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Scott Mendelson


2010 in Review: the Overrated.

Scott Mendelson | Posted December 24, 2010 | Entertainment

Let us begin our look back at the year in film with a token acknowledgement of ten films whose reputations perhaps surpassed their actual quality. For the record, not all of the films below are bad pictures. But they all generated critical and/or audience esteem that they perhaps...
Jay Michaelson


Why the Holidays Suck... And What We Can Do About It

Jay Michaelson | Posted December 24, 2010 | Living

It's a well-known urban legend that suicide rates spike during the holiday season. Though this myth turns out to be false, there has always been a mean-spiritedness at the heart of the good-spiritedness of Christmas, one in abundant supply in -- of all places -- the holiday episode...

Danny Groner


What Would Jonathan Swift Think of Jack Black's Gulliver?

Danny Groner | Posted December 24, 2010 | Entertainment

New York Times movie critic A.O. Scott penned his review of the new rendition of Gulliver's Travels in the voice of Jonathan Swift, the satirist who wrote the original work. "Now, my good Sir, I hope I do not err in venturing a Comparison. Perhaps you are familiar...

Phil Ramone and Danielle Evin


Dog Ears Music: 'Tis The Season Playlist

Phil Ramone and Danielle Evin | Posted December 24, 2010 | Entertainment


'Tis the season of traffic, agonizing travels, eating into oblivion, emotional kickboxing, and mental fisticuffs. We get presents we don't like only to wait in line or online to return them. We'll give presents that...

Michael Sigman


Moogy's Gotta Have Friends

Michael Sigman | Posted December 24, 2010 | Entertainment

You got to have friends/To make that day last long

Mark Klingman isn't a household name. But the terrific singer/songwriter/keyboardist/producer known as Moogy has, in addition to enjoying a stellar solo career, crossed musical paths with such diverse musical giants as Jimi Hendrix, Bob Dylan, Eric Clapton, Todd...

Michael Russnow


Black Swan: A Must See Even if Ballet Ain't Your Thing

Michael Russnow | Posted December 24, 2010 | Entertainment

I don't go to the ballet and have only seen one a long time ago. Interestingly, it was Swan Lake performed, as in the film Black Swan, at Lincoln Center in New York City.


It is an art form that doesn't interest...

Mike Ragogna


"My Christmas Card to You," Plus Conversations With Thalía and Flo Rida

Mike Ragogna | Posted December 24, 2010 | Entertainment


A Conversation with Thalía

Mike Ragogna: Hi, Thalía. Thanks so much for taking time out for this interview.

Thalía: How are you Mike.

MR: Thalía, much like Elvis, you're a huge international superstar. Recently, you participated in the Viva Elvis recordings...

Judy Kurtz


This Week's Shining & Falling Stars: Betty White and Reese Witherspoon

Judy Kurtz | Posted December 23, 2010 | Entertainment

Shining Star- Betty White


A "Golden Girl" is becoming a pin-up girl. After an incredibly lucrative 2010 - which included a hosting gig on "Saturday Night Live", a role on the TV Land Show "Hot in Cleveland", and a much buzzed-about Snickers...

Esther Iverem


Aftermath: The Black Panthers

Esther Iverem | Posted December 23, 2010 | Entertainment

"Night Catches Us" explores the outer edges of both the Black Panther Party and the Black Power Movement as it waned in 1976. By choosing to portray an era of ebbing of energy for that movement, director-writer Tanya Hamilton sidesteps the politics and passion that gave the movement...

William Bradley


Mad Men for Christmas

William Bradley | Posted December 23, 2010 | Entertainment

Because there's nothing that says Christmas quite like advertising and excess.

The advent of awards season, and of late Christmas shopping, brings... Mad Men! Yes, I know the show won't be back for its fifth season for months to come. (And it will be back, even though creator Matthew Weiner...

Regina Weinreich


Blue Valentine: View From a Bridge

Regina Weinreich | Posted December 23, 2010 | Entertainment

In a beautifully crafted movie poised for awards and holiday box office, Blue Valentine puts a wacky mirror on that fragile thing: marriage.

Moving back and forth in easy yet thrilling fluidly from the present problems to past passions, Dean (Ryan Gosling) and Cindy (Michelle Williams) try to repair...

Daniel J. Kushner


Sufjan Stevens and Vampire Weekend: Indie Holiday Sellouts?

Daniel J. Kushner | Posted December 23, 2010 | Entertainment

If there is one absolute constant during the holiday season, it's unbridled commercialism. And of course, we've become so happily anesthetized to it, we hardly take notice.

But for those of us who are also hopelessly devoted to the ideal of independent musicians who find success without abdicating creative control...

Zorianna Kit


Country Strong Movie Review: Gwyneth Paltrow's best performance to date

Zorianna Kit | Posted December 23, 2010 | Entertainment

After she won her Oscar in 1998 for Shakespeare in Love, Gwyneth Paltrow slowed down her career and focused on her personal life. Her father, Bruce Paltrow, passed away, she married Coldplay singer Chris Martin and the couple had two children.

Barring a few minor roles here and there,...

Brad Balfour


The Oscar-Winning Actress Nicole Kidman Explores Loss and Grief in Rabbit Hole

Brad Balfour | Posted December 23, 2010 | Entertainment

Everyone experiences loss and grief but few films show it in such a naked and matter-of-fact manner as does Rabbit Hole. The Aussie actress Nicole Kidman was so passionate about David Lindsay-Abaire's original Pulitzer Prize-winning play that she signed on as one of its producers as well as its star...

Bonnie Fuller


Does Sarah Palin Think a College Education Is Too Elitist for Her Daughter Bristol and Son Track?

Bonnie Fuller | Posted December 23, 2010 | College

Sarah has slagged President Obama as an elitist. Is she so anti-uppity that she would sacrifice her own children's future opportunities?

It's so strange: You went to college, five colleges in fact, before you wrapped up your bachelor of communications degree from the University of Idaho. Your father was a...

Mike Ragogna


HuffPost Exclusive: Al Di Meola's "Strawberry Fields," Plus A Conversation With Grammy Nominee Laurie Anderson

Mike Ragogna | Posted December 23, 2010 | Entertainment


A Conversation with Laurie Anderson

Mike Ragogna: Laurie, thanks for taking the time for this interview. So, the song "Flow" from your album Homeland has just been nominated for a Grammy for Best Pop Instrumental Performance. Congratulations.

Laurie Anderson: Thank you, it's great to...

Jackson Katz


John Lennon on Fatherhood, Feminism, and Phony Tough Guy Posturing

Jackson Katz | Posted December 23, 2010 | Entertainment

Three decades after his tragic death in New York City at age forty, John Lennon retains quite a grip on our cultural imagination. He has been the subject of countless biographies, magazine articles, and documentaries. In November, a BBC Masterpiece Theater special explored his final days with the Beatles; and...

Jonathan Handel


WGA Sends Out 'Pattern of Demands' Seeking Major Contract Improvements

Jonathan Handel | Posted December 22, 2010 | Entertainment

Goals include increases in minimums, pension and health, home video residuals and new media reuse, and revamps of pitching process. Details: The Hollywood Reporter.


Watch for my new book "Hollywood on Strike!," due out next month. Subscribe to my blog (jhandel.com) for more about entertainment law...

Noah St. John


Why I Feel Sorry For Celebrities

Noah St. John | Posted December 23, 2010 | Entertainment

Here I was, all set to write a tongue-in-cheek article called "The Top 10 Celebrity Self-Sabotagers of 2010".

Replete with the usual suspects like Mel Gibson, Charlie Sheen and Lindsay Lohan - along with newcomers Jesse James, Ben Roethlisberger, Christine O'Donnell , and 2010's #1 self-sabotager Lebron James -...

Divina Infusino


Roger Waters Stands Up With "The Wall"

Divina Infusino | Posted December 23, 2010 | Entertainment

Amid Pink Floyd's brooding, soaring sound, the noise generated by the band's internal conflicts and the clamor around the group's legendary live shows, beat Roger Waters' political heart.

It grew louder and more articulate in the group's later albums "The Wall" and "The Final Cut" and again in Waters' solo...

All posts from 12.24.2010 < 12.23.2010

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