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WoW Insider has the latest on the upcoming WoW: Cataclysm expansion!
  • Ice
  • Member Since Oct 12th, 2008

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WoW293 Comments

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Drama Mamas: Breakup drama {WoW}

Nov 26th 2010 5:04PM You can ignore the alts, mains for LFD but the mainpoint here was mostly raids and other pugs.

For this I could simply say..
Join (decent) guild. With cataclysm its pretty much needed to get past even heroics. Pugs suck. You even get perks for doing that and you dont ever have to pug in your life.
Well ok you might have to some heroic dailies but not raiding mostly, 10mans being worth it and all its more people raiding even on small guilds.

Also no need to stress, you can always ask "is x in the raid?" if you are joining and ending up with ex's 6th alt in heroic is one in millions after the wide range queues.

I'm not sure is she in guild or whats up but thats my opinion from what I read.

Around Azeroth: Overheated and underdressed {WoW}

Nov 26th 2010 11:36AM Nvm, you meant donais I guess. Most likely random trade prince that escaped from goblin area.

But still, nice place to relax or RP in.

Around Azeroth: Overheated and underdressed {WoW}

Nov 26th 2010 11:33AM He is trade prince/leader who is related to the goblin quest start. Wont say more about it.

The place is most likely simply for "RP" or relaxation. I would rather spend evening there than ogrimmar busy streets. Theres no quest related IIRC.

Enchanting Vellum now available from enchanting vendors {WoW}

Nov 26th 2010 8:26AM 1) Go to vendor.
2) Buy stack.
3) Post on ah
4) ???
5) Profit!

Breakfast Topic: How do you find a new realm to call home? {WoW}

Nov 26th 2010 8:21AM My friend said to roll on some server.
When I used trial and tried to make char to said realm it was full and back then (I recall) you couldnt just log in to server at all with trial or it had some huge queue..or couldnt make toon.

Well I then made some "when its not full" toon to realm thats name/meaning I really liked on lore.

So there it went. I never made proper toon to my friends realm because back then I was thinking that "woah im lvl 15 awesome stuff I cant start again it would take another 2 weeks and I have such good stuff on this".

Now I'm in really fun guild that has killed heroic LK that I was part in, my friend quit back in end of BC and never came back (we are school friends so its not like he quit cos I didnt play on same realm).
So I dont really regret the choice, I've met some nice people here. And some..well.

Patch 4.0.3a kills ink trader, reinstates missing glyphs {WoW}

Nov 24th 2010 3:45AM There was no PTR on 4.0.3a.
Yes, I know what you are thinking now "But good sir, there WAS ptr up for this patch heres link to this fine article about it".

Actually, it wasnt PTR in PTR sense. It was more of "sneak peek" and to get devs some numbers they might tweak or fix for next 2 weeks. I mean honestly, it was up for week. No "major" bugfixes are done in week, maybe small hotfixes. I dont even think there was patch for this PTR build AT ALL.
They did it because they felt need they had to put it to "ptr phase" before going live.
Why it wasnt PTR then you might ask?

First of all, there was no feedback tool. You know, the most important part of the PTR and all that.
It really felt that "this is final but we are gonna put it thro PTR phase anyway lets rely on all the data we got from beta".

And even if there was feedback for this change, I doubt anyone would actually notice since they didnt want to be stuck in dalaran and just go to old world asap.

Patch 4.0.3a kills ink trader, reinstates missing glyphs {WoW}

Nov 24th 2010 2:57AM "Guys Its all balanced at 85. Remember that blizzard has done amazing job balancing the professions and giving us new 1-60 experience to scribes and everyone alike, so why complain about something small like this? Its only 2 weeks of not making money. You will live"

Yes I could finally use that horrible quote! Yeaah!

...now I feel dirty. *shudder*

Around Azeroth: Waiting on the end of the world {WoW}

Nov 23rd 2010 10:13AM "I just got killed by deathwing, I'm glad it happened to me!"

People are weird.

Patch 4.0.3a: What's in The Shattering, what's not {WoW}

Nov 23rd 2010 9:51AM I'm most excited about the fact that

1) Goblin rep tabard will be available
2) More cenarion circle quests!
3) More different BB/Everlook/Ratchet quests.

And this patch still gives exalted title from 40 exalted..I got 37/40 exalted..
No longer I have to kill 40 hours of pirates, cultists, bugs or something absurd like that to get exalted with old school factions. Good riddance tedious grinds.. atleast this is helping by good freaking margin

Bad news: No race changes to new race/class combos until Dec. 7th {WoW}

Nov 22nd 2010 4:35PM @Cephas

They said that Race change for new class combos would be allowed in 4.0.3 (that was suppos to be shattering patch not 4.0.3a yet) so before goblin and worgen ones.

I tried to find link to post of that but its hard to find anything in wowinsider search (it tried to show me "new alliance race is draenei" posts o_O)

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