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dear prudence
Advice on manners and morals.

Size Matters

Everything about the man I'm dating is perfect—except his microscopic member.

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Got a burning question for Prudie? She'll be online at Washingtonpost.com to chat with readers on Mondays at 1 p.m. Submit your questions and comments here before or during the live discussion.

Dear Prudie,
I am a 30-year-old woman who has been dating a lovely man for three months. He's smart, funny, cute, and kind. I've felt so lucky to have found him. Here's the problem: We recently became intimate for the first time, and he is, unfortunately, very poorly endowed—so small that I did some Google searching and think he might have a micropenis. I believe that sex is crucial to a relationship, and the thought of having a (potentially lifelong) relationship without an active sex life scares me. When you can't feel anything during the act, that's a problem. I know that there are other options in the bedroom, but I get pleasure by doing it the old-fashioned way. I feel awful about this—it's obviously something that he can't help, and it slays me that the universe would be so unjust to such a wonderful person. I'm conflicted. I see a potential future with him in every other way, but how do I deal with this? Do women who marry very poorly endowed men end up regretting it? If I let him go, what should I tell him that won't absolutely crush him?

—A Little Problem

Dear Little,
Your wonderful guy was cruelly shafted, and it's sad to think that a relationship that seemed to have everything may be doomed because of a teeny-weeny problem. I once published a letter from a woman whose boyfriend had also gotten the short end of the stick—although perhaps not quite so drastically as yours—and in response I heard from several women who said they were initially very disappointed by their beloved's under-endowment and wondered whether it was a relationship killer. But they liked the guy so much that they stuck with it and said they eventually "adjusted" and came to find their sex lives fulfilling. The only way you can find out whether this can be true for you is to try again—but if the thought fills you with dread and despair, you pretty much have your answer as to whether you can continue this relationship. If you do give your intimacy another go, despite your love of "the old-fashioned way," this would be a good time to expand your repertoire. However, if each encounter leaves you feeling a void, then your frustration will ultimately kill the good parts of your relationship. If you let him go, you will be telling him the truth if you say he's one of the finest men you've ever known, but you two just don't have any chemistry in bed. And if that happens, I have a somewhat hopeful note for your man. I, too, Googled micropenis, and I had a shock of recognition when I saw the first image. There was a gentleman just like that at the nudist resort I recently wrote about. Every time I saw him, he was holding hands with his wife, who seemed blissfully happy to be with her little big man.


Dear Prudence: Resemblance Envy

Dear Prudence,
The daughter of an acquaintance of mine recently was treated for cancer. She's about 4-years-old, and I believe she is doing well now. Her mother posted a request on Facebook asking for donations of hair to make a wig for her. Then another friend sent me a private message to tell me that the mother wanted me to donate my hair to her daughter. I feel like a horrible person, but I don't want to donate my hair. The only thing I like about my appearance is my hair. I know how selfish that sounds, and it's killing me. Also, there are pictures on Facebook of her daughter wearing a wig, not that this justifies my unwillingness to donate. Would it be at all appropriate for me to offer a cash donation, rather than one of hair? And if so, what would be the appropriate amount?

—Shear Me Not


Dear Shear,
I give a lot of leeway to people going through traumatic events, and having your child treated for cancer is right up there. However, this situation does not entitle people to pressure those who aren't inclined to donate body parts—even renewable ones. The idea of asking people to donate their hair to a specific child is odd. As you've seen from the mother's Facebook page, ready-made wigs are easily available. Let's hope the treatment for this little girl was as successful as you indicate. In that case, happily her own hair will likely be growing in before your hair could be made into a custom wig. You don't have to offer money toward the cost of a wig, unless the family is in financial straits and friends are raising funds to generally help them out. (Then donate only what you can comfortably afford.) If you want to do something for them, bringing a dinner is helpful—check when one would be most needed. Otherwise, since the request for your locks came to you secondhand, just act as if you'd never heard it.


Dear Prudence,
My husband and I got married about a month ago. He'd cheated on me a year before we got engaged, and although it was the worst experience of my life, we obviously found a way to move on and are very happy. We are going to be in my friend's wedding soon, and I was recently at her bachelorette party helping set up when "the other woman" walked in. I am totally confused as to why my friend would invite this girl to celebrate with us. I felt as though I couldn't leave because of my duty as a bridesmaid. I thought my friend despised this girl as much as I do. My friend gave her a big hug and acted like nothing had ever happened. I was angry and hurt. I haven't spoken to the bride since and have no idea what to do. Plus, I found out the girl is also invited to the wedding. Do I back out of the wedding a month before and call it quits on the friendship? Or do I simply forgive and forget because people are allowed to be friends with whomever they choose?

—The Other Friend

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