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World AIDS Day: Recommitting Ourselves to a Winnable Battle | Britannica Blog
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As we observe World AIDS Day 2010, it is sobering to think that more than 123 million Americans—everyone under age 30—have never lived in a world without HIV and AIDS. For them, HIV and AIDS have always been a part of the landscape.

The good news, of course, is that the development of antiretrovirals and other meds means that HIV and AIDS mortality rates have plummeted in the past 15 years.

And while this success of modern medicine is most certainly something for all of us to celebrate, we must remind ourselves that much work lies ahead and re-commit ourselves to it. We must avoid the temptation of declaring victory—which of course could lead to complacency.

Complacency, in turn, can lead to people:

  • engaging in unprotected sex and other risky behaviors.
  • assuming that antiretrovirals and other meds mean that no one dies from AIDS—when in fact, people still do. In Chicago alone, about 200 people die from HIV- and AIDS-related causes every year.
  • suspecting they may be HIV-positive but not taking steps to get tested.
  • knowing they are HIV-positive but not getting into care. (In fact, the theme of this year’s World AIDS Day in Chicago is get REAL, get CARE.)
  • weakening their support for scientific research to find a vaccine and/or a cure and diminishing their will to back public health programs to care for people living with the disease and for efforts to stop the spread of the virus.

In Chicago, we view HIV and AIDS prevention as a winnable battle in public health. Yet that is not to say the challenges are not formidable, because they most certainly are. We know that HIV and AIDS have taken a costly human toll on our city, as has been the case in cities and states across the nation. To quote from our newly released edition of STI/HIV Chicago:

Since the beginning of the epidemic, 32,275 cases of HIV and AIDS have been reported in Chicago. Currently, there are 20,871 people living with HIV and AIDS in Chicago. Estimating that 21% of people infected with HIV are unaware of their status, there could be as many as 26,000 people living with HIV in the city.

Because new HIV infection diagnoses remain relatively high and persons infected with HIV are living longer, the number of people living with HIV infection is increasing considerably each year.

I encourage everyone to read the full report. Driven by current, accurate and relevant data, the report offers everyone a multi-dimensional look at HIV and AIDS in Chicago—as well as sexually transmitted infections. As such, it is of great use to public health policy makers, planners, researchers, grant writers, health care providers, advocates, elected officials, journalists and everyone who wants a clear look at HIV and AIDS in Chicago.

On that same website you will find some of the highlights of our current services and future plans to fight the winnable battle of HIV and AIDS: including our
Enhanced Comprehensive HIV Prevention Planning; linkage to care; and continuing support for community partnerships. We also plan to work more closely than ever with our partners in the Chicago Public Schools, the City Colleges of Chicago, and other schools across the city.

In Chicago, we fight complacency with confidence, apathy with assertiveness.

We face 2011 with renewed vigor. We firmly believe that working together, we can achieve our public health goals and one day re-introduce our children and grandchildren to a world without HIV and AIDS.

*                    *                    *

Bechara Choucair, M.D. serves as Commissioner of the Chicago Department of Public Health. Here is a list of World AIDS Day events slated for Chicago.

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