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AOL Advertising | Audiences/African Americans
The Wayback Machine - https://web.archive.org/web/20101115152145/http://advertising.aol.com:80/audiences/african-americans

African Americans

Fast facts

  • Visiting daily. 2.3M African Americans visit AOL sites every day.
  • Sticking around. African Americans spend more time per page on AOL sites – 1.4 minutes – than anywhere else.
  • Watching videos. African Americans spend an average of 3.4 minutes per day on SlashControl, AOL's video site.
  • Participating. Black Voices, AOL's flagship African-American site, has a highly active user community. Some users post hundreds of comments a day.

Source: comScore, 2010.

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Why do African Americans prefer AOL? Perhaps it's our original content – they spend more time per page with us than with anyone else. Maybe it's because we listen – we’ve custom-built websites based on audience feedback. Could be because our sites and network reach more African Americans – 85 percent – than anyone else. Chances are, it's a little bit of everything.

Favorite brands

Want to make your message really resonate with African Americans? You can start by putting it in the right place. AOL runs some of African Americans' favorite sites on the web. Browse some of our original brands below.

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Behavioral. Accurate.

Finding your ideal consumer is one thing. Finding millions of them is another. With our targeting solutions, you can extend your message across thousands of sites and reach your customers at scale.

Behavioral. Target consumers based on their interests:

  • Black Voices. People who visit Black Voices for the latest in news, entertainment, sports, lifestyle, careers, money and more.
  • You can target the following subsections of the Black Voices audience:
  • Auto Intenders. In-market car, truck or motorcycle shoppers who are looking for specific makes and models. They read reviews, look at pricing and features, and research financing options.
  • Die Hard Sports Fans. Dedicated fans who follow professional and collegiate sports, stay on top of player rankings, and shop for sports memorabilia.
  • Entertainment Buffs. People who follow the latest news about celebrities, movies, music and soaps. They purchase DVDs, music and video games online and also take an active interest in memorabilia.
  • Money Minders. Affluent, older individuals who are seeking online financial advice, checking the performance of their investments, getting tax advice, planning their retirement and researching insurance options.
  • Moviegoers. Movie buffs who read the latest reviews, follow celebrity gossip and purchase tickets/DVDs online.
  • Travelers. Personal and business travelers who are interested in travel advice and deals. They use the internet to purchase airline tickets, book accommodations, make car reservations and research financing options.

Accurate. Pinpoint your customers with other powerful targeting solutions:

  • Develop a custom audience segment modeled after visitors to your site (Look-Alike Modeling).
  • Find African American households that have the greatest propensity to purchase specific products or brands (MRI Lifestyle Clusters).
  • If you’re sponsoring an AOL page, retarget consumers who have visited it (Sponsorship LeadBack).
  • Find your ideal African American audiences on the sites they are most likely to visit (Subnet Targeting).
  • Find AOL members who have selected the AOL Black Voices Welcome Screen as their homepage option, or who have indicated (through third party data) that someone in their household is of African American ethnicity (Audience Rosters).

Source: comScore, 2010.