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Letters to the editor
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Challenges reveal totalitarian mindset PDF Print E-mail
Written by Kate McLeod   
Friday, 01 January 2010 19:59

To the Editor:

Have I missed my deadline? Oh, I'm sorry. I'm just coming out of a shock induced by people who are my neighbors. Foolish me, I thought even though we may be on different sides politically, we look out for one another. I see you by the side of the road, I stop and pick you up and use my cell phone to call a tow truck. I see you have a tree on your roof I call for help if you're not home. You limp into the town hall to vote with a bad leg, I let you go ahead of me if there's a line. Like that.

He has a message for Mr. Murphy PDF Print E-mail
Written by Ansi Vallens   
Friday, 01 January 2010 19:57

To the Editor:

Memo to Scott Murphy:

If I wanted a Republican in Congress, I would have voted for one. Get a backbone!

Ansi Vallens


Closed market is blow to town PDF Print E-mail
Written by Andy Meier   
Friday, 01 January 2010 19:53

To the Editor:

The recently closed New Lebanon Supermarket is a like a sharp belly blow to the shoppers and to the business district. Let's face it. No one store can compete with Price Chopper in Chatham (slated for expansion) and Big Y in Pittsfield. Why Try?

Many helped brighten Christmas for others PDF Print E-mail
Written by Jo David   
Friday, 01 January 2010 19:49

To the Editor:

The Christmas Basket Organizing Committee of Our Lady of Hope Parish, Copake Falls, would like to extend our gratitude to all those in the community who contributed to the Christmas Baskets this year. Your generosity provided holiday dinner to 138 families, including 305 senior adults and adults, and 248 children.

Constitutional convention can change state PDF Print E-mail
Written by Marcus Molinaro   
Friday, 01 January 2010 19:41

To the Editor:

In order for us to truly reform the way Albany does business, we must alter the document that dictates how our government is run--the state constitution. Recent events in Albany have clearly reinforced the need to reform state government, so that it represents the people, not special interests or even itself.

The political paralysis of our state Legislature has led to perpetual dysfunction and lackluster decision making. The electorate is angry and they don't want do-nothing incumbents who sit idly by while their cost of living skyrockets and their government operates with little or no accountability. While some rush to protect special interests they claim are “too big to fail,” we have allowed for the creation of a state government too big to succeed.


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