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  1. The Awl breaks down the 4chan/Gawker fiasco well: http://bit.ly/b2eLqq
  2. RT @weareyourfek: Another absurd media shitcanning: A CNN Anchor's Hezbollah Hollaback via Twitter Costs Her Gig: http://bit.ly/aYe63w
  3. Junger and Hetherington's 'Restrepo' is really good, go see it: http://www.restrepothemovie.com/
  4. Unfortunately, Tupac's legacy lives on in the Library of Congress: http://bit.ly/caJ729 (with Biggie video)
  5. Tony Judt's 15 year old son takes shitbag Michael Wolff down a notch: http://bit.ly/c97jle
  6. RT @tpmmedia: How Rolling Stone won the news cycle and lost the story http://tpm.ly/abD1J6
  7. Hey Aaron Lennon: Your eyebrow/head lines suck.
  8. RT @carr2n: Lemmesee, if NYPD can keep black ops secret, does that mean the terrorists have won? http://nyti.ms/bz1ZUs My takeaway #Decoder
  9. RT @remystern: Apple's worst security breach ever http://gawker.com/5559346/
  10. BP vs Goldman Sachs: Who do you hate more? http://bit.ly/bFC0nN
  11. RT @brianstelter: RT @GregMitch: Let it be recorded..that at final press conf Helen Thomas only reporter to ask Obama: When are we getti ...
  12. Dexter Filkins at his best: Series on our warlord pals in Afghanistan http://nyti.ms/bLbEj5
  13. Amazing cover shot of Vermont Catholic magazine: http://bit.ly/aGYTk7
  14. RT @remystern: Please help Gawker congratulate Rush Limbaugh on his wedding day http://gawker.com/5554947/
  15. Racist French intellectual Bernard-Henri Levy is worried more about Israel's PR problem than dead activists http://bit.ly/9zJ1FE
  16. RT @themajlisblog: Despite he-said-she-said, nighttime raid from helicopters in int'l waters was a terrible idea. #flotilla
  17. RT @maureenoco: RT @gawker Autotune Jihadis Assault America's Eardrums with Terrible Hip-Hop Songs http://gawker.com/5548677/
  18. Hopefully I won't have to hear about 'Lost: The Greatest Television Show Ever,' ever again
  19. Hezbollah's 'Jihadi Tourism' Agency: http://bit.ly/dmo4y9
  20. Inside an Apple sweatshop -- http://gizmodo.com/5542527/