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Barbara Bush Interview - Sarah Palin - Stay In Alaska | Mediaite
The Wayback Machine - https://web.archive.org/web/20101122105648/http://www.mediaite.com:80/tv/former-first-lady-barbara-bush-to-sarah-palin-stay-in-alaska/

Former First Lady Barbara Bush To Sarah Palin: Stay In Alaska


Former First Lady Barbara Bush is certainly not known for mincing words, though this may be one of the more subtle hints she’s thrown down in a while. Speaking alongside her husband, President George H. W. Bush, to Larry King in an exclusive interview, she delivered a doubled-edged critique of Sarah Palin– “She’s beautiful,” she tells King, but “she’s very happy in Alaska, and I hope she’ll stay there.”

The interview with King is set to air on Monday, and covers a variety of topics, including their son’s book and the current right-wing political climate. Asked about the Tea Party, President Bush was frank, albeit not entirely hostile: “I don’t know what it really is, Larry,” he replied, noting that he is “confused” by the movement, though “some of the ideas make a lot of sense.” While the First Lady did not comment on the politics, she did note that she would like to see Palin stay in Alaska, a comment that, knowing the weight of it, appeared to make her smile, and elicited laughter from her husband and King.

The segment, released by CNN today, below. The interview will air in its entirety on Larry King Live on Monday:

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  • Big_F-ing_Deal Big_F-ing_Deal says:
    Thumb up 46 Thumb down 30

    “she’s very happy in Alaska, she tells King, and I hope she’ll stay there.”

    And the people in Alaska hope she’ll leave there.

  • Antony Dupuy says:
    Thumb up 11 Thumb down 58

    Will somebody please pull her feeding tube

    Thumb up 26 Thumb down 24

    WOW! Poor Sarah must be freakin flippin.

  • MiddleRoader MiddleRoader says:
    Thumb up 18 Thumb down 32

    Glad to see senility/dementia/alzheimers is not a health problem for her.

  • juan juan says:
    Thumb up 1 Thumb down 20

    What happened to my comment?

  • AngelPeters AngelPeters says:
    Thumb up 27 Thumb down 6

    Always loved Mrs Bush. She was a great First Lady, and just a wonderful lady all around.

  • Harry Flashman Harry Flashman says:
    Thumb up 29 Thumb down 33


    The best part of this is watching the left jump on it like starving cockroaches on a greasy plate.

    Note to left: This is meaningless. If her husband, the politician, doesn’t even understand what the Tea Party is, what makes you think she’s given any real thought to Sarah Palin?

  • BlackWidow BlackWidow says:
    Thumb up 33 Thumb down 42

    Oh I love it. She has always been the leader in that family. Very outspoken. Give that lady a cigar.

  • timzank timzank says:
    Thumb up 22 Thumb down 18

    And this will change the political landscape how?

  • Atticus Draco Atticus Draco says:
    Thumb up 13 Thumb down 30

    Reagan’s 11th commandment!
    You know Babs,, I didn’t think too much of your husband either!
    You two can carry your asses back to Texas now

    Seriously,, i dont consider either of them conservative at all

  • MediaWhore MediaWhore says:
    Thumb up 43 Thumb down 36

    Oh my.

    Poor Sarah is finally figuring out that the Republican Party will never let her win their nomination for President. The more she makes noise about running, the more you’re going to see stuff like this.

    She’s far better off being a media bimbo, peddling books and speeches, than she would be as a candidate.

    The only way she gets on a ballot in 2012 is if she goes independent or convinces the Tea Party morons to split from the GOP.

    Her thin skin and constant victim routine just won’t get her to the top. Better she sticks to reality TV and Twitter…it suits her intellect far better than public office.

  • BatBoy BatBoy says:
    Thumb up 17 Thumb down 28

    It just goes to show that we conservatives have a big tent.

    If you think Sarah would quit and go home after this….you are a foooooo!

  • Karl Spensen Karl Spensen says:
    Thumb up 15 Thumb down 47

    More and more RINOS are jumping ship as the TEA PARTY marches on with BECK and PALIN in the LEAD!!!!!111 All of these egghead ELITISTS who say that Sarah “can’t win” or has no “substance” or is “woefully underqualified” or is “more of a celebrity than a politician” or is a “Pied Piper of the ignorant” – ESPECIALLY those TRAITORS in her own party like Grandma Bush and Karl “Benedict Arnold” Rove – are going to find themselves up S#!T CREET once the Tea Party Revolution comes and we TAKE BACK our Once Proud Republic!!!!!111

  • MediaWhore MediaWhore says:
    Thumb up 23 Thumb down 19

    Karl Spensen said:
    More and more RINOS are jumping ship as the TEA PARTY marches on with BECK and PALIN in the LEAD!!!!!111

    Quite a couple of intellectual heavyweights you’ve got in the lead there Karl!!!!!

    They’ll be marching you right off a cliff. Enjoy the ride.

  • SarahP SarahP says:
    Thumb up 12 Thumb down 29

    BatBoy said:
    It just goes to show that we conservatives have a big tent.

    If you think Sarah would quit and go home after this….you are a foooooo!

    Let’s keep our fingers crossed.

  • timzank timzank says:
    Thumb up 25 Thumb down 12

    You realize of course, the only people in the world that know of these comments are the 6 Larry King viewers and you handful of nutbags here, right?

  • SarahP SarahP says:
    Thumb up 9 Thumb down 27

    timzank said:
    You realize of course, the only people in the world that know of these comments are the 6 Larry King viewers and you handful of nutbags here, right?

    You of course know of them. That goes without saying doesn’t it?

  • timzank timzank says:
    Thumb up 11 Thumb down 7

    SarahP said:
    You of course know of them. That goes without saying doesn’t it?

    Yes, I do now know of them. My world is forever changed, I shall never think of Palin the same way again.

  • SarahP SarahP says:
    Thumb up 10 Thumb down 26

    timzank said:
    Yes, I do now know of them. My world is forever changed, I shall never think of Palin the same way again.

    of course not, but according to you, you are a nutbag, which is no way to treat yourself.

  • Arch Arch says:
    Thumb up 14 Thumb down 3

    This couldn’t possibly be about Jeb could it?

  • ChiliPeppersFan ChiliPeppersFan says:
    Thumb up 15 Thumb down 7

    funny to hear somebody wants her feeding tube removed.
    i thought your side was against that.*

    *see terry shivo

  • MiddleRoader MiddleRoader says:
    Thumb up 9 Thumb down 6

    ChiliPeppersFan said:
    funny to hear somebody wants her feeding tube removed.i thought your side was against that.* *see terry shivo

    and death panels.

  • ImRubberYoureGlue ImRubberYoureGlue says:
    Thumb up 5 Thumb down 21

    MediaWhore said:
    She’s far better off being a media bimbo, peddling books and speeches, than she would be as a candidate.

    You are one fucking ugly-ass dude so I am sure your lack of dick doesn’t help you ‘get with’ the Asian-teen boys you fantasize about.

  • SarahP SarahP says:
    Thumb up 14 Thumb down 27

    ImRubberYoureGlue said:
    You are one fucking ugly-ass dude so I am sure your lack of dick doesn’t help you ‘get with’ the Asian-teen boys you fantasize about.

    Awww- how cute – you’re defending your girl. Not very convincingly but you are trying. By the way, you wouldn’t be projecting would you?

  • Jon Martin says:
    Thumb up 11 Thumb down 11

    Things got really awkward when Mrs. Bush reached into a dufflebag, and pulled out a dead fetus in a jar.

  • Jon Martin says:
    Thumb up 11 Thumb down 12

    On a side note, stop taking people insulting Sarah Palin so personally, I know a lot of you have a soft spot in your heart for her.. but she’s not congressional or presidential material. I”m sure if she was on a reality show or radio show, people would like her.

    I expect the GOP to demolish her before we reach the elections though. The GOP wants her gone.. and I can’t blame them, she’s really stupid and would probably ruin all their plans.

  • MediaWhore MediaWhore says:
    Thumb up 16 Thumb down 10

    ImRubberYoureGlue said:
    You are one fucking ugly-ass dude so I am sure your lack of dick doesn’t help you ‘get with’ the Asian-teen boys you fantasize about.

    Gordon’s going to be so heartbroken. His looks are all he has left.


    I love it when newfish come on here and throw insults at the dude in my avatar, thinking it’s me. Then eventually they find out it’s one of their Republopals known for being one of the bigger Mediaite douchbags, and then they go cry in a corner knowing they just called Gordon and his wig “one fucking ugly ass dude.”

    Keep the laughs coming, dipshits! You’re playing your part perfectly.

  • MediaWhore MediaWhore says:
    Thumb up 13 Thumb down 9

    And the hits just keep on coming. Conservative Mona Charen goes both barrels on poor little Sarah on Town Hall:


    Any conservative with any sense at all knows Sarah is an embarrassment to the party and will get crushed in 2012. These pre-emptive attacks are just the beginning.

    Wait til she announces. Then all the knives will be out and Sarah will be getting crushed from every direction.

    You betcha!

  • david r david r says:
    Thumb up 9 Thumb down 6

    I have to agree. I like Palin, but she makes the weakest opponent for Obama. Reminds me of Goldwater in ‘64 and McGovern in ‘72. Idealogues who were popular within their party but unpopular with the political middle. Reagan, her hero, was much less divisive. Unfortunately, the political middle seems to discriminate against female candidates. Look at the treatment given H. Clinton, and all the venal, hateful attacks at Palin and her family. The political middle will be more inclined to buy Obama’s bullshit, and let’s face it, he can load up the bullshit pistola and shoot up the town like few candidates have ever been able to do. It is a shame he is not as good an office holder as he is an office seeker, but that it common in politics.

  • juan juan says:
    Thumb up 6 Thumb down 6

    Hey, Mediaite.

    How about posting this:

    NOVEMBER 20, 2010, 7:13 P.M. ET.

    NY judge orders Gawker to pull Palin book pages .


  • Thumb up 9 Thumb down 10

    RINO republicans, read my lips, nobody cares what you think.

  • Thumb up 7 Thumb down 10

    MediaWhore said:
    Gordon and his wig

    LOL, I have been looking for that wig, can’t find one. Do you have any idea what you are talking about? Why do you think claiming I have a wig has anything to do with anything? Why do you think using my photo gains you any points with anyone? Do you think it is funny? Everyone here knows that people like you have no credibility. You are a coward and everyone knows it. You prove it everytime you post.

  • Nacho Nacho says:
    Thumb up 12 Thumb down 1

    Arch said:
    This couldn’t possibly be about Jeb could it?

    That is a very astute observation.

  • Thumb up 8 Thumb down 16

    david r said:
    I have to agree. I like Palin, but she makes the weakest opponent for Obama. Reminds me of Goldwater in ‘64 and McGovern in ‘72.

    You need to get your head on straight. Don’t follow the libs nonsense about Palin. I have been in politics for 50 years. I have been a campaign consultant. Let me tell you and all of those Palin haters what is going to happen.
    If Palin runs, there will be many debates before the primaries and if she doesn’t do well she won’t get many votes. If she does well against people like Gingrich, Daniels, Huckabee, Barber and Romney she will gain respect and stature overnight. The negatives will disappear. Soooo stop feeding the Palin haters with premature nonsense about how she can’t win.

  • fallenchicken fallenchicken says:
    Thumb up 8 Thumb down 3

    gordonbloyershow said:
    You need to get your head on straight. Don’t follow the libs nonsense about Palin. I have been in politics for 50 years. I have been a campaign consultant. Let me tell you and all of those Palin haters what is going to happen.
    If Palin runs, there will be many debates before the primaries and if she doesn’t do well she won’t get many votes. .

    You are a political genius, Gordon.

  • valkyrie101 valkyrie101 says:
    Thumb up 4 Thumb down 5

    gordonbloyershow said:
    If Palin runs, there will be many debates before the primaries and if she doesn’t do well she won’t get many votes. If she does well against people like Gingrich, Daniels, Huckabee, Barber and Romney she will gain respect and stature overnight. The negatives will disappear. Soooo stop feeding the Palin haters with premature nonsense about how she can’t win.

    You certainly have that right, gordon. And I would say, if she wanted to give it a shot, she has a good chance, certainly as good as anyone else who is running, of winning the republican nomination. Though, I think it is more likely that, not having quite enough votes, she may leverage another VP run.

  • Just4thefax Just4thefax says:
    Thumb up 5 Thumb down 8

    Fact: Decoy Palin drives left nuts and Grey haired RINO’s into frenzy!

  • BlackWidow BlackWidow says:
    Thumb up 8 Thumb down 22

    gordonbloyershow said:
    RINO republicans, read my lips, nobody cares what you think.

    Blower you far right wing whack-jobs can’t get elected any easier than one of our far left shak-jobs. The Independents are the ones that carry the election.

  • BlackWidow BlackWidow says:
    Thumb up 8 Thumb down 21

    valkyrie101 said:
    You certainly have that right, gordon. And I would say, if she wanted to give it a shot, she has a good chance, certainly as good as anyone else who is running, of winning the republican nomination. Though, I think it is more likely that, not having quite enough votes, she may leverage another VP run.

    Do you really think there is a person even in the Republican Party that would want her for VP? OMG

  • Thumb up 7 Thumb down 11

    fallenchicken said:
    You are a political genius, Gordon.

    And you are a coward hiding behind a phony name. Chicken is a good choice for you though. How is the food in the institution?

  • Thumb up 5 Thumb down 10

    BlackWidow said:
    Blower you far right wing whack-jobs can’t get elected any easier than one of our far left shak-jobs. The Independents are the ones that carry the election.

    If you ever get a brain I will let you know. Until that time comes just keep hiding behind the phony name we will all keep laughing at you.

  • fallenchicken fallenchicken says:
    Thumb up 9 Thumb down 3

    gordonbloyershow said:
    And you are a coward hiding behind a phony name. Chicken is a good choice for you though. How is the food in the institution?

    Obviously not as good as whatever you’re eating.

  • Blair Maury says:
    Thumb up 6 Thumb down 4

    fallenchicken said:
    You are a political genius, Gordon.

    He is not just a political genius. He is a musical one as well.

    Who can not see the talent oozing in this, one of Grodo’s best clips:


    All my posting has this one up near 200 views!! Gordo is going viral!!!!

  • cjd ohio 1 cjd ohio 1 says:
    Thumb up 11 Thumb down 2

    enough with the phony name shit gordon, it gets old, what are you 65 going on 10, do you know the purpose of the internet you fool

  • cjd ohio 1 cjd ohio 1 says:
    Thumb up 10 Thumb down 2

    so we can comment on things without nug jobs like you becoming a stalker

  • fallenchicken fallenchicken says:
    Thumb up 6 Thumb down 2

    Blair Maury said:
    He is not just a political genius. He is a musical one as well.

    Who can not see the talent oozing in this, one of Grodo’s best clips:


    All my posting has this one up near 200 views!! Gordo is going viral!!!!

    I got a whole 30 seconds into that.

  • Pablo Pablo says:
    Thumb up 5 Thumb down 4

    So much for the Old People For Palin meme.

  • cjd ohio 1 cjd ohio 1 says:
    Thumb up 11 Thumb down 3

    that gordon guy is a mental case

  • BlackWidow BlackWidow says:
    Thumb up 7 Thumb down 19

    gordonbloyershow said:
    If you ever get a brain I will let you know. Until that time comes just keep hiding behind the phony name we will all keep laughing at you.

    Blower no one in their right mind uses their real name on these websites. You do because you are old and who the hell would want you. You are enough to scare even the criminals away.

  • BlackWidow BlackWidow says:
    Thumb up 8 Thumb down 20

    cjd ohio 1 said:
    enough with the phony name shit gordon, it gets old, what are you 65 going on 10, do you know the purpose of the internet you fool

    He gets his jollies on here tormenting people.

  • BlackWidow BlackWidow says:
    Thumb up 8 Thumb down 20

    gordonbloyershow said:
    You need to get your head on straight. Don’t follow the libs nonsense about Palin. I have been in politics for 50 years. I have been a campaign consultant. Let me tell you and all of those Palin haters what is going to happen.If Palin runs, there will be many debates before the primaries and if she doesn’t do well she won’t get many votes. If she does well against people like Gingrich, Daniels, Huckabee, Barber and Romney she will gain respect and stature overnight. The negatives will disappear. Soooo stop feeding the Palin haters with premature nonsense about how she can’t win.

    She gives you a tickle down your leg doesn’t she. Come on Blower tell us what happens to an “old” man when he sees something he can’t have.

  • RobDavis RobDavis says:
    Thumb up 6 Thumb down 6

    cjd ohio 1 said:
    enough with the phony name shit gordon, it gets old, what are you 65 going on 10, do you know the purpose of the internet you fool

    LOL..You tell him cjd!

  • Pablo Pablo says:
    Thumb up 8 Thumb down 8

    Soooo stop feeding the Palin haters with premature nonsense about how she can’t win.

    If Obama can win, anybody can win. QED.

  • cjd ohio 1 cjd ohio 1 says:
    Thumb up 15 Thumb down 2

    hell black widow, your politics and mine are so on the oppisite sides, but this gordon is one weird person

  • cjd ohio 1 cjd ohio 1 says:
    Thumb up 6 Thumb down 2

    shit cant spell lol

  • RobDavis RobDavis says:
    Thumb up 6 Thumb down 8

    Pablo said:
    If Obama can win, anybody can win. QED.

    And that makes it right? or smart? or even?

  • RobDavis RobDavis says:
    Thumb up 6 Thumb down 8

    fallenchicken said:
    I got a whole 30 seconds into that.

    You got farther than I…lol Maybe Palin will seek out his consultation for her campaign. Seems right up her alley.

  • Pablo Pablo says:
    Thumb up 9 Thumb down 3

    RobDavis said:
    And that makes it right? or smart? or even?

    I’m just pointing out where the bar is these days, Rob. God only knows what America is going to do next.

  • david r david r says:
    Thumb up 8 Thumb down 8

    valkyrie101 said:
    You certainly have that right, gordon. And I would say, if she wanted to give it a shot, she has a good chance, certainly as good as anyone else who is running, of winning the republican nomination. Though, I think it is more likely that, not having quite enough votes, she may leverage another VP run.

    I hope you guys are right. I’ll vote for anyone over Obama. I never thought I’d see a President worse than Jimmy Carter, but Obama makes him look great by comparison.

  • philipjames philipjames says:
    Thumb up 6 Thumb down 9

    I read somewhere that there was this senile old woman who lives in a mansion in Kennebunkport (surprisingly not a Kennedy either) from a wasp establishment family who opened her eyes and blurted out some gibberish and then relapsed back into a trance.
    We are interested in what this relic thinks? Didn’t her son almost destroy the Republican Party? Is there another Bushie in the wings…. a Bushie the Third… that has aspirations for high office that I have not heard of?
    Or is there such great fear in the Establishment Republicans of Sarah Palin taking over the Party and cleaning out all the corrupt butt kissing jerks now in it? of the “unwashed” masses taking away the spigot of money that gushes from the political contributions and then the taxpayer’s pocket into the grubby little paws of the “ruling” and “connected” Eastern Establishment and Washington insiders?
    Look, take the old coots back to the home and close the door… please.

  • RobDavis RobDavis says:
    Thumb up 5 Thumb down 5

    Pablo said:
    I’m just pointing out where the bar is these days, Rob. God only knows what America is going to do next.

    I’m with ya on that one!

  • Nacho Nacho says:
    Thumb up 4 Thumb down 1

    Karaoke party at Gordon’s after the Spalaska viewing party tomorrow night.

    RSVP, there is limited space in his mothers basement.

  • DonnaK DonnaK says:
    Thumb up 8 Thumb down 10

    From what I’ve read barbara bush didn’t want George W to run either. This woman has been around politicians all her life, and she knows a couple idiots when she sees them.!! I can’t wait for the other republicans that want to run, to start dropping info on some of Palins dirty dealings in Alaska, they are not going to let this idiot become the nominee, the dems won’t have to raise their hand, the repubs will do it for them.

  • RobDavis RobDavis says:
    Thumb up 7 Thumb down 9

    Pablo said:
    I’m just pointing out where the bar is these days, Rob. God only knows what America is going to do next.

    david r said:
    I’ll vote for anyone over Obama.

    And this is the sentiment expressed by many. It’s not the answer to this countries problems right now. People not happy with Obama? Fine, I can live with that, but find a candidate that is worth something, that will make a difference. But Sara Palin ain’t it. And it’s sad commentary if that’s all they got.

  • Thumb up 6 Thumb down 12

    cjd ohio 1 said:
    enough with the phony name shit gordon, it gets old, what are you 65 going on 10, do you know the purpose of the internet you fool

    No, what is the purpose of the internet? Is it for liars and fools to hide behind phony names to attack people?
    I don’t care if you think it is getting old. You don’t do much thinking.

  • cjd ohio 1 cjd ohio 1 says:
    Thumb up 13 Thumb down 1

    i do, which is why i have figured out that are routing a server in indiana from you home in moscow, you dirty communist get off this american website, dont call me a liar, where is your birth certificate gordon, or should i say gorsky

  • RobDavis RobDavis says:
    Thumb up 8 Thumb down 6

    gordonbloyershow said:
    No, what is the purpose of the internet? Is it for liars and fools to hide behind phony names to attack people?

    And your taking full advantage of that, minus the phony name part of course.

  • Thumb up 6 Thumb down 13

    BlackWidow said:
    Blower no one in their right mind uses their real name on these websites. You do because you are old and who the hell would want you. You are enough to scare even the criminals away.

    I love the way you phonys flatter yourself. You don’t hide because you are afraid of stalkers, you hide because you know what you say will cause people to want to kick your ass. Lots of people use their real name on the internet. Facebook, Myspace and Twitter are loaded with people that use their real names.
    You losers need to admit you are just cowards using phony names to bully people and when you can’t bully them you get all upset. Tooooooooooooo bad.

  • RobDavis RobDavis says:
    Thumb up 7 Thumb down 5

    cjd ohio 1 said:
    i do, which is why i have figured out that are routing a server in indiana from you home in moscow, you dirty communist get off this american website, dont call me a liar, where is your birth certificate gordon, or should i say gorsky

    LMAO you crack me up. Way to go!

  • stehil912 stehil912 says:
    Thumb up 4 Thumb down 5

    Donna you speaking about her husband and her son? Or Clinton and Obama? Cause that is actually 4 idiots not 2. With all due respect Donna, Bush Sr. was a 1 term pres because he didnt have what it took, and lef the country with a resession, then Clinton came in and shamed the office by getting bj’s in the oval office and was impeached. Then GW came in and started a huge amount of debt and government, and then Obama grabbed the ball and ran with it and is killling us with more government and more debt.

    Obama did not have any experience other than being in the senate, yet he was given the benefit of the doubt by the left as having some brilliant knowledge of how to run things.. We see how well that is working out.. Personally I would take my chances with someone like Palin just because the left and the right HATE her. Speculating on how bad she would be for the country… Really? Again, you saw how things went under Bush, and now under Obama, and you actually think she could do worse than these two??? The economy is in shambles due to BOTH parties, and an outsider may want to come in and try and help fix the problem.. Not sure why you have a problem with that, but uh.. Frankly I am ready for a change from the past 4 presidents.

    Thumb up 8 Thumb down 5

    gordonbloyershow said:
    Facebook, Myspace and Twitter are loaded with people that use their real names.

    If these have the things you want gordon why do you come here?I can guarantee noone cares what your name is real or not.

  • cjd ohio 1 cjd ohio 1 says:
    Thumb up 12 Thumb down 1

    comrade gorsky

  • timzank timzank says:
    Thumb up 6 Thumb down 6

    stehil912 said:
    Donna you speaking about her husband and her son? Or Clinton and Obama? Cause that is actually 4 idiots not 2. With all due respect Donna, Bush Sr. was a 1 term pres because he didnt have what it took, and lef the country with a resession, then Clinton came in and shamed the office by getting bj’s in the oval office and was impeached. Then GW came in and started a huge amount of debt and government, and then Obama grabbed the ball and ran with it and is killling us with more government and more debt. Obama did not have any experience other than being in the senate, yet he was given the benefit of the doubt by the left as having some brilliant knowledge of how to run things.. We see how well that is working out.. Personally I would take my chances with someone like Palin just because the left and the right HATE her. Speculating on how bad she would be for the country… Really? Again, you saw how things went under Bush, and now under Obama, and you actually think she could do worse than these two??? The economy is in shambles due to BOTH parties, and an outsider may want to come in and try and help fix the problem.. Not sure why you have a problem with that, but uh.. Frankly I am ready for a change from the past 4 presidents.

    Donna, even you would have to admit he makes some really good points.

  • RobDavis RobDavis says:
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    timzank said:
    Donna, even you would have to admit he makes some really good points.

    He does make good points. But the thing I can’t wrap my head around is that those of you who fall back on the fact that Obama had no experience or not enough are willing to vote another candidate in that has no real experience, as well. I just don’t understand it. Is it not possible that she also has a vision like he did, but will get into that job as he did, not fully aware of what all it takes and fuck it up even worse?

  • Thumb up 8 Thumb down 10

    philipjames said:
    I read somewhere that there was this senile old woman who lives in a mansion in Kennebunkport (surprisingly not a Kennedy either) from a wasp establishment family who opened her eyes and blurted out some gibberish and then relapsed back into a trance.
    We are interested in what this relic thinks?

    A “senile old relic”?!? Is that all you Republicans are good at, name-calling? Even among your own? How childish. She doesn’t seem even close to senile. Only a senile person would vote for Sarah Barraquitter. Ol’ Babs is a nice, clear-thinking woman. I never thought I’d defend a Bushie, but she is dead on with this one. Palin is one hateful, divisive bitch, but unfortunately fits right in with today’s conservative movement.

  • RobDavis RobDavis says:
    Thumb up 4 Thumb down 6

    actually I meant more, but worse is ok too.

  • stehil912 stehil912 says:
    Thumb up 8 Thumb down 7

    First to the senile old relic post, she has been surrounded by politicians her whole life, she probably actually thinks this, it doesnt make her senile, she just see’s things different than yourself.

    Second just because someone differs in opinion politically doesnt make her a hateful divisive bitch… It just means she just sees the country in a different way than you do.. It doesnt mean she is an idiot, or a hick, racist, or uneducated.. It just means she has a difference in opinion politically…

    In regards to the why would we take a chance on Palin like we did Obama.. That is a good question.. I have done my research, I happen to think she has a good head on her shoulders.. I think she would do some really positive things for this country, and shrink the governement size quite a bit.. However I would recommend you do your own research on which candidate best suites your taste, either democrat, republican, or even independent.. But that is for you to decide.

  • Thumb up 8 Thumb down 3

    stehil912 said:
    Just because someone differs in opinion politically doesnt make her a hateful divisive bitch… It just means she just sees the country in a different way than you do.

    I don’t think she’s a hateful, divisive bitch because she differs from me in her political opinion. Why would you assume that about me? There are many on the right I disagree with and I like personally who I don’t think are hateful or divisive. I said that about Palin because she is hateful and divisive. Have you seen her Twitter posts or read her books, or seen her on the 2008 campaign trail? Folks on her own side think she is extremely divisive. That’s why they don’t want her to run, Please don’t assume what motivates my opinions. That’s like the folks that say if you disagree with Obama, you must be a racist. It makes no sense.

  • David Mangan says:
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    Barbara always had a soft spot for Jeb, and wanted him to run in 2000 rather than GWB, but ‘
    Walkin’ Lawton’ Chiles beat Jeb to the governorship, which Jeb didn’t win until ‘98, and by that time George had his engines revving up after Dole disgraced the GOP in ‘96 like Kerry disgraced the Dems in ‘04. So Jeb might well be Barbara’s choice for VP nominee in ‘12, knowing he’ll never get the nod for POTUS candidate.

    “Reagan, her hero, was much less divisive.” is a silly comparison, because Reagan was never attacked by a single-minded ideologue-filled media as mindless and vulgar and stupid as the lamestream media is now. Both Ronnie and Sarah do have a knack for iconic punch lines like “There you go again…” and “I paid for that mike…” as Sarah spoke the grisly truth with her “death panels” which accurately describe how the ObamaCare allocation of limited resources are going to by rendered by mindless ideologues chosen by a Party whose success depends on young mindless voters who respond to ‘Yes, we can” as a battle cry and whose amoral immoral drive for political success over any ethical standards might even rule out treatment for older people who trend GOP. “Lamestream media” is another Palinism that fits. Reagan never had to deal with nitwits like Olbermann or NBC/CBS/ABC all the time against everything he did. They were only 80% against Ronnie.

    And the lamestream media and half-wits on the blogosphere twist everything Sarah P says and bury her interesting observations with half-truths and untruths like the Anthropogenic Global Warming hoax. She did more in her private life and as Governor as the quarter-wit Biden ever did in forty years in the Senate getting hair plugs which obviously sapped his brain. As for Oblah-blah’s re-election, for all her sins, America doesn’t deserve another dose of THAT…!

    And I’m for Romney or even a grown-up Dem if they can find one, but not a left-wing shill/tout like the narcissist Oblah-blah nore Sarah, for that matter. I’m a center-right independent conservative with libertarian leanings, not a Republican. I just don’t like hypocrites and liars taking Palin down for a few times misspeaking.

    After all, it’s the perfect fool who keeps pronouncing ‘corps’ as “corpse.” That perfect fool is Oblah-blah. POTUS in all 57 states.

  • omega919 omega919 says:
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    Amazing how a HYOOGE majority of Repubican posters here are jumping at the chance to throw Barbara Bush under the bus here. Republicans claim they’re a big tent party, and get mad when Democrats say they’re kicking out any and all moderates or dissenting opinions. This thread REALLY goes a long way in proving the Dems right.

  • Pablo Pablo says:
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    RobDavis said:
    He does make good points. But the thing I can’t wrap my head around is that those of you who fall back on the fact that Obama had no experience or not enough are willing to vote another candidate in that has no real experience, as well.

    Palin had more executive experience than anyone else on either ‘08 ticket. That’s just a fact.

  • Thumb up 1 Thumb down 8

    ROCKSTEADY said:
    I can guarantee noone cares what your name is real or not.

    Your guarantee is not very good. To guarantee something I would have to be able to take it to a REAL person not a person hiding behind the name ROCKSTEADY. No one can believe anything a person that is a coward hiding behind a stupid phony name. You people will never get it, will you?

  • RIChris RIChris says:
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    All those who have voted for Obama have proven that their judgment sucks. Big time. Any suggestions as to who should or should not run for president are discredited. As for Barbara Bush, she wants Jeb to run, she’ll trash anyone who might get in his way.

  • valkyrie101 valkyrie101 says:
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    gordonbloyershow said:
    Your guarantee is not very good. To guarantee something I would have to be able to take it to a REAL person not a person hiding behind the name ROCKSTEADY. No one can believe anything a person that is a coward hiding behind a stupid phony name. You people will never get it, will you?

    Gordon, you are like a person who comes to a costume party without a mask.

  • cjd ohio 1 cjd ohio 1 says:
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    you tell them comrade gorsky

  • stehil912 stehil912 says:
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    Michael Johns says:
    November 21, 2010 at 1:45 am
    7 1
    stehil912 said:
    Just because someone differs in opinion politically doesnt make her a hateful divisive bitch… It just means she just sees the country in a different way than you do.

    I don’t think she’s a hateful, divisive bitch because she differs from me in her political opinion. Why would you assume that about me? There are many on the right I disagree with and I like personally who I don’t think are hateful or divisive. I said that about Palin because she is hateful and divisive. Have you seen her Twitter posts or read her books, or seen her on the 2008 campaign trail? Folks on her own side think she is extremely divisive. That’s why they don’t want her to run, Please don’t assume what motivates my opinions. That’s like the folks that say if you disagree with Obama, you must be a racist. It makes no sense.

    Ok, so what did she say in her twitter, the 2008 campaign trail, or even in her book that caused you to believe that she is so divisive, and such a hateful person?

  • Thumb up 1 Thumb down 8

    RobDavis said:
    LMAO you crack me up. Way to go!

    Do you always laugh at insane people? That is not the liberal way. Doctor Phil would like to talk to you. Can you give me your real name and phone number so I can give it to him? Don’t tell me your real name is RobDavis. People like you are cowards.

  • MiddleRoader MiddleRoader says:
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    Pablo said:
    Palin had more executive experience than anyone else on either ‘08 ticket. That’s just a fact.

    In this article they do speak of some good things Palin did for Alaska. Yet when I read them, they certainly appeared to have the feel for bigger government spending rather than less. Isn’t that what conservatives are against?


  • MiddleRoader MiddleRoader says:
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    gordonbloyershow said:
    Do you always laugh at insane people? That is not the liberal way. Doctor Phil would like to talk to you. Can you give me your real name and phone number so I can give it to him? Don’t tell me your real name is RobDavis. People like you are cowards.

    So now its not his real name? These people would not be insulting you if you had not started the bullying and insults first. How bout sticking to the issues and actually try to debate those rather than just calling people stupid. I don’t claim to being major knowledeable about politics, but I do give my thoughts and opinions and welcome them to be debated, hopefully without insults, as insults are counter productive.

  • Phocus2 Phocus2 says:
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    Wow, grasping at whtatever we can twist into anti-Palin are we? This is weak. I’m yawning. I’m yawning some more. Now I’m zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

  • Pablo Pablo says:
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    MiddleRoader said:
    In this article they do speak of some good things Palin did for Alaska. Yet when I read them, they certainly appeared to have the feel for bigger government spending rather than less. Isn’t that what conservatives are against?


    What in that article strikes you as big government spending? All i see is the pipeline, and the tax rebates. The pipeline is an expenditure designed to bring more revenue to the state, and tax rebates generally don’t upset conservatives. I’m not sure what you’re getting at here. Is this supposed to be a rebuttal to my post that you quoted?

  • valkyrie101 valkyrie101 says:
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    gordonbloyershow said:
    Do you always laugh at insane people? That is not the liberal way. Doctor Phil would like to talk to you. Can you give me your real name and phone number so I can give it to him? Don’t tell me your real name is RobDavis. People like you are cowards.

    You get my respect for being up front about your name, etc, but then, all of this is part of your profession. For most of us, who visit recreationally, it is easier to express thoughts feelings and creative ideas when we are anonymous.

  • Sheryn Sheryn says:
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    Sarah Palin needs to be President so that she can criticize Levi, and Murkowski and McGinniss and Obama even more. She is polarizing and Divisive and vindictive. She isn’t smart enough to realize that the more she publicly ridicules Levi, the harder she makes it for him to support her grandson. Also if she keeps talking about Levi and his need for media attention and being a celebrity wannabee and media whore, we just look at the Palin family and see all the similarities Bristol and Levi share. Barbara Bush hit the nail on the head–Sarah Palin is not Presidential material–you have to have some knowledge and ideas and be a leader. She needs to be able to do something besides being a rent-a-cheerleader or a Diva that thinks she needs to give her opinion on all issues.

  • skyfet skyfet says:
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    Take advice of your elders Sarah and stay in Alaska.

  • Hugo Daun Hugo Daun says:
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    ImRubberYoureGlue said:
    You are one fucking ugly-ass dude so I am sure your lack of dick doesn’t help you ‘get with’ the Asian-teen boys you fantasize about.

    Funniest post …EVER!!!!

    littleboybloyer said:
    Why do you think using my photo gains you any points with anyone? Do you think it is funny?

    It’s DAMN funny!!!!


  • MiddleRoader MiddleRoader says:
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    Pablo said:
    What in that article strikes you as big government spending? All i see is the pipeline, and the tax rebates. The pipeline is an expenditure designed to bring more revenue to the state, and tax rebates generally don’t upset conservatives. I’m not sure what you’re getting at here. Is this supposed to be a rebuttal to my post that you quoted?

    From the New York Daily News article….

    “It’s still unclear if it’ll actually be built,” said Carey. “It was passed right about the time when the American economy fell in the tank.”

    The Alaskan tax payers are committed to $500 million in preliminary work on the pipeline, but the whole project will end up costing an estimated $30-40 billion.


    Highlight: Energy cost relief helps Alaskans come in from cold

    In the coldest state in the union, Gov. Palin showed a little bit of warmth for Alaskans during the economic crisis. She spearheaded a one-time payment of $1200 to help her constituents pay their spiraling energy costs.

    Critics grumbled over the $741 million the payments cost the state, but supporters said the people of state really needed the money.

    Conservatives according to this blog are against helping with handouts. Well, to the little guy.

  • MiddleRoader MiddleRoader says:
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    Just to be clear. I realize that the pipeline is not a part of bigger government. But it is a sign of higher taxes that the conservatives continue to say that is what the dems cause. I suppose if the pipeline does actually get built it will pay for itself in the long run, but it appears from all of what i’ve read about its highly unlikely it will be therefore the tax payers will be footing the 500000 for nothing.

  • Pablo Pablo says:
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    Few states could afford such a bonanza, likened by Republican state Rep. Mike Kelly of Fairbanks to “morphine and welfare payments.” But Alaska is on pace to earn more than $10 billion from oil and gas operations this year, double last year’s revenue.

    Palin’s stern veto pen at a time when the state is swimming in cash has helped establish her credentials as a fiscal conservative, economic analysts here say — although critics complain that she has failed to use the state’s unprecedented oil bounty to help tackle perennial issues of domestic violence, alcoholism and inadequate child healthcare.

    “The surplus just seems to get bigger and bigger,” said Oliver Scott Goldsmith, head of the Institute for Social and Economic Research at the University of Alaska. “The state is awash in oil dollars, and the projection is that for the next few years we will have significant surpluses over and above current levels — in the billions of dollars.”


  • Pablo Pablo says:
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    Did it ever occur to you that an article entitled “Palin’s Phantom Pipeline Steals $500 Million from Taxpayers” might not be playing it straight?

    Check out the timeline for the project here.

  • MiddleRoader MiddleRoader says:
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    I will check that out, meanwhille…

    As governor, Palin has signed off on $402,000 to study the arctic fox; $154,000 for renovations to three gun clubs and $125,000 for the Alaska Aviation Heritage Museum, state records show. Her budgets have funded $44,500 to spruce up a ski resort, $75,000 for the Arctic Thunder Air Show and $50,000 to improve a Little League field in the Mat-Su Valley near her hometown of Wasilla.

    The Palin administration asked Washington for $197 million in earmarks this year, down from $254 million the year before, according to the state budget office. Appearing last month on ABC’s The View, McCain incorrectly said Palin had not sought any earmarks as governor. Earmarks are spending items inserted into bills by legislators.

    As mayor she hired a federal lobbyist, made trips to Washington and helped Wasilla win nearly $27 million in earmarked federal funding, according to Taxpayers for Common Sense, a non-partisan watchdog group.


  • Pablo Pablo says:
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    MiddleRoader said:
    Appearing last month on ABC’s The View, McCain incorrectly said Palin had not sought any earmarks as GOVERNOR. Earmarks are spending items inserted into bills by legislators.

    As MAYOR she hired a federal lobbyist, made trips to Washington and helped Wasilla win nearly $27 million in earmarked federal funding, according to Taxpayers for Common Sense, a non-partisan watchdog group.

    Am I missing something here, or is this piece suggesting that McCain is wrong about what she did as governor because of what she did as mayor?

  • ThePaganTemple ThePaganTemple says:
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    I was hoping Sarah Palin would run for President in 2016, after serving a full two terms as Governor of Alaska. Unfortunately, thanks to the lunatic left, the environmentalist wackos, the corrupt RINO faction and Washington and the corrupt state GOP in Alaska, she was forced out of office only half way into her first term as Governor. She did not “quit”, she resigned in order to save her family, and her state, the unnecessary expense of a never-ending line of frivolous lawsuits as far as the eye could see, with no discernible end in sight.

    All of these people have been out to destroy this woman, so Barbara Bush is no surprise. In fact, I would be more surprised if the old RINO bitch acted any differently. An earlier poster called it like it probably is. She knows that the major threat to her beloved Bush Dynasty of successive RINO Republican Presidents is none other than Sarah Palin. The old bitch’s words are best translated as follows-

    “What? Sarah Palin? No, by God, its Jeb’s turn to be President, so she needs to back off and keep her ass in Alaska-or else.”

    Sorry, you old wrinkled two-bit bitch, buy 2012 can’t come quickly enough, and 2016 is suddenly far too far away.


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    MiddleRoader said:
    So now its not his real name? These people would not be insulting you if you had not started the bullying and insults first. How bout sticking to the issues and actually try to debate those rather than just calling people stupid. I don’t claim to being major knowledeable about politics, but I do give my thoughts and opinions and welcome them to be debated, hopefully without insults, as insults are counter productive.

    Do you know who the REAL Rob Davis is? Google him. Of course this is not Rob Davis. You need to mind your own business clown. Save us any crap from “MiddleRoader”. People in the middle of the road get run over as they should.

  • MiddleRoader MiddleRoader says:
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    Oh ok Gordo, in the history of mankind, no two people ever had the same name. You really are a dumbass

  • writer writer says:
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    I believe Barbara’s opinion will have the same impact on Palin that GBR’s opinion has on Glenn Beck.

  • Thumb up 0 Thumb down 4

    valkyrie101 said:
    You get my respect for being up front about your name, etc, but then, all of this is part of your profession. For most of us, who visit recreationally, it is easier to express thoughts feelings and creative ideas when we are anonymous.

    I have no problem with anonyous thoughts and “feelings”. People that use phony name to attack people and calling them names is not expressing any thoughts or feelings. Using a phony name to spread lies and bully people does not express thoughts or feelings. If these people used their real name they wouldn’t say what they do. They are going to bring government action to force people to use their real names.

    Remember their are people that have committed suicide because of these anonymous attacks. Remember the mother that attacked her daughters classmate. She killed herself. Remember the gay student that killed himself because of his room mate.

    Don’t even complain that I name call. I don’t. I identify people for what they are and I use my real name to stand behind it.
    People that complain about me are like the people that park in the handicapped zone and then complain if they are confronted about it. The person that confronted them is wrong for catching them.
    This site is filled with loons that I confront and they don’t like it.

  • Thumb up 0 Thumb down 4

    MiddleRoader said:
    Oh ok Gordo, in the history of mankind, no two people ever had the same name. You really are a dumbass

    Have you noticed that you are the one claiming that is his real name? Why is that? Do you believe everyone that tells you their name? I have proof available all over the internet of my name.
    When Rob Davis proves he is A REAL Rob Davis, I will believe him. Trust but verify.

  • MiddleRoader MiddleRoader says:
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    Pablo said:
    Am I missing something here, or is this piece suggesting that McCain is wrong about what she did as governor because of what she did as mayor?

    Yes is did read that, but did I misunderstand this?

    But Palin didn’t cut the size of government as mayor of Wasilla, *and she hasn’t done so as Alaska’s governor,* city and state budget records show. Spending in fast-growing Wasilla increased by 55% during her tenure from 1996-2002, records show. *In nearly two years as governor, she has presided over a 31% spending hike by a state government that sought earmarks from Washington even as it reaped billions from higher oil prices and Palin-backed tax increases on oil companies. *

  • Bill Mahwer Bill Mahwer says:
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    gordonbloyershow said:
    You need to get your head on straight. Don’t follow the libs nonsense about Palin. I have been in politics for 50 years. I have been a campaign consultant. Let me tell you and all of those Palin haters what is going to happen.
    If Palin runs, there will be many debates before the primaries and if she doesn’t do well she won’t get many votes. If she does well against people like Gingrich, Daniels, Huckabee, Barber and Romney she will gain respect and stature overnight. The negatives will disappear. Soooo stop feeding the Palin haters with premature nonsense about how she can’t win.

    I have to agree. I for one think she is unelectable but if she withstands the rigors of a presidential campaign she deserves it and should be able to give it a shot.

  • MiddleRoader MiddleRoader says:
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    gordonbloyershow said:
    Have you noticed that you are the one claiming that is his real name? Why is that? Do you believe everyone that tells you their name? I have proof available all over the internet of my name.NEWS FLASH….. PEOPLE LIE.When Rob Davis proves he is A REAL Rob Davis, I will believe him. Trust but verify.

    Gordon, I don’t know if that is his real name or not. Unlike you, I don’t care. And being as you are the only one that does care about names, it doesn’t seem like anyone else does either. Yes, there is something to say for people that do use their names, but in the big scheme of the blogosphere it is of little consequence, really. Especially if you are gonna question whether it is real or not. Not everyone has a website. Facebook, Twitter and whatever else you posted as reliable, is no more a reliable source as you do not have to show identification to open an account.

  • Tom Ferstl says:
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    That is the Eastern Establishment who is speaking! Palin will make a better president that her husband did but I liked and voted for him and her son twice. You will NOT hear Palin say, “read my lips, no new taxes, then turn around and give us the shaft with new taxes! GHWB could have vetoed the Demogogs bill but didn’t!

  • ThePaganTemple ThePaganTemple says:
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    Tom Ferstl said:
    That is the Eastern Establishment who is speaking! Palin will make a better president that her husband did but I liked and voted for him and her son twice. You will NOT hear Palin say, “read my lips, no new taxes, then turn around and give us the shaft with new taxes! GHWB could have vetoed the Demogogs bill but didn’t!

    Democrats poison everything they touch. Bush was too stupid to realize that, because he’s one of these establishment type fruitcakes that think both parties should “reach across the aisle and get things done to the American people”. Sarah Palin is not stupid like old man Bush, and so she won’t fall for the Democrats treasonous crap.

  • Pablo Pablo says:
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    gordonbloyershow said:
    When Rob Davis proves he is A REAL Rob Davis, I will believe him. Trust but verify.

    I’ve got a better idea. Grow the fuck up, you old fool.

  • Pablo Pablo says:
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    MiddleRoader said:
    Yes is did read that, but did I misunderstand this?

    But Palin didn’t cut the size of government as mayor of Wasilla, *and she hasn’t done so as Alaska’s governor,* city and state budget records show. Spending in fast-growing Wasilla increased by 55% during her tenure from 1996-2002, records show. *

    Yes, Wasilla was very much a growing town and the bigger a town gets, the more it spends. Also, the town built a sports complex during her tenure, which is the sort of thing that towns exist to do. Which, lots of spending there.

    Is there a point to this and does it have anything to do with earmarks?

  • Sunnyr Sunnyr says:
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    Well, Babs, your nitwit son didn’t stay in Texas when you told him to and I hope Sarah ignores you as well. If
    George W. Bush can be President, Sarah Palin will be a flaming rock star as POTUS!

  • Sunnyr Sunnyr says:
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    I see the poor old ONE TERMER, Papa Bush is still just a clueless as he was when he was POTUS and was in amazement when he saw his first super market scanner. To say he doesn’t understand what the Tea Party is all about is as brain dead as you can get and still be walking around. Good Lord, do these people live in the real world? Pfft!

  • pakattak pakattak says:
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    gordonbloyershow said:
    Have you noticed that you are the one claiming that is his real name? Why is that? Do you believe everyone that tells you their name? I have proof available all over the internet of my name.
    When Rob Davis proves he is A REAL Rob Davis, I will believe him. Trust but verify.

    Then how do I know you’re the real Gordon Bloyer? Maybe you’re just some kid trolling under Gordon’s name to portray him as a crazy paranoid right-wing asshat when in reality the actual Gordon Bloyer is a thoughtful, mild-mannered conservative who allows other people to be content with their own thoughts?

    Nathan Pak from Georgia

  • CAconservative CAconservative says:
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    Wasn’t she the one who came up with the “read my lips” statement? Maybe Mrs.Bush should stay in the house!

  • cjd ohio 1 cjd ohio 1 says:
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    nice thought nathan, but he is just a nut case

  • Thumb up 2 Thumb down 1

    gordonbloyershow said:
    “Trust but verify.’

    I know that’s your hero’s line Gordon, but do you have any idea how stupid that is?

    No? Didn’t think so. If one trusts, one doesn’t need to verify, and if one must verify, that’s a good indication that there’s no trust.

    Well, Ronny never claimed to be the brightest President, but he sure fooled a lot of people.

  • cjd ohio 1 cjd ohio 1 says:
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    ok GBR , should we make a treaty with north korea , and just believe them, dont be a ass with the word play

  • Sue Sue says:
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    If you are not a BDDer then you would take into account the context of a woman in her 80’s comments. She comes from, literally, a different world…an olden time when women were to be kept and keep their mouths shut!! Sarah Palin represents the woman that the Women’s Movement and the feminists thought they wished to become. In reality, the feminists realized that getting taken care of and taking advantage of men with money was a much better way to achieve their “equality”. They still complain that they are not treated equally. Such a shame when there are so many prominent females that are progressive and support their basic premise for living: nanny husband, nanny business, nanny government. What a life. No wonder the female BDDer comes off as a lightweight hanger on. Never truly considered equal because all they can do is complain. Look gals, grow some cajones and stop putting down Sarah. Envy is ugly on your “lifted” faces!!

  • esd2000 esd2000 says:
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    It’s just sound advice from one “Mama Grizzly” to another. Don’t be so offended all of you Sarah defenders. Mama Sarah can defend herself just fine from the comfort of her twitter page, or an appearance on Hannity.

  • Snidely Snidely says:
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    Of course she wishes Sarah Palin would go back to Alaska. Sarah is the future of the Republican Party and a repudiation of the Establishment Republicans like her husband and her son, neither of whom have a clue that the Party is going in another, entirely new direction.

  • bundesheer bundesheer says:
    Thumb up 0 Thumb down 0

    A 3 way. Libs cons and teabags. These comments are great!

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