Fact: Sarah Palin is a Bozo Magnet.

    You DO seem to be attracted to her.

  • Thumb up 14 Thumb down 13

    jrcmi said:
    Baselessly attacking the abilities of people you disagree with is both petty and ignorant, you obstreperous rapscallion.

    LOL, describe yourself much? Attacking people behind a phony name is the definition of a COWARD.

  • Thumb up 13 Thumb down 13

    Hey Snowblower I am using my real name and I will tell you this, the Conservative movement has not had a clue since Reagan. To those who think is Palin is qualified to be President ,well you are so blind that you probably think that Bachman could be a good Vp. Spreading fear is all your party has, and while it worked in this election it is doomed to fail if your party does not step up and actually do something.
    The reason more people are drawn to the likes of Palin, Beck and Bachman is because Progressives like Pelosi and yes Obama scare the hell out of more Americans than the Tea Party does.

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    Scott Heckman said:
    Hey Snowblower I am using my real name and I will tell you this, the Conservative movement has not had a clue since Reagan. To those who think is Palin is qualified to be President ,well you are so blind that you probably think that Bachman could be a good Vp. Spreading fear is all your party has, and while it worked in this election it is doomed to fail if your party does not step up and actually do something.The reason more people are drawn to the likes of Palin, Beck and Bachman is because Progressives like Pelosi and yes Obama scare the hell out of more Americans than the Tea Party does.

    Congratulations on not being a coward and standing behind your comments. Now I will gently explain to you why you are wrong. I have NOT said Palin is qualified to be president. Unlike you though I won’t make that judgement TODAY. As I explained in another post, there will be plenty of time to determine if she is or is not. There will lots of debates and she will have to hold her own or win them. If she does that all the nonsense said today by YOU and the LEFT will go away.
    The left is afraid of her and they should be. That is why they are trying to destroy her now and many republicans are afraid they will succeed and then she will get nominated and would not be able to win. They tried that with Reagan. Gov. Brown in California tried to make a joke of him. The people did not believe him.
    The establishment republicans thought Reagan could not win. All he had to do was debate Carter and the game was over.
    The same could or could not happen to Palin. In the meantime establishment republicans should keep their mouths shut. The excitement around Palin is good for the party and bad for the dems.

  • The Tea Weasel The Tea Weasel says:
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    Gordonblowmeshow, the left is not afraid of Sarah Palin. They are afraid that America might be dumb enough to elect her president. After all, we are the ‘dumb as we want to be’ country. But the reich wing IS afraid of their narcissistic little monster, because they know she is building up a war chest of favors and cash to wage war against any serious candidate that might actually challenge Obama. Poor GOP, their best candidate for 2012…..is also their worst one.

    Can you imagine the coronaries that will occur should either Obama or Palin win in 2012? I am so looking forward to the next election….

  • Thumb up 9 Thumb down 4

    The Tea Weasel said:
    Gordonblowmeshow, the left is not afraid of Sarah Palin. They are afraid that America might be dumb enough to elect her president. After all, we are the ‘dumb as we want to be’ country. But the reich wing IS afraid of their narcissistic little monster, because they know she is building up a war chest of favors and cash to wage war against any serious candidate that might actually challenge Obama. Poor GOP, their best candidate for 2012…..is also their worst one. Can you imagine the coronaries that will occur should either Obama or Palin win in 2012? I am so looking forward to the next election….

    You should look forward to visiting a doctor. Ignorant people like you are a danger to yourself and this country. You are a coward hiding under your bed. Everything you said above is just stupid.

  • SarahP SarahP says:
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    gordonbloyershow said:
    You should look forward to visiting a doctor. Ignorant people like you are a danger to yourself and this country. You are a coward hiding under your bed. Everything you said above is just stupid.

    Gordon – a couple of things. You are not using your real name and secondly, didn’t you pull a Limbaugh to get out of military service?

    Your stupidity is beyond description and you define cowardice.

  • ChiliPeppersFan ChiliPeppersFan says:
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    i think it is safe to say i will only utter these words in response to your posts… that is a very wise comment sarah p.

  • ImRubberYoureGlue ImRubberYoureGlue says:
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  • cjd ohio 1 cjd ohio 1 says:
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    sorry sarah but gordon lives in moscow so he could not have been drafted, the commie, pinko, he is not even american, have you ever seen his birth certificate, i have not, hes a russkie

  • skyfet skyfet says:
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    She’s no Shakespeare!

  • Thumb up 4 Thumb down 1

    SarahP said:
    Gordon – a couple of things. You are not using your real name and secondly, didn’t you pull a Limbaugh to get out of military service? Your stupidity is beyond description and you define cowardice.

    What are you smoking? What is my real name? Limbaugh didn’t pull a Limbaugh as you would like to lie about it. Nice try but YOU are the one hiding.

  • cjd ohio 1 cjd ohio 1 says:
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    birth certificate? you commie

  • pakattak pakattak says:
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    gordonbloyershow said:
    What are you smoking? What is my real name? Limbaugh didn’t pull a Limbaugh as you would like to lie about it. Nice try but YOU are the one hiding.

    Question: Why don’t you ever question the courage of the conservative users who “hide behind their fake names”?

    -Nathan Pak, Georgia.

  • Thumb up 2 Thumb down 4

    gordonbloyershow says:
    “The left is afraid of her and they should be. ”

    Wrong. I hope she runs and wins the nomination. Even Joe Biden could beat her, but Obama wouldn’t even have to get up out of bed to trounce her.

    pakattak says:
    “Question: Why don’t you ever question the courage of the conservative users who “hide behind their fake names”?”

    Because Gordon, like virtually all reactionaries, has double standards.

    Let me name one reactionary who doesn’t: Ron Paul, the only reactionary I know of with integrity.

  • Thelonious Funk Thelonious Funk says:
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    Sarah Palin has embiggened our vocabulary with her cromulent words.

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    cjd ohio 1 said:
    birth certificate? you commie

    When you produce YOUR real name and YOUR birth certificate I will produce mine. No go back to pretending that you are a veteran.

  • Thumb up 2 Thumb down 1

    GlennBeckReview said:
    “Question: Why don’t you ever question the courage of the conservative users who “hide behind their fake names”?”

    Nobody was talking to you. YOU are a proven liar here and you have no credibility. Save me that crap about listing your lies. I have done that many times and so have many others.

    Because people can use any name they want when they just make comments, when they use insults and lie that protection no longer exists.

  • Thumb up 2 Thumb down 1

    pakattak said:
    Question: Why don’t you ever question the courage of the conservative users who “hide behind their fake names”?
    -Nathan Pak, Georgia.

    Because people can use any name they want when they just make comments, when they use insults and lie that protection no longer exists.

  • cjd ohio 1 cjd ohio 1 says:
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    hide behind your false indiana server gorsky, because you have no american birth certificate, go on with your false indenitity , drink your vodka you pinko

  • cjd ohio 1 cjd ohio 1 says:
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    gordon aka gorsky, using a fallen american hero, claiming to be his brother, you are disgusting comrade

  • pakattak pakattak says:
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    gordonbloyershow said:
    Because people can use any name they want when they just make comments, when they use insults and lie that protection no longer exists.

    And you’re saying the right-wingers here DON’T use insults or lie?

    Far be it from me to deny that there are some bone-headed liberals on this website, but you have to admit you guys have a handful of badshit insane people.

    Nathan Pak from Georgia.

  • ChiliPeppersFan ChiliPeppersFan says:
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    it’s a shame that now her words will spread across america like an epidumbic.

  • SarahP SarahP says:
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    gordonbloyershow said:
    What are you smoking? What is my real name? Limbaugh didn’t pull a Limbaugh as you would like to lie about it. Nice try but YOU are the one hiding.

    If Limbaugh didn’t pull a Limbaugh, as you put it, then did Limbaugh pull a Gordon Bloyer Show? Is that really your name? What exactly is the Gordon Bloyer Show?

  • Thumb up 2 Thumb down 2

    pakattak said:
    Far be it from me to deny that there are some bone-headed liberals on this website, but you have to admit you guys have a handful of badshit insane people.
    Nathan Pak from Georgia.

    They don’t attack me. Why should I defend the libs with the phony names that they attack? They can fight it out themselves.

  • cjd ohio 1 cjd ohio 1 says:
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    SarahP said:
    If Limbaugh didn’t pull a Limbaugh, as you put it, then did Limbaugh pull a Gordon Bloyer Show? Is that really your name? What exactly is the Gordon Bloyer Show?

    Are you really that stupid? Do you think people posting here are that stupid? You are not going to win any points with that nonsense.
    Just what do you think Limbaugh did? Which lie are you going to tell?

  • SarahP SarahP says:
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    gordonbloyershow said:
    Are you really that stupid? Do you think people posting here are that stupid? You are not going to win any points with that nonsense.
    Just what do you think Limbaugh did? Which lie are you going to tell?

    Gordon – two simple questions, at least to most people. 1) Is your name Gordon Bloyer Show? Did you, like Limbaugh, manage to dodge military service?

    You are the one calling people cowards and liars. Hypocrisy is a bitch isn’t it?

  • Thumb up 1 Thumb down 1

    SarahP said:
    Gordon – two simple questions, at least to most people. 1) Is your name Gordon Bloyer Show? Did you, like Limbaugh, manage to dodge military service?
    You are the one calling people cowards and liars. Hypocrisy is a bitch isn’t it?

    I am not calling “people” cowards, I am calling liars hiding behind phony names cowards. YOU are the coward and everyone here knows it.
    Are you saying that you are sooooo stupid that you don’t know “show” has nothing to do with my name? do you hear all those people laughing at you? Whoever you are?
    What part of “since you don’t have a name why should anyone answer you about anything?”, don’t you understand?
    Why don’t you tell me HOW Limbaugh “dodged military service”?

  • SarahP SarahP says:
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    gordonbloyershow said:
    I am not calling “people” cowards, I am calling liars hiding behind phony names cowards. YOU are the coward and everyone here knows it.
    Are you saying that you are sooooo stupid that you don’t know “show” has nothing to do with my name? do you hear all those people laughing at you? Whoever you are?
    What part of “since you don’t have a name why should anyone answer you about anything?”, don’t you understand?
    Why don’t you tell me HOW Limbaugh “dodged military service”?

    Gordon – Like military service, you are dodging the questions.

  • cjd ohio 1 cjd ohio 1 says:
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    in english sarah, yes he did dodge

  • jrcmi jrcmi says:
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    gordonbloyershow said:
    LOL, describe yourself much? Attacking people behind a phony name is the definition of a COWARD.

    You’re a fool under ANY name. You only use your own name (allegedly) to flog your useless “show.”

    You quoted me out of context (a typical, cheep neocon trick) to distract from the truth of the point I was making. I wasn’t attacking anybody. You tried to MAKE it into an attack, which only displays your own cowardice.

    Either that or you don’t understand the context of my reference to “obstreperous rapscallion” – and poking fun at myself for doing so – any more than you know the meaning of “attribution” when you illegally post copyrighted articles here.

    For its flaws, SNL is one of the few sources of political satire we have. They tweak people from all sides of the political spectrum. NBC’s own Rachel Maddow took a ribbing last night. Keith Olbermann got “his” a while back. He showed part of it on his own show.

    Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert similarly see all sides as fair game for lampooning.

    “Progressives like Pelosi and yes Obama scare the hell out of more Americans than the Tea Party does.”

    They’re being TOLD to fear progressives – and progressivism – by a relentless drumbeat of lies, distortions and mischaracterizations from the far right. If our media hadn’t been thoroughly corrupted by its corporate owners, we might actually hear objective facts about what Obama and the Dems are trying to do and how they want to do it. We could judge them on their merits instead of our own media-induced fears.

    Fact is, calling O a “progressive” is far from accurate. Calling him a socialist is outright ludicrous!

    Progressives didn’t want TARP, but Obama continued the program. Progressives didn’t want GM bailed out, but Obama nevertheless did it. Progressives don’t want tax giveaways for the richest two percent of taxpayers but he may cave on that, too.

    In many ways, Obama is as much a corporatist as George Bush . . . minus the warmongering and corruption.

    Pelosi was one of the most effective House leaders in history, passing over 400 pieces of legislation. You wouldn’t know it because almost all of it was bottled up in the Senate by “Republicants” who are playing political games with the well-being of the country. Mitch McConman and Co. will keep us wallowing in misery until 2012 – for the sole purpose of getting a Republican into the White House. If they snag the Senate, as well, they will drag us back into the horrific mire of the Bush years. Count on it.

    “didn’t you pull a Limbaugh to get out of military service?”

    Limbaugh used an easily treated anal cyst to avoid serving. There’s an irony there that’s almost too rich.

    “Your stupidity is beyond description and you define cowardice.”

    gordim offers no unique insights or thoughts – shallow or otherwise. He expends much effort telling others how dumb, ignorant or mentally impaired THEY are but gives us scant reason to believe HE is any different. He’s a jabbering troublemaker who would improve this site by LEAVING it.

    “She’s no Shakespeare!”

    Thou art correct, good sir.

    “Ron Paul, the only reactionary I know of with integrity.”

    True. His kid should have a tenth of the old man’s integrity.

    Russ Feingold preferred losing his re-election to compromising his integrity. Bernie Sanders has been a tireless, consistent and unapologetic progressive for many years.

    “go back to pretending that you are a veteran.”

    Go back to pretending you have anything meaningful to say.

  • cjd ohio 1 cjd ohio 1 says:
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    bernie sanders is a socialist, not aprogressive

  • cjd ohio 1 cjd ohio 1 says:
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    unless you are saying they are the same thing

  • jrcmi jrcmi says:
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    Sanders is both a democratic socialist and a progressive. While there are differences between the two, they are complementary. You might want to check out wikipedia for further info.

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