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The Independent | Johann Hari
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Johann Hari

Johann Hari

Johann Hari has reported from Iraq, Israel/Palestine, the Congo, the Central African Republic, Venezuela, Peru and the US, and his journalism has appeared in The New York Times, Le Monde and others. He has won many of the most prestigious awards in British journalism, including the George Orwell prize (he is the youngest ever winner), the Martha Gellhorn Prize, the Amnesty International Journalist of the Year award twice, for his reporting from the war in Congo, and Dubai. At the British Press Awards in 2010 he became the youngest person ever to be shortlisted for the Journalist of the Year award.

The religious excuse for barbarity

Johann Hari: : Why are we sitting silently while our treatment of many of our animals regresses to the standard of the sixth century?

Recently by Johann Hari

Nick Clegg – the man who betrayed us all

Friday, 12 November 2010

Johann Hari: Clegg 2.0 promised to protect the poor. Clegg 3.0 throws the poor out of their homes and makes it harder to go to university.

Open for business: America is now officially for sale

Friday, 5 November 2010

Johann Hari: The laws and policies of the USA legislature are now effectively on e-Bay.

Protest works. Just look at the proof

Friday, 29 October 2010

Johann Hari: Yes, you can choose to do nothing. But you will be choosing to let yourself and your family and your country be ripped off.

The real reason Obama has let us all down

Tuesday, 26 October 2010

Johann Hari: When he won, I shed a little tear; but the people weeping today are those losing their homes.

A colder, crueller country – for no gain

Thursday, 21 October 2010

Johann Hari: Cameron has revealed that his baby sleeps in a cardboard box decorated by her big sister. Thanks to him, a lot more people are going to be sleeping in cardboard boxes

Obama's robot wars endanger us all

Friday, 15 October 2010

Johann Hari: Some jihadis have been killed. But evidence suggests the drones make an attack on me or you more likely with each bomb.

Johann Hari: Ed, prepare for the fight of your life

Friday, 1 October 2010

The claim that he will 'abandon the middle-class' is the polar opposite of the truth. His politics are about knowing who the real middle-class are, and what they need

Johann Hari: Will the Lib Dems follow the Tories over a cliff?

Friday, 24 September 2010

Cleggmania seems now like one of those Christmas No 1s that everybody bought and nobody can remember why - the political equivalent of Mr Blobby

Johann Hari: Suffocating the poor: a modern parable

Friday, 17 September 2010

They democratically elected a president to stand up to the rich and multinational corporations - so our governments have him kidnapped

<b>The Papal state visit:</b> His Holiness's four-day tour begins on 16 September. The Pontiff will beatify Cardinal John Henry Newman, and meet the Queen – and noisy protestors.

Catholics, it's you this Pope has abused

Thursday, 9 September 2010

Johann Hari: I want to appeal to Britain's Roman Catholics now, before Joseph Ratzinger's state visit begins

More johann hari:

Columnist Comments


John Rentoul: Ed saved Gordon to get his job

Miliband could have helped unseat the former leader, but what good would that have done his own chances?


Editor-At-Large: Mess with my GP's practice, Mr Lansley? Over my dead body!

Andrew Lansley is fast shaping up as my least favourite government minister


Joan Smith: China will come off worst in a Nobel prize fight

What most people remember about the 2008 Beijing Olympic games is the spectacular opening ceremony

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